
#' Bin data and visualize with a grid of subplots.
#' geom_subplot bins data into a two dimensional grid and then visualizes the
#' data within each bin with an embedded subplot. Mappings, stat, and parameters
#' are applied consistently across subplots, but each subplot only uses the data
#' that falls withn its 2d bin.
#' Any variables in the data set may be used as x and y axes to bin on. These
#' 'major' x and y axes need not correspond to the 'minor' x and y axes within
#' each subplot. Minor x and y axes are defined in the subplot aesthetic of
#' geom_subplot2d. To allow interpretation, the major axes of a gridded layer
#' should correspond to the x and y aesthetics for any other (non - gridded)
#' layers in the plot.
#' @param mapping An aesthetic mapping, usually constructed with
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes}}. This mapping should contain x, y, and subplot
#' aesthetics. All other aesthetics will be ignored - consider placing them in
#' the subplot aesthetics's mapping instead. The subplot aesthetic should be a
#' layer or plot specification. For example, the subplot aesthetic could be the
#' output of \code{\link[ggplot2]{qplot}} or \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_point}}.
#' Any data argument in the subplot aesthetic will be ignored, the subplot
#' mapping will be applied to the data inherited by the geom_subplot2d layer.
#' @param bins numeric. The number of bins to divide each major axis into. If
#' bins is of length 2, the first number will be applied to the x axis and the
#' second to the y. Defaults to 10.
#' @param binwidth numeric. The binwidth to use when dividing the major x and y
#' axes into bins. If set, binwidth will override the bins argument. If binwidth
#' is of length 2, the first number will be applied to the x axis and the second
#' to the y. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param breaks a vector of breaks or a function from the densityvis package
#' (unpublished), such as interval_breaks. breaks determines which breaks are
#' used to bin the x and y axes. If set, breaks will override the bins and
#' binwidth arguments. If breaks is a list, the first element will be applied to
#' the x axis and the second to the y. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param data The dataframe the layer should map to. geom_subplot2d inherits the
#' global dataframe defined in \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @param x_scale function. The scaling to use for the x axis within each glyph.
#' If x_scale equals \code{\link{identity}}(default), the x limits within each
#' glyph will correspond to the range of x across all glyphs. This aids
#' comparison because each glyph will use the same scale. If x_scale equals
#' \code{\link{free}}, each glyph will use its own x scale. The limits of this
#' scale will be set to the range of x values in that glyph.
#' @param y_scale function. y_scale behaves the same as x_scale but controls the
#' scales for the y axis within each glyph.
#' @param width.adjust numeric. The proportion of horizontal space within a
#' grid box that each subplot should occupy. Used to control overlapping and
#' appearance. Each subplot is anchored to the bottom left corner of the grid
#' box and then spans the proportion of the box specified by width adjust.
#' @param height.adjust numeric. The proportion of vertical space within a grid
#' box that each subplot should occupy. Behaves the same as width.adjust.
#' @param position character. "identity"
#' @param reference function. Function used to create reference objects for
#' the embedded plots. If NULL, no reference objects are used. Reference objects
#' are plotted on a layer beneath the subplots. They provide a consistent frame
#' of reference to aid comparisons across subplots. Functions that create
#' reference objects include \code{\link{ref_box}}, \code{\link{ref_hline}},
#' and \code{\link{ref_vline}}. By default, reference
#' is set to ref_box, which creates the familiar mesh pattern associated with
#' grids.
#' @param ply.aes logical. If TRUE (default) aesthetics are calculated
#' separately for each subplot, as with \code{\link{ply_aes}}. If FALSE
#' aesthetics are calculated based on entire data set for the layer.
#' @param .ref internal argument used for plotting reference objects.
#' @return an object of class glayer
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ggplot(casualties) +
#' map_afghanistan +
#' geom_subplot2d(aes(lon, lat,
#' subplot = geom_bar(aes(victim, ..count.., fill = victim))),
#' bins = c(15,12), ref = NULL, width = rel(0.8)) +
#' coord_map()
#' }
#' @export
geom_subplot2d <- function(mapping, bins = 10,  binwidth = NULL, breaks = NULL,
  data = waiver(), x_scale = identity, y_scale = identity, width.adjust = 0.95,
  height.adjust = 0.95, position = "identity", reference = ref_box(),
  ply.aes = TRUE, .ref = FALSE) {

  missing <- c(is.null(mapping$x), is.null(mapping$y), is.null(mapping$subplot))
  if (any(missing)) {
    stop(paste("Missing required aesthetics in geom_subplot2d:",
      paste(c("x", "y", "subplot")[missing], collapse = ", ")))

  if (position != "identity") {
    stop("geom_subplot2d only supports position = 'identity'.", call. = FALSE)

  breaks <- distill_breaks(bins, binwidth, breaks)

  layer <- extract_layer(mapping$subplot, parent.frame())
  mapping$subplot <- NULL
  layer$data <- data
  layer$embed <- list(x_scale = x_scale, y_scale = y_scale,
    major.aes = mapping, breaks = breaks, w.adjust = width.adjust,
    h.adjust = height.adjust, ref = .ref)
  layer$assign_subplots <- assign_grid
  layer$combine_subplots <- combine_subplots
  if (.ref) layer$combine_subplots <- combine_refs

  if (is.null(reference)) {
    if (ply.aes) {
    } else {
  } else {
    ref.layer <- reference(layer, "subplot2d", mapping, breaks = breaks)
    if (ply.aes) {
      list(ref.layer, ply_aes(sp_layer(layer)))
    } else {
      list(ref.layer, sp_layer(layer))

# Divides a layer's data into gridded subplots at build time. Also computes the
# location of each subplot as well as the width and height of the subplots.
# Assign_grid stores this information in the layer's embed variable to be
# retrieved by combine_glyphs. Assign_grid is intended to be used in a glayer's
# assign_glyphs slot.
assign_grid <- function(., data, env) {

  # major x and y
  x <- eval(embed$major.aes$x, envir = data, enclos = env)
  x.breaks <- embed$breaks$x.breaks
  if (is.function(x.breaks)) {
    if (embed$ref) {
      x.breaks <- suppressMessages(x.breaks(x))
    } else {
      x.breaks <- x.breaks(x)
  xn <- length(x.breaks) - 1
  width <- diff(range(x.breaks)) / xn  * embed$w.adjust
  # positions in bottom left corner, not on ref box line
  x.val <- (x.breaks + (1 + 0.08 * !embed$ref) * width/2)[-(xn + 1)]
  x.subplot <- cut(x, x.breaks, labels = x.val, include.lowest = TRUE)

  y <- eval(embed$major.aes$y, envir = data, enclos = env)
  y.breaks <- embed$breaks$y.breaks
  if (is.function(y.breaks)) {
    if (embed$ref) {
      y.breaks <- suppressMessages(y.breaks(y))
    } else {
      y.breaks <- y.breaks(y)
  yn <- length(y.breaks) - 1
  height <- diff(range(y.breaks)) / yn * embed$h.adjust
  y.val <- (y.breaks + (1 + 0.08 * !embed$ref) * height/2)[-(yn + 1)]
  y.subplot <- cut(y, y.breaks, labels = y.val, include.lowest = TRUE)

  data$SUBPLOT <- as.numeric(interaction(x.subplot, y.subplot, drop = TRUE))
  globals <- unique(data.frame(SUBPLOT = data$SUBPLOT,
    x = as.numeric(as.character(x.subplot)),
    y = as.numeric(as.character(y.subplot))))

  .$embed$width <- width
  .$embed$height <- height
  .$embed$globals <- globals


#' Pick breaks for interval (1d) bins.
#' Specify either \code{bins} or \code{binwidth}.
#' @param bins Desired number of bins
#' @param binwidth Desired bin width
#' @param origin Desired origin of first bin
#' @param range Range of values to use, if different to range of data.
#' @return A function that takes a single parameter, a numeric x specifying
#'   the data for which breaks are needed, and returns a vector of breaks.
#' @export
interval_breaks <- function(bins = 10, binwidth = NULL, origin = NULL, range = NULL) {

  function(x) {
    if (is.integer(x)) x <- as.numeric(x)

    if (is.null(range)) {
      range <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
    # If x is a point mass, make a single bin
    if (diff(range) < 1e-07) {
      message("only one value: returning single bin")
      if (is.null(binwidth)) {
        binwidth <- 1
      return(c(range[1] - binwidth/2, range[2] + binwidth/2))

    if (is.null(binwidth)) {
      binwidth <- diff(range) / bins
      message("Using binwidth ", format(binwidth, digits = 3))

    if (is.null(origin)) {
      breaks <- scales::fullseq(range, binwidth)
    } else {
      breaks <- seq(origin, max(range) + binwidth, binwidth)


distill_breaks <- function(bins, binwidth, breaks) {
  if (!is.null(breaks)) {
    if (is.list(breaks) & length(breaks) == 2) {
      names(breaks) <- c("x.breaks", "y.breaks")
    } else {
      return(list(x.breaks = breaks, y.breaks = breaks))

  if (!is.null(binwidth)) {
    if (length(binwidth) == 1) {
      return(list(x.breaks = interval_breaks(binwidth = binwidth),
        y.breaks = interval_breaks(binwidth = binwidth)))
    } else {
      return(list(x.breaks = interval_breaks(binwidth = binwidth[1]),
        y.breaks = interval_breaks(binwidth = binwidth[2])))

  if (!is.null(bins)) {
    if (length(bins) == 1) {
      return(list(x.breaks = interval_breaks(bins = bins),
        y.breaks = interval_breaks(bins = bins)))
    } else {
      return(list(x.breaks = interval_breaks(bins = bins[1]),
        y.breaks = interval_breaks(bins = bins[2])))

  stop("geom_subplot2d requires one of bins, binwidth, or breaks.",
    call. = FALSE)
garrettgman/ggsubplot documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:39 p.m.