
Defines functions `smooth_data`

#' Generate regular data over the covariates of a smooth
#' @param model a fitted model
#' @param id the number ID of the smooth within `model` to process.
#' @param n numeric; the number of new observations to generate.
#' @param n_2d numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the
#'   second dimension of a 2D smooth. *Currently ignored*.
#' @param n_3d numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the third
#'   dimension of a 3D smooth.
#' @param n_4d numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the
#'   dimensions higher than 2 (!) of a *k*D smooth (*k* >= 4). For example, if
#'   the smooth is a 4D smooth, each of dimensions 3 and 4 will get `n_4d`
#'   new observations.
#' @param offset numeric; value of the model offset to use.
#' @param include_all logical; include all covariates involved in the smooth?
#'   if `FALSE`, only the covariates involved in the smooth will be included in
#'   the returned data frame. If `TRUE`, a representative value will be included
#'   for all other covariates in the model that aren't actually used in the
#'   smooth. This can be useful if you want to pass the returned data frame on
#'   to [mgcv::PredictMat()].
#' @param var_order character; the order in which the terms in the smooth
#'   should be processed. Only useful for tensor products with at least one
#'   2d marginal smooth.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols setdiff
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' op <- options(cli.unicode = FALSE, pillar.sigfig = 4)
#' }
#' load_mgcv()
#' df <- data_sim("eg1", seed = 42)
#' m <- bam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = df)
#' # generate data over range of x1 for smooth s(x1)
#' smooth_data(m, id = 2)
#' # generate data over range of x1 for smooth s(x1), with typical value for
#' # other covariates in the model
#' smooth_data(m, id = 2, include_all = TRUE)
#' \dontshow{
#' options(op)
#' }
`smooth_data` <- function(model, id, n = 100, n_2d = NULL, n_3d = NULL,
                          n_4d = NULL, offset = NULL, include_all = FALSE,
                          var_order = NULL) {
  mf <- model.frame(model) # model.frame used to fit model

  ## remove response
  respvar <- attr(model$terms, "response")
  if (!identical(respvar, 0)) {
    mf <- mf[, -respvar, drop = FALSE]

  # remove offset() var; model.frame returns both `offset(foo(var))` and
  # `var`, so we can just remove the former, but we also want to set the
  # offset variable `var` to something constant. FIXME
  if (is.null(offset)) {
    offset <- 1L
  mf <- fix_offset(model, mf, offset_val = offset)
  ff <- vapply(mf, is.factor, logical(1L)) # which, if any, are factors vars
  ## list of model terms (variable names); extract these from `var.summary`
  ## because model.frame() on a gamm() contains extraneous variables, related
  ## to the mixed model form for lme()
  m.terms <- names(model[["var.summary"]])

  ## need a list of terms used in current smooth
  sm <- get_smooths_by_id(model, id)[[1L]]
  orig_order <- unique(smooth_variable(sm))
  smooth_vars <- if (is.null(var_order)) {
  } else {
  ## is smooth a by? If it is, extract the by variable
  by_var <- if (is_by_smooth(sm)) {
  } else {
  used_vars <- c(smooth_vars, by_var)

  # Figure out the n to use for each dimension
  sm_dim <- smooth_dim(sm)
  # fix up the n, n_3d, n_4d. If `n_3d` is `NULL` set `n_3d <- n`
  if (is.null(n_3d)) {
    n_3d <- n
  # likewise fix up n_4d; set it to `n` if `n_4d` is NULL
  if (is.null(n_4d)) {
    n_4d <- n
  seq_per_dim <- function(data, vars, dim, n, n_3d, n_4d) {
    n_per_dim <- rep(n, dim)
    if (dim == 3L) {
      n_per_dim[3] <- n_3d
    } else if (dim > 3L) {
      n_per_dim[seq_len(dim - 2) + 2] <- n_4d
    seq_min_max_wrapper <- function(i, data, vars, n) {
      # if dim >= 2 we want n_3d or n_4d pretty values, but pretty()
      # won't return exactly the right n
      out <- seq_min_max(data[[vars[i]]], n = n[i])
      # now that we have the ordering of vars corrected we can round here
      if (i > 2L && !(is.factor(data[[vars[i]]]))) {
        out <- round(out, 3)
    out <- lapply(seq_along(vars),
      FUN = seq_min_max_wrapper,
      data = data, vars = vars, n = n_per_dim
    out <- setNames(out, vars)

  ## generate covariate values for the smooth
  # newlist <- lapply(mf[smooth_vars], seq_min_max, n = n)
  newlist <- seq_per_dim(
    data = mf, vars = smooth_vars, dim = sm_dim,
    n = n, n_3d = n_3d, n_4d = n_4d
  if (!is.null(by_var)) {
    if (is_factor_by_smooth(sm)) {
      ## ordered or simple factor? Grab class as a function to apply below
      FUN <- match.fun(data.class(mf[[by_var]]))
      ## extract levels of factor by var,
      levs <- levels(mf[[by_var]])
      ## coerce level for this smooth to correct factor type with FUN
      ##   return as a list with the correct names
      newfac <- setNames(list(FUN(by_level(sm), levels = levs)), by_var)
      ## append this list to the list of new smooth covariate values
      newlist <- append(newlist, newfac)
    } else {
      ## continuous by var; set to median among observed values?
      ## newby <- setNames(list(median(mf[[by_var]]), na.rm = TRUE), by_var)
      ## no, should be set to 1
      newby <- setNames(list(1L), by_var)
      newlist <- append(newlist, newby)
  newdata <- exec(expand_grid, !!!newlist) # compute expand.grid-alike

  if (isTRUE(include_all)) {
    ## need to provide single values for all other covariates in data
    unused_vars <- dplyr::setdiff(m.terms, used_vars)
    ## only processed unused_vars if length() > 0L
    if (length(unused_vars) > 0L) {
      unused_summ <- model[["var.summary"]][unused_vars]
      ## FIXME: put this in utils.R with a better name!
      ## this basically just reps the data (scalar) for the closest
      ## observation to the median over all observations
      `rep_fun` <- function(x, n) {
        ## if `x` isn't a factor, select the second element of `x` which
        ## is the value of the observation in the data closest to median
        ## of set of observations in data used to fit the model.
        if (!is.factor(x)) {
          x <- x[2L]
        ## repeat `x` as many times as is needed
        rep(x, times = n)
      n_new <- NROW(newdata)
      unused_data <- as_tibble(lapply(unused_summ,
        FUN = rep_fun,
        n = n_new
      ## add unnused_data to newdata so we're ready to predict
      newdata <- bind_cols(newdata, unused_data)

  newdata # return
gavinsimpson/gratia documentation built on April 29, 2024, 4:31 a.m.