
Defines functions pop.decline.test

Documented in pop.decline.test

#' @title Test Estimated Continuing Decline
#' @description Based on statistical models fitted to the population size data,
#'   this function assess if the model parameter estimates suggest a continuing
#'   decline. 
#' @param x the object containing the model fitted to population data. Tipically 
#'   the result from `ConR` function `pop.decline.fit` 
#' @param best.name name of the the model fitted to data. Not used if `x` is the
#'   result from function `pop.decline.fit`
#' @param assess.year the year for which the assessment should be performed
#' @details The function extracts the confidence interval of the parameters of
#'   the model selected to describe the trend in population size. If the
#'   confidence interval of the parameters suggests a significant decline, the
#'   trend is classified as 'significantly decreasing'. If there is evidence of
#'   a decline, but the evidence is not significant, the trend is classified as
#'   'non-significantly decreasing'. For instance, if the inclination parameter
#'   of the linear model is negative and its confidence interval does not
#'   include zero, the trend is 'significantly decreasing'; if the inclination
#'   is negative and the confidence interval include zero, the trend is
#'   'non-significantly decreasing'.
#'   For the particular case of the piecewise-regression model, the function
#'   returns the classification of the population trend for each time interval.
#'   If the number of observations is too small (n. obs. <7) to obtain
#'   confidence intervals for models with more than two parameters (e.g.
#'   genealized logistic model), the assessment is carried out empirically, by
#'   assessing if the model predictions provides values that are sucessively
#'   declining. In this case, the trend is just classified as 'increasing' or
#'   'decreasing', and thus test of 'estimated continuing decline' becomes the
#'   same as the test of 'continuing decline at any rate' (sub-criterion B2).
#'   All significance tests of population trends assume a confidence level of
#'   0.95 (the default of `stats` function `confint()`). In the particular case
#'   of singular gradients of model fit, the function progressively decreases
#'   the confidence level from 0.95 until 0.75 until it gets estimates lower and
#'   upper confidence intervals.
#' @author Renato A. Ferreira de Lima
#' @references 
#' IUCN 2019. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
#' Version 14. Standards and Petitions Committee. Downloadable from:
#' http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf.
#' @importFrom FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2 is.decreasing
#' @importFrom FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2 is.increasing
#' @importFrom segmented slope
#' @export pop.decline.test
#' @examples
#' ## Creating vectors with the population data and time intervals 
#' #(adapted from the IUCN 2019 workbook for Criterion A, available 
#' #at: https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/criterion-a)
#' pop = c(10000, 9600, 9100, 8200, 7500, 7200, 7000)
#' yrs = c(1970, 1973, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1990)
#' ## Fitting data with different models and setting
#' best.model = pop.decline(pop.size = pop, years = yrs, 
#'  models = c("linear","exponential","logistic"), by.taxon = TRUE)
#' pop.decline.test(x = best.model, assess.year = 1990)
#' best.model = pop.decline(pop.size = pop, years = yrs, 
#'  models = c("general_logistic"), by.taxon = TRUE)
#' pop.decline.test(x = best.model, assess.year = 1990)
#' best.model = pop.decline(pop.size = pop, years = yrs, 
#'  models = c("quadratic"), by.taxon = TRUE)
#' pop.decline.test(x = best.model, assess.year = 1990)
#' best.model = pop.decline(pop.size = pop, years = yrs, 
#'  models = c("piecewise"), by.taxon = TRUE)
#' pop.decline.test(x = best.model, assess.year = 1990)
pop.decline.test <- function(x, 
                            best.name = NULL,
                            assess.year = NULL) {
    stop("Please provide an non-empty object with model fits and predictions")
  if(length(x) == 1 & lengths(x)[1] > 1)
    x <- x[[1]]
  if(!"best.model" %in% names(x))
    stop("The input object does not contain the element with the model fits")
  if(!"predictions" %in% names(x))
    stop("The input object does not contain the element with the model predictions")
  if(is.null(best.name)) {
    #best.name <- attributes(x$best.model)$best.model.name[1]
    best.name <- x$best.model
      stop("Please provide one of the name of the model selected to fit population data")
  if(is.null(assess.year)) {
    assess.year <- max(x$predictions$years, na.rm = TRUE)
      stop("Please provide the years of assessment")
  params <- stats::coef(x$model.fit)
  ys <- x$predictions$years[1:which.min(assess.year - x$predictions$years)] - 
          min(x$predictions$years[1:which.min(assess.year - x$predictions$years)], 
              na.rm = TRUE) 
  CI <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
          try(stats::confint(x$model.fit), TRUE)))
  if(class(CI)[1] == "try-error") {
    CI <- suppressMessages(
      try(stats::confint(x$model.fit, "b"), TRUE))
    if(class(CI)[1] != "try-error")
      CI <- t(as.matrix(CI))
      rownames(CI) <- "b"
  if(class(CI)[1] == "try-error") {
    seq.ys <- seq(min(ys),  max(ys), by = 1)
    preds <- stats::predict(x$model.fit, newdata = data.frame(ys = seq.ys))
    mod <- stats::lm(I(diff(preds) / head(preds, 1)) ~ 1)
    ci.diff <- suppressMessages(stats::confint(mod))
    if(stats::coef(mod) < 0)
      test <- if(ci.diff[1]<0 & 
                 ci.diff[2]<0) "decrease" else "not.decreasing"
    if(stats::coef(mod) >= 0)
      test <- if(ci.diff[1]>0 & 
                 ci.diff[2]>0) "increase" else "not.increasing"
  } else {
    if(best.name %in% c("linear", "exponential", "logistic", "general_logistic")) {
      if(any(is.na(CI["b",]))) {
        p.values <- rev(seq(0.75, 0.95, 0.025))
        i = 1
        CI1 <- CI
        while(any(is.na(CI1["b",]))) {
          # CI1 <- stats::confint(x$best.model, level = p.values[i])
          p.val.i <- p.values[i]
          CI1 <- suppressMessages(
            try(stats::confint(x$model.fit, "b", level = p.val.i), TRUE))
          if(class(CI1)[1] != "try-error") {
            CI1 <- t(as.matrix(CI1))
            rownames(CI1) <- "b"
          i = i + 1
          CI["b",][1] <- CI1["b",][1] * p.val.i/0.95
          # CI["b",][1] <- CI1["b",][1]
          CI["b",][2] <- CI1["b",][2] * p.val.i/0.95
          # CI["b",][2] <- CI1["b",][2] * p.val.i0.95
      if(params["b"] < 0)
        test <- if(CI["b",][1]<0 & 
                   CI["b",][2]<0) "signif.decline" else "non.signif.decline"
      if(params["b"] >= 0)
        test <- if(CI["b",][1]>0 & 
                   CI["b",][2]>0) "signif.increase" else "non.signif.increase"
    if(best.name == "quadratic") { 
      f <- function(x) params["a"] + params["b"]*x + x*I(params["c"]^2)
      decrease <- 
        FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2::is.decreasing(fun = f, x.bound = range(ys), step = 1)
      increase <- 
        FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2::is.increasing(fun = f, x.bound = range(ys), step = 1)
      if(params["b"] < 0 & decrease)
        test <- if(CI["b",][1]<0 & CI["b",][2]<0) "signif.decline" else "non.signif.decline"
      if(params["b"] > 0 & increase)
        test <- if(CI["b",][1]>0 & CI["b",][2]>0) "signif.increase" else "non.signif.increase"
      # vertex <- (-params["b"]/(2*params["c"]))
      # root1 <- (-params["b"] - sqrt(params["b"]^2 + 4*params["c"]*params["a"]))/(2*params["c"]) 
      # root2 <- (-params["b"] + sqrt(params["b"]^2 + 4*params["c"]*params["a"]))/(2*params["c"]) 
    if(best.name == "piecewise") { 
      ys.groups <- findInterval(ys, CI[,1])
      params.CI <- suppressWarnings(segmented::slope(x$model.fit)[[1]])
      tests <- vector("list", length(unique(ys.groups)))
      periods <- vector("list", length(unique(ys.groups)))
      if (any(is.na(params.CI[,4])) | any(is.nan(params.CI[,4]))) {
        for(i in 1:length(unique(ys.groups))) {
          grp <- unique(ys.groups)[i]
          periods[[i]] <- paste0(" (",
                                 paste0(range(x$predictions$years[ys.groups %in% grp]), 
                                        collapse="-"), ")")
          if(params.CI[,1][i] < 0)
            tests[[i]] <- "decrease"
          if(params.CI[,1][i] > 0)
            tests[[i]] <- "increase"
      } else {
        for(i in 1:length(unique(ys.groups))) {
          grp <- unique(ys.groups)[i]
          periods[[i]] <- paste0(" (",
                                 paste0(range(x$predictions$years[ys.groups %in% grp]), 
                                        collapse="-"), ")")
          if(params.CI[,1][i] < 0)
            tests[[i]] <- 
              if(params.CI[,4][i]<0 & 
                 params.CI[,5][i]<0) "signif.decline" else "non.signif.decline"
          if(params.CI[,1][i] > 0)
            tests[[i]] <- 
              if(params.CI[,4][i]>0 & 
                 params.CI[,5][i]>0) "signif.increase" else "non.signif.increase"
      test <- paste0(
                paste0(do.call(c, tests), do.call(c, periods)), 
                     collapse = "|")
gdauby/ConR documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 11:10 p.m.