
Defines functions ksTest

Documented in ksTest

#' @rdname ksTest
#' @title Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics
#' @description Permutation test for Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics
#' @param x numerical vector to perform the goodness of fit
#' @param CDF the name of the cummulative distribution function (CDF)
#' @param pars vector of parameters to evaluate the CDF:
#'     4P GG distribution: c(shape=value, scale=value, mu=value, psi=value)
#'     3P GG distribution: c(shape=value, scale=value, psi=value)
#'     3P Weibull distribution: c(shape=value, scale=value, mu=value)
#'     2P Weibull distribution: c(shape=value, scale=value)
#' @param num.sampl number of elements to be sampled
#' @param sample.size number of permutations. If sample.size < length(x), then
#'     the test becomes a Monte Carlo test
#' @param numcores number of cores
#' @param verbose If TRUE, prints the function log to stdout
#' @param ... other parameters
#' @return gamma distribution CDF
#' @author Robersy Sanchez - 02/29/2016
#' @references Alastair Sanderson. Using R to analyse data statistical and
#'     numerical data analysis with R
#'     http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/~ajrs/R/r-analyse_data.html
#' @examples
#' num.samples <- 1000
#' x <- rweibull(num.samples, shape = 1.01, scale = 1.01)
#' ksTest(x, pars = c(shape = 1, scale = 1))
#' @importFrom stats ks.test na.omit
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @export
ksTest <- function(x, CDF = "Weibull", pars, num.sampl = 999, sample.size, 
    numcores = 1, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    funLIST <- c("pweibull", "pweibull", "pggamma3P", "pggamma3P")
    distNAMES <- c("Weibull", "Weibull 3P", "GGamma 3P", "GGamma 4P")
    ind <- as.numeric(na.omit(match(CDF, distNAMES)))
    distNAME <- funLIST[ind]
    ## All the estimations are based on gamma and Weibull distritions.
    ## So, a tranformation is applied to variable x.
    if (CDF == "Weibull 3P") {
        x <- x - pars[3]
        pars <- pars[1:2]
    if (CDF == "GGamma 3P") {
        x <- (x/pars[2])^pars[1]
        pars <- pars[3]
    if (CDF == "GGamma 4P") {
        x <- ((x - pars[3])/pars[2])^pars[1]
        pars <- pars[4]
    if (missing(sample.size) || sample.size >= round(length(x))) 
        sample.size <- round(length(x)/3)
    kstest <- function(x, R, szise, mc.cores, distNAME) {
        myfun <- function(a) {
            suppressWarnings(unname(ks.test(a, distNAME, pars)$statistic))
        DoIt <- function(r) {
            i <- sample(length(x), szise)
            myfun(x[i])  ## to test empirical versus theoretical values
        pstats <- mclapply(1:R, DoIt, mc.cores = mc.cores)
        pstats <- unlist(pstats)
        stat <- myfun(x)
        list(p.value = mean(c(stat, pstats) >= stat, na.rm = TRUE), 
            KS.stat = stat, boot.ks = pstats)
    if (verbose) 
        message("*** Monte Carlo KS test,..\n")
    kstest(x, R = num.sampl, szise = sample.size, mc.cores = numcores, 
        distNAME = distNAME)
genomaths/MethylIT.utils documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:05 a.m.