## Copyright (C) 2019 Robersy Sanchez <https://genomaths.com/>
## Author: Robersy Sanchez
## This file is part of the R package "usefr".
## 'usefr' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @rdname mutualinf
#' @name mutualinf
#' @aliases mutualinf
#' @title Mutual information Based on Multivariate Distributions Constructed
#' from Copulas
#' @description Computes the mutual information for pairwise x and y marginal
#' values based on their multivariate distribution constructed from a
#' copula.
#' @details The mutual information of a pairwise x and y marginal values is
#' defined as:
#' \deqn{I{x, y} = log(P(x,y)) - (log(P_1(x)) + log(P_2(y)))}
#' where P(x,y) is the multivariate distribution constructed from a
#' copula, and P_1(x) and P_2(y) are the marginal CDFs.
#' The values \eqn{I{x, y}} expresses a measurement of the relative
#' dependece/independece of x and y at the specified point value.
#' Notice that the above definition expresses the differences between two
#' uncertainty variations. So, for values \eqn{I{x, y} > 0}, we shall say
#' that at point (x, y) there is a gain of information for the association
#' of the subjacent stochastic processes generating x and y in respect to
#' the independent processes. Otherwise, for values \eqn{I{x, y} < 0} we
#' shall say that at point (x, y) there is a loss of information for the
#' association of the subjacent stochastic process generating x and y in
#' respect to the independent processes. Or, equivallently, there is a gain
#' of information for the independent processes in respect to
#' their association.
#' @param x,y marginal variates
#' @param copula A copula object from class \code{\link[copula]{Mvdc}} or
#' string specifying all the name for a copula from package
#' \code{\link[copula]{copula-package}}.
#' @param margins A character vector specifying all the parametric marginal
#' distributions. See details below.
#' @param paramMargins A list whose each component is a list (or numeric
#' vectors) of named components, giving the parameter values of the marginal
#' distributions. See details below.
#' @param method A character string specifying the estimation method to be used
#' to estimate the dependence parameter(s) (if the copula needs to be
#' estimated) see \code{\link[copula]{fitCopula}}.
#' @return A list with a data frame carrying the estimated mutual information
#' for each (x, y) pair, the joint and marginal probabilities, and the
#' "mvdc" copula object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ppCplot}}, \code{\link{bicopulaGOF}},
#' \code{\link[copula]{gofCopula}}, \code{\link{fitCDF}},
#' \code{\link[MASS]{fitdistr}}, and \code{\link{fitMixDist}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(stats)
#' set.seed(12) # set a seed for random number generation
#' ## Random generation of a Normal distributed marginal variate
#' X <- rnorm(2000, mean = 1, sd = 0.2)
#' ## Random generation of a Weibull-3P distributed marginal variate
#' Y <- X + rweibull3p(2000, shape = 2, scale = 0.85, mu = 1)
#' ## Correlation test
#' cor.test(X, Y, method = "spearman")
#' ## Non-linear model fit for 'Y' distribution values
#' fitY <- fitCDF(Y, distNames = 12) # 3P Weibull distribution model
#' coefs <- coef(fitY$bestfit) # model coefficients
#' ## Goodness-of-fit test for the Weibull-3P distribution model
#' mcgoftest(
#' varobj = Y, distr = "weibull3p", pars = coefs, num.sampl = 99,
#' sample.size = 1999, stat = "chisq", num.cores = 4, breaks = 200,
#' seed = 123
#' )
#' ## Settngs to estimate the Mutual information
#' margins <- c("norm", "weibull3p")
#' parMargins <- list(
#' list(mean = 1, sd = 0.2),
#' as.list(coefs)
#' ) # Notice "as.list" is used here, not "list"
#' ## Finally estimation of the mutual information
#' mutual.Inf <- mutualinf(
#' x = X, y = Y, copula = "normalCopula",
#' margins = margins, paramMargins = parMargins
#' )
#' head(mutual.Inf$stat)
#' ## The fitted copula is also returned, so, it can be used in downstream
#' ## analyses
#' mutual.Inf$copula@copula
mutualinf <- function(x, y, copula = NULL, margins = NULL, paramMargins = NULL,
method = "ml", ties.method = "max") {
if (is.null(copula)) {
stop("*** A copula or a character string naming a copula must be given")
if (is.character(copula)) {
if (is.null(margins)) {
stop("*** Provide names of probability distribution margins")
if (is.null(paramMargins)) {
stop("*** Provide parameters for the probability distribution margins")
# Compute the pseudo-observations for the given data matrix through
# the margin distributions
p1 <- do.call(paste0("p", margins[1]), c(list(x), paramMargins[[1]]))
p2 <- do.call(paste0("p", margins[2]), c(list(y), paramMargins[[2]]))
U <- cbind(p1, p2)
V <- pobs(U)
copula <- eval(parse(text = paste0("copula::", copula, "()")))
fit <- fitCopula(copula, V, method = method)
copula <- mvdc(fit@copula, margins = margins, paramMargins = paramMargins)
jprob <- pCopula(
u = pobs(U, ties.method = ties.method),
copula = copula@copula
} else {
if (class(copula) != "mvdc") {
stop("*** 'copula' argument must be an object from 'mvdc' class")
if (!is.character(copula)) {
# Compute the pseudo-observations for the given data matrix through
# the margin distributions
p1 <- do.call(
paste0("p", copula@margins[1]),
c(list(x), copula@paramMargins[[1]])
p2 <- do.call(
paste0("p", copula@margins[2]),
c(list(y), copula@paramMargins[[2]])
U <- cbind(p1, p2)
# U <- pobs(U)
jprob <- pCopula(
u = pobs(U, ties.method = ties.method),
copula = copula@copula
res <- list()
res$stat <- data.frame(
jprob = jprob, p1 = p1, p2 = p2, x = x, y = y,
mInf = logb(jprob) - (logb(p1) + logb(p2))
res$copula <- copula
## ======================= Auxiliary function logb ============================
# Although log(0) is not defined for entroupy computation log(0) is made 0.
logb <- function(p, logbase = 2) {
n <- length(p)
if (n > 1) {
logP <- integer(n)
idx <- p > 0
logP[idx] <- log(p[idx], base = logbase)
} else {
if (p > 0) logP <- log(p, base = logbase)
logP <- 0
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