# dimple.R ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Header
# Filename: dimple.R
# Description: Contains functions for plotting various dimple charts from rCharts package using standrad inputs.
# Author: Nicolas Berta
# Email : nicolas.berta@gmail.com
# Start Date: 12 May 2017
# Last Revision: 27 July 2017
# Version: 1.0.5
# Version History:
# Version Date Action
# ----------------------------------
# 1.0.0 12 May 2017 Initial issue separated from rCharts.R
# 1.0.1 29 May 2018 Function dimple.bar.molten() added
# 1.0.2 29 May 2018 config property 'barMode' applied.
# 1.0.3 24 July 2018 Function dimple.applyConfig() added.
# 1.0.4 24 July 2018 Function dimple.combo() added.
# 1.0.5 27 July 2018 Function dimple.scatter() added.
dimple.combo.defset = defset %<==>% list(
# Valid classes for all dimensions
dimclass = list(
x = c("character", "factor", "Date", "POSIXct", "numeric", "integer"),
y = c("numeric", "integer", "character", "factor", "Date", "POSIXct"),
t = 'factor',
group = 'factor',
size = 'numeric'),
multiples = c('x', 'y', 'size', 'group'),
essentials = c('x', 'y'),
legend.enabled = F,
colorize = F
dimple.scatter.defset = defset %<==>% list(
# Valid classes for all dimensions
dimclass = list(
x = "numeric",
y = "numeric",
color = 'factor',
t = 'factor',
size = 'numeric'),
multiples = c('y', 'size', 'shape', 'color'),
essentials = c('x', 'y')
dimple.applyConfig = function(rc, config){
if(config$legend.enabled %>% verify('logical', default = T)){
rc$legend(x = chif(is.null(config$legend.position.x), 0, config$legend.position.x),
y = chif(is.null(config$legend.position.y), 0, config$legend.position.y),
width = chif(is.null(config$legend.width), 100, config$legend.width),
height = chif(is.null(config$legend.height), 20, config$legend.height),
horizontalAlign = config$legend.horizontalAlign %>% verify('character', domain = c('right', 'left'), default = 'right'))
dimple.combo = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, t = NULL, size = NULL, group = NULL, shape = NULL, color = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# Verifications:
if (is.empty(obj)){return(NULL)}
if(is.null(shape)){shape = 'line'}
assert(require(rCharts), "Package rCharts is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = dimple.combo.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(x = x, y = y, t = t, size = size, group = group, shape = shape, color = color)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics %>% list.remove('shape', 'color')
if ('rownames' %in% c(L$group, L$x, L$y)){obj %<>% rownames2Column('rownames') %>% as.data.frame}
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config = config)
xnum = length(L$x) == obj[, L$x, drop = F] %>% names %>% sapply(function(col){obj[, col] %>% is.numeric}) %>% sum
xdte = length(L$x) == obj[, L$x, drop = F] %>% names %>% sapply(function(col){obj[, col] %>% inherits('Date')}) %>% sum
xtim = length(L$x) == obj[, L$x, drop = F] %>% names %>% sapply(function(col){obj[, col] %>% inherits('POSIXct')}) %>% sum
ynum = length(L$y) == obj[, L$y, drop = F] %>% names %>% sapply(function(col){obj[, col] %>% is.numeric}) %>% sum
ydte = length(L$y) == obj[, L$y, drop = F] %>% names %>% sapply(function(col){obj[, col] %>% inherits('Date')}) %>% sum
ytim = length(L$y) == obj[, L$y, drop = F] %>% names %>% sapply(function(col){obj[, col] %>% inherits('POSIXct')}) %>% sum
if(xdte | xtim){for (col in L$x){obj[, col] %<>% as.character}}
if(ydte | ytim){for (col in L$y){obj[, col] %<>% as.character}}
ycat = !ynum & !ydte & !ytim
hor = xnum & ycat
Ly = chif(hor, L$x, L$y); Lx = chif(hor, L$y, L$x);
Lgroup = L$group
if(!is.null(L$group)){clrvect = getColorVect(obj[, L$group %>% last] %>% unique, L$color, config)}
N = length(Ly)
if(N > 1){
obj %<>% reshape2::melt(id.vars = Lx, measure.vars = Ly)
series = obj[, 'variable'] %>% unique
L$shape %<>% vect.extend(length(series))
shapes = L$shape %>% unique
nshape = length(shapes)
dp <- dPlot(x = chif(hor, 'value', Lx),
y = chif(hor, Lx, 'value'),
z = L$size[1],
data = obj %>% filter(variable %in% series[which(L$shape == shapes[1])]),
groups = 'variable',
type = shapes[1], ...)
if(nshape > 1){
for(i in 2:nshape){
dp$layer(x = chif(hor, 'value', Lx),
y = chif(hor, Lx, 'value'),
z = L$size[i %>% min(length(L$size))],
data = obj %>% filter(variable %in% series[which(L$shape == shapes[i])]),
groups = 'variable',
type = shapes[i])
clrvect = getColorVect(obj[, 'variable'] %>% unique, L$color, config)
Lgroup = 'variable'
} else {
dp <- dPlot( x = L$x,
y = L$y,
z = L$size,
data = obj,
groups = L$group,
type = L$shape, ...)
if(is.null(L$group)){clrvect = getColorVect(L$y, L$color, config)}
if (xnum){dp$xAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis")}
else if (xdte){
dp$xAxis(type = "addTimeAxis", inputFormat = "%Y-%m-%d", outputFormat = chif(is.null(config$xAxis.tick.label.format), "%Y-%m-%d", config$xAxis.tick.label.format))
else if (xtim){
dp$xAxis(type = "addTimeAxis",
inputFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
outputFormat = chif(is.null(config$xAxis.tick.label.format), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", config$xAxis.tick.label.format))
else {for(col in L$x){obj[, col] %<>% as.character}; dp$xAxis(type = "addCategoryAxis")}
if (ynum){dp$yAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis")}
else if (ydte){
dp$yAxis(type = "addTimeAxis", inputFormat = "%Y-%m-%d", outputFormat = chif(is.null(config$yAxis.tick.label.format), "%Y-%m-%d", config$yAxis.tick.label.format))
else if (ytim){
dp$yAxis(type = "addTimeAxis",
inputFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
outputFormat = chif(is.null(config$yAxis.tick.label.format), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", config$yAxis.tick.label.format))
else {for(col in L$y){obj[, col] %<>% as.character}; dp$yAxis(type = "addCategoryAxis")}
# Felan hamash numerice
if(inherits(obj[, L$size], c('numeric', 'integer'))){dp$zAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis", overrideMax = config$maxSizeOverride)} else {dp$zAxis(type = "addCategoryAxis")}
dp %<>% dimple.applyConfig(config)
dp$setTemplate(afterScript = dimple.js(field_name = Lgroup))
if(!is.null(L$t)){dp$set(storyboard = L$t)}
dimple.scatter = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, t = NULL, size = NULL, shape = NULL, color = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# Verifications:
if(is.null(shape)){shape = 'bubble'}
if(is.null(color)){color = 'Series 1'}
assert(require(rCharts), "Package rCharts is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = dimple.scatter.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(x = x, y = y, t = t, size = size, shape = shape, color = color)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics %>% list.remove('shape')
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config = config); if (is.empty(obj)){return(NULL)}
obj$ID = obj %>% nrow %>% sequence
clrvect = NULL
N = length(L$y)
if(N > 1){
obj %<>% reshape2::melt(id.vars = c(L$x, L$size), measure.vars = L$y)
obj$ID = obj %>% nrow %>% sequence
dp = dPlot(
x = L$x,
y = 'value',
z = L$size[1],
groups = c('ID', 'variable'),
data = obj,
type = L$shape
Lgroup = 'variable'
} else{
dp = dPlot(
x = L$x,
y = L$y[1],
z = L$size[1],
groups = c('ID', L$color),
data = obj,
type = L$shape
Lgroup = L$color
dp$xAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis")
dp$yAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis")
dp %<>% dimple.applyConfig(config)
dp$setTemplate(afterScript = dimple.js(field_name = Lgroup))
if(!is.null(L$t)){dp$set(storyboard = L$t)}
show = function(rc)
dir.create(temp_dir <- tempfile(pattern = "rCharts"))
writeLines(rc$render(static = F), tf <- file.path(temp_dir, "index.html"))
suppressMessages(copy_dir_(rc$LIB$url, file.path(temp_dir, rc$LIB$name)))
visfun = options('viewer')[[1]]
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