Man pages for gersteinlab/siglasso
Optimizing Cancer Mutation Signatures Jointly with Sampling Likelihood

context2specConstruct the spectrum from a mutation file with context
estimate_lasso_parametersEstimate Lasso regression parameters
maf2specConstruct the spectrum from a MAF file
plot_sigsVisualize the output of siglasso as barplots
plot_sigs_groupedVisualize the output of siglasso, grouped and averaged, as a...
plot_spectrumVisualize mutational spectrums of a sample, or all samples...
reverse_contextGet the reverse complementary sequence
siglassoAttributing signatures using sigLASSO
siglasso_internalInternal function for sigLASSO
vcf2specConstruct the spectrum from a VCF file
gersteinlab/siglasso documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 8:45 p.m.