
Defines functions getDescriptionStatsBy.default getDescriptionStatsBy.data.frame getDescriptionStatsBy

Documented in getDescriptionStatsBy

#' Creating of description statistics
#' A function that returns a description statistic that can be used
#' for creating a publication "table 1" when you want it by groups.
#' The function identifies if the variable is a continuous, binary
#' or a factored variable. The format is inspired by NEJM, Lancet &
#' BMJ.
#' @section Customizing statistics:
#' You can specify what function that you want for statistic by providing a function
#' that takes two arguments \code{x} and \code{by} and returns a p-value. There are
#' a few functions already prepared for this see \code{\link{getPvalAnova}},
#' \code{\link{getPvalChiSq}}
#' \code{\link{getPvalFisher}}
#' \code{\link{getPvalKruskal}}
#' \code{\link{getPvalWilcox}}.
#' The default functions used are \code{getPvalFisher} and \code{getPvalWilcox} (unless the by
#' argument has more than three unique levels where it defaults to \code{getPvalAnova}).
#' If you want the function to select functions depending on the type of input
#' you can provide a list with the names \code{'continuous'}, \code{'proportion'}, \code{'factor'} and
#' the function will choose accordingly. If you fail to define a certain category
#' it will default to the above.
#' You can also use a custom function that returns a string with the attribute \code{'colname'}
#' set that will be appended to the results instead of the p-value column.
#' @param x If a data.frame it will be used as the data source for the variables in the \code{...} parameter.
#'          If it is a single variable it will be the core value that want the statistics for.
#'          In the print this is equivalent to the output of this function.
#' @param ... The variables that you want you statistic for. In the print all thes parameters
#'          are passed on as [htmlTable::htmlTable] arguments.
#' @param by The variable that you want to split into different columns
#' @param digits The number of decimals used
#' @param digits.nonzero The number of decimals used for values that are close to zero
#' @param html If HTML compatible output should be used. If \code{FALSE}
#'  it outputs LaTeX formatting
#' @param NEJMstyle Adds - no (\%) at the end to proportions
#' @param numbers_first If the number should be given or if the percentage
#'  should be presented first. The second is encapsulated in parentheses ().
#' @param useNA This indicates if missing should be added as a separate
#'  row below all other. See \code{\link[base]{table}} for \code{useNA}-options.
#'  \emph{Note:} defaults to ifany and not "no" as \code{\link[base]{table}} does.
#' @param useNA.digits The number of digits to use for the
#'  missing percentage, defaults to the overall \code{digits}.
#' @param continuous_fn The method to describe continuous variables. The
#'  default is \code{\link{describeMean}}.
#' @param prop_fn The method used to describe proportions, see \code{\link{describeProp}}.
#' @param factor_fn The method used to describe factors, see \code{\link{describeFactors}}.
#' @param statistics Add statistics, fisher test for proportions and Wilcoxon
#'  for continuous variables. See details below for more customization.
#' @param statistics.two_dec_lim The limit for showing two decimals. E.g.
#'  the p-value may be 0.056 and we may want to keep the two decimals in order
#'  to emphasize the proximity to the all-mighty 0.05 p-value and set this to
#'  \eqn{10^-2}. This allows that a value of 0.0056 is rounded to 0.006 and this
#'  makes intuitive sense as the 0.0056 level as this is well below
#'  the 0.05 value and thus not as interesting to know the exact proximity to
#'  0.05. \emph{Disclaimer:} The 0.05-limit is really silly and debated, unfortunately
#'  it remains a standard and this package tries to adapt to the current standards in order
#'  to limit publication associated issues.
#' @param statistics.sig_lim The significance limit for < sign, i.e. p-value 0.0000312
#'  should be < 0.0001 with the default setting.
#' @param statistics.suppress_warnings Hide warnings from the statistics function.
#' @param show_all_values Show all values in proportions. For factors with only two values
#'  it is most sane to only show one option as the other one will just be a complement
#'  to the first, i.e. we want to convey a proportion. For instance sex - if you know
#'  gender then automatically you know the distribution of the other sex as it's 100 \% - other \%.
#'  To choose which one you want to show then set the \code{default_ref} parameter.
#' @param hrzl_prop This is default FALSE and indicates
#'  that the proportions are to be interpreted in a vertical manner.
#'  If we want the data to be horizontal, i.e. the total should be shown
#'  and then how these differ in the different groups then set this to TRUE.
#' @param add_total_col This adds a total column to the resulting table.
#'  You can also specify if you want the total column "first" or "last"
#'  in the column order.
#' @param total_col_show_perc This is by default true but if
#'  requested the percentages are suppressed as this sometimes may be confusing.
#' @param use_units If the Hmisc package's units() function has been employed
#'  it may be interesting to have a column at the far right that indicates the
#'  unit measurement. If this column is specified then the total column will
#'  appear before the units (if specified as last). You can also set the value to
#'  \code{"name"} and the units will be added to the name as a parenthesis,
#'  e.g. Age (years).
#' @param units_column_name The name of the units column. Used if use_units = TRUE
#' @param percentage_sign If you want to suppress the percentage sign you
#'  can set this variable to FALSE. You can also choose something else that
#'  the default \% if you so wish by setting this variable.
#' @param header_count Set to \code{TRUE} if you want to add a header count,
#'  e.g. Smoking; No. 25 observations, where there is a new line after the
#'  factor name. If you want a different text for the second line you can
#'  specifically use the \code{\link[base]{sprintf}} formatting, e.g. "No. \%s patients".
#' @param missing_value Value that is substituted for empty cells. Defaults to "-"
#' @param names_of_missing Optional character vector containing the names of returned statistics,
#'  in case all returned values for a given \code{by} level are missing. Defaults to NULL
#' @param default_ref The default reference when dealing with proportions. When using
#'  `dplyr` syntax (`tidyselect`) you can specify a named vector/list for each column name.
#' @return Returns \code{matrix} if a single value was provided, otherwise a \code{list}
#'  of matrices with the class \code{"Gmisc_getDescriptionStatsBy"}.
#' @example inst/examples/getDescriptionStatsBy_example.R
#' @family descriptive functions
#' @importFrom Hmisc label label<- units capitalize
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
getDescriptionStatsBy <- function(x,
                                  digits = 1,
                                  digits.nonzero = NA,
                                  html = TRUE,
                                  numbers_first = TRUE,
                                  statistics = FALSE,
                                  statistics.sig_lim = 10^-4,
                                  statistics.two_dec_lim = 10^-2,
                                  statistics.suppress_warnings = TRUE,
                                  useNA = c("ifany", "no", "always"),
                                  useNA.digits = digits,
                                  continuous_fn = describeMean,
                                  prop_fn = describeProp,
                                  factor_fn = describeFactors,
                                  show_all_values = FALSE,
                                  hrzl_prop = FALSE,
                                  total_col_show_perc = TRUE,
                                  use_units = FALSE,
                                  units_column_name = "Units",
                                  default_ref = NULL,
                                  NEJMstyle = FALSE,
                                  percentage_sign = TRUE,
                                  header_count = NULL,
                                  missing_value = "-",
                                  names_of_missing = NULL) {

#' @exportS3Method
#' @importFrom rlang expr enquo
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
getDescriptionStatsBy.data.frame <- function(x,
                                             digits = 1,
                                             digits.nonzero = NA,
                                             html = TRUE,
                                             numbers_first = TRUE,
                                             statistics = FALSE,
                                             statistics.sig_lim = 10^-4,
                                             statistics.two_dec_lim = 10^-2,
                                             statistics.suppress_warnings = TRUE,
                                             useNA = c("ifany", "no", "always"),
                                             useNA.digits = digits,
                                             continuous_fn = describeMean,
                                             prop_fn = describeProp,
                                             factor_fn = describeFactors,
                                             show_all_values = FALSE,
                                             hrzl_prop = FALSE,
                                             total_col_show_perc = TRUE,
                                             use_units = FALSE,
                                             units_column_name = "Units",
                                             default_ref = NULL,
                                             NEJMstyle = FALSE,
                                             percentage_sign = TRUE,
                                             header_count = NULL,
                                             missing_value = "-",
                                             names_of_missing = NULL) {
  Call = match.call()
  vars <- tidyselect::eval_select(rlang::expr(c(...)), x)
  if (missing(by)) {
    if (length(vars) == 2) {
      by_var <- vars[2]
      by <- x[[by_var]]
      vars <- head(vars, -1)
    } else {
      stop("When providing a data.frame as input you must specify the by variables")
  } else {
    by_var <- tidyselect::eval_select(rlang::enquo(by), x)
    by = x[[by_var]]

  if (label(by) == "") {
    label(by) <- names(by_var)

  base_call <- as.list(Call)
  base_call <- base_call[!names(base_call) %in% c("", "x")]
  base_call <- base_call[names(base_call) %in% formalArgs(getDescriptionStatsBy)]
  base_call$by = by

  get_single_result <- function(var, name) {
    base_call$x = x[[var]]
    column_name <- colnames(x)[var]
    # If the user has set the name in the input parameter then it is
    # highly likely that they want to override any label() name
    if (column_name != name && name != "" && !is.null(name) || label(base_call$x) == "") {
      label(base_call$x) <- name

    if (column_name %in% names(default_ref)) {
      base_call$default_ref <- default_ref[[column_name]]
    } else if (!is.null(names(default_ref))) {
      base_call$default_ref <- NULL
    do.call(getDescriptionStatsBy, base_call)

  if (length(vars) == 1) {
    return(get_single_result(var = vars, name = names(vars)))

  multiple_results <- mapply(FUN = get_single_result,
                             var = vars,
                             name = names(vars),
                             SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                             USE.NAMES = FALSE)
            class = c("Gmisc_getDescriptionStatsBy", class(multiple_results)),
            multiple = TRUE,
            raw_data = x)

#' @exportS3Method
getDescriptionStatsBy.default <- function(x,
                                          digits = 1,
                                          digits.nonzero = NA,
                                          html = TRUE,
                                          numbers_first = TRUE,
                                          statistics = FALSE,
                                          statistics.sig_lim = 10^-4,
                                          statistics.two_dec_lim = 10^-2,
                                          statistics.suppress_warnings = TRUE,
                                          useNA = c("ifany", "no", "always"),
                                          useNA.digits = digits,
                                          continuous_fn = describeMean,
                                          prop_fn = describeProp,
                                          factor_fn = describeFactors,
                                          show_all_values = FALSE,
                                          hrzl_prop = FALSE,
                                          total_col_show_perc = TRUE,
                                          use_units = FALSE,
                                          units_column_name = "Units",
                                          default_ref = NULL,
                                          NEJMstyle = FALSE,
                                          percentage_sign = TRUE,
                                          header_count = NULL,
                                          missing_value = "-",
                                          names_of_missing = NULL) {
  vars <- list(...)
  if (missing(by)) {
    by = vars[[1]]
    vars[[1]] <- NULL

  if (length(vars) > 0) {
    stop("As of version 3.0 of Gmisc the htmlTable handles unnamed parameters differently. Try to use named arguments instead of positional.")

  useNA <- match.arg(useNA)
  if (!is.na(digits.nonzero)) {
    if (!is.numeric(digits.nonzero) ||
        floor(digits.nonzero) != digits.nonzero
    ) {
      stop("The digits.nonzero should be an integer, you provided: ", digits.nonzero)
    if (digits.nonzero < digits) {
      stop("The digits.nonzero must be smaller than digits")

  if (!is.function(statistics)) {
    if (is.list(statistics) ||
        (statistics != FALSE)) {
      if (is.list(statistics)) {
        types <- c(
        if (any(!names(statistics) %in% types)) {
            "If you want to provide custom functions for generating statistics",
            " you must either provide a function or a list with the elements:",
            " '", paste(types, collapse = "', '"), "'"

        if (is.numeric(x) &&
            length(unique(x)) != 2) {
          statistics <- statistics[["continuous"]]
        } else if (length(unique(x)) == 2) {
          if ("proportion" %in% names(statistics)) {
            statistics <- statistics[["proportion"]]
          } else {
            statistics <- statistics[["factor"]]
        } else {
          statistics <- statistics[["factor"]]

        if (is.character(statistics)) {
          statistics <- get(statistics)

      if (!is.function(statistics)) {
        if (length(unique(x)) == 2) {
          statistics <- getPvalFisher
        } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
          if (length(unique(by)) == 2) {
            statistics <- getPvalWilcox
          } else {
            statistics <- getPvalAnova
        } else {
          statistics <- getPvalFisher

  # Always have a total column if the description statistics
  # are presented in a horizontal fashion
  if (missing(add_total_col) &&
      hrzl_prop) {
    add_total_col <- TRUE

  if (is.null(x)) {
      "You haven't provided an x-value to do the statistics by.",
      " This error is most frequently caused by referencing an old",
      " variable name that doesn't exist anymore"
  if (is.null(by)) {
      "You haven't provided a by-value to do the statistics by.",
      " This error is most frequently caused by referencing an old",
      " variable name that doesn't exist anymore"

  # If there is a label for the variable
  # that one should be used otherwise go
  # with the name of the variable
  if (label(x) == "") {
    name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(x)), collapse = "")
  } else {
    name <- label(x)

  if (is.logical(x)) {
    x <- factor(x, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
  } else if (is.character(x) && any(table(x, by) == 0)) {
    x <- factor(x)

  # Check missing -
  # Send a warning, since the user might be unaware of this
  # potentially disturbing fact. The dataset should perhaps by
  # subsetted by is.na(by) == FALSE
  if (any(is.na(by))) {
      sprintf("Your 'by' variable has %d missing values", sum(is.na(by))),
      "\n   The corresponding 'x' and 'by' variables are automatically removed"
    x <- x[!is.na(by)]
    if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
      x <- factor(x)
    by <- by[!is.na(by)]
    if (inherits(by, "factor")) {
      by <- factor(by)

  if (useNA == "ifany" &&
      any(is.na(x))) {
    useNA <- "always"

  # If all values are to be shown then simply use
  # the factors function, provided describeProp was specified
  if (show_all_values & deparse(substitute(prop_fn)) == "describeProp") {
    prop_fn <- describeFactors

  if (is.numeric(x) || is(x, "difftime")) {
    t <- prNumericDescs(x = x,
                        by = by,
                        hrzl_prop = hrzl_prop,
                        continuous_fn = continuous_fn,
                        html = html,
                        digits = digits,
                        digits.nonzero = digits.nonzero,
                        numbers_first = numbers_first,
                        useNA = useNA,
                        useNA.digits = useNA.digits,
                        percentage_sign = percentage_sign,
                        missing_value = missing_value,
                        names_of_missing = names_of_missing)
  } else if ((!is.factor(x) &&
              length(unique(na.omit(x))) == 2) ||
             (is.factor(x) &&
              length(levels(x)) == 2) &&
             hrzl_prop == FALSE) {
    t <- prPropDescs(x = x,
                     by = by,
                     name = name,
                     default_ref = default_ref,
                     prop_fn = prop_fn,
                     html = html,
                     digits = digits,
                     digits.nonzero = digits.nonzero,
                     numbers_first = numbers_first,
                     useNA = useNA,
                     useNA.digits = useNA.digits,
                     percentage_sign = percentage_sign,
                     missing_value = missing_value,
                     names_of_missing = names_of_missing,
                     NEJMstyle = NEJMstyle)
  } else {
    # Make sure that the total isn't using proportions (happens with hrzl_prop)
    prop_fn <- factor_fn
    t <- prFactorDescs(x = x,
                       by = by,
                       factor_fn = factor_fn,
                       hrzl_prop = hrzl_prop,
                       html = html,
                       digits = digits,
                       digits.nonzero = digits.nonzero,
                       numbers_first = numbers_first,
                       useNA = useNA,
                       useNA.digits = useNA.digits,
                       percentage_sign = percentage_sign,
                       missing_value = missing_value,
                       names_of_missing = names_of_missing)

  # Convert into a matrix
  results <- prAddEmptyVals(t, missing_value = missing_value) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    matrix(ncol = length(t)) %>%
    prFixDescRownames(t = t, name = name)

  attr(results, "column_names") <- prGetDescHeader(by = by, header_count = header_count, html = html)
  attr(results, "label") <- name

  if (!missing(add_total_col) && add_total_col != FALSE) {
    results %<>% prAddTotalDescColumn(x = x,
                                      by = by,
                                      numbers_first = numbers_first,
                                      total_col_show_perc = total_col_show_perc,
                                      show_all_values = show_all_values,
                                      useNA = useNA,
                                      useNA.digits = useNA.digits,
                                      html = html,
                                      digits = digits,
                                      continuous_fn = continuous_fn,
                                      factor_fn = factor_fn,
                                      prop_fn = prop_fn,
                                      percentage_sign = percentage_sign,
                                      header_count = header_count,
                                      add_total_col = add_total_col,
                                      default_ref = default_ref)

  if (!isFALSE(use_units)) {
    results %<>% prAddDescUnitColumn(x = x,
                                     use_units = use_units,
                                     units_column_name = units_column_name)

  if (is.function(statistics)) {
    results %<>% prAddDescStats(x = x,
                                by = by,
                                statistics = statistics,
                                statistics.suppress_warnings = statistics.suppress_warnings,
                                statistics.sig_lim = statistics.sig_lim,
                                statistics.two_dec_lim = statistics.two_dec_lim,
                                html = html)

  colnames(results) <- attr(results, "column_names")

  # Even if one row has the same name this doesn't matter
  # at this stage as it is information that may or may
  # not be used later on
  label(results) <- attr(results, "label")

            class = c("Gmisc_getDescriptionStatsBy", class(results)),
            multiple = FALSE,
            raw_data = list(x = x, by = by))
gforge/Gmisc documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 7:38 a.m.