
Defines functions qdata visible `visible<-` selected `selected<-` link_var `link_var<-` link_type `link_type<-` check_data is_qdata `.data_scales<-` `color_pal<-` `color_var<-` `color_title<-` `border_pal<-` `border_var<-` `border_title<-` `size_pal<-` `size_var<-` `size_title<-`

Documented in check_data link_type link_var qdata selected visible

AES_VARS = c(".color", ".border", ".size", ".brushed", ".visible")

#' Create a mutaframe from data with attributes for interaction
#' This function will first check if the names of some pre-defined row
#' attributes (e.g. \code{.color}, \code{.brushed}) exist in the column names of
#' the data (will issue an error if they do); then append these columns to the
#' original data to create an augmented data as a
#' \code{\link[plumbr]{mutaframe}}; in the end add some attributes to the
#' mutaframe for the purpose of interaction (mainly the \code{\link{brush}}
#' object and the linking specification).
#' When the three arguments \code{color}, \code{border} and \code{size} take
#' values as variable names in \code{data}, default palettes will be used to
#' generate colors and sizes. The sequential color gradient palette
#' (\code{\link[scales]{seq_gradient_pal}}) will be applied to continuous
#' variables, and the hue palette (\code{\link[scales]{hue_pal}}) will be
#' applied to categorical variables. The area palette
#' (\code{\link[scales]{area_pal}}) is used to create a size vector when the
#' size variable is continuous. An attribute \code{attr(data, 'Scales')} is
#' attached to the returned mutaframe, which will help specific plots to
#' generate legends. This attribute is of the form \code{list(color =
#' list(title, variable, palette))}. Whenever any component is changed, the
#' corresponding aesthetics will be updated automatically; for example, if we
#' change the palette function for \code{color}, the colors \code{data$.color}
#' will be updated using the new palette. See \code{\link{color_pal<-}} for a
#' list of functions on how to modify scales information.
#' @param data a data frame (it will be coerced to a data frame if it is not)
#' @param color colors of graphical elements (default dark gray) corresponding
#'   to rows of data; it can be a vector of valid R colors, or a name of
#'   variable in \code{data} (must be either a factor or a numeric variable), or
#'   an R expression to calculate colors; \code{color} is used to fill the
#'   interior of graphical elements
#' @param border colors for the border of graphical elements (e.g. rectangles);
#'   \code{NA} means to suppress the border
#' @param size sizes of rows; possible values are similar to \code{color}, but
#'   when using a variable to generate sizes, it must be a numeric variable
#' @param brushed a logical vector indicating which rows are brushed (default
#'   all \code{FALSE})
#' @param visible a logical vector indicating which rows are visible (default
#'   all \code{TRUE})
#' @return a mutaframe with attributes for interaction
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @seealso \code{\link[plumbr]{mutaframe}}, \code{\link{brush}}
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/qdata-ex.R
qdata = function(data, color = "gray15", border = color, size = 4,
                 brushed = FALSE, visible = TRUE, ...) {

  if (!is.data.frame(data)) data = as.data.frame(data)

  # check if aes attributes exist
  if (any(idx <- AES_VARS %in% colnames(data)))
    stop(sprintf("variable names conflicts: %s already exist(s) in data",
                 paste(AES_VARS[idx], collapse = ", ")))

  mf = data
  mf$.brushed = brushed; mf$.visible = visible

  z = as.list(match.call()[-1])
  l = Scales.meta$new()  # record scales in an environment genreated by ref classes
  for (i in c('color', 'border', 'size')) {
    if (is.language(z[[i]])) {
      v = eval(z[[i]], data, enclos=parent.frame())
      pal = NULL
      mf[[sprintf('.%s', i)]] = if (i != 'size') {
        if (is.factor(v)) {
          #pal = dichromat_pal("BluetoOrange.8"); na_colors(dscale(v, pal))
          pal = hue_pal(); na_colors(dscale(v, pal))
        } else if (is.numeric(v)) {
          pal = seq_gradient_pal(...); na_colors(cscale(v, pal))
        } else v
      } else if (is.numeric(v)) {
        pal = (function(range = c(1, 6)) {
          function(x) scales::rescale(x, range, range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
      } else stop(sQuote('size'), ' must be numeric!')
      l[[i]] = list(title = deparse(z[[i]]), variable = z[[i]], palette = pal)
    } else {
      if ((i == 'border') && is.null(z[[i]])) mf$.border = mf$.color else
        mf[[sprintf('.%s', i)]] = switch(i, color = color, border = border, size = size)

  if (!is.mutaframe(mf)) mf = as.mutaframe(mf)

  # attach a brush to data; we need to create the xxxChanged event in specific
  # plots; use brush(data) to access this brush
  attr(mf, "Brush") = new_brush()

  attr(mf, "Link") = mutalist(linkid = NULL, linkvar = NULL, type = NULL)

  ## whenever the scales information is changed, update data columns
  update_scales = function(comp) {
    if (length(l[[comp]]) && is.function(pal <- l[[comp]]$palette)) {
      v = l[[comp]]$variable
      v = if (is.language(v)) eval(v, envir = mf) else mf[[v]]
      if (comp %in% c('color', 'border')) {
        mf[[sprintf('.%s', comp)]] = if (is.numeric(v))
          cscale(v, pal) else if (is.factor(v)) dscale(v, pal) else {
            mf[[sprintf('.%s', comp)]]
      } else if (comp == 'size') {
        mf$.size = if (is.numeric(v)) pal(v) else mf$.size
  l$colorChanged$connect(function() update_scales('color'))
  l$borderChanged$connect(function() update_scales('border'))
  l$sizeChanged$connect(function() update_scales('size'))

  attr(mf, 'Scales') = l  # scales information to be used in legend
  attr(mf, 'Generator') = 'cranvas'  # to check if data was generated with qdata()
Scales.meta = setRefClass(
  fields = properties(list(color = 'list', border = 'list', size = 'list'))

#' Set or query the visibility of observations
#' There is a column \code{.visible} to control the visibility of observations.
#' This can be useful for ``deleting'' certain observations from the plot (set
#' their visibility to \code{FALSE}).
#' @param data the mutaframe
#' @return The function \code{\link{visible}} returns the logical vector to
#'   control the visibility of observations
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdata}}
#' @export
#' @examples df = qdata(iris)
#' visible(df)
#' visible(df) = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(100, 50))  # hide the last 50 obs
#' visible(df)
visible = function(data) {
#' @rdname visible
#' @usage visible(data) <- value
#' @param value a logical vector of the length \code{nrow(data)}
#' @export "visible<-"
`visible<-` = function(data, value) {
  data$.visible = value

#' Set or query the selected (brushed) observations
#' The column \code{.brushed} controls which observations are being brushed
#' (i.e. those \code{TRUE}'s are selected).
#' @param data the mutaframe
#' @return The function \code{\link{selected}} returns the logical vector
#'   corresponding to whether the observations are selected or not
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdata}}
#' @export
#' @examples df = qdata(mtcars)
#' selected(df)
#' selected(df) = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(10, 22))  # brush the first 10 obs
#' selected(df)
#' selected(df) = 15L  # brush the 15th row
#' selected(df)
#' selected(df) = 'Honda Civic'  # brush by row names
selected = function(data) {
  if ('.brushed' %in% names(data)) data$.brushed else logical(nrow(data))
#' @rdname selected
#' @usage selected(data) <- value
#' @param value a logical vector of the length \code{nrow(data)}, or a vector of
#'   integers which will be used to create a logical vector with \code{TRUE}
#'   corresponding to these indicies, or a character vector of row names to
#'   brush the corresponding rows
#' @export "selected<-"
`selected<-` = function(data, value) {
  ## if value is numeric indices or names, convert it to a logical vector
  if (is.numeric(value) || is.character(value)) {
    tmp = logical(nrow(data))
    names(tmp) = rownames(data)
    tmp[value] = TRUE
    value = unname(tmp)
  data$.brushed = value

#' Set or query the linking variable in a mutaframe
#' @param data the mutaframe (typically created by \code{\link{qdata}}), with an
#'   attribute \code{Link}
#' @return \code{\link{link_var}} returns the name of the linking variable
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdata}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mf = qdata(head(iris))
#' link_var(mf)  # NULL
#' link_var(mf) = 'Species'  # linking by 'Species'
#' link_var(mf)
#' link_var(mf) = NULL  # disable linking
link_var = function(data) {
  attr(data, "Link")[["linkvar"]]

#' @rdname link_var
#' @usage link_var(data) <- value
#' @param value the name of the linking variable (or \code{NULL} to disable
#'   linking); the variable must be a factor (i.e. categorical variable)
#' @export
`link_var<-` = function(data, value) {
  if (!is.null(value)) {
    if (!(value %in% colnames(data)))
      stop(value, " is not in the column names of data")
    if (!is.factor(data[, value]))
      stop('currently only support linking through categorical variables (factors)')
  attr(data, "Link")[["linkvar"]] = value

#' Set or query the type of linking
#' Types of linking include hot, cold and self linking. Hot linking means other
#' plots get updated immediately after the current plot is brushed; cold linking
#' will not update other plots until they are on focus; self linking means all
#' the elements in the same category as the current brushed element(s) will be
#' brushed as well.
#' @param data the mutaframe (typically created by \code{\link{qdata}}), with an
#'   attribute \code{Link}
#' @return \code{\link{link_type}} returns the type of linking
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mf = qdata(iris)
#' link_type(mf)
#' link_type(mf) = 'self'
#' link_type(mf) = 'cold'
link_type = function(data) {
  attr(data, 'Link')$type
#' @rdname link_type
#' @usage link_type(data) <- value
#' @param value the type of linking (possible values are \code{hot}, \code{cold}
#'   and \code{self})
#' @export
`link_type<-` = function(data, value) {
  attr(data, 'Link')$type = value

#' Check if a data object was created by qdata()
#' Data objects created by \code{\link{qdata}} has a special token, which is
#' checked by this function. If the data object was not created by \code{qdata},
#' it will be automatically converted (with a warning message).
#' @param data a data object
#' @return The data object created by \code{\link{qdata}()}.
#' @author Yihui Xie
#' @export
#' @examples check_data(cbind(x = 1:5, y = 6:10))
#' check_data(head(mtcars)); check_data(qdata(head(mtcars)))
check_data = function(data) {
  if (is_qdata(data)) data else {
    warning('Automatically converting to a mutaframe... Interaction will work
            based on this data, but will not link to any other plots. For
            linking to work, use qdata() to create data objects.')

is_qdata = function(data) identical(attr(data, 'Generator'), 'cranvas')

`.data_scales<-` = function(data, node1, node2, value) {
  attr(data, 'Scales')[[node1]][[node2]] <- value

#' Set palettes and variables to map data to aesthetics
#' These functions provide ways to modify the palettes, variables to create
#' aesthetics and their titles in a data object created by \code{\link{qdata}}.
#' Currently supported aesthetics are about color, border and size of graphical
#' elements.
#' All these information is called ``scales'' (in the \pkg{ggplot2} term) and
#' stored in \code{attr(data, 'Scales')}. Usually palette functions are from the
#' \pkg{scales} package.
#' @param data the data object
#' @param value the palette (as a function mapping a data variable to graphical
#'   properties), the variable name (as a character scalar), or the title (as a
#'   character scalar)
#' @return The corresponding scale information in \code{data} is set to
#'   \code{value}.
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/scales-ex.R
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage color_pal(data) <- value
#' @export
`color_pal<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'color', 'palette') = value
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage color_var(data) <- value
#' @export
`color_var<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'color', 'variable') = value
  color_title(data) = value  # should change title too when variable is changed
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage color_title(data) <- value
#' @export
`color_title<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'color', 'title') = value
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage border_pal(data) <- value
#' @export
`border_pal<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'border', 'palette') = value
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage border_var(data) <- value
#' @export
`border_var<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'border', 'variable') = value
  border_title(data) = value
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage border_title(data) <- value
#' @export
`border_title<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'border', 'title') = value
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage size_pal(data) <- value
#' @export
`size_pal<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'size', 'palette') = value
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage size_var(data) <- value
#' @export
`size_var<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'size', 'variable') = value
  size_title(data) = value
#' @rdname set_scales
#' @usage size_title(data) <- value
#' @export
`size_title<-` = function(data, value) {
  .data_scales(data, 'size', 'title') = value
ggobi/cranvas documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:10 a.m.