
Defines functions link_cat checkrow link_knn remove_link link_id

Documented in link_cat link_id link_knn remove_link

#' Categorical linking
#' This function links two mutaframes together (or one mutaframe to itself) by a
#' common categorical variable so that whenever one element (or multiple
#' elements) in a category (or multiple categories) is brushed, all elements in
#' this (these) categories will be brushed.
#' Categorical linking is achieved by a series of logical operations: first,
#' look for which rows are brushed in the first mutaframe, and find out the
#' values of its linking variable as well as the categories they belong to, then
#' look for which elements of the linking variable in the second mutaframe
#' (possibly the same mutaframe) are in these categories, and brush these
#' elements (corresponding to rows).
#' The implementation is through listeners on mutaframes from the \pkg{plumbr}
#' package. It may be important keep track of the id's of listeners to avoid
#' unnecessary burden of updating data objects in a linking chain. Listeners can
#' be detached from mutaframes by \code{\link{remove_link}} (see examples
#' below).
#' @param mf1 the first mutaframe
#' @param var1 the name of the linking variable of \code{mf1}
#' @param mf2 (optional) the second mutaframe; default \code{NULL} means
#'   \code{mf1} will be linked to itself
#' @param var2 (optional) the name of the linking variable of \code{mf2}
#' @return The mutaframes will be linked together by their linking variables
#'   (listeners are added to mutaframes), and the id's of the listeners attached
#'   on each mutaframe will be returned as a vector (first element for the first
#'   mutaframe; second element for the second one).
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdata}}
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/link_cat-ex.R
link_cat = function(mf1, var1, mf2 = NULL, var2 = NULL) {
  link2 = !is.null(mf2)
  if (!is_qdata(mf1) || (link2 && !is_qdata(mf2)))
    stop('the mutaframes must be created from qdata()')
  if (is.null(var1) || (link2 && is.null(var2)))
    stop("must specify linking variables")
  if (link2 && length(var1) != length(var2))
      stop("the length of two keys must be the same")
  # is a mutaframe changed? a token to control the listener and avoid infinite recursion
  change1 = change2 = FALSE
  id = c(add_listener(mf1, function(i, j) {
    if (j != '.brushed' || ifelse(link2, change1, change2)) return()
    change2 <<- TRUE
    # mf1 changed --> query var1 --> match var2 --> change mf2$.brushed
    # update mf2$.brushed according to mf1's selected categories
    ulink = unique(as.data.frame(mf1)[mf1$.brushed, var1])
    if (link2) {
      mf2$.brushed = checkrow(mf2[, var2], ulink)
    } else mf1$.brushed = checkrow(mf1[, var1], ulink)
    change2 <<- FALSE
  }), if (link2) add_listener(mf2, function(i, j) {
    if (j != '.brushed' || change2) return()
    change1 <<- TRUE
    mf1$.brushed = checkrow(as.data.frame(mf1)[, var1], unique(as.data.frame(mf2)[mf2$.brushed, var2]))
    change1 <<- FALSE
  l1 = attr(mf1, 'Link'); l1$linkid = c(l1$linkid, id[1])
  if (link2) {
    l2 = attr(mf2, 'Link'); l2$linkid = c(l2$linkid, id[2])

    if (is.vector(a)){
        return(a %in% b)
    for (i in 1:ncol(a)){
        s[,i]=a[,i] %in% b[,i]

#' k-Nearest neighbor linking
#' When a number of elements in a data are brushed, their k-nearest neighbors
#' (based on a certain distance measure) are brushed as well.
#' A center point for the variables based on the selected rows is calculated in
#' the first dataset, then the k nearest rows in the second dataset (if not
#' provided, it will be the same as the first dataset) to this center are
#' selected. Only the Euclidean distance has been implemented at the moment.
#' @inheritParams link_cat
#' @param var1 the variable names or column indices of the first mutaframe to be
#'   used to calculate distances
#' @param var2 (optional) variable names or column indices of the second
#'   mutaframe (by default the same as \code{var1})
#' @param k the number of nearest neighbors to select
#' @return Similar to categorical linking (\code{\link{link_cat}}), this
#'   function also links two mutaframes together (or one mutaframe to itself),
#'   and id's of listeners are returned.
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/link_knn-ex.R
link_knn = function(mf1, var1 = NULL, mf2 = NULL, var2 = var1, k = 10) {
  link2 = !is.null(mf2)
  if (!is_qdata(mf1) || (link2 && !is_qdata(mf2)))
    stop('the mutaframes must be created from qdata()')
  if (is.null(var1) || (link2 && is.null(var2)))
    stop("must specify linking variables")
  if (link2 && (length(var1) != length(var2)))
    stop("'var1' and 'var2' must have the same length")
  change1 = change2 = FALSE
  id = c(add_listener(mf1, function(i, j) {
    if (j != '.brushed' || ifelse(link2, change1, change2)) return()
    change2 <<- TRUE
    df1 = as.matrix(as.data.frame(mf1[, var1, drop = FALSE]))
    if (any(idx <- selected(mf1))) {
      sf1 = df1[idx, , drop = FALSE]
      cf1 = colMeans(sf1)         # center
      if (link2) {
        df2 = as.matrix(as.data.frame(mf2[, var2, drop = FALSE]))
        selected(mf2) = rank(apply(sweep(df2, 2, cf1)^2, 1, sum)) <= k
      } else selected(mf1) = rank(apply(sweep(df1, 2, cf1)^2, 1, sum)) <= k
    } else if (link2) selected(mf2) = FALSE
    change2 <<- FALSE
  }), if (link2) add_listener(mf2, function(i, j) {
    if (j != '.brushed' || change2) return()
    change1 <<- TRUE
    df2 = as.matrix(as.data.frame(mf2[, var2, drop = FALSE]))
    if (any(idx <- selected(mf2))) {
      sf2 = df2[idx, , drop = FALSE]
      cf2 = colMeans(sf2)
      df1 = as.matrix(as.data.frame(mf1[, var1, drop = FALSE]))
      selected(mf1) = rank(apply(sweep(df1, 2, cf2)^2, 1, sum)) <= k
    } else if (link2) selected(mf2) = FALSE
    change1 <<- FALSE
  l1 = attr(mf1, 'Link'); l1$linkid = c(l1$linkid, id[1])
  if (link2) {
    l2 = attr(mf2, 'Link'); l2$linkid = c(l2$linkid, id[2])

#' Remove the linking in mutaframes
#' This function removes the linking (listeners) in mutaframes.
#' @inheritParams qbar
#' @param id a character vector of id's of linking listeners (can be obtained as
#'   the returned value of \code{\link{link_cat}} and \code{\link{link_knn}});
#'   by default it is a vector of all id's for linking
#' @return the listeners are removed
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{link_knn}}, \code{\link{link_cat}}
#' @export
#' @examples ## see ?link_cat
remove_link = function(data, id = link_id(data)) {
  l = attr(data, 'Link')
  for (j in id) {
    remove_listener(data, j)
    l$linkid = setdiff(l$linkid, j)

#' Get the id's of listeners on linking
#' This function returns the id's of listeners attached on a data for linking,
#' and these id's can be used to remove the linking.
#' @inheritParams qbar
#' @return A character vector of id's.
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @examples ## see ?link_cat
link_id = function(data) {
  attr(data, 'Link')$linkid
ggobi/cranvas documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:10 a.m.