
Defines functions qdeviceTransform `qdeviceTransform<-` `qdeviceTransformEnabled<-` `qhasStroke<-` `qhasFill<-` .normArgStroke .normArgFill .normArgColor `qstrokeColor<-` `qfillColor<-` `qfont<-` `qlineWidth<-` `qdash<-` `qglyphExpansion<-` `qantialias<-` qdrawLine qdrawSegment qdrawPoint qdrawRect qdrawCircle qdrawPolygon qdrawPath qdrawText qdrawImage qdrawGlyph qtextExtents qstrWidth qstrHeight qfontMetrics

Documented in qdeviceTransform qdrawCircle qdrawGlyph qdrawImage qdrawLine qdrawPath qdrawPoint qdrawPolygon qdrawRect qdrawSegment qdrawText qfontMetrics qstrHeight qstrWidth qtextExtents

## R wrappers around the Qanviz::Painter API
## These are the lowest level wrappers

## should be called 'qtransform', but qtbase already uses that for a
## convenience constructor (would rather not make it generic)

##' Access the user to device coordinate transform of the paint context.
##' @title User to device transform
##' @param x The paint context
##' @param value The desired user to device transform, as a C++
##' \code{QTransform} object, or a logical scalar for
##' \code{qdeviceTransformEnabled}.
##' @return The user to device transform, as a C++ \code{QTransform} object
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @rdname transform
qdeviceTransform <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  .Call("qt_qtransform_Painter", x)
##' @rdname transform
##' @usage qdeviceTransform(x) <- value
`qdeviceTransform<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  stopifnot(inherits(value, "QTransform"))
  .Call("qt_qsetTransform_Painter", x, value, PACKAGE = "qtpaint")

##' @rdname transform
##' @usage qdeviceTransformEnabled(x) <- value
`qdeviceTransformEnabled<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetTransformEnabled_Painter", x, as.logical(value)))

##' Functions for controlling the stroke and fill colors, including
##' the ability to disable or enable stroking and filling.
##' @title Stroke and fill colors
##' @param x The paint context
##' @param value The stroke or fill color, or a logical value for
##' \code{qHasStroke<-} and \code{qHasFill<-}. A stroke and fill color
##' should either be a C++ \code{QColor} object, a matrix like that
##' returned by \code{\link{col2rgb}} or something coercible to one,
##' like a color name.
##' @return The stroke or fill color, or a logical value for
##' \code{qHasStroke} and \code{qHasFill}.
##' @rdname stroke-fill
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @usage qhasStroke(x) <- value
`qhasStroke<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetHasStroke_Painter", x, as.logical(value)))

##' @rdname stroke-fill
##' @usage qhasFill(x) <- value
`qhasFill<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetHasFill_Painter", x, as.logical(value)))

.normArgStroke <- function(p, color, len) {
  if (length(color) == 1) {
    qstrokeColor(p) <- color
  } else .normArgColor(color, len)

.normArgFill <- function(p, color, len) {
  if (length(color) == 1) {
    qfillColor(p) <- color
  } else .normArgColor(color, len)

.normArgColor <- function(color, len) {
  if (is.null(color))
  if (inherits(color, "QColor"))
    color <- as.matrix(color) # simplifies C code
  if (!is.matrix(color) || !is.integer(color) || nrow(color) != 4)
    color <- col2rgb(color, TRUE)
  if (!missing(len)) # might drop to vector here, much faster, C code is OK
    color <- recycleVector(color, 4L*len)

##' @rdname stroke-fill
##' @usage qstrokeColor(x) <- value
`qstrokeColor<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  color <- .normArgColor(value)
  if (is.null(color))
    stop("Cannot set a 'NULL' stroke color, use 'NA' for transparent")
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetStrokeColor_Painter", x, color))

##' @rdname stroke-fill
##' @usage qfileColor(x) <- value
`qfillColor<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  color <- .normArgColor(value)
  if (is.null(color))
    stop("Cannot set a 'NULL' fill color, use 'NA' for transparent")
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetFillColor_Painter", x, color))

##' Sets the font.
##' @title Fonts
##' @param x The paint context
##' @param value The font, as a C++ \code{QFont} object
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @name fontReplace
##' @usage qfont(x) <- value
`qfont<-` <- function(x, value)
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  stopifnot(inherits(value, "QFont"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetFont_Painter", x, value))

##' Sets the line width
##' @title Line width
##' @param x The paint context
##' @param value A numeric value indicating the line width, in device coords
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @name lineWidthReplace
##' @usage qlineWidth(x) <- value
`qlineWidth<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetLineWidth_Painter", x, as.integer(value)))

##' Sets the dash pattern
##' @title Dash patterns
##' @param x The paint context
##' @param value A numeric vector indicating the pattern; each element
##' is the length of the corresponding segment
##' @name dashReplace
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @usage qdash(x) <- value
`qdash<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetDashes_Painter", x, as.numeric(value)))

##' Sets the glyph expansion, equivalent to \code{cex} in base R
##' @title Glyph expansion
##' @param x The paint context
##' @param value Floating point multiplier of the glyph size
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @usage qglyphExpansion(x) <- value
`qglyphExpansion<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetGlyphExpansion_Painter", x, as.numeric(value)))

##' Enables or disables antialiasing
##' @title Antialiasing
##' @param x The paint context
##' @param value A logical indicating whether antialiasing is enabled
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @name antialiasReplace
##' @usage qantialias(x) <- value
`qantialias<-` <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "Painter"))
  invisible(.Call("qt_qsetAntialias_Painter", x, as.logical(value)))

##' These functions constitute the primary drawing API. There is
##' support for drawing points, polylines, segments, circles, rectangles,
##' polygons, vector paths, text, images and plot glyphs.
##' @title Drawing API
##' @param p The paint context
##' @param x The X coordinate vector, recycled. For polygons and
##' polylines, NA values separate the graphical primitives.
##' @param y The Y coordinate vector, recycled. For polygons and
##' polylines, NA values separate the graphical primitives.
##' @param stroke The vector of stroke colors, either a C++
##' \code{QColor} object, a matrix returned by \code{\link{col2rgb}}
##' or any valid input to \code{col2rgb}, recycled, or \code{NULL} to
##' disable stroking. Recycled to match the number of primitives.
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @rdname painting
qdrawLine <- function(p, x, y, stroke = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  m <- max(length(x), length(y))
  x <- recycleVector(x, m)
  y <- recycleVector(y, m)
  n <- sum(is.na(x)) + 1L
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawPolyline_Painter", p, as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y),
                  .normArgStroke(p, stroke, n)))

##' @param x0 The vector of first X coordinates, recycled
##' @param y0 The vector of first Y coordinates, recycled
##' @param x1 The vector of second X coordinates, recycled
##' @param y1 The vector of second Y coordinates, recycled
##' @rdname painting
qdrawSegment <- function(p, x0, y0, x1, y1, stroke = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  m <- max(length(x0), length(y0), length(x1), length(y1))
  x0 <- recycleVector(x0, m)
  y0 <- recycleVector(y0, m)
  x1 <- recycleVector(x1, m)
  y1 <- recycleVector(y1, m)
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawSegments_Painter", p, as.numeric(x0), as.numeric(y0),
                  as.numeric(x1), as.numeric(y1),
                  .normArgStroke(p, stroke, m)))

##' @rdname painting 
qdrawPoint <- function(p, x, y, stroke = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  m <- max(length(x), length(y))
  x <- recycleVector(x, m)
  y <- recycleVector(y, m)
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawPoints_Painter", p, as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y),
                  .normArgStroke(p, stroke, m)))

##' @param fill The vector of fill colors, either a C++ \code{QColor}
##' object, a matrix returned by \code{\link{col2rgb}} or any valid
##' input to \code{col2rgb}, recycled, or \code{NULL} to disable
##' filling. Recycled to match the number of primitives.
##' @param xleft The vector of left X coordinates for a rectangle, recycled
##' @param ybottom The vector of bottom Y coordinates for a rectangle, recycled
##' @param xright The vector of right X coordinates for a rectangle, recycled
##' @param ytop The vector of top Y coordinates for a rectangle, recycled
##' @rdname painting
qdrawRect <- function(p, xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, stroke = NULL,
                      fill = NULL)
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  m <- max(length(xleft), length(ybottom), length(xright), length(ytop))
  xleft <- recycleVector(xleft, m)
  ybottom <- recycleVector(ybottom, m)
  xright <- recycleVector(xright, m)
  ytop <- recycleVector(ytop, m)
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawRectangles_Painter", p, as.numeric(xleft),
                  as.numeric(ybottom), as.numeric(xright - xleft),
                  as.numeric(ytop - ybottom), .normArgStroke(p, stroke, m),
                  .normArgFill(p, fill, m)))

##' @param r The radius of the circle, in device coordinates, recycled
##' @rdname painting 
qdrawCircle <- function(p, x, y, r, stroke = NULL, fill = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  m <- max(length(x), length(y), length(r))
  x <- recycleVector(x, m)
  y <- recycleVector(y, m)
  r <- recycleVector(r, m)
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawCircle_Painter", p, as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y),
                  as.integer(r), .normArgStroke(p, stroke, m),
                  .normArgFill(p, fill, m)))

##' @rdname painting 
qdrawPolygon <- function(p, x, y, stroke = NULL, fill = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  m <- max(length(x), length(y))
  x <- recycleVector(x, m)
  y <- recycleVector(y, m)
  n <- sum(is.na(x)) + 1L
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawPolygon_Painter", p, as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y),
                  .normArgStroke(p, stroke, n), .normArgFill(p, fill, n)))

##' @rdname painting 
##' @param path A C++ \code{QPainterPath} object describing the glyph,
##' or a list of such objects for \code{qdrawPath}.
qdrawPath <- function(p, path, stroke = NULL, fill = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  if (inherits(path, "QPainterPath"))
    path <- list(path)
  else path <- as.list(path)
  m <- length(path)
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawPath_Painter", p, path,
                  .normArgStroke(p, stroke, m), .normArgFill(p, fill, m)))

## Text drawing: a mess

## It seems that (at least in base R graphics) there are three
## different ways to align text: left/bottom, center, right/top.
## For horizontal alignment, it's pretty straight-forward. Italics
## might introduce some error (extending left of 0,0), but it's not a
## huge deal.

## For vertical alignment, there is a twist: the alignment can either
## be relative to the bounding box, or relative to the
## baseline. There are good use cases for both.

## Bounding box alignment is based on the text extents. If there are
## multiple lines, use the boundingRect(QRectF) method, otherwise
## tightBoundingRect. This is slow, but without it, the baseline
## effect would lead to misleading pictures.

## Baseline alignment uses only the ascent, and could be based on font
## metrics, or text extents (tightBoundingRect). R uses the font
## metrics, which is fastest. We will do the same.

## For multiple lines, each line is aligned the same as the block.

##' @param text The vector of strings to draw, recycled
##' @param halign The side of the text to horizontally align to the coordinate
##' @param valign The side of the text to vertically align to the
##' coordinate. Besides the obvious alignment options, there are two
##' different ways to center the text: according to the entire text
##' extents ("center") or only according to the region above the
##' baseline ("basecenter"). The former may be better for plotting
##' text, while the latter may be better for labeling.
##' @param rot The vector of the text rotations, in degrees, recycled
##' @param color The stroke color of the text
##' @param cex The vector of numeric expansion factors of the glyphs, recycled
##' @param hcex The vector of numeric horizontal expansion factors of
##' the glyphs, recycled. Overrides the \code{cex} in the horizontal
##' direction.
##' @param vcex The vector of numeric vertical expansion factors of
##' the glyphs, recycled. Overrides the \code{cex} in the vertical
##' direction.
##' @rdname painting 
qdrawText <- function(p, text, x, y, halign = c("center", "left", "right"),
                      valign = c("center", "basecenter", "baseline", "bottom",
                      rot = 0, color = NULL, cex = 1.0, hcex = cex, vcex = cex)
  m <- max(length(text), length(x), length(y))
  text <- recycleVector(text, m)
  x <- recycleVector(x, m)
  y <- recycleVector(y, m)
  rot <- recycleVector(rot, m)
  hcex <- recycleVector(as.numeric(hcex), m)
  vcex <- recycleVector(as.numeric(vcex), m)
  drawText <- function(text, x, y, rot, color, hcex, vcex)
    invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawText_Painter", p, as.character(text),
                    as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y), as.integer(hflag + vflag),
                    as.numeric(rot), .normArgStroke(p, color, m), hcex, vcex))
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  hflags <- c(left = 0x1, right = 0x2, center = 0x4)
  halign <- match.arg(halign)
  hflag <- hflags[halign]
  vflags <- c(top = 0x20, bottom = 0x40, center = 0x80)
  valign <- match.arg(valign)
  vflag <- vflags[valign]
  ## single lines should be vertically centered exactly
  if (valign == "center") {
    multi <- grepl("\n", text, fixed=TRUE)
    if (any(multi)) { ## draw the multilines immediately
      drawText(text[multi], x[multi], y[multi], rot[multi], color[multi],
               hcex[multi], vcex[multi])
      text <- text[!multi]; x <- x[!multi]; y <- y[!multi]
      rot <- rot[!multi]; color <- color[!multi];
      hcex <- hcex[!multi]; vcex <- vcex[!multi]
    vflag <- NA
  if (is.na(vflag)) {
    vflag <- vflags["top"]
    ascent <- qfontMetrics(p)["ascent"]
    adj <- 0
    if (valign == "basecenter")
      ascent <- ascent / 2
    else if (valign == "center") {
      extents <- qtextExtents(p, text)
      adj <- -(extents[,"y1"] - extents[,"y0"]) / 2
    adj <- adj + ascent
    ## fix adjustment for rotation
    rads <- rot/360*2*pi
    tf <- qdeviceTransform(p)
    ## we perform an "inverse" rotation in Y, map Y to pixels, then back to X
    ## 'adj' is a magnitude, so we have to subtract the origin (0)
    ## this works around the flipped Y axis
    mapToX <- function(y)
      qvmap(tf$inverted(), qvmap(tf, 0, sin(rads) * y)[,2], 0)[,1]
    x <- x + mapToX(adj) - mapToX(0)
    y <- y + cos(rads)*adj
  drawText(text, x, y, rot, color, hcex, vcex)

##' @rdname painting 
##' @param image A C++ \code{QImage} object
qdrawImage <- function(p, image, x, y) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  stopifnot(inherits(image, "QImage"))
  m <- max(length(x), length(y))
  x <- recycleVector(x, m)
  y <- recycleVector(y, m)
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawImage_Painter", p, image, as.numeric(x),

##' @rdname painting 
qdrawGlyph <- function(p, path, x, y, cex = NULL, stroke = NULL, fill = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  stopifnot(inherits(path, "QPainterPath"))
  m <- max(length(x), length(y))
  x <- recycleVector(x, m)
  y <- recycleVector(y, m)
  if (!is.null(cex)) {
    if (length(cex) == 1) {
      qglyphExpansion(p) <- cex
      cex <- NULL
    } else cex <- recycleVector(as.numeric(cex), m)
  invisible(.Call("qt_qdrawGlyphs_Painter", p, path, as.numeric(x),
                  as.numeric(y), cex, .normArgStroke(p, stroke, m),
                  .normArgFill(p, fill, m)))

##' Get text extents and font metrics
##' @title Text extents
##' @param p The paint context
##' @param text The text to analyze
##' @return A matrix representing the text bounds for
##' \code{qtextExtents}), a number for \code{qstrWidth} and
##' \code{qstrHeight}, or a vector with the ascent and descent for
##' \code{qfontMetrics}
##' @rdname text-extents
##' @author Michael Lawrence
qtextExtents <- function(p, text) {
  ans <- .Call("qt_qtextExtents_Painter", p, as.character(text))
  colnames(ans) <- c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1")

##' @rdname text-extents
qstrWidth <- function(p, text) {
  ## FIXME: optimize by directly asking for widths, heights are expensive
  extents <- qtextExtents(p, text)
  extents[,3] - extents[,1]

##' @rdname text-extents
qstrHeight <- function(p, text) {
  extents <- qtextExtents(p, text)
  extents[,4] - extents[,2]

##' @rdname text-extents
qfontMetrics <- function(p) {
  stopifnot(inherits(p, "Painter"))
  ans <- .Call("qt_qfontMetrics_Painter", p)
  names(ans) <- c("ascent", "descent")
ggobi/qtpaint documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:15 a.m.