
Defines functions update_propensities soi

Documented in soi

#' @title Self-Organised Instability Model Community Simulation
#' @description Generate time-series with the self-organised instability (SOI) model.
#' Implements a K-leap method for accelerating stochastic simulation.
#' @param N number of species
#' @param I community size, number of available sites (individuals)
#' @param A interaction matrix of dimension NxN
#' @param migr_rates species-specific immigration probabilities (also determine initial abundances)
#' @param death_rates species-specific extinction probabilities
#' @param com Initial community abundances vector. If NULL (default), based on migration rates.
#' @param tend number of timepoints to be returned in the time series (nr of generations)
#' @param k the number of transition events that are allowed to take place during one leap.
#' By default set to 5. Higher values reduce runtime, but also accuracy of the simulation.
#' @param norm logical to indicate whether the time series should be returned
#' with the abundances as proportions (norm = TRUE) or the raw counts (norm = FALSE, default)
#' @return matrix with species abundances as rows and time points as columns
#' @examples soi(N = 10, I = 1000, A = powerlawA(n = 10, alpha = 1.2), tend = 150, norm = TRUE)
#' @export

soi <- function(
  N, # nr of species in community
  I, # nr or sites in community: occupied by an individual or can be empty
  A, # interaction matrix
  migr_rates = runif(N, min = 0.1, max = 0.8), # species-specific immigration rates
  death_rates = runif(N, min = 0.01, max = 0.08), # species-specific extinction/death rates
  com = NULL,# initial abundances/counts (community) vector
  tend, # nr of generations to be returned
  k = 5, # parameter limiting the nr of reactions (transitions) in a certain time interval
  norm = FALSE

  ######## COUNTS VECTOR ###########################################

  # initial counts vector based on migration rates of the species
  # additional draw from the uniform distribution for the empty sites
    counts <- c(migr_rates, runif(1))
    counts <- round((counts/sum(counts))*I)
  } else if(length(com) == N+1){
    counts <- com
  } else if(length(com) == N){
    empty_count <- I - sum(com)
    counts <- c(com, empty_count)
  } else {
    stop("com vector argument can only be either of length N, or N+1 in case the number of empty sites are included")

  # making sure counts vector adds up to I with the empty sites
  # (if not, the difference is added or subtracted from the empty sites to get a total of I)
    counts[N+1] <- counts[N+1] + (I-sum(counts))

  ######## TRANSITION MATRIX & INTERACTION RATES ##################

  # Initialise trans_mat transition matrix reprenting the actual reactions
  # First N columns = migration: species_i counts go up with 1, empty sites go down with -1
  # Next N columns = death: species_i counts go down with -1, empty sites go up with +1
  # Last columns: the competition / negative interaction jumps:
  trans_mat <- cbind(
    rbind(diag(1, ncol = N, nrow = N), rep(-1, times = N)),
    rbind(diag(-1, ncol = N, nrow = N), rep(1, times = N))

  # Interaction:
  # happens when happens when sp_stronger interacts more strongle with sp_weaker,
  # than sp_weaker with sp_stronger

  pos_inter_rates <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N)
  neg_inter_rates <- pos_inter_rates # copy to initialise

  # pos interaction and immigration
  # AND sp_stronger interacts positively with sp_weaker
  for(stronger in 1:N){
    weaker <- which(A[stronger,] > A[,stronger] & A[,stronger] >= 0)
    if(length(weaker) > 0){
      rate <- A[stronger, weaker] + A[weaker, stronger]
      pos_inter_rates[stronger,weaker] <- rate

  # neg interaction: competition
  # AND sp_weaker interacts negatively with sp_stronger
  for(stronger in 1:N){
    weaker_vec <- which(A[stronger,] > A[,stronger] & A[,stronger] < 0)
    if(length(weaker_vec) > 0){
      rate <- A[stronger, weaker_vec] - A[weaker_vec, stronger]
      neg_inter_rates[stronger, weaker_vec] <- rate
      for(weaker in weaker_vec){
        jump <- rep(0, times = N+1)
        jump[stronger] <- 1
        jump[weaker] <- -1
        trans_mat <- cbind(trans_mat, jump)

  ########## INITIAL PROPENSITIES ##############################

  propensities <- update_propensities(I, counts, death_rates, migr_rates,
                                      pos_inter_rates, neg_inter_rates)

  ########## K-LEAPS SIMULATION #################################
  sys_t <- seq(from = 0, to = tend, length.out = tend)

  # time variables
  current_t <- 0 # current time
  sample_t <- sys_t[1]  # sampled time
  series_t <- 1 # column to be filled with counts in series matrix (next generation)

  series <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = tend)
  colnames(series) <- paste0("t", 1:tend)
  rownames(series) <- paste0("sp_", 1:N)

  while(series_t <= tend){

    c = sum(propensities)
    p = propensities/c
    tau = rgamma(n = 1, shape = k, scale = 1/c)
    current_t <- current_t + tau

    # if reached end of simulation:
    if(current_t >= tend){
      series[,tend] <- counts

    # if current_t exceeds sample_t, update series with current counts
    if(current_t > sample_t){
      series[,series_t] <- counts[1:N]
      series_t <- series_t +1
      index <- which(sys_t >= sample_t & sys_t < current_t)
      sample_t <- sys_t[index][length(index)]

    # which reactions allowed?
    reactionsToFire <- as.vector(rmultinom(n= 1, size= k, prob = p))
    # update counts with allowed transitions (reactions)
    counts <- sapply(counts + trans_mat%*%reactionsToFire, FUN = function(x){x = max(0,x)})
    # update propensities with updated counts
    propensities <- update_propensities(I, counts, death_rates, migr_rates,
                                        pos_inter_rates, neg_inter_rates)
    series <- t(t(series)/colSums(series))


update_propensities <- function(
  I, #total nr of sites
  counts, # species counts vector incl the empty sites
  death_rates, # species-specific death rates
  migr_rates, # species-specific migration rates
  pos_inter_rates, # positive interaction rates matrix
  neg_inter_rates # negative interaction rates matrix
  N <- length(counts)-1

  # migration AND positive interaction
  m_propensities <- counts[N+1]*migr_rates/N
  for(stronger in 1:N){
    if(sum(pos_inter_rates[stronger,]!=0) >0){

      weaker <- which(pos_inter_rates[stronger,]!=0)
      inter_rate <- pos_inter_rates[stronger,weaker]

      m_propensities[stronger] <- m_propensities[stronger] +
        sum(counts[weaker] * inter_rate)/I*counts[stronger]/I*counts[N+1]

  # death / extinction
  d_propensities <- (counts[1:N]*death_rates)

  # competition / negative interaction
  j_propensities <- c()
  for(stronger in 1:N){
    if(sum(neg_inter_rates[stronger,]!=0) >0){

      weaker <- which(neg_inter_rates[stronger,]!=0)
      inter_rate <- neg_inter_rates[stronger, weaker]

      j_propensities <- c(j_propensities, counts[stronger]*counts[weaker]*inter_rate/I)

  propensities <- c(m_propensities, d_propensities, j_propensities)

gheysenemma/microsimR documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 10:46 a.m.