Man pages for giangnguyen0709/fCAT

arrangeCompletenessOutputThis function arrange the completeness output of the...
arrangePPOutputThis function arrange the phyloprofile output of the...
assessBuscoThe function to classify the founded ortholog based on its...
assessStatusThe function to classify a founded ortholog from its...
autofindPriorityThe function determines the priority order of a list of taxa...
calculateAllCutoffThe function run calculateCutoff in a loop to calculate...
calculateBuscoCutoffThe function to calculate the cutoff value based on standard...
calculateCutoffThe function calculate all cutoff values for all mode of a...
checkArgumentsThe function to validate the input. If a input is not...
checkCompletenessThe function to check completeness of a interested genome...
checkPreProcessCheck if the core set was processed with the function...
computeOriginalThe function compute the initial original phylogenetic...
computeReportThe function take a path to a genome fasta file and its FAS...
concanateFilesAfter fdogFAS is finished. It will leave in a temporary...
correctDomainsFor all with the tool checked genomes, fCAT will save the...
correctFastaFor every with the tool checked genomes, fCAT will save the...
correctFilesThis function run correctPP, correctFasta, correctDomains,...
correctPPFor every with the tool checked genomes, fCAT will save the...
createAllAnnotationThe function run createAnnotation function in a loop to...
createAnnotationThe function creates FAS annotation for the fasta file of a...
extractDomainsA domains file can contains lines of many different genomes....
extractFastaThis function extract the sequences of a specific genome from...
extractPPThis function takes a phylogenetic profile, which contains...
filterIgnoreDetermine if a core gene was ignored by the tool because of...
getSpecThe function read the fasta file in each core gene and...
handleErrorA fail running of fCAT's checkCompleteness function will...
placeSeedThis function take the path to the interested genome and its...
processCoreSetThe function run createAllAnnotation and calculateAllCufoff...
recalculateScoreThe output of fdogFAS is a phylogenetic profile (pp). But...
reportSingleCreate the report of the completeness of a genome based on...
runFdogThis function is used as a modul in the function...
runFdogBuscoThis function is used as a modul in the function...
translateReportTranslate the report table into a frequence table, which tell...
updateExFastafDOG in runFdog or runFdogBusco will be run with option...
updateLengthIn the score mode "busco" the tool must calculate the length...
giangnguyen0709/fCAT documentation built on Feb. 10, 2021, 4:31 a.m.