FitDoubleLogBeck <-
t = index(x),
tout = t,
weighting = TRUE,
return.par = FALSE,
plot = FALSE,
hessian = FALSE,
sf=quantile(x, probs=c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm=TRUE),
) {
.normalize <- function(x, sf) (x-sf[1])/(sf[2]-sf[1])
.backnormalize <- function(x, sf) (x+sf[1]/(sf[2]-sf[1]))*(sf[2]-sf[1])
if (any( stop('NA in the time series are not allowed: fill them with e.g. na.approx()')
if (class(index(x))[1]=='POSIXct') {
doy.vector <- as.numeric(format(index(x), '%j'))
index(x) <- doy.vector
t <- index(x)
tout <- t
x <- .normalize(x, sf=sf)
n <- length(x)
avg <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
mx <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
mn <- min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
ampl <- mx - mn
.doubleLog <- function(par, t) {
mn <- par[1]
mx <- par[2]
sos <- par[3]
rsp <- par[4]
eos <- par[5]
rau <- par[6]
xpred <- mn + (mx - mn) * (1/(1+exp(-rsp * (t - sos))) + 1/(1+exp(rau * (t - eos))))
.error <- function(par, x, weights) {
if (any(is.infinite(par))) return(99999)
if (par[1] > par[2]) return(99999)
xpred <- .doubleLog(par, t=t)
sse <- sum((xpred - x)^2 * weights, na.rm=TRUE)
if (weighting) {
iter <- 1:2
} else {
iter <- 1
weights <- rep(1, length(x)) # inital weights
doy <- quantile(t, c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm=TRUE)
prior <- rbind(
c(mn, mx, doy[1], 0.5, doy[2], 0.5),
c(mn, mx, doy[2], 0.5, doy[1], 0.5),
c(mn-ampl/2, mx+ampl/2, doy[1], 0.5, doy[2], 0.5),
c(mn-ampl/2, mx+ampl/2, doy[2], 0.5, doy[1], 0.5)
if (plot) plot(t, x)
for (i in iter) {
# estimate parameters for double-logistic function starting at different priors
opt.l <- apply(prior, 1, optim, .error, x=x, weights=weights, method="BFGS", control=list(maxit=1000), hessian=hessian) # fit from different prior values
opt.df <- cbind(cost=unlist(llply(opt.l, function(opt) opt$value)), convergence=unlist(llply(opt.l, function(opt) opt$convergence)), ldply(opt.l, function(opt) opt$par))
best <- which.min(opt.df$cost)
# test for convergence
if (opt.df$convergence[best] == 1) { # if maximum iterations where reached - restart from best with more iterations
opt <- opt.l[[best]]
# repeat with more maximum iterations if it did not converge
opt <- optim(opt.l[[best]]$par, .error, x=x, weights=weights, method="BFGS", control=list(maxit=1500), hessian=hessian)
prior <- rbind(prior, opt$par)
xpred <- .doubleLog(opt$par, t)
} else if (opt.df$convergence[best] == 0) {
opt <- opt.l[[best]]
prior <- rbind(prior, opt$par)
xpred <- .doubleLog(opt$par, t)
# plot iterations
if (plot) {
llply(opt.l, function(opt) {
xpred <- .doubleLog(opt$par, t)
lines(t, xpred, col="cyan")
lines(t, xpred, col="blue", lwd=2)
# get optimized parameters
parinit <- opt$par
mn <- opt$par[1]
mx <- opt$par[2]
sos <- opt$par[3]
rsp <- opt$par[4]
eos <- opt$par[5]
rau <- opt$par[6]
m <- lm(c(0, 100) ~ c(sos, eos))
tr <- coef(m)[2] * t + coef(m)[1]
tr[tr < 0] <- 0
tr[tr > 100] <- 100
# estimate weights
res <- xpred - x
weights <- 1/((tr * res + 1)^2)
weights[res > 0 & res <= 0.01] <- 1
weights[res < 0] <- 4
# return NA in case of no convergence
if (opt$convergence != 0) {
opt$par[] <- NA
xpred <- rep(NA, length(tout))
} else {
xpred <- .doubleLog(opt$par, tout)
xpred <- .backnormalize(xpred, sf=sf)
xpred.out <- zoo(xpred,
names(opt$par) <- c("mn", "mx", "sos", "rsp", "eos", "rau")
if (hessian) { <- optim(opt$par, .error, x=x, weights=weights, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE
## ,
## control=list('fnscale'=-1)
.qr.solve <- function(a, b, tol = 1e-07, LAPACK=TRUE) {
if (!is.qr(a))
a <- qr(a, tol = tol, LAPACK=LAPACK)
nc <- ncol(a$qr)
nr <- nrow(a$qr)
if (a$rank != min(nc, nr))
stop("singular matrix 'a' in solve")
if (missing(b)) {
if (nc != nr)
stop("only square matrices can be inverted")
b <- diag(1, nc)
res <- qr.coef(a, b)
res[] <- 0
vc <- .qr.solve(opt$hessian)
npar <- nrow(vc)
s2 <- opt.df$cost[best]^2 / (n - npar)
std.errors <- sqrt(diag(vc) * s2) # standard errors
fit.formula <- expression(mn + (mx - mn) * (1/(1+exp(-rsp * (t - sos))) + 1/(1+exp(rau * (t - eos)))))
output <- list(predicted=xpred.out, params=opt$par, formula=fit.formula, sf=sf)
if (hessian) output <- list(predicted = xpred.out, params = opt$par, formula = fit.formula, stdError=std.errors, sf=sf)
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