# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2020 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
#' @title Graph Retrieval from Graphical IFC_pops
#' @description
#' Retrieves the graph a graphical population originate from
#' @param obj an `IFC_data` object extracted by ExtractFromDAF(extract_features = TRUE) or ExtractFromXIF(extract_features = TRUE).
#' @param pops names of graphical populations present in 'obj'. Note that they should be siblings.
#' @param vis2D when original graph is not an histogram, whether to display it as "scatter" or "density". Default is "density".
#' @param all_siblings whether to add all 'pop' siblings in the graph. Default is FALSE.
#' @return a list of parameters needed to build an IFC graph.
#' @keywords internal
popsRetrieveGraph = function(obj, pops, vis2D = "density", all_siblings = FALSE) {
if(missing(obj)) stop("'obj' can't be missing")
if(!("IFC_data"%in%class(obj))) stop("'obj' is not of class `IFC_data`")
if(missing(pops)) stop("'pops' can't be missing")
pops = unique(pops); pops = as.character(pops); assert(pops, alw = names(obj$pops))
if(!all(sapply(obj$pops[pops], FUN=function(p) p$type=="G"))) stop("'pops' should be of type graphical")
# vis2D = as.character(vis2D); assert(vis2D, len=1, alw=c("scatter","density"))
all_siblings = as.logical(all_siblings); assert(all_siblings, len = 1, alw =c(TRUE, FALSE))
siblings = popsGetSiblings(obj, pops)
if(length(siblings) == 0) stop("'pops' should be siblings")
# initializes variables
if(all_siblings) {
pops = siblings
} else {
pops = pops
sib1 = popsGetSiblings1(obj, pops)
sib2 = popsGetSiblings2(obj, pops)
parent1 = lapply(obj$pops[names(sib1)], FUN = function(p) p$base)
parent1 = unique(unlist(parent1))
parent2 = lapply(obj$pops[names(sib2)], FUN = function(p) p$base)
parent2 = unique(unlist(parent2))
P = obj$pops[pops]
# SUB = apply(do.call("rbind", lapply(obj$pops[unique(c(parent1, parent2))], FUN = function(p) p$obj)), 2, any)
SUB = fastAny(lapply(obj$pops[unique(c(parent1, parent2))], FUN = function(p) p$obj))
R = sapply(P, simplify = FALSE, FUN=function(p) obj$regions[[p$region]])
foo = list()
# start rebuilding original graph
foo$f1 = P[[1]]$fx
foo$xlogrange = R[[1]]$xlogrange
foo$xtrans = R[[1]]$xtrans
foo$ShownPop = list()
foo$title = paste0(unique(c(parent1, parent2)), collapse = ", ")
Xtrans = foo$xtrans; if(length(Xtrans) == 0) Xtrans = foo$xlogrange
if(length(P[[1]]$fy) == 0) {
xran = range(c(obj$features[SUB, foo$f1], unlist(lapply(R, FUN=function(r) c(r$x, r$cx)))), na.rm = TRUE)
trans_x = parseTrans(Xtrans)
xran = applyTrans(xran, trans_x)
xran = xran + diff(xran) * c(-0.07,0.07)
foo$xmin = xran[1]
foo$xmax = xran[2]
foo$type = "histogram"
foo$bincount = 0
foo$freq = "T"
br = do.breaks(xran, 520)
yran = c(0,max(sapply(obj$pops[unique(c(parent1, parent2))], FUN=function(p) {
x = obj$features[p$obj, foo$f1]
x = applyTrans(x, trans_x)
get_ylim(x=x, type="percent", br=br) * 1.07
if(yran[1] == yran[2]) yran = yran[1] + c(0,0.07)
} else {
xran = range(c(obj$features[SUB, foo$f1], unlist(lapply(R, FUN=function(r) c(r$x, r$cx)))), na.rm = TRUE)
trans_x = parseTrans(Xtrans)
xran = applyTrans(xran, trans_x)
xran = xran + diff(xran) * c(-0.07,0.07)
foo$f2 = P[[1]]$fy
foo$ylogrange = R[[1]]$ylogrange
foo$ytrans = R[[1]]$ytrans
Ytrans = foo$ytrans; if(length(Ytrans) == 0) Ytrans = foo$ylogrange
yran = range(c(obj$features[SUB, foo$f2], unlist(lapply(R, FUN=function(r) c(r$y,r$cy)))), na.rm = TRUE)
trans_y = parseTrans(Ytrans)
yran = applyTrans(yran, trans_y)
yran = yran + diff(yran) * c(-0.07,0.07)
yran = applyTrans(yran, trans_y, inverse = TRUE)
foo$type = vis2D
xran = applyTrans(xran, trans_x, inverse = TRUE)
foo$xmin = xran[1]
foo$xmax = xran[2]
foo$ymin = yran[1]
foo$ymax = yran[2]
foo$BasePop = lapply(unique(c(parent1, parent2)), FUN = function(p) list(name = p, linestyle = "Solid", fill = "true"))
foo$GraphRegion = list()
if(length(R) > 0) foo$GraphRegion = list(list("name" = R[[1]]$label, def = c(R[[1]]$def, names(R)[1])))
if(length(R) > 1) for(i_reg in 2:length(R)) {
defined = sapply(foo$GraphRegion, FUN = function(r) r$name) %in% R[[i_reg]]$label
if(any(defined)) {
foo$GraphRegion[[defined]] = list("name" = R[[i_reg]]$label, def = c(foo$GraphRegion[[defined]]$def, names(R)[i_reg]))
} else {
foo$GraphRegion = c(foo$GraphRegion, list(list("name" = R[[i_reg]]$label, def = names(R)[i_reg])))
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