# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2020 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
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# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
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#' @title IFC_pops Checker for Object Membership to Populations
#' @description
#' Helper that will be used by popsCompute to determine which objects are within populations or not.
#' @param pops list of populations.
#' @param regions list of regions.
#' @param features dataframe of features.
#' @param pnt_in_poly_algorithm algorithm used to determine if object belongs to a polygon region or not. Default is 1.\cr
#' Note that for the moment only 1(Trigonometry) is available.
#' @param pnt_in_poly_epsilon epsilon to determine if object belongs to a polygon region or not. It only applies when algorithm is 1. Default is 1e-12.
#' @param display_progress whether to display a progress bar. Default is TRUE.
#' @param title_progress character string, giving the title of the progress bar. Default is "".
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed.
#' @source For pnt_in_poly_algorithm, Trigonometry, is an adaptation of Jeremy VanDerWal's code \url{https://github.com/jjvanderwal/SDMTools}
#' @keywords internal
popsWithin <- function(pops, regions, features, pnt_in_poly_algorithm = 1, pnt_in_poly_epsilon = 1e-12,
display_progress = TRUE, title_progress = "", ...) {
dots = list(...)
# several checks
assert(pops, cla = c("IFC_pops","Affiliated","Ordered"))
assert(regions, cla = "IFC_regions")
assert(features, cla = "IFC_features")
if(anyDuplicated(names(pops))) stop("found populations with duplicated names")
if(anyDuplicated(names(regions))) stop("found regions with duplicated names")
if(anyDuplicated(names(features))) stop("found features with duplicated names")
pnt_in_poly_algorithm = as.integer(pnt_in_poly_algorithm); assert(pnt_in_poly_algorithm, len = 1, alw = 1)
pnt_in_poly_epsilon = as.numeric(pnt_in_poly_epsilon); pnt_in_poly_epsilon = pnt_in_poly_epsilon[pnt_in_poly_epsilon>0]; pnt_in_poly_epsilon = pnt_in_poly_epsilon[is.finite(pnt_in_poly_epsilon)]
assert(pnt_in_poly_epsilon, len = 1, typ = "numeric")
display_progress = as.logical(display_progress); assert(display_progress, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
assert(title_progress, len = 1, typ = "character")
# variables used
K = class(pops)
L = length(pops)
alw_fun = sapply(c("&","|","!","("), USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE,
FUN = function(x) getFromNamespace(x, asNamespace("base")))
obj_number = nrow(features)
if(display_progress) {
pb = newPB(min = 0, max = L, initial = 0, style = 3)
for(i in 1:L) {
fx_pos = NULL
fy_pos = NULL
# changes styles to R compatible
pops[[i]]$style = map_style(pops[[i]]$style, toR=TRUE)
# changes colors to R compatible
pops[[i]]$color = map_color(pops[[i]]$color)
pops[[i]]$lightModeColor = map_color(pops[[i]]$lightModeColor)
if(pop$base == pop$name) stop(pop$name, ", trying to compute a population with recursive 'base' reference")
"B" = {
"G" = {
pop_pos=which(names(regions)==pop$region) # here there should be only one !
if(length(pop_pos)!=1) stop(pop$name, ', trying to compute a graphical population with a non-defined region: ["', pop$region, '"]', call. = FALSE)
if(length(fx_pos)!=1) stop(pop$name, ', trying to compute a graphical population with an unknown fx ["', pop$fx, '"]', call. = FALSE)
if(regions[[pop_pos]]$type == "line") {
pops[[i]]$obj=pops[[which(names(pops)==pop$base)]]$obj & x>=xlim[1] & x<=xlim[2] & !is.na(x)
} else {
if(length(fy_pos)!=1) stop(pop$name, ', trying to compute a graphical population with an unknown fy ["', pop$fy, '"]', call. = FALSE)
Xtrans = regions[[pop_pos]]$xtrans; if(length(Xtrans) == 0) Xtrans = regions[[pop_pos]]$xlogrange
trans_x = parseTrans(Xtrans)
x = applyTrans(x, trans_x)
xlim = applyTrans(xlim, trans_x)
Ytrans = regions[[pop_pos]]$ytrans; if(length(Ytrans) == 0) Ytrans = regions[[pop_pos]]$ylogrange
trans_y = parseTrans(Ytrans)
y = applyTrans(y, trans_y)
ylim = applyTrans(ylim, trans_y)
"oval" = {
pops[[i]]$obj=pops[[which(names(pops)==pop$base)]]$obj & cpp_pnt_in_gate(pnts=cbind(x,y), gate = cbind(xlim,ylim), algorithm = 3)
"poly" = {
pops[[i]]$obj=pops[[which(names(pops)==pop$base)]]$obj & cpp_pnt_in_gate(pnts=cbind(x,y), gate = cbind(xlim,ylim), algorithm = pnt_in_poly_algorithm, epsilon = pnt_in_poly_epsilon)
"rect" = {
pops[[i]]$obj=pops[[which(names(pops)==pop$base)]]$obj & cpp_pnt_in_gate(pnts=cbind(x,y), gate = cbind(xlim,ylim), algorithm = 2)
"C" = {
if(any(pop$name %in% pop$names)) stop(pop$name, ", trying to compute a boolean population with recursive \'definition\' ['",pop$definition,"']")
pop_def_tmp[pop_def_tmp=="And"] <- "&"
pop_def_tmp[pop_def_tmp=="Or"] <- "|"
pop_def_tmp[pop_def_tmp=="Not"] <- "!"
for(i_def in seq_along(pop$names)) pop_def_tmp[pop$names[i_def] == pop_def_tmp] <- rep(paste0("`",replace_with[i_def],"`"), sum(pop$names[i_def] == pop_def_tmp))
e = lapply(pops[pop$names], FUN=function(i_pop) i_pop$obj)
names(e) = replace_with
pops[[i]]$obj=pops[[which(names(pops)==pop$base)]]$obj & eval(expr=parse(text=paste0(pop_def_tmp,collapse="")),envir=c(e, alw_fun),enclos=emptyenv())
"T" = {
if(length(pop$obj) != obj_number) {
if(anyNA(pop$obj)) stop(pop$name, ", trying to compute a tagged population containing NA/NaN")
Kp = typeof(pop$obj)
if(Kp%in%c("double","integer")) {
if((obj_number <= max(pop$obj)) ||
(min(pop$obj) < 0) ||
any(duplicated(pop$obj))) stop(pop$name, ", trying to compute a tagged population with element(s) outside of objects acquired")
} else {
if(!Kp%in%"logical") stop(pop$name, ', trying to compute a tagged population of unknown type ["',Kp,'"]')
if(sum(pops[[i]]$obj)==0) stop(pop$name, ", trying to compute a tagged population of length = 0")
if(obj_number != length(pops[[i]]$obj)) stop(pop$name, ", trying to compute a tagged population with more element(s) than total number of objects acquired")
if(display_progress) {
setPB(pb, value = i, title = title_progress, label = "extacting populations")
class(pops) = c(setdiff(K, "IFC_pops"), "IFC_pops", "Processed")
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