
Defines functions subsetting

Documented in subsetting

#' Extract data from GrafoDB
#' returns data from GrafoDB (seen here as a key-value container)
#' by specifying the key (a string) for a value
#' @aliases GrafoDB,character,missing,ANY
#' @param x an instance of GrafoDB
#' @param i name to be set
#' @param j unused (ignored)
#' @param drop I dunno why this is here :)
#' @param ... nothing important (just to comply on generic)
#' @rdname GrafoDB-methods
#' @return a Dataset or a single object

  c("GrafoDB", "character", "missing", "ANY"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
    if (length(i) == 0) {
    raw <- x[[i]]
    if (length(i) == 1) {
      ret <- list()
      ret[[i]] <- raw
    } else {
      ret <- raw

#' Extract data from GrafoDB
#' returns data from GrafoDB (seen here as a key-value container)
#' by specifying the key (a string) for a value
#' @aliases GrafoDB,character,missing,ANY
#' @param x an instance of GrafoDB
#' @param i name to be set
#' @param j unused (ignored)
#' @param drop I dunno why this is here :)
#' @param ... nothing important (just to comply on generic)
#' @rdname GrafoDB-methods
#' @return a list or a single object

  c("GrafoDB", "character", "missing"),
  function(x, i, j, ...) {
    get_data(x, i)

#' implementazione per GrafoDB del subsetting '[<-'
#' @name subsetting
#' @param x istanza di `GrafoDB`
#' @param i un character
#' @param value valore settato
#' @note funzione interna
#' @rdname subsetting
#' @include functions.r core.r assert_dag.r find_deps.r

subsetting <- function(x, i, value) {
  network <- x@network
  all_names <- igraph::V(network)$name
  name <- i

  already_in_dag <- all(name %in% all_names)
  network <- if (!already_in_dag) {
    to_be_added <- setdiff(name, all_names)
    network + igraph::vertex(to_be_added)
  } else {
    if (!rdataset::is.dataset(value) && length(igraph::E(network)) > 0) {
      # why this junk here.
      .to <- NULL
      # .. because the subsetting function called on igraph.es
      # (returned by igraph::E) redefines_ a .to function (which
      # is higly coupled with igraph, calling its C functions...)
      # the definition of .to <- NULL here, makes happy the check
      # step.
      # This .to definition doesn't mess up the subsetting, becasue
      # it gets redefined and lazy evaluated.
      # I hate this shit.
      network - igraph::E(network)[.to(name)]  # nocov
    } else {

  ## this piece of code smeels like shit.
  if (is.function(value)) {
    ## assert all dependencies
    declutted <- declutter_function(value)
    declared_dependencies <- names(as.list(formals(value)))
    dependencies <- c()

    for (dep in declared_dependencies) {
      if (!grepl(dep, declutted)) {
        warning(dep, " not in formula: ", declutted)
      } else {
        dependencies <- c(dependencies, dep)

    if (!all(dependencies %in% all_names)) {
      miss <- setdiff(dependencies, all_names)
      stop("Missing dependencies ", paste(miss, collapse = ", "))

    for (dep in dependencies) {
      network <- network + igraph::edge(dep, name)

    ## rimuovo i tempedges perche' li ho appena inseriti
    if (name %in% hash::keys(x@edges)) {
      suppressWarnings(hash::del(name, x@edges))


    x@functions[[name]] <- declutted
    x@network <- network
    x <- evaluate_impl(x, name)
  } else if (is.character(value) && grepl("^function", value)) {
    return(subsetting(x, i, eval(parse(text = value))))
  } else {
    aggregate <- .list_aggregates(x)
    elementari <- .list_elementaries(x)
    tt <- intersect(name, c(aggregate, elementari))

    are_there_funcs <- length(tt) != 0

    if (are_there_funcs) {
      stop("Non puoi impostare una serie con formula con uno scalare: ",
           paste(tt, collapse = ", "))

    x@network <- network
    if (rdataset::is.dataset(value) || is.list(value)) {
      value <- rdataset::as.dataset(value)
      data <- x@data
      for (n in names(value)) {
        data[n] <- value[[n]]
      x@data <- data
    } else {
      x@data[[name]] <- value

    subgraph <- navigate(x, name, mode = "out")
    x <- rutils::ifelse(length(subgraph), evaluate_impl(x, name), x)

  x@touched <- sort(unique(c(x@touched, name)))

#' subsetting a graph
#' @aliases GrafoDB,character,missing,ANY
#' @param x an instance of GrafoDB
#' @param i name to be set
#' @param j unused (ignored)
#' @param ... nothing important (just to comply on generic)
#' @param value the value to be set, can be anything
#' @rdname GrafoDB-methods

  signature("GrafoDB", "character", "missing", "ANY"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
    x <- subsetting(x, i, value)

#' @aliases GrafoDB,character,missing,ANY
#' @param x an instance of GrafoDB
#' @param i name to be set
#' @param j unused (ignored)
#' @param ... nothing important (just to comply on generic)
#' @param value the value to be set, can be anything
#' @rdname GrafoDB-methods

  signature("GrafoDB", "character", "missing", "ANY"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
    x <- subsetting(x, i, value)
giupo/GrafoDB documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 9:43 a.m.