
Defines functions dualpathSvd

# We compute a solution path of the generalized lasso dual problem:
# \hat{u}(\lambda) =
# \argmin_u \|y - D^T u\|_2^2 \rm{s.t.} \|\u\|_\infty \leq \lambda
# where D is m x n. Here there is no assumption on D, and we use a
# fresh SVD at each iteration (computationally naive but stable).
# Note: the df estimates at each lambda_k can be thought of as the df
# for all solutions corresponding to lambda in (lambda_k,lambda_{k-1}),
# the open interval to the *right* of the current lambda_k.

dualpathSvd <- function(y, D, approx=FALSE, maxsteps=2000, minlam=0,
                        rtol=1e-7, btol=1e-7, verbose=FALSE, object=NULL) {
  # If we are starting a new path
  if (is.null(object)) {
    m = nrow(D)
    n = ncol(D)
    # Compute the dual solution at infinity, and
    # find the first critical point
    sv = svdsolve(t(D),y,rtol)    # SVD solver
    uhat = sv$x                   # Dual solution
    q = sv$q                      # Rank of D
    ihit = which.max(abs(uhat))   # Hitting coordinate
    hit = abs(uhat[ihit])         # Critical lambda
    s = Sign(uhat[ihit])          # Sign
    if (verbose) {
      cat(sprintf("1. lambda=%.3f, adding coordinate %i, |B|=%i...",

    # Now iteratively find the new dual solution, and
    # the next critical point

    # Things to keep track of, and return at the end
    buf = min(maxsteps,1000)
    u = matrix(0,m,buf)        # Dual solutions
    lams = numeric(buf)        # Critical lambdas
    h = logical(buf)           # Hit or leave?
    df = numeric(buf)          # Degrees of freedom

    lams[1] = hit
    h[1] = TRUE
    df[1] = n-q
    u[,1] = uhat
    # Other things to keep track of, but not return
    r = 1                      # Size of boundary set
    B = ihit                   # Boundary set
    I = Seq(1,m)[-ihit]        # Interior set
    Ds = D[ihit,]*s            # Vector t(D[B,])%*%s
    D1 = D[-ihit,,drop=FALSE]  # Matrix D[I,]
    D2 = D[ihit,,drop=FALSE]   # Matrix D[B,]
    k = 2                      # What step are we at?

  # If iterating an already started path
  else { 
    # Grab variables needed to construct the path
    lambda = NULL
    for (j in 1:length(object)) {
      if (names(object)[j] != "pathobjs") {
        assign(names(object)[j], object[[j]])
    for (j in 1:length(object$pathobjs)) {
      assign(names(object$pathobjs)[j], object$pathobjs[[j]])
    lams = lambda
    while (k<=maxsteps && lams[k-1]>=minlam) {
      # Check if we've reached the end of the buffer
      if (k > length(lams)) {
        buf = length(lams)
        lams = c(lams,numeric(buf))
        h = c(h,logical(buf))
        df = c(df,numeric(buf))
        u = cbind(u,matrix(0,m,buf))

      # If the interior is empty, then nothing will hit
      if (r==m) {
        a = b = numeric(0)
        hit = 0
        q = 0
      # Otherwise, find the next hitting time
      else {
        sv = svdsolve(t(D1),cbind(y,Ds),rtol)
        a = as.numeric(sv$x[,1])
        b = as.numeric(sv$x[,2])
        q = sv$q
        shits = Sign(a)
        hits = a/(b+shits)

        # Make sure none of the hitting times are larger
        # than the current lambda (precision issue)
        hits[hits>lams[k-1]+btol] = 0
        hits[hits>lams[k-1]] = lams[k-1]
        ihit = which.max(hits)
        hit = hits[ihit]
        shit = shits[ihit]
      # If nothing is on the boundary, then nothing will leave
      # Also, skip this if we are in "approx" mode
      if (r==0 || approx) {
        leave = 0
      # Otherwise, find the next leaving time
      else {
        c = s*(D2%*%(y-t(D1)%*%a))
        d = s*(D2%*%(Ds-t(D1)%*%b))
        leaves = c/d

        # c must be negative
        leaves[c>=0] = 0
        # Make sure none of the leaving times are larger
        # than the current lambda (precision issue)
        leaves[leaves>lams[k-1]+btol] = 0
        leaves[leaves>lams[k-1]] = lams[k-1]
        ileave = which.max(leaves)
        leave = leaves[ileave]

      # Stop if the next critical point is negative
      if (hit<=0 && leave<=0) break
      # If a hitting time comes next
      if (hit > leave) {
        # Record the critical lambda and solution
        lams[k] = hit
        h[k] = TRUE
        df[k] = n-q
        uhat = numeric(m)
        uhat[B] = hit*s
        uhat[I] = a-hit*b
        u[,k] = uhat
        # Update all of the variables
        r = r+1
        B = c(B,I[ihit])
        I = I[-ihit]
        Ds = Ds + D1[ihit,]*shit
        s = c(s,shit)
        D2 = rbind(D2,D1[ihit,])
        D1 = D1[-ihit,,drop=FALSE]

        if (verbose) {
          cat(sprintf("\n%i. lambda=%.3f, adding coordinate %i, |B|=%i...",
      # Otherwise a leaving time comes next
      else {
        # Record the critical lambda and solution
        lams[k] = leave
        h[k] = FALSE
        df[k] = n-q
        uhat = numeric(m)
        uhat[B] = leave*s
        uhat[I] = a-leave*b
        u[,k] = uhat
        # Update all of the variables
        r = r-1
        I = c(I,B[ileave])
        B = B[-ileave]
        Ds = Ds - D2[ileave,]*s[ileave]
        s = s[-ileave]
        D1 = rbind(D1,D2[ileave,])
        D2 = D2[-ileave,,drop=FALSE]

        if (verbose) {
          cat(sprintf("\n%i. lambda=%.3f, deleting coordinate %i, |B|=%i...",
      # Step counter
      k = k+1
  }, error = function(err) {
    err$message = paste(err$message,"\n(Path computation has been terminated;",
      " partial path is being returned.)",sep="")

  # Trim
  lams = lams[Seq(1,k-1)]
  h = h[Seq(1,k-1)]
  df = df[Seq(1,k-1),drop=FALSE]
  u = u[,Seq(1,k-1),drop=FALSE]

  # Save needed elements for continuing the path
  pathobjs = list(type="svd", r=r, B=B, I=I, approx=approx,
    k=k, df=df, D1=D1, D2=D2, Ds=Ds, ihit=ihit, m=m, n=n, h=h,
    rtol=rtol, btol=btol, s=s, y=y)
  # If we reached the maximum number of steps
  if (k>maxsteps) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat(sprintf("\nReached the maximum number of steps (%i),",maxsteps))
      cat(" skipping the rest of the path.")
    completepath = FALSE

  # If we reached the minimum lambda
  else if (lams[k-1]<minlam) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat(sprintf("\nReached the minimum lambda (%.3f),",minlam))
      cat(" skipping the rest of the path.")
    completepath = FALSE
  # Otherwise, note that we completed the path
  else completepath = TRUE

  if (verbose) cat("\n")

  colnames(u) = as.character(round(lams,3))
  beta = y-t(D)%*%u
glmgen/genlasso documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 7:01 a.m.