
Defines functions bt_leads_core_update

Documented in bt_leads_core_update

#' Send a prepared leads.core dataframe to the ricardo database
#' see parameter explanations for some help. bt_leads_classify_only() also available if you only want the rel probs.
#' @param update.df the data frame containing leads to update. min 17 specifically named cols
#' @param exclude.by unique identifier for each row; 'primary key'
#' @param all.covid are these all to do with you know what
#' @param force.create
#' @param set.official is the officiality of the source designated in the df?
#' @param destination "b221" -> ricardo; "leads" -> main site; "parking" -> state 10; "5" -> state 5; "dpa" -> hint_type_id = 3 = dpa
#' @param incl.kanji does the source include CJK chars? (kanji, hanzi, kana, hangeul)
#' @param invoke.mrs.hudson use to disable mrs. h invocation
#' @param mrs.hudson.keep.results.ratio the ratio of results for Mrs. H to keep. eg. 0.9 keeps 90% of them.
#' @param classify.master.on if T, runs the R-based classification system. If F, puts rel_prob as NA for the AWS stack to do it.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples bt_leads_core_update("update.core", "bid", destination = "b221")
bt_leads_core_update = function(update.df=NULL,
                                classify.master.on = F){

  #### for testing/dbg
  #run the below lines to instantiate lc.update then skip to 'Begin upload process' section
  # load(file = "uc.Rdata")
  # lc.update = update.core
  # exclude.by="bid"
  # all.covid=F
  # force.create=F
  # set.official=T
  # destination="b221"
  # incl.kanji=T
  # invoke.mrs.hudson=T
  # mrs.hudson.keep.results.ratio=1

  if (!destination %in% c("parking", "b221", "leads", "5", "dpa", "citation")) {
      "Please choose destination value as either 'b221', 'parking', 'leads', '5' for hint_state_5, 'dpa' for DPA leads, or 'citation' for SGEPT citation leads."



  ## date check

    lc.update$act.date=as.Date(as.numeric(as.character(lc.update$act.date)), origin="1970-01-01")


    print("All leads recorded already.")

  } else{

    # Begin upload process ----------------------------------------------------

    # this is all now done in the Python version. All the R version needs to do is upload the text.
    if(!grepl(pattern = "Dropbox", x = getwd())){

      #control whether to connect to dev db or normal ric db
      test.mode = T

      lc.update$relevance.probability = NA

      ## act_url_official
        non.official=c("AGNET","CHN-GLOBAL", "CHN-KPMG", "HKTDC-PICK", "MENA-ZAWYA")
        lc.update$act.url.official=as.numeric(grepl(paste(non.official, collapse="|"), lc.update$bid, ignore.case = T))
      } else{
        lc.update$act.url.official = 1

      ## force_create
      if(! "force.create" %in% names(lc.update)){

      lc.update$is.covid = 0

      print("GDrive environment detected")

        print("Test mode enabled. Edit the R package to turn it off.")
        print("Closing ricardomain connection...")

        print("Opening gta_dev.ricardo connection...")
        pool <<- pool::dbPool(
          drv = RMariaDB::MariaDB(),
          host = gta_pwd('gtadev')$host,
          username = gta_pwd('gtadev')$user,
          password = gta_pwd('gtadev')$password,



    } else {

      # add BID to bt_translation_log -------------------------------------------


      con=dbConnect(drv = RMariaDB::MariaDB(),
                    host = db.host,
                    username = db.user,
                    password = db.password,
                    dbname = db.name)

      trunc.amt = 275

      if(grepl("(GNEWS-JP)|(GNEWS-KR)|(GNEWS-ZH)", lc.update$bid[1])){

        trunc.amt = 175


      print("Updating bt_translation_log...")

      tr.count = 0

      pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(lc.update), char = "~", style = 3)
      for(i in 1:nrow(lc.update)){

        ### Description

        tr_hash = str_trunc(lc.update$act.description.ll[i], trunc.amt, ellipsis = "") %>%

        hash.check.sql = glue("SELECT btl.text_hash
                            FROM bt_translation_log btl
                            WHERE btl.text_hash = '{tr_hash}';")

        hash.check = dbGetQuery(con, hash.check.sql) %>%
          nrow() > 0


          tr.bid.sql = glue("UPDATE bt_translation_log
                      SET bid = '{lc.update$bid[i]}', text_type_id = 2 #description
                      WHERE bt_translation_log.text_hash = '{tr_hash}';")

          test = dbExecute(con, statement = tr.bid.sql)

          tr.count = tr.count + 1

        ### Title

        tr_hash = str_trunc(lc.update$act.title.ll[i], trunc.amt, ellipsis = "") %>%

        hash.check.sql = glue("SELECT btl.text_hash
                            FROM bt_translation_log btl
                            WHERE btl.text_hash = '{tr_hash}';")

        hash.check = dbGetQuery(con, hash.check.sql) %>%
          nrow() > 0


          tr.bid.sql = glue("UPDATE bt_translation_log
                      SET bid = '{lc.update$bid[i]}', text_type_id = 1 #title
                      WHERE bt_translation_log.text_hash = '{tr_hash}';")

          test = dbExecute(con, statement = tr.bid.sql)

          tr.count = tr.count + 1

        ### acting.agency

        if(grepl("(GNEWS-JP)|(GNEWS-KR)|(GNEWS-ZH)", lc.update$bid[1])){

          trunc.amt = 80


        tr_hash = str_trunc(lc.update$acting.agency[i], trunc.amt, ellipsis = "") %>%

        hash.check.sql = glue("SELECT btl.text_hash
                            FROM bt_translation_log btl
                            WHERE btl.text_hash = '{tr_hash}';")

        hash.check = dbGetQuery(con, hash.check.sql) %>%
          nrow() > 0


          tr.bid.sql = glue("UPDATE bt_translation_log
                      SET bid = '{lc.update$bid[i]}', text_type_id = 3 #acting_agency
                      WHERE bt_translation_log.text_hash = '{tr_hash}';")

          test = dbExecute(con, statement = tr.bid.sql)

          tr.count = tr.count + 1

        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


      print(glue("{tr.count} entries added!"))

      # CLEANING & PREPARATION --------------------------------------------------

      ## ad-hoc irrelevance decisions based on noisy sources
      noise.agencies=c("Radio Petrer 107,2 fm", "Business Post",
                       "Radio hong kong","Tek'n'Life", "Stand news",
                       "El Pas", "StrandGazetteDe", "TV Serien News",
                       "Corriente Alterna", "Munchen Zeitung", "hkcnews.com", "CENTRAL AFRICAN INFO")

      lc.update$relevant[lc.update$acting.agency %in% noise.agencies]=0

      ### trade defence country correction

      #USA/Canada TD cases handled by USA/Canada editor: do not send these to Vatican.
      #change filter.usa.can.td = T to apply filter

      td.phrases = "anti[- ]?dumping|countervailing|anti[- ]?subsidy"

      #NB this filters any leads with USA/Can in the titles etc.
      #So lead like 'Indonesia implements AD duties on blah from the USA' will be send to Marshall Is.
      # With the new US FR RSS scraper we should be OK

      #Works on the same trade defence phrases as the normal TD filter

      filter.usa.can.td = F


        north.american.countries = "(USA\\s)|(United States of America)|(Canada)"
        # Title (en)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.en, ignore.case = T)) &
                                 (grepl(north.american.countries, lc.update$country.lead, ignore.case = T))] = "Marshall Islands"
        # Description (en)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.description.en, ignore.case = T)) &
                                 (grepl(north.american.countries, lc.update$country.lead, ignore.case = T))] = "Marshall Islands"
        # Title (local lang)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.ll, ignore.case = T)) &
                                 (grepl(north.american.countries, lc.update$country.lead, ignore.case = T))] = "Marshall Islands"
        # Description (local lang)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.description.ll, ignore.case = T)) &
                                 (grepl(north.american.countries, lc.update$country.lead, ignore.case = T))] = "Marshall Islands"

      }else {

        # Title (en)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.en, ignore.case = T))] = "Vatican"
        # Description (en)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.description.en, ignore.case = T))] = "Vatican"
        # Title (local lang)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.ll, ignore.case = T))] = "Vatican"
        # Description (local lang)
        lc.update$country.lead[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.description.ll, ignore.case = T))] = "Vatican"


      #Bastiat does a good job of tracking TD leads.
      # when official.td.leads.only == T, the leads from Ricardo (i.e. Google News) will not be sent to the editor

      official.td.leads.only = T


        lc.update$relevant[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.en, ignore.case = T)) &
                             (grepl("GNEWS", lc.update$bid, ignore.case = T)) ] = 0

        lc.update$classify[(grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.en, ignore.case = T)) &
                             (grepl("GNEWS", lc.update$bid, ignore.case = T)) ] = 0


      ## adding leads-checker columns
      lc.update$relevance.probability[lc.update$classify==0 & lc.update$relevant==1]=1
      lc.update$relevance.probability[lc.update$classify==0 & lc.update$relevant==0]=0

      ## act_url_official
        non.official=c("AGNET","CHN-GLOBAL", "CHN-KPMG", "HKTDC-PICK", "MENA-ZAWYA")
        lc.update$act.url.official=as.numeric(grepl(paste(non.official, collapse="|"), lc.update$bid, ignore.case = T))

      } else{
        lc.update$act.url.official = 1

      ## force_create
      if(! "force.create" %in% names(lc.update)){

      ## is_covid this is basically all deprecated the reason it was originally
      #here was because of the massive influx of corona-related stuff overflowing
      #everyone's leads, so we put this here to try and separate them



      } else {
        lc.update$is.covid[grepl("( covid)|( corona)|(pandemic)", lc.update$act.title.en, ignore.case = T)]=1
        lc.update$is.covid[grepl("( covid)|( corona)|(pandemic)", lc.update$act.title.ll, ignore.case = T)]=1
        lc.update$is.covid[grepl("( covid)|( corona)|(pandemic)", lc.update$act.description.en, ignore.case = T)]=1
        lc.update$is.covid[grepl("( covid)|( corona)|(pandemic)", lc.update$act.description.ll, ignore.case = T)]=1


      ### COVID correction for trade defence
      lc.update$is.covid[grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.en, ignore.case = T)]=0
      lc.update$is.covid[grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.description.en, ignore.case = T)]=0
      lc.update$is.covid[grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.title.ll, ignore.case = T)]=0
      lc.update$is.covid[grepl(td.phrases, lc.update$act.description.ll, ignore.case = T)]=0

      ### Redundancy check
      ### is it already in bt_url_log? If so, what hints?
      print("Checking URL redundancy...")
      bt.url=gta_sql_get_value("SELECT *
                              FROM bt_url_log;")

      database <<- "gtamain"
                        db.host = gta_pwd(database)$host,
                        db.name = gta_pwd(database)$name,
                        db.user = gta_pwd(database)$user,
                        db.password = gta_pwd(database)$password,
                        table.prefix = "bt_")

      gta.sa=gta_sql_get_value("SELECT id, source
                              FROM gta_measure;",
                              db.connection = "main.pool")
      gta.sa$source=stringi::stri_trans_general(gta.sa$source, "latin-ascii")

      # Check before adding boilerplate -----------------------------------------

      if(any(grepl("<br ? /?>[\\s\\S]+", lc.update$act.description.en))){
        stop("Description text cannot contain any <br> or <br/> tags! Please use `gsub(\"<br ?/?>.+\", \"\", text)` to remove.")

      # URL cleanout ------------------------------------------------------------

      #get standard regex for identifying urls
      regex_url = gtabastiat::regex_url


      for(i in 1:nrow(lc.update)){

        ## checking act.url

          ## source field is empty

          url.value="No direct source provided. Please check background URL in description or discard."

        } else {


          url.description= str_replace_all(this.source, regex_url, "<br />\\[source URL\\])")

          url.description=gsub("\\s+"," ", gsub("(Viewed at:?)","", url.description))

          if(nchar(gsub("(<br />\\[source URL\\])|\\s+|","",url.description))<5){

          } else {

            lc.update$act.description.en[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.en[i], "<br />The source was described as: '", url.description," '.", sep="")

            if(!is.na(lc.update$act.description.ll[i]) & lc.update$act.description.ll[i] != "NA"){

              lc.update$act.description.ll[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.ll[i], "<br />The source was described as: '", url.description," '.", sep="")


          if(length(this.act.url)==1 & any(is.na(this.act.url))){

            url.value="No specific URL was provided for this hint. All information is stated in the description."

          } else {




                                 stringsAsFactors = F))

        ## checking background.

        if(is.na(this.source)==F | is.na(nchar(this.source))==F ){


          lc.update$act.description.en[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.en[i], "<br /><br>More background info: ", paste(this.act.url, collapse=" ;  "), sep="")

          if( !is.na(lc.update$act.description.ll[i]) & lc.update$act.description.ll[i] != "NA"){

            lc.update$act.description.ll[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.ll[i], "<br /><br>More background information beyond the source can be found here: ", paste(this.act.url, collapse=" ;  "), sep="")




      lc.update=merge(lc.update, unique(lc.urls[,c("bid","url")]), by="bid", all.x=T)

      print("Checking against existing GTA state acts...")
      for(i in 1:nrow(lc.update)){


          check.url=str_extract(lc.update$act.url[i], regex_url)


            ## checking state acts
            #sa.ids=unique(subset(gta.sa, grepl(check.url, this.source, fixed = T))$id)
            sa.ids=unique(subset(gta.sa, grepl(check.url, gta.sa$source, fixed = T))$id)


              lc.update$act.description.en[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.en[i], "<br /><br />The following state acts have this lead URL among their sources:<br />",
                                                    paste(paste("https://www.globaltradealert.org/state-act/",sa.ids, sep=""), collapse="<br />"), sep="")

              if(! is.na(lc.update$act.description.ll[i]) & lc.update$act.description.ll[i]!="NA"){

                lc.update$act.description.ll[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.ll[i], "<br /><br /> The following state acts have this lead URL among their sources:<br />",
                                                      paste(paste("https://www.globaltradealert.org/state-act/",sa.ids, sep=""), collapse="<br />"), sep="")


            ## checking hints
            bt.url.ids=subset(bt.url, grepl(check.url, url, fixed = T))$url_id

              hints=gta_sql_get_value(paste0("SELECT hint_id
                                            FROM bt_hint_url
                                            WHERE url_id IN (",paste(bt.url.ids, collapse=","),");"))


                lc.update$act.description.en[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.en[i], "<br /><br /> The following hint IDs have this URL among their sources:<br />",
                                                      paste(hints, collapse=", "),".", sep="")

                if(! is.na(lc.update$act.description.ll[i])){

                  lc.update$act.description.ll[i]=paste(lc.update$act.description.ll[i], "<br /><br /> The following hint IDs have this URL among their sources:<br />",
                                                        paste(hints, collapse=", "),".", sep="")


          cat(", ")
        }else {

      # Mrs Hudson --------------------------------------------------------------

      #Use on leads from google news search and reuters.
         & all(grepl("(GNEWS)", lc.update$bid))
         & !(destination %in% c("citation"))

        #add col with the rating
        mrs.hudson.result = bt_estimate_news_leads(lc.update,
                                                   keep.results.ratio = mrs.hudson.keep.results.ratio,
                                                   binary.prediction = F,
                                                   return.both = T,
                                                   conf.cutoff = 0.5)
        #lc.update$mrs.hudson.rating = bt_estimate_news_leads(lc.update,
        #                                                     keep.results.ratio = mrs.hudson.keep.results.ratio)

        lc.update$mrs.hudson.rating = mrs.hudson.result$binary.prediction.result

        #in the SQL later on, leads that are relevant = 0 are
        #sent directly to state 8
        lc.update$relevant[lc.update$mrs.hudson.rating==0] = 0

        #ensure classify = 0 for good measure - they will be classified later anyway if they progress
        lc.update$classify[lc.update$mrs.hudson.rating==0] = 0

        print(paste(sum(lc.update$mrs.hudson.rating==0), "leads will be sent to state 8"))

        #remove column
        lc.update$mrs.hudson.rating = NULL

        #add relevance probability
        lc.update$relevance.probability = mrs.hudson.result$raw.score


      # Detective classification ------------------------------------------------
        if(!(all(grepl("(GNEWS)", lc.update$bid)))
           & !(destination %in% "dpa")
          lc.update = bt_leads_classify_only(lc.update, assign.relevance = T)

      } else {
        #this should be done by the new stack now
        lc.update$relevance_probability = NA


      # ## classifying results
      # classify=subset(lc.update, classify==1
      #                 & relevant==1
      #                 & country.lead!="Vatican"
      #                 & !(destination %in% c("dpa", "citation"))
      # )
      # if(nrow(classify)>0){
      #   classify$text=classify$act.title.en
      #   classify$text[is.na(classify$act.description.en)==F]=paste(classify$text[is.na(classify$act.description.en)==F], classify$act.description.en[is.na(classify$act.description.en)==F], sep=" ")
      #   classify$text[is.na(classify$act.values)==F]=paste(classify$text[is.na(classify$act.values)==F], classify$act.values[is.na(classify$act.values)==F], sep=" ")
      #   # removing non-ASCII
      #   classify$text=stringi::stri_trans_general(classify$text, "latin-ascii")
      #   classify$text=gsub("[^\001-\177]","",classify$text)
      #   #check for bad chars
      #   potential.problems = gsub(pattern = "[^A-z??-??]|_", #the regex engine in R treats _ as an alphanumeric, must include it explicitly
      #                             replacement = " ",
      #                             x = classify$text) %>%
      #     str_squish() %>%
      #     nchar() <= 1
      #   if(sum(potential.problems)>0){
      #     prob.msg = paste0("Warning! ", sum(potential.problems), " entries contain no ASCII chars and will not be classified!")
      #     #get bids for easier dbg
      #     potential.problems.bids = classify$bid[potential.problems] %>%
      #       paste(collapse = ", ")
      #     prob.msg = paste(prob.msg, "The BIDs of these:", potential.problems.bids)
      #     message(prob.msg)
      #     classify = classify[!potential.problems,]
      #   }
      #   classification.result=bt_squad_prediction(prediction.data.id=classify$bid,
      #                                             prediction.data.text=classify$text,
      #                                             prediction.acting.agency=classify$acting.agency)
      #   classify$relevant=NULL
      #   classify$relevance.probability=NULL
      #   classify$text=NULL
      #   classify=merge(classify, classification.result, by.x="bid",by.y="text.id")
      #   classified.bids=classify$bid
      #   classified.lids=classify$lead.id
      #   classified.relevance=classify$relevant
      #   classified.rel.prob=round(classify$relevance.probability,4)
      #   lc.update=rbind(subset(lc.update, ! bid %in% classified.bids),
      #                   classify)
      # }

      ## checking for keywords
      print("checking for negative keywords")



    # DPA Classification ------------------------------------------------------
    #now superseded by AWS stack

    if(F){#destination == "dpa"){

      #bad keywords

      bad.words = c("webinar","staff appointment") %>%
        paste0("(", ., ")", collapse = "|")

      bad.words.vect = grepl(pattern = bad.words,
                             x = lc.update$act.title.en,
                             ignore.case = T)

      lc.update$relevant[bad.words.vect] = 0
      lc.update$classify[bad.words.vect] = 0


      classify=subset(lc.update, update.table$classify==1)

      #dpa.hypermodel.result = dpa_hypermodel_estimate_leads(lc.update)


        dpa.hypermodel.result = dpa_hypermodel_estimate_leads(classify)

        #in case it was assigned above - DPA leads should have their relevance probability assigned here.
        #if the rel prob column was already there, the merging of results will not work, so best to remove it.
        lc.update$relevance.probability = NULL
        lc.update = merge(lc.update, dpa.hypermodel.result$raw.score, all.x = T)

        lc.update$relevance.probability = 0


    # DB upload process start -------------------------------------------------

    #add in scrape_run_id
    lc.update$scrape.run.id = gta_sql_get_value("SELECT MAX(scrape_run_id) FROM bt_hint_log;") + 1

    leads.core=gta_sql_get_value("SELECT * FROM bt_leads_core LIMIT 1;")

    if(length(setdiff(names(leads.core)[! names(leads.core) %in% names(lc.update)],c("upload.id", "hint.id")))>0){
      stop(paste0("Error: not all columns of leads.core present in input. Missing: ",
                  paste(setdiff(names(leads.core)[! names(leads.core) %in% names(lc.update)],c("upload.id", "hint.id")), collapse=";")))

    lc.update=lc.update[,names(lc.update)[names(lc.update) %in% names(leads.core)]]
    lc.update=lc.update[,names(leads.core)[names(leads.core) %in% names(lc.update)]]

    #add in scrape_run_id
    lc.update$scrape.run.id = gta_sql_get_value("SELECT MAX(scrape_run_id) FROM bt_hint_log;") + 1

    ## splitting away mutli-links
    # multi.links=unique(names(table(lc.update$bid))[table(lc.update$bid)>1])
    # lc.update.multi=subset(lc.update, bid %in% multi.links)
    # save(lc.update.multi, file=paste0(gsub("\\D+", "", Sys.time()) ," RIC-COVID-MULTI only JF touches this.Rdata"))
    # lc.update=subset(lc.update,! bid %in% multi.links)

    # pre sql debug checkpoint ------------------------------------------------

    lc.update.copy = lc.update


    gta_sql_multiple_queries("DELETE FROM bt_leads_core_temp WHERE 1 = 1;
                              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core WHERE 1 = 1;",1)

    ## cleaning apostrophes, etc.

    problem.cols = c("act_description_en", "act_title_en", "act_description_ll","act_title_ll")

    for (p.col in problem.cols){

      col.index = which(colnames(lc.update)==p.col)

      #not stupid way
      lc.update[,col.index] = gsub(x = lc.update[,col.index],
                                   pattern = "\\\\",
                                   replacement = "/")

      # stupid way
      # bksl.vect = grepl(x = lc.update[,col.index], pattern = "\\\\")
      # lc.update[,col.index][bksl.vect] = gsub(x = lc.update[,col.index][bksl.vect],
      #                                         pattern = "\\\\",
      #                                         replacement = "")


    lc.update$act_description_en=gsub("&lt;","<", lc.update$act_description_en)
    lc.update$act_description_en=gsub("&gt;",">", lc.update$act_description_en)

    ## converting variables to SQL values
    char.vars=c("bid", "country","country_lead", "act_title_en","act_description_en",
                "act_url", "email_language", "background_url","acting_agency")

    for(var in c(char.vars, date.vars)){




    for(kanji.col in kanji.candidates){

      col.index = which(colnames(lc.update)==kanji.col)

      #check if the column is filled with only NAs, don't need to convert these
      if(!all(grepl(x = lc.update[,col.index], pattern = "^NA$"))){


          #N strings for unicode, e.g. '??????' -> N'??????'
          lc.update[,col.index] = paste0("N'", lc.update[,col.index], "'")

        } else { #if we know there will be no need for N strings





    for(var in num.vars){

      eval(parse(text = paste0(
        "lc.update$", var, "=as.numeric(lc.update$", var, ")"



    for(i in 1:nrow(lc.update)){
                   paste0("(",paste(lc.update[i,], collapse=","),")"))
    row.values=paste(row.values, collapse=",")

    #because if you have two NAs in a row you have str ",NA,NA," and the rx only
    #matches up to the second comma, so we have to loop this
    while(grepl(pattern = ",NA,", x = row.values)){

    gta_sql_update_table(paste0("INSERT INTO bt_leads_core_temp(",paste(names(lc.update), collapse=","),")
                                 VALUES ",row.values,""))

    gta_sql_multiple_queries(paste0("INSERT INTO bt_leads_core(",paste(names(lc.update), collapse=","),")
                                 SELECT ",paste(names(lc.update), collapse=","),"
                                 FROM bt_leads_core_temp;
                                 DELETE FROM bt_leads_core_temp WHERE 1 = 1;"),1)

    #   DELETE bt_leads_core FROM bt_leads_core
    # JOIN bt_url_log ON bt_leads_core.act_url = bt_url_log.url WHERE bt_leads_core.force_create=0;

               /* Avoiding duplicate hints from BT */
               /* REMOVES DUPLICATE BIDs*/
              DELETE bt_leads_core FROM bt_leads_core
              JOIN bt_hint_bid ON bt_leads_core.bid = bt_hint_bid.bid WHERE bt_leads_core.force_create=0;

              /* Writing into hint_log */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_log(hint_type_id, hint_state_id, user_id, registration_date, acting_agency, hint_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id)
              SELECT 2 AS hint_type_id, 5 AS hint_state_id, 70 AS user_id, collection_date, acting_agency, act_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* store hint_id & bid pairs*/
              UPDATE bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_hint_log bhl
              ON bhl.upload_id = blc.upload_id
              SET blc.hint_id = bhl.hint_id;

              /* some odd NULL rows in first iteration*/
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE collection_date IS NULL;

              /* in descending priority order */
              /* state 10 if old <=2019 */
              /* state 1 if no jur */
              /* state 2 otherwise (relevant,official = 1) */
              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_hint_log.hint_id = bt_leads_core.hint_id
              LEFT JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON bt_leads_core.country_lead = gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name
              SET bt_hint_log.hint_state_id= (CASE 
              				     WHEN bt_leads_core.act_date <= '2019-01-01' THEN 10
              				     WHEN gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id IS NULL THEN 1
              				     ELSE 2 END);

              /* Writing into classification log*/
              INSERT INTO bt_classification_log(hint_id, user_id, hint_state_id)
              SELECT hint_id, 70 AS user_id, 11 AS hint_state_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* adding act_urls */
              /** update bt_url_log **/
              INSERT INTO bt_url_log(url)
              SELECT DISTINCT url FROM
              (SELECT act_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE act_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.act_url = bt_url_log.url)
              SELECT background_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE background_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.background_url = bt_url_log.url)) new_urls;

              /** update bt_hint_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_url(hint_id, url_id, url_type_id, classification_id, url_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT blc.hint_id, bul.url_id,
              (CASE WHEN blc.act_url_official = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS url_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS url_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul ON blc.act_url=bul.url
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id=bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.act_url IS NOT NULL;

              /** update bt_hint_background_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_background_url(hint_id, url_id)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, url_id
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul
              ON blc.background_url=bul.url;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_jurisdiction */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_jurisdiction(hint_id, classification_id, jurisdiction_id, jurisdiction_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS jurisdiction_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name = blc.country_lead
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_date */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_date(hint_id, date, date_type_id, classification_id, date_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, act_date, 1 AS date_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS date_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* bt_hint_bid */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_bid (hint_id, bid)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, bid
              FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE bid IS NOT NULL;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_text*/
              /** English **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_text(hint_id, hint_title, hint_description, language_id, classification_id, description_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT * FROM
              (SELECT blc.hint_id, (CASE WHEN act_title_en IS NULL THEN '[hint without title]' ELSE act_title_en END) AS hint_title, act_description_en AS hint_description, 1 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_en != 'NA'
              OR act_description_en != 'NA'
              SELECT blc.hint_id, act_title_ll AS hint_title, act_description_ll AS hint_description, 2 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_ll != 'NA'
              OR act_description_ll != 'NA') hint_text_entries;

              /* cleaning up */
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core WHERE 1 = 1;"



               /* Avoiding duplicate hints from BT */
               /* REMOVES DUPLICATE BIDs*/
              DELETE bt_leads_core FROM bt_leads_core
              JOIN bt_hint_bid ON bt_leads_core.bid = bt_hint_bid.bid WHERE bt_leads_core.force_create=0;

              /* Writing into hint_log */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_log(hint_type_id, hint_state_id, user_id, registration_date, acting_agency, hint_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id)
              SELECT 2 AS hint_type_id, 10 AS hint_state_id, 70 AS user_id, collection_date, acting_agency, act_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* store hint_id & bid pairs*/
              UPDATE bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_hint_log bhl
              ON bhl.upload_id = blc.upload_id
              SET blc.hint_id = bhl.hint_id;

              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_leads_core.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id AND is_covid = 1
              SET hint_type_id=2;

              /* some odd NULL rows in first iteration*/
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE collection_date IS NULL;

              /* Writing into classification log*/
              INSERT INTO bt_classification_log(hint_id, user_id, hint_state_id)
              SELECT hint_id, 70 AS user_id, 10 AS hint_state_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* adding act_urls */
              /** update bt_url_log **/
              INSERT INTO bt_url_log(url)
              SELECT DISTINCT url FROM
              (SELECT act_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE act_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.act_url = bt_url_log.url)
              SELECT background_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE background_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.background_url = bt_url_log.url)) new_urls;

              /** update bt_hint_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_url(hint_id, url_id, url_type_id, classification_id, url_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT blc.hint_id, bul.url_id,
              (CASE WHEN blc.act_url_official = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS url_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS url_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul ON blc.act_url=bul.url
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id=bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.act_url IS NOT NULL;

              /** update bt_hint_background_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_background_url(hint_id, url_id)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, url_id
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul
              ON blc.background_url=bul.url;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_jurisdiction */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_jurisdiction(hint_id, classification_id, jurisdiction_id, jurisdiction_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS jurisdiction_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name = blc.country_lead
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_date */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_date(hint_id, date, date_type_id, classification_id, date_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, act_date, 1 AS date_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS date_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* bt_hint_bid */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_bid (hint_id, bid)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, bid
              FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE bid IS NOT NULL;

              /* bt_hint_relevance */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_relevance (hint_id, classification_id, relevance, relevance_probability, relevance_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, blc.relevant AS relevance, blc.relevance_probability,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS relevance_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.relevant IS NOT NULL;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_text*/
              /** English **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_text(hint_id, hint_title, hint_description, language_id, classification_id, description_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT * FROM
              (SELECT blc.hint_id, (CASE WHEN act_title_en IS NULL THEN '[hint without title]' ELSE act_title_en END) AS hint_title, act_description_en AS hint_description, 1 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_en != 'NA'
              OR act_description_en != 'NA'
              SELECT blc.hint_id, act_title_ll AS hint_title, act_description_ll AS hint_description, 2 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_ll != 'NA'
              OR act_description_ll != 'NA') hint_text_entries;

              /* cleaning up */
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core WHERE 1 = 1;"



               /* Avoiding duplicate hints from BT */
               /* REMOVES DUPLICATE BIDs*/
              DELETE bt_leads_core FROM bt_leads_core
              JOIN bt_hint_bid ON bt_leads_core.bid = bt_hint_bid.bid WHERE bt_leads_core.force_create=0;

              /* Writing into hint_log */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_log(hint_type_id, hint_state_id, user_id, registration_date, acting_agency, hint_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id)
              SELECT 2 AS hint_type_id, 5 AS hint_state_id, 70 AS user_id, collection_date, acting_agency, act_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* store hint_id & bid pairs*/
              UPDATE bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_hint_log bhl
              ON bhl.upload_id = blc.upload_id
              SET blc.hint_id = bhl.hint_id;

              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_leads_core.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id AND is_covid = 1
              SET hint_type_id=2;

              /* some odd NULL rows in first iteration*/
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE collection_date IS NULL;

              /* Writing into classification log*/
              INSERT INTO bt_classification_log(hint_id, user_id, hint_state_id)
              SELECT hint_id, 70 AS user_id, 5 AS hint_state_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* adding act_urls */
              /** update bt_url_log **/
              INSERT INTO bt_url_log(url)
              SELECT DISTINCT url FROM
              (SELECT act_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE act_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.act_url = bt_url_log.url)
              SELECT background_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE background_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.background_url = bt_url_log.url)) new_urls;

              /** update bt_hint_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_url(hint_id, url_id, url_type_id, classification_id, url_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT blc.hint_id, bul.url_id,
              (CASE WHEN blc.act_url_official = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS url_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS url_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul ON blc.act_url=bul.url
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id=bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.act_url IS NOT NULL;

              /** update bt_hint_background_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_background_url(hint_id, url_id)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, url_id
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul
              ON blc.background_url=bul.url;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_jurisdiction */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_jurisdiction(hint_id, classification_id, jurisdiction_id, jurisdiction_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS jurisdiction_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name = blc.country_lead
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_date */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_date(hint_id, date, date_type_id, classification_id, date_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, act_date, 1 AS date_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS date_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* bt_hint_bid */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_bid (hint_id, bid)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, bid
              FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE bid IS NOT NULL;

              /* bt_hint_relevance */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_relevance (hint_id, classification_id, relevance, relevance_probability, relevance_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, blc.relevant AS relevance, blc.relevance_probability,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS relevance_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.relevant IS NOT NULL;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_text*/
              /** English **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_text(hint_id, hint_title, hint_description, language_id, classification_id, description_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT * FROM
              (SELECT blc.hint_id, (CASE WHEN act_title_en IS NULL THEN '[hint without title]' ELSE act_title_en END) AS hint_title, act_description_en AS hint_description, 1 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_en != 'NA'
              OR act_description_en != 'NA'
              SELECT blc.hint_id, act_title_ll AS hint_title, act_description_ll AS hint_description, 2 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_ll != 'NA'
              OR act_description_ll != 'NA') hint_text_entries;

              /* cleaning up */
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core WHERE 1 = 1;"



               /* Avoiding duplicate hints from BT */
               /* REMOVES DUPLICATE BIDs*/
              DELETE bt_leads_core FROM bt_leads_core
              JOIN bt_hint_bid ON bt_leads_core.bid = bt_hint_bid.bid WHERE bt_leads_core.force_create=0;

              /* Writing into hint_log */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_log(hint_type_id, hint_state_id, user_id, registration_date, acting_agency, hint_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id)
              SELECT 2 AS hint_type_id, 5 AS hint_state_id, 70 AS user_id, collection_date, acting_agency, act_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* store hint_id & bid pairs*/
              UPDATE bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_hint_log bhl
              ON bhl.upload_id = blc.upload_id
              SET blc.hint_id = bhl.hint_id;

              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_leads_core.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id AND is_covid = 1
              SET hint_type_id=2;

              /* some odd NULL rows in first iteration*/
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE collection_date IS NULL;

              /* in descending priority order */
              /* state 8 if  relevant = 0*/
              /* state 10 if old <=2019 */
              /* state 1 if no jur */
              /* else state 5 */
              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_hint_log.hint_id = bt_leads_core.hint_id
              LEFT JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON bt_leads_core.country_lead = gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name
              SET bt_hint_log.hint_state_id= (CASE WHEN bt_leads_core.relevant = 0 THEN 8
              				     WHEN bt_leads_core.act_date <= '2019-01-01' THEN 10
              				     WHEN gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id IS NULL THEN 1
              				     ELSE 5 END);

              /* Writing into classification log*/
              INSERT INTO bt_classification_log(hint_id, user_id, hint_state_id)
              SELECT hint_id, 70 AS user_id, 11 AS hint_state_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* adding act_urls */
              /** update bt_url_log **/
              INSERT INTO bt_url_log(url)
              SELECT DISTINCT url FROM
              (SELECT act_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE act_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.act_url = bt_url_log.url)
              SELECT background_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE background_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.background_url = bt_url_log.url)) new_urls;

              /** update bt_hint_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_url(hint_id, url_id, url_type_id, classification_id, url_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT blc.hint_id, bul.url_id,
              (CASE WHEN blc.act_url_official = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS url_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS url_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul ON blc.act_url=bul.url
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id=bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.act_url IS NOT NULL;

              /** update bt_hint_background_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_background_url(hint_id, url_id)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, url_id
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul
              ON blc.background_url=bul.url;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_jurisdiction */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_jurisdiction(hint_id, classification_id, jurisdiction_id, jurisdiction_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS jurisdiction_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name = blc.country_lead
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_date */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_date(hint_id, date, date_type_id, classification_id, date_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, act_date, 1 AS date_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS date_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* bt_hint_bid */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_bid (hint_id, bid)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, bid
              FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE bid IS NOT NULL;

              /* bt_hint_relevance */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_relevance (hint_id, classification_id, relevance, relevance_probability, relevance_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, blc.relevant AS relevance, blc.relevance_probability,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS relevance_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.relevant IS NOT NULL;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_text*/
              /** English **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_text(hint_id, hint_title, hint_description, language_id, classification_id, description_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT * FROM
              (SELECT blc.hint_id, (CASE WHEN act_title_en IS NULL THEN '[hint without title]' ELSE act_title_en END) AS hint_title, act_description_en AS hint_description, 1 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_en != 'NA'
              OR act_description_en != 'NA'
              SELECT blc.hint_id, act_title_ll AS hint_title, act_description_ll AS hint_description, 2 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_ll != 'NA'
              OR act_description_ll != 'NA') hint_text_entries;

              /* cleaning up */
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core WHERE 1 = 1;"



      #this is basically the same as the 'leads' query, except the hint_type_id is 3

               /* Avoiding duplicate hints from BT */
               /* REMOVES DUPLICATE BIDs*/
              DELETE bt_leads_core FROM bt_leads_core
              JOIN bt_hint_bid ON bt_leads_core.bid = bt_hint_bid.bid WHERE bt_leads_core.force_create=0;

              /* Writing into hint_log */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_log(hint_type_id, hint_state_id, user_id, registration_date, acting_agency, hint_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id)
              SELECT 3 AS hint_type_id, 5 AS hint_state_id, 70 AS user_id, collection_date, acting_agency, act_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* store hint_id & bid pairs*/
              UPDATE bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_hint_log bhl
              ON bhl.upload_id = blc.upload_id
              SET blc.hint_id = bhl.hint_id;

              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_leads_core.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id AND is_covid = 1
              SET hint_type_id=3;

              /* some odd NULL rows in first iteration*/
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE collection_date IS NULL;

              /* in descending priority order */
              /* state 8 if  relevant = 0*/
              /* state 10 if old <=2019 */
              /* state 1 if no jur */
              /* else state 5 */
              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_hint_log.hint_id = bt_leads_core.hint_id
              LEFT JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON bt_leads_core.country_lead = gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name
              SET bt_hint_log.hint_state_id= (CASE 
              				     WHEN bt_leads_core.act_date <= '2019-01-01' THEN 10
              				     WHEN gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id IS NULL THEN 1
              				     ELSE 5 END);

              /* Writing into classification log*/
              INSERT INTO bt_classification_log(hint_id, user_id, hint_state_id)
              SELECT hint_id, 70 AS user_id, 11 AS hint_state_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* adding act_urls */
              /** update bt_url_log **/
              INSERT INTO bt_url_log(url)
              SELECT DISTINCT url FROM
              (SELECT act_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE act_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.act_url = bt_url_log.url)
              SELECT background_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE background_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.background_url = bt_url_log.url)) new_urls;

              /** update bt_hint_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_url(hint_id, url_id, url_type_id, classification_id, url_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT blc.hint_id, bul.url_id,
              (CASE WHEN blc.act_url_official = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS url_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS url_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul ON blc.act_url=bul.url
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id=bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.act_url IS NOT NULL;

              /** update bt_hint_background_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_background_url(hint_id, url_id)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, url_id
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul
              ON blc.background_url=bul.url;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_jurisdiction */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_jurisdiction(hint_id, classification_id, jurisdiction_id, jurisdiction_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS jurisdiction_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name = blc.country_lead
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_date */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_date(hint_id, date, date_type_id, classification_id, date_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, act_date, 1 AS date_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS date_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* bt_hint_bid */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_bid (hint_id, bid)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, bid
              FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE bid IS NOT NULL;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_text*/
              /** English **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_text(hint_id, hint_title, hint_description, language_id, classification_id, description_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT * FROM
              (SELECT blc.hint_id, (CASE WHEN act_title_en IS NULL THEN '[hint without title]' ELSE act_title_en END) AS hint_title, act_description_en AS hint_description, 1 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_en != 'NA'
              OR act_description_en != 'NA'
              SELECT blc.hint_id, act_title_ll AS hint_title, act_description_ll AS hint_description, 2 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_ll != 'NA'
              OR act_description_ll != 'NA') hint_text_entries;

              /* cleaning up */
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core WHERE 1 = 1;"



      #this is basically the same as the 'leads' query, except the hint_type_id is 3

               /* Avoiding duplicate hints from BT */
               /* REMOVES DUPLICATE BIDs*/
              DELETE bt_leads_core FROM bt_leads_core
              JOIN bt_hint_bid ON bt_leads_core.bid = bt_hint_bid.bid WHERE bt_leads_core.force_create=0;

              /* Writing into hint_log */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_log(hint_type_id, hint_state_id, user_id, registration_date, acting_agency, hint_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id)
              SELECT 4 AS hint_type_id, 5 AS hint_state_id, 70 AS user_id, collection_date, acting_agency, act_values, upload_id, scrape_run_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* store hint_id & bid pairs*/
              UPDATE bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_hint_log bhl
              ON bhl.upload_id = blc.upload_id
              SET blc.hint_id = bhl.hint_id;

              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_leads_core.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              SET hint_type_id=4;

              /* some odd NULL rows in first iteration*/
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE collection_date IS NULL;

              /* in descending priority order */
              /* state 8 if  relevant = 0*/
              /* state 10 if old <=2019 */
              /* state 1 if no jur */
              /* else state 5 */
              UPDATE bt_hint_log
              JOIN bt_leads_core ON bt_hint_log.hint_id = bt_leads_core.hint_id
              LEFT JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON bt_leads_core.country_lead = gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name
              SET bt_hint_log.hint_state_id= (CASE WHEN bt_leads_core.relevant = 0 THEN 8
              				     WHEN bt_leads_core.act_date <= '2019-01-01' THEN 10
              				     WHEN gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id IS NULL THEN 1
              				     ELSE 5 END);

              /* Writing into classification log*/
              INSERT INTO bt_classification_log(hint_id, user_id, hint_state_id)
              SELECT hint_id, 70 AS user_id, 11 AS hint_state_id
              FROM bt_leads_core;

              /* adding act_urls */
              /** update bt_url_log **/
              INSERT INTO bt_url_log(url)
              SELECT DISTINCT url FROM
              (SELECT act_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE act_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.act_url = bt_url_log.url)
              SELECT background_url AS url
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              WHERE background_url IS NOT NULL
              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM bt_url_log WHERE blc.background_url = bt_url_log.url)) new_urls;

              /** update bt_hint_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_url(hint_id, url_id, url_type_id, classification_id, url_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT blc.hint_id, bul.url_id,
              (CASE WHEN blc.act_url_official = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS url_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS url_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul ON blc.act_url=bul.url
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id=bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.act_url IS NOT NULL;

              /** update bt_hint_background_url **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_background_url(hint_id, url_id)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, url_id
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_url_log bul
              ON blc.background_url=bul.url;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_jurisdiction */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_jurisdiction(hint_id, classification_id, jurisdiction_id, jurisdiction_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS jurisdiction_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN gta_jurisdiction_list ON gta_jurisdiction_list.jurisdiction_name = blc.country_lead
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_date */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_date(hint_id, date, date_type_id, classification_id, date_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, act_date, 1 AS date_type_id, bcl.classification_id,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS date_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id;

              /* bt_hint_bid */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_bid (hint_id, bid)
              SELECT DISTINCT hint_id, bid
              FROM bt_leads_core
              WHERE bid IS NOT NULL;

              /* bt_hint_relevance */
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_relevance (hint_id, classification_id, relevance, relevance_probability, relevance_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT bcl.hint_id, bcl.classification_id, blc.relevant AS relevance, blc.relevance_probability,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END) AS relevance_accepted,
              (CASE WHEN bt_hint_log.hint_state_id = 1 THEN NULL ELSE bcl.classification_id END) AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              JOIN bt_hint_log ON blc.hint_id = bt_hint_log.hint_id
              WHERE blc.relevant IS NOT NULL;

              /* Writing into bt_hint_text*/
              /** English **/
              INSERT INTO bt_hint_text(hint_id, hint_title, hint_description, language_id, classification_id, description_accepted, validation_classification)
              SELECT DISTINCT * FROM
              (SELECT blc.hint_id, (CASE WHEN act_title_en IS NULL THEN '[hint without title]' ELSE act_title_en END) AS hint_title, act_description_en AS hint_description, 1 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_en != 'NA'
              OR act_description_en != 'NA'
              SELECT blc.hint_id, act_title_ll AS hint_title, act_description_ll AS hint_description, 2 AS language_id, bcl.classification_id, 1 AS description_accepted, bcl.classification_id AS validation_classification
              FROM bt_leads_core blc
              JOIN bt_classification_log bcl ON blc.hint_id = bcl.hint_id
              WHERE act_title_ll != 'NA'
              OR act_description_ll != 'NA') hint_text_entries;

              /* cleaning up */
              DELETE FROM bt_leads_core WHERE 1 = 1;"


    reset.query="SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;
                TRUNCATE b221_collection_assessment;
                TRUNCATE b221_collection_intervention;
                TRUNCATE b221_collection_jurisdiction;
                TRUNCATE b221_collection_log;
                TRUNCATE b221_collection_product_group;
                TRUNCATE b221_collection_relevance;
                TRUNCATE b221_hint_assessment;
                TRUNCATE b221_hint_collection;
                TRUNCATE b221_hint_comment_log;
                TRUNCATE b221_hint_intervention;
                TRUNCATE b221_hint_product_group;
                TRUNCATE bt_classification_log;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_background_url;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_bid;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_evaluation;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_jurisdiction;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_lead;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_log;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_processing;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_relevance;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_text;
                TRUNCATE bt_hint_url;
                TRUNCATE bt_url_log;
                SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;"


    print("SINGLE-LINK UPLOAD complete")

    if(grepl(pattern="Google Drive", x=getwd())){
      #get lc.update back in its normal formatting (w/o vars surrounded by apostrophes etc.)
      lc.update = lc.update.copy

      ## assign collections to multi-link hints



        lc.update=subset(lc.update, bid %in% multi.links)

        for(new.col in unique(lc.update$bid)){


          col.name=paste0(col.country, ": ")


          if(! is.na(col.title)){


              col.name=paste0(col.name, substr(col.title, 1,50),"... ")

            } else {

              col.name=paste0(col.name, col.title)

          } else {


            if(! is.na(col.title)){


                col.name=paste0(col.name, substr(col.title, 1,50),"... ")

              } else {

                col.name=paste0(col.name, col.title)

            } else {


              if(! is.na(col.title)){


                  col.name=paste0(col.name, substr(col.title, 1,50),"... ")

                } else {

                  col.name=paste0(col.name, col.title)

              } else {


                if(! is.na(col.title)){


                    col.name=paste0(col.name, substr(col.title, 1,50),"... ")

                  } else {

                    col.name=paste0(col.name, col.title)

                } else {

                  col.name=paste0(col.name, "AUTO-GENERATED COLLECTION, PLEASE CORRECT")






          col.name=paste0(col.country,": ", col.title," (",format(unique(lc.update$act.date[lc.update$bid==new.col]),"%B %Y") ,")")

          col.hints=gta_sql_get_value(paste0("SELECT hint_id
                                 FROM bt_hint_bid
                                 WHERE bid IN (",paste(paste0("'",new.col,"'"), collapse=", "),");"))

            stop(paste0("No hints for this BID: ", new.col))

          b221_process_collections_hints(is.freelancer = FALSE,
                                         user.id = 70,
                                         new.collection.name = col.name,
                                         collection.id = NULL,
                                         hints.id = col.hints,
                                         country = col.country,
                                         product = NULL,
                                         intervention = NULL,
                                         assessment = NULL,
                                         relevance = NULL,
                                         collection.unchanged = F,
                                         starred.hint.id = NA,
                                         empty.attributes = T)




    print("FULL UPLOAD complete")


global-trade-alert/gtabastiat documentation built on June 4, 2023, 6:40 a.m.