
# Funtions to access parts of kernels

#' @name access
#' @rdname access
#' @title Interaction with kernel objects
#' @description Access and interact with kernel objects. These functions allow
#'   you to report the type of kernel (\code{getType}), extract subkernels
#'   (\code{getSubKernel}) report kernel parameters (\code{getParameters}) and
#'   update them (\code{setParameters}). You can also visualise GPs drawn from
#'   1d or 2d kernels using \code{demoKernel}.
#' @template kac_kernel
#' @examples
#' # construct a kernel with one feature
#' k1 <- rbf('temperature', l = 5)

#' @rdname access
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get the kernel type
#' getType(k1)
getType <- function (kernel) {
  # get the type of kernel
  # check it's a kernel
  # extract the type
  ans <- environment(kernel)$object$type
  # and return it
  return (ans)
#' @rdname access
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get the names of the columns the kernel acts on
#' getColumns(k1)
getColumns <- function (kernel) {
  # get the columns used to construct the kernel
  # check it's a kernel
  # flatten into a list of the basis kernels
  kernel_list <- flattenKernel(kernel)$data_list
  # loop through listing only unique columns
  ans <- unique(unlist(lapply(kernel_list,
                              function(x) x$columns)))
  # remove any which are blank
  ans <- ans[ans != ""]
  # and return it
  return (ans)

#' @rdname access
#' @param continuous whether the parameter values should be reported (and set)
#' on the scale of their continuous transformation rather than their true value
#' (the default).

#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get the parameters of the kernel
#' params <- getParameters(k1)
#' params
getParameters <- function (kernel, continuous = FALSE) {
  # get the kernel parameters
  # check it's a kernel
  # extract the parameter objects
  ans <- environment(kernel)$object$parameters
  # evaluate them all
  ans <- lapply(ans,
                function(x) x(continuous = continuous))
  # and return them
  return (ans)

getObject <- function (kernel) {
  # check it first
  # get a kernel object, from a kernel
  ans <- environment(kernel)$object
  # return this
  return (ans)

# given a kernel object (such as one produced by getObject)
# re-create the kernel from which it came
# The kernel can be either compositional or basis.
setObject <- function (object) {
  is_comp <- all(names(object) == c('type',
  is_basis <- all(names(object) == c('type',
  if ((!is_comp & !is_basis) | (is_comp & is_basis)) {
    stop ('apparently not a valid kernel object')
  # if it's compositional, just recreate it
  if (is_comp) {
    kernel <- get(object$type)(object$kernel1, object$kernel2)
  } else {
    # otherwise, get kernel from the type and columns
    if (is.null(object$columns)) {
      # if there are no columns (int & some iids), don't specify any
      kernel <- do.call(object$type, list())
    } else {
      # otherwise build it with the new columns
      kernel <- do.call(object$type, list(object$columns))
    # get the parameter values
    params <- lapply(object$parameters,
                     function(x) x())
    # update the parameters with these
    kernel <- do.call(setParameters, c(kernel, params))
  # check it's valid
  return (kernel)

getFeatures <- function (object, data, newdata, to_matrix = TRUE) {
  # extract and tidy data for kernel evaluation,
  # optionally (default) convert response to a matrix
  # if no evaluation data provided, use the training data
  if (is.null(newdata)) newdata <- data
  # get the kernel's active columns
  columns <- object$columns
  x <- data[, columns]
  y <- newdata[, columns]
  # optionally convert to matrices
  if (to_matrix) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    y <- as.matrix(y)
  return(list(x = x,
              y = y))

#' @rdname access
#' @param \dots parameters to be updated and the new values for them to take 
#' (see examples). Note that these must be passed as values, not as parameter
#' objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # evaluate and visualise it
#' image(k1(pressure))
#' # change the length scale
#' k2 <- setParameters(k1, l = 10)
#' getParameters(k2)
#' # change the lengthhscale and variance
#' k2 <- setParameters(k1, l = 9, sigma = 1.3)
#' getParameters(k2)
#' # evaluate and visualise the new kernel
#' image(k2(pressure))
setParameters <- function (kernel, ..., continuous = FALSE) {
  # function to set the values of some or all of the parameters
  # capture dots argument
  parameter_list <- list(...)
  # check the new parameters
  checkParameters(kernel, parameter_list)
  # get kernel's object
  object <- getObject(kernel)
  # get the existing parameters
  parameters_current <- object$parameters
  # convert these to their values
  parameters_current_values <- lapply(parameters_current,
                                      function(x, continuous) x(continuous),
  # loop through each element in parameter_list
  for (i in 1:length(parameter_list)) {
    # get the new parameter name
    parameter_name <- names(parameter_list)[i]
    # and length
    parameter_len <- length(parameter_list[[i]])
    # find the matching parameter
    j <- match(parameter_name,
    # update the parameter
    parameters_current_values[[j]] <- parameter_list[[i]]
  # create a new kernel with these parameter values
  if (is.null(getColumns(kernel))) {
    # for kernels without columns
    new_kernel <- do.call(getType(kernel),
  } else {
    # for kernels with columns
    new_kernel <- do.call(getType(kernel),
                          c(list(columns = getColumns(kernel)),
  # return the kernel
  return (new_kernel)

#' @rdname access
#' @param which which of the two \emph{immediate} subkernels of the kernel to extract
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # build a compositional kernel
#' k2 <- k1 + k1 * k1
#' # extract a subkernel
#' k3 <- getSubKernel(k2, 1)
getSubKernel <- function (kernel, which = 1) {
  # extract the subkernels of compositional kernels
  # kernel must be a sum, prod or kron kernel and which can be either 1 or 2
  # check the class and type
  type <- getType(kernel) 
  # check it's a basis kernel
  # check the subkernel selection
  if (!(which %in% 1:2)) {
    stop (paste0('this function can only access the *immediate* sub-kernels',
                 ' of a compositional kernel, so which can only be 1 or 2.',
                 ' You entered ',
  # extract the chosen subkernel
  if (which == 1) {
    kernel <- environment(kernel)$object$kernel1
  } else {
    kernel <- environment(kernel)$object$kernel2
  # return the kernel
  return (kernel)

#' @rdname access
#' @param data a dataset from which to calculate the range of values over which
#'   to draw example GPs. If \code{NULL}, the range -5 to 5 is used,
#'   arbitrarily.
#' @param ndraw the number of (zero-mean) GP realisations from the kernel to
#'   plot. Ignored in the case of a 2d kernel.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # plot example GPs from this kernel, applied to the pressure dataset
#' demoKernel(k1, data = pressure)
#' # plot a draw from a 2d kernel
#' k4 <- k1 * expo('pressure', l = 7)
#' demoKernel(k4, data = pressure)
demoKernel <- function (kernel, data = NULL, ndraw = 3) {
  # plotting example draws from a kernel
  # get the columns
  columns <- getColumns(kernel)
  D <- length(columns)
  if (!D %in% 1:2) {
    stop ("sorry, only one- and two-dimensional kernels are currently supported")
  # need to make this handle discrete data
  # for 2d case, call a separate function
  if (D == 2) {
    # get the range of data to plot
    if (is.null(data)) {
      range_x <- range_y <- c(-5, 5)
    } else {
      range_x <- range(data[, columns[1]])
      range_y <- range(data[, columns[2]])
    gpPersp(kernel, range_x, range_y)
  } else {
    # get the range of data to plot
    if (is.null(data)) {
      range <- c(-5, 5)
    } else {
      range <- range(data[, columns])
    # get some random draws from the kernel
    df_covs <- data.frame(seq(range[1], range[2], len = 1000))
    names(df_covs) <- columns
    draws <- rgp(n = ndraw, kernel = kernel, data = df_covs)
    # define colour palette
    col <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, 'Set1')
    # repeat it multiple times if necessary
    if (ndraw > 9) {
      col <- rep(col, ceiling(ndraw / 9))
    plot(draws[, 1] ~ df_covs[[1]],
         type = 'n',
         ylim = range(draws),
         xlab = columns,
         ylab = paste0('f(', columns, ')'))
    for (i in 1:ndraw) {
      lines(draws[, i] ~ df_covs[[1]],
            type = 'l',
            lwd = 2,
            col = col[i])
  title(main = paste0(ndraw,
                      ' GP realisations from the kernel\n',

gpPersp <- function (kernel, range_x = c(-5, 5), range_y = c(-5, 5), res = 100) {
  # draw a 2d GP from a kernel and plot it nicely
  # set up fake data
  columns <- getColumns(kernel)
  stopifnot(length(columns) == 2)
  seq_x <- seq(range_x[1], range_x[2], length.out = res)
  seq_y <- seq(range_y[1], range_y[2], length.out = res)
  df <- expand.grid(x = seq_x,
                    y = seq_y)
  colnames(df) <- columns
  # draw gp & coerce to a matrix
  draw <- rgp(1, kernel, df)
  draw <- matrix(draw, nrow = res, byrow = FALSE)
  # get plotting parameters & replace them on exit
  mar <- par()$mar
  on.exit(par(mar = mar))
  par(mar = rep(0, 4))
  zlim <- range(draw)
  zlim <- zlim + c(-1, 1) * 0.4 * abs(diff(zlim))
  # make the plot
  persp(x = seq_x,
        y = seq_y,
        z = draw,
        shade = 0.1,
        col = perspCol(draw, viridis(1000)),
        border = NA,
        zlim = zlim,
        box = FALSE,
        theta = -30,
        phi = 45,
        r = sqrt(20),
        xlab = columns[1],
        ylab = columns[2]) -> res
  # add axis arrows and labels
  # arrow locations
  l1 <- trans3d(range_x, range_y[c(1, 1)], min(zlim), pmat = res)
  l2 <- trans3d(range_x[c(1, 1)], range_y, min(zlim), pmat = res)
  # label locations
  x_off <- abs(diff(range_x)) * 0.2
  y_off <- abs(diff(range_y)) * 0.2
  lab1 <- trans3d(mean(range_x), range_y[1] - y_off, min(zlim), pmat = res)
  lab2 <- trans3d(range_x[1] - x_off, mean(range_y), min(zlim), pmat = res)
  arrows(l1$x[1], l1$y[1], l1$x[2], l1$y[2],
         pch = 16,
         xpd = NA,
         lwd = 1,
         length = 0.1,
         col = grey(0.5))
  arrows(l2$x[1], l2$y[1], l2$x[2], l2$y[2],
         pch = 16,
         xpd = NA,
         lwd = 1,
         length = 0.1,
         col = grey(0.5))
  text(lab1$x, lab1$y, labels = 'a', col = grey(0.5))
  text(lab2$x, lab2$y, labels = 'b', col = grey(0.5))
  # invisibly return the persp object

perspCol <- function(grid, colvec) {
  # get colour ramp matrix for perspective plotting
  nc <- ncol(grid)
  nr <- nrow(grid)
  mn <- (grid[-1, -1] +
           grid[-1, -(nc - 1)] +
           grid[-(nr - 1), -1] +
           grid[-(nr - 1), -(nc - 1)]) / 4
  breaks <- cut(mn,
                breaks = length(colvec),
                include.lowest = TRUE)
goldingn/gpe documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:41 a.m.