
Defines functions ltxCoef ltx.phreg ltx.coxreg ltx

Documented in ltx

#' LaTeX printing of regression results.
#' This (generic) function prints the LaTeX code of the results of a fit from
#' \code{\link{coxreg}}, \code{\link{phreg}}, \code{\link{tpchreg}}, 
#' or \code{\link{aftreg}}, similar
#' to what \code{xtable} does for fits from other functions.
#' The result is a printout which is (much) nicer than the standard printed
#' output from \code{glm} and friends,
#' @param x The output from a call to \code{coxreg}, \code{tpchreg}, or
#' \code{aftreg}
#' @param caption A suitable caption for the table.
#' @param label A label used in the LaTeX code.
#' @param dr Output from a \code{drop1} call.
#' @param digits Number of digits to be printed.
#' @param \dots Not used.
#' @return LaTeX code version of the results from a run with
#' \code{\link{coxreg}}, \code{\link{phreg}}, \code{\link{phreg}}, 
#' or \code{\link{aftreg}}.
#' @note For printing confidence limits, use \code{\link{ltx2}}.
#' @author Göran Broström.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ltx2}}, \code{\link{coxreg}}, \code{\link{phreg}}, 
#' \code{\link{phreg}}, and \code{\link{aftreg}}.
#' @keywords printing
#' @examples
#' data(oldmort)
#' fit <- coxreg(Surv(enter, exit, event) ~ civ + sex, data = oldmort)
#' dr <- drop1(fit, test = "Chisq")
#' ltx(fit, dr = dr, caption = "A test example.", label = "tab:test1") 
#' @export ltx
ltx <- function(x,
                caption = NULL,
                label = NULL,
                dr = NULL,
                digits = max(options()$digits - 4, 3), ...){

#' @export
ltx.coxreg <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, dr = NULL, 
          digits=max(options()$digits - 4, 3), ...){
    if (!inherits(x, "coxreg")){
        stop("only for coxreg objects")
    if (!is.null(cl<- x$call)) {

    if (!is.null(x$fail)) {
        if (x$fail != 0){
            cat(" coxreg failed with: ")

    if (!length(x$coefficients)){
        cat("Null log likelihood = $", x$loglik[2], "$\n")

    savedig <- options(digits = digits)

    ltxCoef(x, digits, dr, caption) # Print regression coefficients
### New 2020-11-26:    
    if (inherits(x, "summary.tpchreg")){
        ivl <- paste("(", min(x$cuts), ", ", max(x$cuts), "]", sep = "")
        if (x$n.strata == 1){
            cat("Restr. mean survival: & ", x$rmean, " & in", ivl, "\\\\ \n")
            names(x$rmean) <- x$strata
            cat("Restr. mean survival in & ", ivl, ": \\\\ \n")
            for (ll in 1:(x$n.strata - 1)){
                cat(" & ", formatC(x$strata[ll], format = "g", flag = "#"))
            cat(" & ", x$strata[x$n.strata], "\\\\ \n")
            for (ll in 1:(x$n.strata - 1)){
                cat(" & ", formatC(x$rmean[ll], format = "g", flag = "#"))
            cat(" & ", formatC(x$rmean[x$n.strata], format = "g", flag = "#"), "\\\\ \n")
### End New 2020-11-26.    
    cat("\\hline \n")


    if (!is.null(label)){
        cat("\\label{", label, "} \n", sep = "")
    cat("\\normalsize \n")
    cat("\\end{center} \n")
    cat("\\end{table} \n\n\n")
    cat(" \n\n")
        tmp <- cbind(coef, exp(coef), se,
                     signif(1 - pchisq((coef/ se)^2, 1), digits - 1))
        dimnames(tmp) <- list(names(coef), c("coef", "rel. risk",
                                             "se(coef)", "p"))

    if (!is.null(x$frailty)){
        cat("\nFrailty standard deviation = ", x$sigma, "\n")
        cat("                      S.E. = ", x$sigma.sd, "\n\n")
    if (FALSE){
        logtest <- -2 * (x$loglik[1] - x$loglik[2])
        if (is.null(x$df)) df <- sum(!is.na(coef))
        else  df <- round(sum(x$df),2)
        cat(formatC("Events", width = 25, flag = "-"), x$events, "\n")
        cat(formatC("Total time at risk", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            formatC(x$ttr, digits = 5, format = "fg"), "\n")
        cat(formatC("Max. log. likelihood", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            formatC(x$loglik[2], digits = 5, format = "fg"), "\n")
        cat(formatC("LR test statistic", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            format(round(logtest, 2)), "\n")
        cat(formatC("Degrees of freedom", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            formatC(df, digits = 0, format = "f"), "\n")
        cat(formatC("Overall p-value", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            format.pval(1 - pchisq(logtest, df), digits = 6, "\n"))
        if (length(x$icc))
            cat("   number of clusters=", x$icc[1],
                "    ICC=", format(x$icc[2:3]), "\n")

#' @export
ltx.phreg <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, dr = NULL, 
          digits=max(options()$digits - 4, 3), ...){
    if (!("phreg" %in% class(x))) stop("Only for 'phreg' output")

    if (!is.null(cl<- x$call)) {

    if (!is.null(x$fail)) {
        if (x$fail != 0){
            cat(" phreg failed with: ")

    if (!length(x$coefficients)){
        cat("Null log likelihood = ", x$loglik[2], "\n")

    if (x$pfixed){

        n.slsh <- 1

        n.slsh <- 2 * x$n.strata


    savedig <- options(digits = digits)

    ltxCoef(x, digits, dr, caption) # Print regression coefficients.

    if (FALSE){
        cat("Baseline parameters \\\\\n")
        for (i in 1:n.slsh){
        jup <- length(x$coef)
        ss.names <- names(x$coef[(jup - n.slsh + 1):jup])
        index <- index + 1
        ## covar.no <- covar.no + 1
        cat(formatC(ss.names[i], width = 16, flag = "-"),
            formatC(" & & ",
                    width = 8, digits = 3, format = "c"),
            coef[index], " & ",
            e.coef[index], " & ",
            se[index], " & ",
            #formatC(" ", width = 1),
                    digits = 3,
                    width = digits + 2,
                    format = "f"), " \\\\ ", 
            ##signif(1 - pchisq((coef/ se)^2, 1), digits - 1),
    ##cat("index = ", index, "\n")
    ##cat("e.coef[index - 1] = ", e.coef[index - 1], "\n")
    ##cat("e.coef[index] = ", e.coef[index], "\n")

### The following about 'mean' is a hack!!! only for 'gompertz'!
    ## Later to be moved to 'aftreg.fit'
    ##if (x$param == "default"){
    ##    shapen <- exp(x$coef[index])
    ##    shapen <- exp(-x$coef[index])
    ##medel <- integrate(pgompertz, 0, Inf, lower.tail = FALSE,
    ##                   scale = exp(x$coef[index - 1]),
    ##                   shape = shapen)$value
    ##cat("Baseline mean: ", medel, 
    ##    "\\\\", "\\hline", "\n")
### End hack!
    ##cat("\\hline \n")
    ##cat("Events & ", x$n.events, " & TTR & ", x$ttr, "\\\\ \n")
    ##cat("Max. Log Likelihood & ", x$loglik[2], "\\\\ \\hline \n")
    ##cat("\\hline \n")


    if (!is.null(label)){
        cat("\\label{", label, "} \n", sep = "")

    cat("\\end{center} \n")
    cat("\\end{table} \n\n\n")
    cat(" \n\n")
        tmp <- cbind(coef, exp(coef), se,
                     signif(1 - pchisq((coef/ se)^2, 1), digits - 1))
        dimnames(tmp) <- list(names(coef), c("coef", "rel. risk",
                                             "se(coef)", "p"))

    if (!is.null(x$frailty)){
        cat("\nFrailty standard deviation = ", x$sigma, "\n")
        cat("                      S.E. = ", x$sigma.sd, "\n\n")
    if (FALSE){
        logtest <- -2 * (x$loglik[1] - x$loglik[2])
        if (is.null(x$df)) df <- sum(!is.na(coef))
        else  df <- round(sum(x$df),2)
        cat(formatC("Events", width = 25, flag = "-"), x$events, "\n")
        cat(formatC("Total time at risk", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            formatC(x$ttr, digits = 5, format = "fg"), "\n")
        cat(formatC("Max. log. likelihood", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            formatC(x$loglik[2], digits = 5, format = "fg"), "\n")
        cat(formatC("LR test statistic", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            format(round(logtest, 2)), "\n")
        cat(formatC("Degrees of freedom", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            formatC(df, digits = 0, format = "f"), "\n")
        cat(formatC("Overall p-value", width = 25, flag = "-"),
            format.pval(1 - pchisq(logtest, df), digits = 6, "\n"))
        if (length(x$icc))
            cat("   number of clusters=", x$icc[1],
                "    ICC=", format(x$icc[2:3]), "\n")

###     Start of 'ltxCoef'                                                ###

ltxCoef <- function(x, digits, dr, caption){
    coef <- x$coef

    se <- sqrt(diag(x$var))

    wald.p <- formatC(1 - pchisq((coef/ se)^2, 1),
                      digits = digits,
                      format = "f")
    if(is.null(coef) | is.null(se))
        stop("Input is not valid")
    ## Check for dr:
    lp <- !is.null(dr) 
    if (lp){
        lpval <- formatC(dr[-1, 4], digits = digits, format = "f")
    cat("\\begin{table}[ht] \n")
    if (!is.null(caption)){
        cat("\\caption{", caption, "} \n", sep = "")
    cat("\\begin{center} \n")
    cat("\\footnotesize \n") # NOTE!!
    cat("\\begin{tabular}{lrrrrr} \n")
    cat("\\hline \n")
    if (lp){
        if ("aftreg" %in% x$class){
            if (x$param == "default"){
                cat("\\bf Covariate & \\bf Mean & \\bf Coef & \\bf Time accn. & \\bf S.E. & \\bf  L-R p \\\\ \\hline\n")
                cat("\\bf Covariate & \\bf Mean & \\bf Coef & \\bf Life expn. & \\bf S.E. &   \\bf L-R p \\\\ \\hline\n")
            cat("\\bf Covariate & \\bf Mean & \\bf Coef & \\bf H.R. & \\bf S.E. &   \\bf L-R p \\\\ \\hline\n")
        if ("aftreg" %in% x$class){
            if (x$param == "default"){
                cat("\\bf Covariate & \\bf Mean & \\bf Coef & \\bf Time accn. & \\bf S.E. &  \\bf Wald p \\\\ \\hline\n")
                cat("\\bf Covariate & \\bf Mean & \\bf Coef & \\bf Life expn. & \\bf S.E. &  \\bf Wald p \\\\ \\hline\n")
            cat("\\bf Covariate & \\bf Mean & \\bf Coef & \\bf H.R. & \\bf S.E. &   \\bf Wald p \\\\ \\hline\n")
    e.coef <- formatC(exp(coef), digits = digits, format = "f")
    coef <- formatC(coef, digits = digits, format = "f")
    se <- formatC(se, digits = digits, format = "f")
    ett <-  1L
    noll <-  0L

    factors <- attr(x$terms, "factors")
    resp <- attr(x$terms, "response")
    row.strata <- attr(x$terms, "specials")$strata
    if (!is.null(row.strata))
      col.strata <- which(factors[row.strata, ] == 1)
    else col.strata <- NULL
    if (!is.null(col.strata)){
        factors <-
            attr(x$terms, "factors")[-c(resp, row.strata), -col.strata,
                                 drop = FALSE]
        factors <-
            attr(x$terms, "factors")[-c(resp, row.strata), ,
                                     drop = FALSE]

    covar.names <- x$covars
    term.names <- colnames(factors)

    isF <- x$isF

    ord <- attr(x$terms, "order")
    if (!is.null(col.strata)) ord <- ord[-col.strata]

    index <- 0
    lpindx <- 0

    for (term.no in 1:length(term.names)){

        if (ord[term.no] == 1){
            covar.no <- which(factors[, term.no] == 1)

            if (isF[covar.no]){ ## Factors:
                if (lp){
                    lpindx <- lpindx + 1
                    cat(covar.names[covar.no], " & & & & &",
                        lpval[lpindx], " \\\\ \n")
                    cat(covar.names[covar.no], " \\\\ \n")
                ##p <- match(covar.names[covar.no], names(data))
                no.lev <- length(x$levels[[covar.no]])
                x$levels[[covar.no]] <-
                    substring(x$levels[[covar.no]], 1, 16)
                lb <- paste("\\em", x$levels[[covar.no]][1], sep = " ")
                cat("\\multicolumn{1}{r}{", lb, "}",
                ## cat(formatC(x$levels[[covar.no]][1], width = 16, flag = "+"),
                    " & ",
                            width = 8, digits = digits, format = "f"), " & ",
                    noll, " & ",
                    ett, " & ",
                    "\\multicolumn{2}{c}{(reference)} \\\\ \n", sep = "")
                for (lev in 2:no.lev){
            ##cat("lev = ", lev, "\n")
                    index <- index + 1
                    lb <- paste("\\em", x$levels[[covar.no]][lev], sep = " ")
                    cat("\\multicolumn{1}{r}{", lb, "}",
                    ##cat(formatC(x$levels[[covar.no]][lev], width = 16,
                      ##          flag = "+"),
                        " & $",
                                width = 8, digits = digits, format = "f"), "$ & $",
                        coef[index], "$ & $",
                        e.coef[index], "$ & $",
                         se[index], "$") 
                        ##formatC(" ", width = 9),
                    if (lp){
                        cat("\\\\ \n")
                        cat(" & $ ", wald.p[index],
                            "$ \\\\ \n", sep = "")
            }else{ ## Covariates:
                index <- index + 1
                ##cat(formatC(substr(covar.names[covar.no], 1, 16),
                  ##          width = 16, flag = "-"),
                    " & $ ",
                            width = 8, digits = digits, format = "f"),
                    " $ & $ ",
                    coef[index], " $ & $ ",
                    e.coef[index], " $ & $ ",
                    se[index], " $ & $ ")
                if (lp){
                    lpindx <- lpindx + 1
                    ppv <- lpval[lpindx]
                    ppv <- wald.p[index]
                cat(ppv, "$ \\\\ \n")
        }else if (ord[term.no] > 1){ ## Interactions:
            cat(formatC(term.names[term.no], width = 16, flag = "-"), " \\\\ \n")
            niv <- numeric(ord[term.no])
            covar.no <- which(factors[, term.no] == 1)

            for (i in 1:ord[term.no]){
                if (isF[covar.no[i]]){
                    niv[i] <- length(x$levels[[covar.no[i]]]) - 1
                    niv[i] <- 1
            stt <- index + 1
            for (index in stt:(stt + prod(niv) - 1)){
                vn <- sub(covar.names[covar.no[1]], "", names(coef)[index])
                for (i in 1:ord[term.no]){
                    vn <- sub(covar.names[covar.no[i]], "", vn)
                ##          cat(format(names(coef)[index], 15, "+"),
                cat(formatC(" ", width = 2),
                    formatC(substring(vn, 1, 22), width = 22, flag = "-"),
                    ##format(" ", 8),
                    " &  & ",
                    coef[index], " & ", 
                    e.coef[index], " & ",
                    se[index], " & ",
                    ##formatC(" ", width = 9),
                            digits = digits,
                            width = digits + 2,
                            format = "f"),
                    ##signif(1 - pchisq((coef[index]/ se[index])^2, 1), digits - 1),
                    "\\\\ \n")
    cat("\\hline \n")
    cat("Events & ", x$n.events, " & TTR & ", x$ttr, "\\\\ \n")
    cat("Max. logLik. & $ ", x$loglik[2], " $ \\\\ \\hline \n")
goranbrostrom/eha documentation built on March 9, 2024, 11:22 p.m.