#' Get names of xMart4 columns
#' Returns a character vector with the names of all the columns expected by the
#' Triple Billions xMart tables.
#' @param data_type (string): the type of data
#' * `wrangled_data` (default): raw data that has been wrangled into a suitable
#' form for analysis.
#' * `projected_data`: data that has been fully projected to the target year but
#' has not yet been transformed or calculated upon.
#' * `final_data`: the complete set of billions data with transformed values,
#' contributions, and all calculations available.
#' @return character vector
#' @family whdh
#' @export
xmart_cols <- function(data_type = c("wrangled_data", "projected_data", "final_data")) {
data_type <- rlang::arg_match(data_type)
key_cols <- c("iso3", "year", "ind", "scenario")
value_cols <- c("value", "lower", "upper")
other_cols <- c(
"use_dash", "use_calc", "source", "type", "scenario_detail", "type_detail",
"other_detail", "upload_detail", "upload_date"
if (data_type == "final_data") {
value_cols <- c(
value_cols, "transform_value",
# Removing transform_lower and transform_upper as they are not fully implemented in the data pipeline and projection scripts.
# "transform_lower", "transform_upper",
"contribution", "contribution_percent", "contribution_percent_total_pop",
"population", "level"
return(c(key_cols, value_cols, other_cols))
#' Get the column types for xMart columns
#' A helper function for specifying the expected column types for the Triple
#' Billions data.
#' @inheritParams xmart_cols
#' @family whdh
#' @return a named vector with column specifications
#' @export
xmart_col_types <- function(data_type = c("wrangled_data", "projected_data", "final_data")) {
data_type <- rlang::arg_match(data_type)
key_cols <- c(
iso3 = "character",
year = "integer",
ind = "character",
scenario = "character"
value_cols <- c(value = "double", lower = "double", upper = "double")
other_cols <- c(
use_dash = "logical",
use_calc = "logical",
source = "character",
type = "character",
scenario_detail = "character",
type_detail = "character",
other_detail = "character",
upload_detail = "character",
upload_date = "date"
if (data_type == "final_data") {
value_cols <- c(
transform_value = "double",
# Removing transform_lower and transform_upper as they are not fully implemented in the data pipeline and projection scripts.
# transform_lower = "double",
# transform_upper = "double",
contribution = "double",
contribution_percent = "double",
contribution_percent_total_pop = "double",
population = "double",
level = "integer"
return(c(key_cols, value_cols, other_cols))
#' Check data frame for xMart4 columns
#' Tests to see if the given data frame has all the columns required by the Triple Billions
#' xMart4 tables.The test does not take column order into consideration
#' (e.g., a,b,c and c,a,b will both pass)
#' @param df data.frame
#' @return bool
#' @family whdh
#' @export
has_xmart_cols <- function(df) {
identical(sort(names(df)), sort(xmart_cols()))
#' Add missing rows for xMart upload
#' Compares the rows in a given data frame to the existing xMart data. If the data frame
#' is missing any combinations of `c(iso3, ind, year)` found in xMart, it appends
#' these rows to the data frame,with NA values for `value, upper, lower, source, type`
#' and `other_detail`.
#' @param df data frame
#' @param billion the Billion that the indicator belongs to
#' @param ind_code the GPW13 code for the indicator(s)
#' @param projected boolean value indicating where the indicator has already been
#' projected by the technical programme
#' @return a data frame
#' @family whdh
#' @export
add_missing_xmart_rows <- function(df, billion, ind_code, projected) {
proj <- ifelse(projected == TRUE, "proj_data", "unproj_data")
exist_df <- load_billion_data_legacy(billion, proj) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["ind"]] %in% ind_code) %>%
anti_df <- dplyr::anti_join(exist_df, df, by = c("iso3", "ind", "year")) %>%
dplyr::across(c("value", "lower", "upper", "source", "type", "other_detail"), ~NA)
if (nrow(anti_df) > 0) {
final_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, anti_df)
} else {
final_df <- df
#' Save the output to disk after ensuring column specs
#' Helper functions that saves a wrangled output data frame to the disk if it has
#' the correct columns as required by the Triple Billions xMart tables.
#' The function returns a data frame (like `readr::write_csv()`) in order to allow
#' it to work with pipes better.
#' @param df data frame the output
#' @param path the path where the output should be saved
#' @inheritParams xmart_cols
#' @param na_rm (logical) Specifies whether to remove rows where `value` is missing.
#' Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param compression Compression algorithm to use for parquet format. `"gzip"` by
#' default
#' @return A data frame. Note that this is the modified version of in the input
# data frame that is saved to disk. As such, any modifications required by
#' the function (such as from removing empty rows when `na_rm = TRUE`) are carried
#' over to the output.
#' @family whdh
#' @export
save_wrangled_output <- function(df,
data_type = c("wrangled_data", "projected_data", "final_data"),
na_rm = FALSE,
compression = "gzip") {
data_type <- rlang::arg_match(data_type)
assert_strings(path, compression)
assert_type(na_rm, "logical")
assert_columns(df, xmart_cols(data_type))
assert_col_types(df, xmart_col_types(data_type))
assert_distinct_rows(df, c("ind", "iso3", "year", "scenario"))
# If the value is not NA, check that the expected columns are also not NA
c("iso3", "year", "ind", "scenario", "type", "source", "use_dash", "use_calc")
# Ensure that the number of rows is greater than 0
stopifnot(nrow(df) > 0)
ext <- stringr::str_split(path, "\\.")[[1]][[2]]
assert_x_in_y(ext, c("csv", "parquet"))
output_df <- df %>%
# Defensive ungroup in case the input is grouped
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
filter_billion_na(na_rm) %>%
# Removing special characters from character columns
dplyr::mutate(source = stringr::str_replace_all(
" "),
" "
";", ",")
) %>%
dplyr::filter(whoville::is_who_member(.data[["iso3"]])) %>%
dplyr::select(xmart_cols(data_type)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data[["ind"]], .data[["iso3"]], .data[["year"]]) %>%
if (ext == "csv") {
readr::write_csv(output_df, path, na = "")
message("Output saved to disk.\n")
} else if (ext == "parquet") {
arrow::write_parquet(output_df, path, compression = compression)
cat("Output saved to disk.\n")
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