# Unclassified ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Assert that ind_ids is the correct named vector
#' @param ind_ids Indicator ids to check
#' @param billion Billion which we're checking for
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_ind_ids <- function(ind_ids, billion) {
ind_check <- billion_ind_codes(billion)
ind_check_nms <- all(ind_check %in% names(ind_ids))
if (!ind_check_nms) {
"`ind_ids` must be a named vector with all `billion_ind_codes('%s')` present as names.",
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that end years are always later than start year
#' @param start_year Start year
#' @param end_year End year(s)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_years <- function(start_year, end_year) {
if (!all(start_year < end_year)) {
stop("`end_year` must always be after `start_year`.",
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that a file's extension is one of a few options
#' @param file_names (character vector) The file names.
#' @param valid_exts (character vector) A list of the valid extensions.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_fileext <- function(file_names, valid_exts) {
# Check that file_names and valid_exts are character vectors
assert_type(file_names, "character")
assert_type(valid_exts, "character")
# Extract the file extensions
ext <- stringr::str_match(file_names, "(.+)\\.(.+)")[, 3]
if (any(is.na(ext))) {
stop("One or more files do not have an extension.", call. = FALSE)
cond <- all(ext %in% valid_exts)
if (!cond) {
sprintf("File extensions must be one of: {%s}.", paste(valid_exts, collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that the elements of the vector are unique
#' @param x (vector)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_unique_vector <- function(x) {
if (length(x) != length(unique(x))) {
stop(sprintf("%s has duplicate elements", deparse(substitute(x))))
#' Assert that x is a valid timestamp string
#' @param x (string)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_timestamp <- function(x) {
if (!stringr::str_detect(x, "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$")) {
stop(sprintf("%s is not a valid `yyyy-mm-ddTHH-MM-SS` formatted string", x))
# Data frame checks ------------------------------------------------------
#' Assert that columns exist in a data frame
#' @param df Data frame
#' @param ... Column names
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_columns <- function(df, ...) {
columns <- c(...)
bad_cols <- columns[!(columns %in% names(df))]
if (length(bad_cols) > 0) {
"Column(s) %s are not in the data frame",
paste(bad_cols, collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that the column types of a data frame are as expected
#' @param df a data frame
#' @param expected a **named vector**, whose names are the names of the columns (i.e.,
#' `names(df) == names(expected)`) and whose elements are the expected class/type
#' of the column.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_col_types <- function(df, expected) {
assert_type(expected, "character")
# Create an empty data frame with the given column names and types
expected_df <- readr::read_csv(I("\n"), col_names = names(expected), col_types = expected)
# Compare using waldo
compare_obj <- waldo::compare(
utils::head(df, 0), # Remove all rows so the comparison is only on the df columns
x_arg = "df",
y_arg = "expected",
list_as_map = TRUE # Ensures column order is not considered
if (length(compare_obj) != 0) {
lab <- deparse(substitute(df))
sprintf("The columns of `%s` do not have the expected types.\n", lab),
body = compare_obj
#' Assert that the given data frame columns are numeric
#' @param df Data frame
#' @param ... Column names
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_numeric <- function(df, ...) {
args <- c(...)
nums <- sapply(args, function(x) is.numeric(df[[x]]))
if (!all(nums)) {
"%s must be numeric not %s",
paste(args[!nums], collapse = ", "),
paste(sapply(args[!nums], function(x) class(df[[x]])), collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
#' Warn user when any/all of the row are missing values for the the specified column
#' @param df Input data frame
#' @param col_name string specifying the name of column
#' @param how string specifying whether to check for any/all missing values
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
warning_col_missing_values <- function(df, col_name, how) {
if (how == "any") {
if (any(is.na(df[[col_name]]))) {
"Some of the rows are missing a %s value.",
call. = FALSE
} else {
if (all(is.na(df[[col_name]]))) {
"All of the rows are missing a %s value.",
call. = FALSE
#' Assert unique rows of df
#' Makes sure there are distinct rows for each ind, iso3, year, and scenario if
#' being used.
#' @inheritParams transform_hpop_data
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_contributions
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_unique_rows <- function(df,
scenario_col = NULL,
ind_ids) {
ind_df <- dplyr::filter(df, .data[["ind"]] %in% ind_ids)
dist_df <- dplyr::distinct(ind_df, dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("ind", "iso3", "year", scenario_col))))
if (nrow(ind_df) != nrow(dist_df)) {
stop("`df` does not have distinct rows for each combination of `ind`, `iso3`, and `year` (by `scenario_col` if present), please make distinct.",
call. = FALSE
#' Assert unique rows by key columns
#' Ensures that all the rows of a given data frame are unique for each combination
#' of a set of key columns.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @param key_cols (character vector) the names of the key columns
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_distinct_rows <- function(df, key_cols) {
assert_type(key_cols, "character")
distinct_df <- dplyr::distinct(df, dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(key_cols)))
if (nrow(df) != nrow(distinct_df)) {
"`%s` does not have distinct rows for each combination of (%s)",
paste("`", key_cols, "`", sep = "", collapse = ", ")
#' Assert that the data frame only has one value (is homogeneous) for a given column
#' @param df input data frame
#' @param col_name string specifying the column to check
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_homogeneous_col <- function(df, col_name) {
if (length(unique(df[[col_name]])) > 1) {
sprintf("This function should have only one unique value in the %s column.", col_name),
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that paired columns have values
#' Ensures that if rows of a given column has a value (i.e., is not NA), then
#' other columns in those rows also have a value (i.e., are not NA). Useful for
#' enforcing dependencies between columns.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @param col_name (string) the name of a column in the data frame
#' @param pair_cols (character vectors) the names of the columns which are paired
#' with the `col_name` column
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_col_paired_with <- function(df, col_name, pair_cols) {
assert_string(col_name, 1)
assert_type(pair_cols, "character")
assert_columns(df, c(col_name, pair_cols))
df <- dplyr::filter(df, !is.na(.data[[col_name]]))
invalid_rows <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(dplyr::if_any(tidyselect::all_of(pair_cols), is.na))
if (nrow(invalid_rows) != 0) {
lab <- deparse(substitute(df))
"All rows with non-NA values for {.field {col_name}} must have a
corresponding non-NA value for {cli::qty(pair_cols)} column{?s} {.field {pair_cols}}")
# Argument checks ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Assert that argument exists
#' Check that a given argument exists and is not NA or NULL. Useful for functions
#' where an argument is required for the rest of the code to work.
#' @param x argument to check
#' @param error_template A template for generating the error message. Used as the
#' input to an `sprintf()` call. Must include %s, which corresponds to the input x.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_arg_exists <- function(x, error_template = "The %s argument is required and cannot be NA or NULL") {
if (is.null(x) || is.na(x)) {
sprintf(error_template, deparse(substitute(x))),
call. = FALSE
# Object type checks -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Assert that an object is (or is not) of a given (range of) type(s)
#' @param x The input object
#' @param expected (character) The expected type(s) of x
#' @param reverse Invert the test (i.e., the type of x is not)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_type <- function(x, expected, reverse = FALSE) {
stopifnot(typeof(expected) == "character", typeof(reverse) == "logical")
cond <- any(typeof(x) == expected)
cond <- if (reverse) !cond else cond
if (!cond) {
msg <- if (reverse) "must **not** be one of" else "must be one of"
msg <- sprintf(
"The type of %s %s {%s}.",
paste0(expected, collapse = ", ")
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
#' Assert that an object is (or is not) of a given (range of) class(es)
#' @param x The input object
#' @param expected (character) The expected class(es) of x
#' @param reverse Invert the test (i.e., the class of x is not)
#' @param how One of "any" and "all". When `expected` is a vector, and
#' * `how = "any"`, the test is passed if `x` inherits from any of the elements
#' of `expected`
#' * `how = "all"`, the test is passed only is `x` inherits from all the elements
#' of `expected`.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_class <- function(x, expected, reverse = FALSE, how = c("any", "all")) {
how <- rlang::arg_match(how)
assert_type(expected, "character")
assert_type(reverse, "logical")
if (how == "any") {
cond <- any(expected %in% class(x))
} else {
cond <- identical(sort(expected), sort(class(x)))
cond <- if (reverse) !cond else cond
if (!cond) {
reverse_toggle <- if (reverse) "must **not**" else "must"
how_toggle <- paste(how, "of")
msg <- sprintf(
"`%s` %s inherit from %s {%s}.",
paste0(expected, collapse = ", ")
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
#' Assert that an object has names
#' @param x an object
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_has_names <- function(x) {
if (is.null(names(x))) {
lab <- deparse(substitute(x))
cli::cli_abort("{.var {lab}} must be a named object.")
#' Assert that `df` is a data frame
#' @param df Supposed data frame
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_df <- function(df) {
assert_class(df, "data.frame")
#' Assert that `x` is a character vector of length n
#' @param x Supposed string to test
#' @param n Length to test
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_string <- function(x, n) {
if (!is.null(x)) {
lx <- length(x)
if (!((is.character(x) & (lx == n)))) {
"`%s` must be a character vector of length %d, not %s of length %d.",
#' Assert that arguments passed in are length 1 character vectors
#' @param ... Character vectors to check
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_strings <- function(...) {
arg_names <- sys.call()[-1]
args <- list(...)
classes <- sapply(args, class)
if (!all(classes == "character")) {
"%s must be a character vector of length one, not %s",
paste(arg_names[!classes == "character"], collapse = ", "),
paste(classes[!classes == "character"], collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
lens <- sapply(args, length)
if (!all(lens == 1)) {
"%s must be of length one, not length %s",
paste(arg_names[lens != 1], collapse = ", "),
paste(lens[lens != 1], collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
# Vector lengths ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Assert that a vector is of length n
#' @param x (vector)
#' @param n (integer) the expected length of x
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_length <- function(x, n) {
l <- length(x)
if (l != n) {
stop(sprintf("%s must be a vector of length %s, not length %s", deparse(substitute(x)), n, l),
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that a vector has a minimum length n
#' @param x (vector)
#' @param n (integer) the minimum allowed size of the vector
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_min_length <- function(x, n) {
l <- length(x)
if (l < n) {
stop(sprintf("%s must have a minimum length of %s elements", deparse(substitute(x)), n),
call. = FALSE
# Object matching ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Assert that x and y are (or are not) equal/identical
#' @param x (vector)
#' @param y (vector)
#' @param identical (logical) whether to use the `identical()` function for the test
#' @param reverse (logical) whether to reverse the condition (i.e., the two vectors are
#' not equal/identical)
#' @param msg_suffix (string) A string to be appended to the end of the error message
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_equals <- function(x, y, identical = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, msg_suffix = NULL) {
cond <- if (identical) identical(x, y) else x == y
cond <- if (reverse) !cond else cond
msg <- "%s must "
msg <- if (reverse) paste0(msg, "not be ") else paste0(msg, "be ")
msg <- if (identical) paste0(msg, "identical ") else paste0(msg, "equal ")
msg <- paste0(msg, "to %s")
if (!is.null(msg_suffix)) {
assert_type(msg_suffix, "character")
assert_length(msg_suffix, 1)
msg <- paste(msg, msg_suffix)
if (!cond) {
sprintf(msg, deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(y))),
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that all elements in x are members of y
#' In other words, assert that x is a subset of y. Useful for ensuring that an
#' argument is one of a given set of options.
#' @param x (vector)
#' @param y (vector)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_x_in_y <- function(x, y) {
cond <- x %in% y
if (!all(cond)) {
"`%s` must be one of `%s`.",
paste0(x[!cond], collapse = ", `"),
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that two or more vectors are the same length
#' @param ... Two or more vectors that should be the same length.
#' @param recycle (logical) Whether vectors of length one can be recycled to match the length
#' of the other vectors.
#' @param remove_null (logical) whether NULL values should be removed from the inputs before
#' comparison
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_same_length <- function(..., recycle = FALSE, remove_null = FALSE) {
# Extract just the names of the ... arguments
args <- rlang::dots_list(..., .named = TRUE)
# Ensure that the input has at least two vectors for comparison
assert_min_length(args, 2)
if (remove_null) {
args <- args[!sapply(args, is.null)]
# If recycle = TRUE
if (recycle) {
length_one_vecs <- args[sapply(args, length) == 1]
# If all the vectors are of length 1, then return immediately
if (length(length_one_vecs) == length(args)) {
# Otherwise, remove the length one vectors from the list of vector to check
# because they can always be replicated
else {
args <- args[sapply(args, length) != 1]
cond <- all(lengths(args) == length(args[[1]]))
if (!cond) {
"%s must have the same length.",
paste(names(args), collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
#' Asserts that provided ISO is valid
#' Checks that provided ISO code is a valid ISO3 code for a WHO member state,
#' using [whoville::is_who_member()].
#' @param iso3 Single ISO3 code
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_who_iso3 <- function(iso3) {
assert_string(iso3, 1)
if (!whoville::is_who_member(iso3)) {
stop(strwrap("`iso` must be a valid WHO member state ISO3 code.
All valid codes are available through `whoville::who_member_states()`."),
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that `df` is a list
#' @param df Supposed list
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_list <- function(df) {
if (!is.list(df)) {
"`df` must be a list, not a %s.",
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that `params` are valid formal argument to [openxlsx::createStyle()]
#' @param ... character vector of parameters to [openxlsx::createStyle()]
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_style_param <- function(...) {
params <- list(...)
createStylesParams <- names(formals(openxlsx::createStyle))
bad_params <- params[!names(params) %in% createStylesParams]
if (length(bad_params) > 0) {
"Params(s) %s are not valid formal argument to openxlsx::createStyle",
paste(bad_params, collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
#' Assert that x is in list or is NULL
#' @param x value to be checked
#' @param list list of values to be checked against
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_in_list_or_null <- function(x, list) {
if (!is.null(x)) {
if (!x %in% list) {
"%s must be present in %s or NULL",
x, paste(list, collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
#' Asserts that iso3 (and scenario if provided) is not only NAs
#' @inheritParams transform_hpop_data
#' @inheritParams transform_hep_data
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_iso3_not_empty <- function(df, scenario_col = NULL, value_col = "value") {
assert_columns(df, scenario_col, value_col)
empty_iso3 <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", scenario_col)))) %>%
dplyr::summarise(all_NA = dplyr::case_when(
sum(is.na(.data[[value_col]])) / dplyr::n() == 1 ~ TRUE,
), .groups = "drop") %>%
if (nrow(empty_iso3) > 0) {
"%s have only missing values (in at least one scenario, if provided). \nMissing values in:\n",
paste(unique(empty_iso3[["iso3"]]), collapse = ", ")
paste(utils::capture.output(print(empty_iso3)), collapse = "\n"),
call. = FALSE
#' Asserts start and end year are present
#' Asserts that there are values at the start and end year by iso3 (and
#' scenarios if provided).
#' @inheritParams transform_hpop_data
#' @inheritParams transform_hep_data
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_contributions
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_start_end_year <- function(df,
value_col = "value",
start_year = 2018,
end_year = 2025,
scenario_col = "scenario") {
assert_columns(df, scenario_col, value_col, "year", "iso3")
missing_years <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] %in% c(start_year, end_year)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", scenario_col)))) %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", "year", scenario_col))) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::filter(dplyr::n() < length(c(start_year, end_year))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!sym("year") := dplyr::case_when(
.data[["year"]] == start_year ~ end_year,
.data[["year"]] == end_year ~ start_year,
TRUE ~ .data[["year"]]
if (nrow(missing_years) > 0) {
"%s have missing start_year or end_year (in at least one scenario, if provided).
Each iso3 and year (and scenario_col if provided) should have values for start_year and end_year for the billion's calculation to be done properly.
Missing values in:\n",
paste(unique(missing_years[["iso3"]]), collapse = ", ")
paste(utils::capture.output(print(missing_years)), collapse = "\n"),
call. = FALSE
#' Asserts indicators have values at start and end year
#' Asserts that there are values at the start and end year for all indicators
#' provided in ind_ids, by iso3 (and scenarios if provided).
#' @param ind_ids named list of indicators to be checked for values. Follows
#' similar structure as `billion_ind_codes` indicator lists.
#' @inheritParams transform_hpop_data
#' @inheritParams transform_hep_data
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_contributions
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_ind_start_end_year <- function(df,
value_col = "value",
start_year = 2018,
end_year = 2020,
scenario_col = "scenario") {
assert_columns(df, scenario_col, value_col, "year", "iso3", "ind")
if (!is.null(scenario_col)) {
full_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
iso3 = unique(df[["iso3"]]),
ind = ind_ids,
year = c(start_year, end_year),
!!sym(scenario_col) := unique(df[[scenario_col]])
} else {
full_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
iso3 = unique(df[["iso3"]]),
ind = ind_ids,
year = c(start_year, end_year)
missing_values <- df %>%
dplyr::full_join(full_df, by = c("iso3", "ind", "year", scenario_col)) %>%
.data[["year"]] %in% c(start_year, end_year),
.data[["ind"]] %in% ind_ids
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", scenario_col, "ind")))) %>%
dplyr::filter(is.na(.data[[value_col]])) %>%
if (nrow(missing_values) > 0) {
"Missing values in `start_year` or `end_year` (in at least one scenario, if provided).
Each iso3 and year (and scenario_col if provided) should have values for `start_year` and `end_year` for the billion's calculation to be done properly.
Missing values in:\n",
paste(utils::capture.output(print(missing_values)), collapse = "\n"),
call. = FALSE
#' Asserts that vector is in column
#' @param df named list of indicators to be checked for values. Follows
#' similar structure as `billion_ind_codes` indicator lists.
#' @param vector (vector) to check if is in `column`
#' @param column (character) name of column wheret to check for `vector`
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_vector_in_column <- function(df, vector, column) {
unique_col_value <- unique(df[[column]])
if (any(!vector %in% unique_col_value)) {
"%s not in %s column",
paste(vector[!vector %in% unique_col_value], collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE
#' Asserts that scenario is in scenario_col
#'#' @param df named list of indicators to be checked for values.
#' @param scenario (character) name of scenario column to be asserted
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_contributions
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_scenario_in_df <- function(df, scenario, scenario_col = "scenario") {
assert_vector_in_column(df, scenario, scenario_col)
#' Asserts indicators are in df (by_iso3)
#'#' @param df named list of indicators to be checked for values. Follows
#' similar structure as `billion_ind_codes` indicator lists.
#' @param by_iso3 (Boolean) indicating if the indicator assertion should be done
#' by ISO3 or not.
#' @inheritParams transform_hpop_data
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
assert_ind_ids_in_df <- function(df, ind_ids, by_iso3 = TRUE) {
assert_columns(df, "ind")
if (by_iso3) {
assert_columns(df, "ind", "iso3")
df %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data[["iso3"]]) %>%
dplyr::group_walk(~ assert_vector_in_column(df = .x, vector = ind_ids, column = "ind"))
} else {
assert_vector_in_column(df, ind_ids, "ind")
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