#' run.enrichR
#' runs a full enrichR analhysis
#' install.packages("enrichR")
#' Github
#' library(devtools)
#' install_github("wjawaid/enrichR")
#' @param topN list of the genes for the enrichmnet analysis
#' @return enricher.df
#' @importFrom enrichR enrichr
#' @export
run.enrichR <- function(topN){ #topN = top500
# listEnrichrSites()
setEnrichrSite("Enrichr") # Human genes
websiteLive <- TRUE
dbs <- listEnrichrDbs()
if (is.null(dbs)) websiteLive <- FALSE
if (0 && websiteLive) head(dbs)
dbs.run <- c("GO_Molecular_Function_2015", "GO_Cellular_Component_2015", "GO_Biological_Process_2015")
dbs.run <- dbs$libraryName
if (websiteLive) {
#enriched <- enrichr(c("Runx1", "Gfi1", "Gfi1b", "Spi1", "Gata1", "Kdr"), dbs.run)
enriched <- enrichr(topN, dbs.run)
if (0) {
if (websiteLive) enriched[["GO_Biological_Process_2015"]]
if (websiteLive) plotEnrich(enriched[[3]], showTerms = 20, numChar = 40, y = "Count", orderBy = "P.value")
# df1 <- enriched[["GO_Biological_Process_2015"]]
# df2 <- enriched[["GO_Cellular_Component_2015"]]
enricher.df = bind_rows(enriched, .id = "Database")
# if (0) {write.table(enricher.df, "enricher_proeteomics_extreme_top500.txt", sep = "\t", col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)}
# if (0) {write.table(enricher.df, "enricher M249 VSR FA CRISPR extreme.rank top500.txt", sep = "\t", col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)}
# if (0) {write.table(enricher.df, "enricher M249 VSR FA CRISPR and proteomics extreme.rank top500.txt", sep = "\t", col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)}
# if (0) {write.table(enricher.df, "enricher M249 VSR FA geneexp extreme.rank top500.txt", sep = "\t", col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)}
# if (0) {write.table(enricher.df, "enricher M249 VSR FA CRISPR and geneexp extreme.rank top500.txt", sep = "\t", col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)}
# if (0) {write.table(enricher.df, "enricher M249 VSR FA CRISPR geneexp proteomics extreme.rank top500.txt", sep = "\t", col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)}
enricher.df$logP = -log10(as.numeric(enricher.df$P.value))
enricher.df$logP[is.na(enricher.df$logP)] = -1
enricher.df$notes = ""
enricher.df <- enricher.df %>% select(Database,Term,notes,logP,everything())
enricher.df <- enricher.df %>% arrange(-logP)
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