## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Universal database connection utilities
## Multiple R connection packages are supported
## Note: Internal functions do not need argument check
## only functions that are exposed to the users need the check
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## connect to a database using a specific R package
## Right now, only RPostgreSQL is supported
## If the connection package is not installed, it will
## be automatically installed
## A driver will be automatically created for connection package
db.connect <- function (host = "localhost", user = Sys.getenv("USER"), dbname = user,
password = "", port = 5432,
conn.pkg = "RPostgreSQL",
default.schemas = NULL, verbose = TRUE, quick = FALSE)
if (quick) {
eval(parse(text = paste("suppressMessages(library(", conn.pkg, "))")))
command <- paste(".db.connect.", tolower(conn.pkg), "(host=\"", host,
"\", user=\"", user, "\", dbname=\"", dbname,
"\", password=\"", password, "\", port=", port,
")", sep = "")
result <- eval(parse(text = command))
if (!is.null(default.schemas)) {
res <- .db.getQuery(paste("set search_path =",
default.schemas), conn.id = result)
if (is(res, .err.class))
stop("Could not set the default schemas ! ",
"default.schemas must be a set of schema names ",
"separated by commas. One can also use the ",
"function db.default.schemas or db.search.path ",
"to display or set the current default schemas.")
res <- db.q(paste("set application_name = '",
.this.pkg.name, "'", sep = ""),
conn.id = result, verbose = FALSE)
return (result)
## argument type check
if (!.is.arg.string(host) ||
!.is.arg.string(user) ||
!.is.arg.string(dbname) ||
!.is.arg.string(password) ||
stop("Host, user, dbname, password (could be an empty string) and the connection package should all be strings!")
## use one of the R connection package to connect to database
conn.pkg.name <- tolower(conn.pkg)
if (conn.pkg.name %in% tolower(.supported.connections)) # make sure that the package is supported
i <- which(tolower(.supported.connections) == conn.pkg.name)
pkg.to.load <- .supported.connections[i]
## if the package is not installed, install it
installed.pkgs <- .get.installed.pkgs()
if (!(conn.pkg.name %in% installed.pkgs))
if (conn.pkg.name == "rpostgresql" && !("dbi" %in% installed.pkgs)) {
if (verbose) message("Package DBI is going to be installed!")
install.packages(paste(.localVars$pkg.path, "/dbi/DBI.tar.gz",
sep = ""), repos = NULL, type = "source")
if (verbose)
message(paste("Package ", pkg.to.load,
" is going to be installed so that ",
" could connect to databases.\n", sep = ""))
install.packages(pkgs = pkg.to.load)
if (!(conn.pkg.name %in% .get.installed.pkgs()))
stop("The package could not be installed!")
if (verbose)
text = paste(
"library(", pkg.to.load, ")", sep = "")))
text = paste(
"suppressMessages(library(", pkg.to.load, "))", sep = "")))
command <- paste(".db.connect.", conn.pkg.name, "(host=\"", host,
"\", user=\"", user, "\", dbname=\"", dbname,
"\", password=\"", password, "\", port=", port,
")", sep = "")
result <- eval(parse(text = command))
if (verbose)
cat(paste("Created a connection to database with ID",
result, "\n"))
if (!is.null(default.schemas)) {
res <- .db.getQuery(paste("set search_path =",
default.schemas), conn.id = result)
if (is(res, .err.class))
stop("Could not set the default schemas ! ",
"default.schemas must be a set of schema names ",
"separated by commas. One can also use the ",
"function db.default.schemas or db.search.path ",
"to display or set the current default schemas.")
res <- db.q(paste("set application_name = '",
.this.pkg.name, "'", sep = ""),
conn.id = result, verbose = FALSE)
## search_path = db.default.schemas(conn.id = result)[1,]
tbl <- .unique.string()
create table", tbl, "(idx integer);
drop table if exists", tbl, conn.id = result,
verbose = FALSE)
error = function(s) {
warning("There is no default schema or the default schema is not writable! ",
"Some functions need to create intermediate tables. ",
"Use db.default.schemas to set a proper default scehma.\n")
return (result)
stop("Right now, only ", .supported.connections,
" is supported to connected to database.\n")
db.connect.dsn <- function(dsn.key, db.ini = "~/db.ini",
default.schemas = NULL, verbose = TRUE, quick = FALSE)
ini.config <- ini::read.ini(db.ini)
item.config <- ini.config[[dsn.key]]
host <- item.config[["host"]]
port <- item.config[["port"]]
username <- item.config[["username"]]
password <- item.config[["password"]]
dbname <- item.config[["dbname"]]
conn.pkg <- item.config[["driver"]]
if (is.null(host) || nchar(host) == 0)
host = "localhost"
if (is.null(port) || nchar(port) == 0)
port = 5432 # default port value defined in db.connect
port = as.integer(port)
if (is.null(username) || nchar(username) == 0)
username = Sys.getenv("USER")
if (is.null(password))
password = ""
if (is.null(dbname))
dbname = username
if (is.null(conn.pkg) || nchar(conn.pkg) == 0)
conn.pkg = "RPostgreSQL"
return (db.connect(host, username, dbname, password, port,
conn.pkg, default.schemas, verbose, quick))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## show/set the current search path
db.default.schemas <- function (conn.id = 1, set = NULL)
if (!.is.conn.id.valid(conn.id))
stop(conn.id, " is not a valid connection ID !")
if (is.null(set)) {
res <- .db.getQuery("show search_path", conn.id = conn.id)
if (is(res, .err.class))
stop("Could not show the default schemas ! ")
} else {
res <- .db.getQuery(paste("set search_path =",
set), conn.id = conn.id)
if (is(res, .err.class))
stop("Could not set the default schemas ! ",
"default.schemas must be a set of schema names ",
"separated by commas.")
tbl <- .unique.string()
create table", tbl, "(idx integer);
drop table if exists", tbl, conn.id = conn.id,
verbose = FALSE)
error = function(s) {
warning("There is no default schema or the default schema is not writable! ",
"Some functions need to create intermediate tables. ",
"Use db.default.schemas to set a proper default scehma.\n")
db.search.path <- function (conn.id = 1, set = NULL)
db.default.schemas(conn.id, set)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## disconnect a connection
db.disconnect <- function (conn.id = 1, verbose = TRUE, force = FALSE)
## check whether this connection exists
if (!.is.conn.id.valid(conn.id))
stop("There is no such connection!")
idx <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
conn.pkg <- .localVars$db[[idx]]$conn.pkg
command <- paste(".db.disconnect.", conn.pkg, "(idx=", idx, ")",
sep = "")
res <- eval(parse(text = command))
if (res || force)
.localVars$db[[idx]] <- NULL
.localVars$conn.type[[conn.pkg]] <- .localVars$conn.type[[conn.pkg]][-which(.localVars$conn.type[[conn.pkg]]==conn.id)]
.localVars$conn.id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] != conn.id,] # delete the conn.id from the array
if (length(.localVars$db) == 1) .localVars$conn.id <- matrix(.localVars$conn.id, nrow = 1)
## update conn.id mapping info
for (i in seq_len(length(.localVars$db)))
id <- .localVars$db[[i]]$conn.id
.localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == id, 2] <- i
if (verbose) {
if (force)
cat(paste("Connection", conn.id, "is forcely removed!\n"))
cat(paste("Connection", conn.id, "is disconnected!\n"))
cat("There was a problem and the connection cannot be disconnected")
return (res)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.get.dbms.str <- function (conn.id)
dbms.str <- dbms(conn.id = conn.id)
if (gsub(".*(Greenplum).*", "\\1", dbms.str,
perl=T) == "Greenplum") {
db.str <- "Greenplum"
version.str <- gsub(".*Greenplum[^\\d]+?([\\d\\.]+?).*",
"\\1", dbms.str, perl=T)
} else {
db.str <- "PostgreSQL"
version.str <- gsub(".*PostgreSQL[^\\d]+?([\\d\\.]+?).*",
"\\1", dbms.str, perl=T)
list(db.str = db.str, version.str = version.str)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## List all connection info
db.list <- function ()
n.conn <- length(.localVars$db)
cat("\nDatabase Connection Info\n")
if (n.conn == 0)
cat("\n## -------------------------------\n")
cat("******** No database connections! ********\n\n")
for (i in seq_len(dim(.localVars$conn.id)[1]))
idx <- .localVars$conn.id[i,]
cat("\n## -------------------------------\n")
cat(paste("[Connection ID ", idx[1], "]\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("Host : ", .localVars$db[[idx[2]]]$host,
"\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("User : ", .localVars$db[[idx[2]]]$user,
"\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("Database : ", .localVars$db[[idx[2]]]$dbname,
"\n", sep = ""))
db <- .get.dbms.str(idx[1])
cat("DBMS : ", db$db.str, db$version.str, "\n")
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## list tables and views in the connection
db.objects <- function (search = NULL, conn.id = 1)
if (!.is.conn.id.valid(conn.id))
stop("Connection ID ", conn.id, " is not valid!")
res <- .db.getQuery("select table_schema, table_name from information_schema.tables", conn.id = conn.id)
if (is.null(search)) {
res <- paste(res[,1], res[,2], sep = ".")
return (res[order(res)])
search <- gsub("\\.", "\\\\.", search)
final.res <- character(0)
for (i in seq_len(dim(res)[1])) {
name <- paste(res[i,1], ".", res[i,2], sep = "")
find <- gsub(search, "", name, perl = TRUE)
if (find != name)
final.res <- rbind(final.res, res[i,])
if (!identical(final.res, character(0))) {
res <- paste(final.res[,1], final.res[,2], sep = ".")
return (res[order(res)])
} else
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## does an object exist?
db.existsObject <- function (name, conn.id = 1, is.temp = FALSE)
warns <- .suppress.warnings (conn.id)
if (length(name) == 1) name <- strsplit(name, "\\.")[[1]]
if (length(name) != 1 && length(name) != 2)
stop("The formation of object name is wrong!")
if (length(name) == 2) {
if (is.temp) stop("Temporary tables may not specify a schema name!")
schema <- name[1]
table <- name[2]
ct <- db.q(paste("select count(*) from ",
"information_schema.tables where ",
"table_name = '",
.strip(table, "\""),
"' and table_schema = '",
.strip(schema, "\""), "'", sep = ""),
conn.id=conn.id, verbose = FALSE)
if (ct == 0) {
} else {
} else {
if (is.temp) {
.db.existsTempTable(name, conn.id)
} else {
schemas <- arraydb.to.arrayr(
db.q("select current_schemas(True)",
conn.id=conn.id, verbose = FALSE),
type = "character")
table_schema <- character(0)
for (schema in schemas)
if (.db.existsTable(c(schema, name), conn.id))
table_schema <- c(table_schema, schema)
if (identical(table_schema, character(0))) {
} else {
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## All the following function are used inside the package only
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## fetch the result of sendQuery
.db.fetch <- function (res, n = 500)
idx <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == res$conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.fetch.", .localVars$db[[idx]]$conn.pkg,
"(res = res$res, n = n)", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## unload driver for a specific connection package
.db.unloadDriver <- function (pkg)
command <- paste(".db.unloadDriver.", pkg, "(drv=",
.localVars$drv[[pkg]], ")", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.sendQuery <- function (query, conn.id = 1)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.sendQuery.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(query=query, idx=id)", sep = "")
list(res = eval(parse(text = command)), conn.id = conn.id)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.clearResult <- function(res)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == res[[2]], 2]
command <- paste(".db.clearResult.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(res$res)", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.getQuery <- function (query, conn.id = 1)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.getQuery.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(query=query, idx=id)", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.listTables <- function (conn.id = 1)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.listTables.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(idx=id)", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.existsTable <- function (table, conn.id = 1)
## id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
## command <- paste(".db.existsTable.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
## "(table=table, idx=id)", sep = "")
## eval(parse(text = command))
if (length(table) == 1) {
schema.str <- try(.db.table.schema.str(table, conn.id), silent = TRUE)
if (is(schema.str, .err.class)) return (FALSE)
#tbl.name <- table
} else {
schema.str <- paste("table_name = '", .strip(table[2], "\""),
"' and table_schema = '", .strip(table[1], "\""), "'", sep = "")
#tbl.name <- table[2]
ct <- db.q("select count(*) from information_schema.tables where ",
.strip(schema.str, "\""), sep = "", conn.id=conn.id,
verbose = FALSE)
if (ct == 0)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.existsTempTable <- function (table, conn.id = 1)
if (length(table) == 2)
schema.str <- strsplit(table[1], "_")[[1]]
if (schema.str[1] != "pg" || schema.str[2] != "temp")
return (list(FALSE, table))
return (list(TRUE, table))
schemas <- arraydb.to.arrayr(
.db.getQuery("select current_schemas(True)", conn.id),
type = "character")
table_schema <- character(0)
for (schema in schemas)
if (.db.existsTable(c(schema, table), conn.id))
table_schema <- c(table_schema, schema)
if (identical(table_schema, character(0))) return (list(FALSE, c("", table)))
schema.str <- strsplit(table_schema, "_")
for (i in seq_len(length(schema.str))) {
str <- schema.str[[i]]
if (str[1] == "pg" && str[2] == "temp")
return (list(TRUE, c(table_schema[i], table)))
return (list(FALSE, c("", table)))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.listFields <- function (table, conn.id = 1)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.listFields.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(table=table, idx=id)", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.writeTable <- function (table, r.obj, add.row.names = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE, append = FALSE,
distributed.by = NULL, # only for GPDB
is.temp = FALSE,
conn.id = 1, header = FALSE, nrows = 50,
sep = ",",
eol="\n", skip = 0, quote = "\"", ...)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.writeTable.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(table=table, r.obj=r.obj, add.row.names=add.row.names,
overwrite=overwrite, append=append,
is.temp=is.temp, idx=id,
header=header, nrows=nrows, sep=sep, eol=eol,
skip=skip, quote=quote, ...)",
sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.readTable <- function (table, rown.names = "row.names", conn.id = 1)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.readTable.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(table=table, row.names=row.names, idx=id)",
sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.db.removeTable <- function(table, conn.id = 1)
id <- .localVars$conn.id[.localVars$conn.id[,1] == conn.id, 2]
command <- paste(".db.removeTable.", .localVars$db[[id]]$conn.pkg,
"(table=table, idx=id)", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = command))
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