## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Preview the object
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric (
def = function (x, ..., drop=TRUE) {
res <- standardGeneric("preview")
if (!is.null(ncol(res)) && drop && ncol(res) == 1)
return (res[, , drop=TRUE])
signature = "x")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.limit.str <- function (nrows)
if (is.null(nrows) || (is.character(nrows) && nrows == "all") ||
nrows <= 0)
limit.str <- ""
else if (is.numeric(nrows))
limit.str <- paste(" limit ", nrows, sep = "")
stop("nrows must be NULL, \"all\" or an integer!")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod (
signature (x = "db.table"),
def = function (x, nrows = 100, array = TRUE, drop = TRUE) {
if (length(names(x)) == 1 && x@.col.data_type == "array")
z <- x[[names(x)]]
z <- x[,]
lk(z, nrows=nrows, array=array, drop = drop)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod (
signature (x = "db.view"),
def = function (x, nrows = 100, interactive = FALSE, array = TRUE,
drop = TRUE) {
## warn.r <- getOption("warn")
## options(warn = -1)
if (interactive) {
"points to a view in the database",
"and it might take time to evaluate and extract a preview of it if the data is large!\n")
go <- .read.input("Do you really want to continue ? (Yes/No) : ",
c("yes", "y", "no", "n"))
if (go == "no" || go == "n") return()
## if (array) {
## x <- .expand.array(x)
## res <- .db.getQuery(paste("select * from (", content(x), ") s",
## .limit.str(nrows), sep = ""),
## conn.id(x))
## } else
## res <- .db.getQuery(paste("select * from ", content(x),
## .limit.str(nrows), sep = ""),
## conn.id(x))
## options(warn = warn.r) # reset R warning level
## res
if (length(names(x)) == 1 && x@.col.data_type == "array")
z <- x[[names(x)]]
z <- x[,]
lk(z, nrows=nrows, array=array, drop = drop)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod (
signature (x = "db.Rquery"),
def = function (x, nrows = 100, interactive = FALSE, array = TRUE,
drop = TRUE) {
warnings <- .suppress.warnings(conn.id(x))
## add.crossprod <- FALSE
## if (length(names(x)) > 1 && "crossprod" %in% x@.col.data_type) {
## select <- which(x@.col.data_type == "crossprod")
## rst <- list()
## for (i in select) {
## z <- x[,i]
## class(z) <- "db.Rcrossprod"
## rst[[names(x)[i]]] <- lk(z)
## }
## if (length(select) == length(names(x)))
## return (rst)
## else {
## left <- setdiff(1:length(names(x)), select)
## x <- x[left]
## add.crossprod <- TRUE
## }
## }
if (interactive) {
"is just a query in R and does not point to any object in the database",
"and it might take time to evaluate and extract a preview of it if the data is large!\n")
go <- .read.input("Do you really want to continue ? (Yes/No) : ",
c("yes", "y", "no", "n"))
if (go == "no" || go == "n") return()
## if (array) x <- .expand.array(x)
## res <- .db.getQuery(paste(content(x), .limit.str(nrows),
## sep = ""), conn.id(x))
res <- db.q(content(x), .limit.str(nrows), conn.id = conn.id(x),
verbose = FALSE, sep = "", nrows = -1)
for (i in seq_len(length(names(x)))) {
if (array && x@.col.data_type[i] == "array") {
if (grepl("int", x@.col.udt_name[i]))
res[[i]] <- arraydb.to.arrayr(res[[i]], "integer")
else if (grepl("float", x@.col.udt_name[i]))
res[[i]] <- arraydb.to.arrayr(res[[i]], "double")
else if (x@.col.udt_name[i] == "_bool")
res[[i]] <- arraydb.to.arrayr(res[[i]], "logical")
res[[i]] <- arraydb.to.arrayr(res[[i]], "character")
if (dim(res)[1] == 1)
res <- as.vector(res)
## if (add.crossprod) {
## rst[[length(rst)+1]] <- res
## return (rst)
## } else
return (res)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod (
signature (x = "db.Rcrossprod"),
def = function (x, nrows = 100, interactive = FALSE, drop = TRUE) {
warnings <- .suppress.warnings(conn.id(x))
if (interactive) {
"is just a query in R and does not point to any object in the database",
"and it might take time to evaluate and extract a preview of it if the data is large!\n")
go <- .read.input("Do you really want to continue ? (Yes/No) : ",
c("yes", "y", "no", "n"))
if (go == "no" || go == "n") return()
## NOTE: Unfortunately, RPostgreSQL cannot extract an array with elements
## more than 1500. So we have to use unnest to help to load a large array
## TODO: Create a separate array loading function to specifically deal
## with such situations and can be called by other functions.
## res <- .db.getQuery(paste("select unnest(\"", names(x)[1],
## "\") as v from (",
## content(x),
## .limit.str(nrows), ") s", sep = ""), conn.id(x))
res <- db.q("select unnest(\"", names(x)[1],
"\") as v from (",
.limit.str(nrows), ") s", sep = "",
conn.id = conn.id(x), verbose = FALSE, nrows = -1)
n <- dim(x)[1]
dims <- x@.dim
if (n == 1) {
## rst <- arraydb.to.arrayr(res[,1], "double")
if (x@.is.symmetric[1])
rst <- new("dspMatrix", uplo = "U", x = res[,1], Dim = as.integer(dims))
rst <- new("dgeMatrix", x = res[,1], Dim = as.integer(dims))
## if (x@.inverse) rst <- solve(rst)
} else {
rst <- list()
l <- dim(res)[1] / n
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
## rst[[i]] <- arraydb.to.arrayr(res[i,1], "double")
if (x@.is.symmetric[i])
rst[[i]] <- new("dtpMatrix", uplo = "U",
x = res[(i-1)*l + seq(l),1],
Dim = as.integer(dims))
rst[[i]] <- new("dgeMatrix", x = res[(i-1)*l + seq(l),1],
Dim = as.integer(dims))
## if (x@.inverse) rst[[i]] <- solve(rst[[i]])
return (rst)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Directly read a table without wrapping it with db.table
setMethod (
signature (x = "character"),
def = function (x, conn.id = 1, nrows = 100, array = TRUE,
drop = TRUE) {
x <- db.data.frame(x, conn.id=conn.id, verbose = FALSE)
lookat(x, nrows=nrows, array=array, drop=drop)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## same as preview
## lk is shorthand for lookat
lk <- lookat <- function (x, nrows = 100, array = TRUE, conn.id = 1, drop=TRUE)
if (is(x, "db.table")) return (preview(x, nrows, array = array, drop=drop))
if (is(x, "db.Rcrossprod")) return (preview(x, nrows, FALSE, drop=drop))
if (is(x, "character")) return (preview(x, conn.id, nrows, array, drop=drop))
preview(x, nrows, FALSE, array, drop=drop)
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