## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## utility functions exposed to the users
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
is.db.data.frame <- function (x)
is(x, "db.data.frame")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## cut the data into k pieces
## mainly used for cross-validation
.cut.data <- function (x, k)
## randomize the data when creating serial index
y <- .create.indexed.temp.table(x, TRUE)
n <- dim(y)[1]
if (n < k) stop("data dimension is even smaller than k!")
id <- y@.dim[2]
size <- n %/% k
tick <- c(0, seq(size, length.out = k-1, by = size), n)
valid <- list()
train <- list()
for (i in 1:k) {
valid[[i]] <- y[y[,id]>tick[i] & y[,id]<=tick[i+1],-id]
train[[i]] <- y[!(y[,id]>tick[i] & y[,id]<=tick[i+1]),-id]
list(train = train, valid = valid, inter = y, dist.by = y@.dist.by)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## suppress all warnings
.suppress.warnings <- function (conn.id, level = "panic")
msg.level <- .set.msg.level(level, conn.id = conn.id)
warn.r <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
list(msg.level = msg.level, warn.r = warn.r, conn.id = conn.id)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## restore all warning levels
.restore.warnings <- function (pre.warn)
msg.level <- .set.msg.level(pre.warn$msg.level, pre.warn$conn.id)
options(warn = pre.warn$warn.r) # reset R warning level
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Compatibility function
## Find the package path, for older R path.package does not work
.get.package.path <- function ()
version <- .localVars$R.ver
if (version != R.version.string && as.numeric(version) < 2.13)
eval(parse(text = paste(".path.package(\"", .this.pkg.name, "\")",
sep = "")))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Compatibility function
# regmatches for lower versions of R
.regmatches <- function (x, m, invert = FALSE)
version <- .localVars$R.ver
if (version != R.version.string && as.numeric(version) < 2.14) {
if (length(x) != length(m))
stop(gettextf("%s and %s must have the same length",
sQuote("x"), sQuote("m")), domain = NA)
ili <- is.list(m)
useBytes <- if (ili)
any(unlist(lapply(m, attr, "useBytes")))
else any(attr(m, "useBytes"))
if (useBytes) {
asc <- iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII")
ind <- is.na(asc) | (asc != x)
if (any(ind))
Encoding(x[ind]) <- "bytes"
if (!ili && !invert) {
so <- m[ind <- (!is.na(m) & (m > -1L))]
eo <- so + attr(m, "match.length")[ind] - 1L
return(substring(x[ind], so, eo))
y <- if (invert) {
Map(function(u, so, ml) {
if ((n <- length(so)) == 1L) {
if (is.na(so))
else if (so == -1L)
beg <- if (n > 1L) {
eo <- so + ml - 1L
if (any(eo[-n] >= so[-1L]))
stop(gettextf("need non-overlapping matches for %s",
sQuote("invert = TRUE")), domain = NA)
c(1L, eo + 1L)
else {
c(1L, so + ml)
end <- c(so - 1L, nchar(u))
substring(u, beg, end)
}, x, m, if (ili)
lapply(m, attr, "match.length")
else attr(m, "match.length"), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
else {
Map(function(u, so, ml) {
if (length(so) == 1L) {
if (is.na(so) || (so == -1L))
substring(u, so, so + ml - 1L)
}, x, m, lapply(m, attr, "match.length"), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
names(y) <- names(x)
} else {
regmatches(x, m, invert)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.format <- function(str, lst)
for (item in names(lst))
str <- gsub(paste("<", item, ">", sep = ""), lst[[item]], str)
gsub("\n", "", str)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## get the distributed by info
.get.dist.policy <- function (table, conn.id)
## get the table name and schema
## conn.id <- conn.id(x)
## table <- .strip(x@.name, "\"")
table <- .strip(table, "\"")
l <- length(table)
if (l == 2) {
table.name <- table[2]
table.schema <- table[1]
} else {
schemas <- arraydb.to.arrayr(
db.q("select current_schemas(True)",
conn.id=conn.id, verbose = FALSE),
type = "character")
table_schema <- character(0)
for (schema in schemas)
if (.db.existsTable(c(schema, table), conn.id)) {
table_schema <- c(table_schema, schema)
table.name <- table
table.schema <- table_schema
oid <- .db.getQuery(
.format("SELECT c.oid
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname ~ '^(<table.name>)$'
AND n.nspname ~ '^(<table.schema>)$'",
table.schema=table.schema)), conn.id)
# smallint[] => int2vecotr
attrnums <- .db.getQuery(
.format("SELECT distkey
FROM pg_catalog.gp_distribution_policy t
WHERE localoid = '<oid>'", list(oid=as.numeric(oid))),
conn.id = conn.id)
attrnums <- arraydb.to.arrayr(attrnums, "integer")
if (length(attrnums) <= 0) return (NA)
attrnums <- as.integer(attrnums)
cols <- .db.getQuery(
.format("SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = '<oid>'
AND (<attnum>)",
attnum=paste("attnum='", attrnums, "'", sep = "",
collapse = " or "))), conn.id)[,,drop=TRUE]
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## get extra strings like where and sort etc
.get.extra.str <- function(data)
if (is(data, "db.data.frame")) {
tbl <- content(data)
src <- tbl
parent <- src
where <- ""
where.str <- ""
sort <- list(by = "", order = "", str = "")
} else {
if (data@.source == data@.parent)
tbl <- data@.parent
tbl <- paste("(", data@.parent, ") s", sep = "")
src <- data@.source
parent <- data@.parent
where <- data@.where
if (where != "") where.str <- paste(" where", where)
else where.str <- ""
sort <- data@.sort
list(tbl = tbl, where = where, where.str = where.str, sort = sort,
src = src, parent = parent)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.row.action <- function (x, action)
x <- db.array(x)[,]
res <- x[,1]
res@.expr <- paste(x@.expr, collapse = action)
## Use the non-greedy regular expression '?'
res@.content <- gsub("^select .*? as", paste("select", res@.expr, "as"),
res@.content, perl=T)
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ...)
.row.action(x, "+")
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ...)
rowSums(x) / length(names(x))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## combine a list of db.obj faster than using reduce
.combine.list <- function (lst)
n <- length(lst)
if (n == 1) return (lst[[1]])
res <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if (is(lst[[i]], "db.data.frame")) {
if (ncol(lst[[i]]) == 1 && lst[[i]]@.col.data_type == "array")
lst[[i]] <- db.array(lst[[i]])
lst[[i]] <- lst[[i]][,]
if (is(lst[[i]], "db.obj") && is.null(res)) res <- lst[[i]]
## res <- lst[[1]]
res@.expr <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) {if (is(x, "db.obj"))
x@.expr else x}))
res@.col.name <- unlist(
lapply(lst, function(x) {
if (is(x, "db.obj"))
x@.col.name else
sapply(seq_len(length(x)), function(i) .unique.string())}))
res@.col.data_type <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) {
if (is(x, "db.obj"))
else {
if (typeof(x) == "character") rep("text", length(x))
else if (typeof(x) == "boolean")
rep("boolean", length(x))
else rep("double precision", length(x))
res@.col.udt_name <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) {
if (is(x, "db.obj"))
else {
if (typeof(x) == "character") rep("text", length(x))
else if (typeof(x) == "boolean")
rep("bool", length(x))
else rep("float8", length(x))
res@.is.factor <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) {if (is(x, "db.obj"))
x@.is.factor else rep(FALSE, length(x))}))
res@.factor.suffix <- unlist(
lapply(lst, function(x) {
if (is(x, "db.obj"))
x@.factor.suffix else rep("", length(x))}))
res@.is.agg <- unlist(
lapply(lst, function(x) {
if (is(x, "db.obj"))
x@.is.agg else rep(FALSE, length(x))}))
if (res@.source == res@.parent)
tbl <- res@.parent
tbl <- "(" %+% res@.parent %+% ") s"
where <- res@.where
if (where != "") where.str <- paste(" where", where)
else where.str <- ""
sort <- res@.sort
res@.content <- paste("select ",
paste(res@.expr, " as \"", res@.col.name, "\"",
collapse = ",", sep = ""),
" from ", tbl, where.str, sort$str, sep = "")
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