#' Set data points in a graphic object
#' Sets the data points in a graphic object. The function will identify
#' and set all `ynames` in the graph.
#' @param g A `gTree` object, typically loaded by
#' `chartbox::load_chart()`
#' @param ynames A vector with the names of the response variables
#' for which matches are sought, e.g. `ynames = c("hdc",
#' "hgt")`.
#' @param parsed A list, result of `parse_chartcode()`. Used for
#' calculating the target height.
#' @param matches List of vector containing the id's of the matches in
#' the donor data. List elements should be named after
#' `ynames`. The default value (`NULL`) indicates that no
#' matches are plotted.
#' @inheritParams process_chart
#' @return The grid object `g` with data points added.
set_curves <- function(g,
curve_interpolation = TRUE,
nmatch = 0L,
matches = NULL,
dnr = NULL,
period = numeric(0),
show_realized = FALSE,
show_future = FALSE,
clip = TRUE,
target_height = list(show = TRUE, alpha = 0.05)) {
chartcode <- g$name
if (!nmatch) period <- numeric(0)
if (is.null(dnr)) matches <- NULL
# get target data
child <- persondata(target)
time <- timedata(target)
data <- time %>%
select(all_of(c("age", "xname", "yname", "x", "y"))) %>%
filter(.data$yname %in% ynames) %>%
drop_na("y") %>%
id = -1,
sex = child$sex,
ga = child$ga,
x2 = .data$x
) %>%
select(all_of(c("id", "age", "xname", "yname", "x", "y", "sex", "ga", "x2")))
# For WFH, temporary sort on age to get correct time sequence, use x2 to store x
idx <- data$yname == "wfh"
data$x[idx] <- data$age[idx]
# get data of matches
time <- vector("list", length(ynames))
names(time) <- ynames
for (yname in ynames) {
time[[yname]] <- load_data(dnr = dnr, element = "time", ids = matches[[yname]]) %>%
xhgt = .data$hgt,
wfh = .data$wgt
) %>%
select(any_of(c("id", "age", "sex", "ga", "xhgt", yname)))
time <- time %>%
if (!nrow(time)) {
time <- time %>%
select(all_of(c("id", "sex", "ga")))
} else {
time <- time %>%
pivot_longer(cols = any_of(ynames), names_to = "yname", values_to = "y") %>%
drop_na("y") %>%
x = as.numeric(ifelse(.data$yname == "wfh", .data$xhgt, .data$age)),
xname = as.character(ifelse(.data$yname == "wfh", "hgt", "age"))
) %>%
arrange(.data$id, .data$yname, .data$x, .data$age) %>%
select(all_of(c("id", "age", "xname", "yname", "x", "y", "sex", "ga")))
# rbind target and matches
data <- data %>%
bind_rows(time) %>%
mutate(obs = TRUE)
# define grid for synthetic observations
ynames <- unique(data$yname)
lohi <- data %>%
group_by(.data$id, .data$yname) %>%
id = first(.data$id),
xname = first(.data$xname),
sex = first(.data$sex),
ga = first(.data$ga),
lo = suppressWarnings(min(.data$x, na.rm = TRUE)),
hi = suppressWarnings(max(.data$x, na.rm = TRUE)),
.groups = "drop"
xl <- vector("list", nrow(lohi))
for (i in seq_along(xl)) {
xo <- set_xout(chartcode, lohi$yname[i])
xl[[i]] <- xo[xo > lohi$lo[i] & xo < lohi$hi[i]]
lng <- sapply(xl, length)
if (any(lng)) {
synt <- tidyr::uncount(lohi, weights = !!lng) %>%
x = unlist(!!xl),
obs = FALSE
) %>%
select(-c("lo", "hi"))
} else {
synt <- tibble(yname = character(0))
# append synthetic data
data <- data %>%
bind_rows(synt) %>%
arrange(.data$id, .data$yname, .data$x)
# For wfh, interpolate hgt from age, and overwrite data$x with hgt
idx <- data$yname == "wfh"
if (any(idx)) {
data$x[idx] <- safe_approx(x = data$x[idx], y = data$x2[idx],
xout = data$x[idx], ties = list("ordered", mean))$y
# add Z-scores
data <- data %>%
select(-"age") %>% # fool set_refcodes()
mutate(refcode_z = nlreferences::set_refcodes(.)) %>%
z = centile::y2z(
y = .data$y,
x = .data$x,
refcode = .data$refcode_z,
pkg = "nlreferences",
rule = 2L
pred = FALSE
# calculate brokenstick predictions
pred <- calculate_predictions(data,
chartcode = chartcode, ynames = ynames,
dnr = dnr, period = period
# linear interpolation in Z-scale
data <- data %>%
bind_rows(pred) %>%
group_by(.data$id, .data$yname, .data$pred) %>%
mutate(z = safe_approx(
x = .data$x, y = .data$z, xout = .data$x,
ties = mean)$y) %>%
# set refcode as target's sex and ga
refcode_y <- data %>%
sex = child$sex,
ga = child$ga
) %>%
mutate(refcode_y = nlreferences::set_refcodes(.)) %>%
# convert to display metric
data <- data %>%
refcode_y = !!refcode_y,
v = centile::z2y(
z = .data$z,
x = .data$x,
refcode = .data$refcode_y,
pkg = "nlreferences",
rule = 2L
# select essential fields for plotting
plotdata <- data %>%
select(all_of(c("id", "yname", "obs", "pred", "x", "y", "z", "v")))
# for debugging
# utils::write.table(data,
# file = "data.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", na = "",
# row.names = FALSE
# )
# plot loop
for (yname in ynames) {
# cannot yet perform prediction for WFH
if (yname == "wfh") period <- numeric(0)
# obtain data and apply data transforms
data <- plotdata %>%
filter(.data$yname == !!yname) %>%
v = apply_transforms_y(.data$v, chartcode, !!yname),
x = apply_transforms_x(.data$x, chartcode, !!yname)
# create visit lines grob
tx <- get_tx(chartcode, yname)
p <- tx(period)
visit_lines <- plot_visit_lines(g, yname, p)
# plot curves of target
ind_gList <- plot_lines_target(
yname = yname, period = p,
curve_interpolation = curve_interpolation,
show_realized = show_realized
# plot curves of matches
mat_gList <- plot_lines_matches(
yname = yname,
curve_interpolation = curve_interpolation
# calculate "look into future" line
pre_gList <- plot_lines_prediction(
yname = yname,
show_future = show_future,
curve_interpolation = curve_interpolation
# plot target height
th_gList <- plot_target_height(
child = child,
yname = yname,
parsed = parsed,
options = target_height
# now put everything into a clipped grob
clipper <- clipGrob(name = "clipper")
curves <- gTree(
name = "data",
children = gList(
clipper, visit_lines,
pre_gList, ind_gList
g <- setGrob(
gTree = g,
gPath = gPath(yname, "modules", "data"),
newGrob = curves
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