
Defines functions efetch

Documented in efetch

#' @include eutil.R
#' @include parse-params.R

#' @export
.efetch <- setRefClass(
  Class    = "efetch",
  contains = "eutil",
  methods  = list(
    initialize = function(method, ...) {
      perform_query("efetch", method = method, ...)
      if (errors$all_empty() && retmode() == "xml") {
    show = function() {
      cat("Object of class", sQuote(eutil()), "\n")
      nhead <- getOption("reutils.show.headlines")
      if (no_errors()) {
        if (retmode() == "xml") {
## This does not work well with huge XML objects          
#           out <- capture.output(get_content("xml"))
#           if (!is.null(nhead)) {
#             out <- out[1:nhead]
#           }
#           cat(substring(out, first=1, last=getOption("width") - 2), "...", sep="\n")
        } else {
          con <- get_content("textConnection")
          headlines <- readLines(con, n = nhead %||% -1L)
          cat(headlines, "...", sep="\n")
      } else {
      tail <- sprintf("EFetch query using the %s database.\nQuery url: %s\nRetrieval type: %s, retrieval mode: %s\n",
                      sQuote(database()), sQuote(ellipsize(get_url(), offset=15)),
                      sQuote(rettype()), sQuote(retmode()))
      cat(tail, sep="\n")

#' @describeIn content Access the data content from an \code{efetch} request.
setMethod("content", "efetch", function(x, as = NULL) {
  as <- as %||% retmode(x)
  if (as == "asn.1") {
    as <- "text"
  if (as == "parsed") {
    as <- retmode(x)
  callNextMethod(x = x, as = as)

#' \code{efetch} performs calls to the NCBI EFetch utility to retrieve data records
#' in the requested format for an NCBI Accession Number, one or more primary UIDs,
#' or for a set of UIDs stored in the user's web environment.
#' @note 
#' If you are going to retrieve more than 500 UIDs at once, you will have to provide
#' the UIDs by reference to a Web Environment and a query key obtained from previous
#' calls to \code{\link{esearch}} (if \code{usehistory = TRUE}), \code{\link{epost}}
#' or \code{\link{elink}} \strong{and} you will have to specify an \code{outfile} to
#' write the data to, rather than collecting the data into an R object.
#' @details
#' See the official online documentation for NCBI's
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499/#chapter4.EFetch}{EUtilities}
#' for additional information.
#' See
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499/table/chapter4.T._valid_values_of__retmode_and/?report=objectonly}{here}
#' for the default values for \code{rettype} and \code{retmode}, as well as a list of the available
#' databases for the  EFetch utility.
#' @title efetch - downloading full records
#' @param uid (Required) A list of UIDs provided either as a character vector, as an
#' \code{esearch} object, or by reference to a Web Environment
#' and a query key obtained directly from previous calls to \code{\link{esearch}}
#' (if \code{usehistory = TRUE}), \code{\link{epost}} or \code{\link{elink}}.
#' If UIDs are provided as a plain character vector, \code{db} must be
#' specified explicitly, and all of the UIDs must be from the database
#' specified by \code{db}.
#' @param db (Required if \code{uid} is a character vector of UIDs)
#' Database from which to retrieve records. See
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25497/table/chapter2.T._entrez_unique_identifiers_ui/?report=objectonly}{here}
#' for the supported databases.
#' @param rettype A character string specifying the retrieval type, such as 'abstract' or
#' 'medline' for PubMed, 'gp' or 'fasta' for Protein, or 'gb', or 'fasta' for Nuccore. See 
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499/table/chapter4.T._valid_values_of__retmode_and/?report=objectonly}{here}
#' for the available values for each database.
#' @param retmode A character string specifying the data mode of the records returned,
#' such as 'text' or 'xml'. See 
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499/table/chapter4.T._valid_values_of__retmode_and/?report=objectonly}{here}
#' for the available values for each database.
#' @param outfile A character string naming a file for writing the data to.
#' Required if more than 500 UIDs are retrieved at once. In this case UIDs
#' have to be provided by reference to a Web Environment and a query key
#' obtained directly from previous calls to \code{\link{esearch}}
#' (if \code{usehistory = TRUE}), \code{\link{epost}} or \code{\link{elink}}.
#' @param retstart Numeric index of the first record to be retrieved.
#' @param retmax Total number of records from the input set to be retrieved.
#' @param querykey An integer specifying which of the UID lists attached
#' to a user's Web Environment will be used as input to \code{efetch}.
#' (Usually obtained drectely from objects returned by a previous call to
#' \code{\link{esearch}}, \code{\link{epost}} or \code{\link{elink}}.)
#' @param webenv A character string specifying the Web Environment that
#' contains the UID list. (Usually obtained directely from objects returned
#' by a previous call to \code{\link{esearch}}, \code{\link{epost}} or
#' \code{\link{elink}}.)
#' @param strand Strand of DNA to retrieve. (1: plus strand, 2: minus strand)
#' @param seqstart First sequence base to retrieve.
#' @param seqstop Last sequence base to retrieve.
#' @param complexity Data content to return. (0: entire data structure,
#' 1: bioseq, 2: minimal bioseq-set, 3: minimal nuc-prot, 4: minimal pub-set)
#' @return An \code{\linkS4class{efetch}} object.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{content}}, \code{\link{getUrl}}, \code{\link{getError}},
#' \code{\link{database}}, \code{\link{retmode}}, \code{\link{rettype}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## From Protein, retrieve a raw GenPept record and write it to a file.
#' p <- efetch("195055", "protein", "gp")
#' p
#' write(content(p, "text"), file = "~/AAD15290.gp")
#' ## Get accessions for a list of GenBank IDs (GIs)
#' acc <- efetch(c("1621261", "89318838", "68536103", "20807972", "730439"),
#'               "protein", rettype = "acc")
#' acc
#' acc <- strsplit(content(acc), "\n")[[1]]
#' acc
#' ## Get GIs from a list of accession numbers
#' gi <- efetch(c("CAB02640.1", "EAS10332.1", "YP_250808.1", "NP_623143.1", "P41007.1"),
#'              "protein", "uilist")
#' gi
#' ## we can conveniently extract the UIDs using the eutil method #xmlValue(xpath)
#' gi$xmlValue("/IdList/Id")
#' ## or we can extract the contents of the efetch query using the fuction content()
#' ## and use the XML package to retrieve the UIDs
#' doc <- content(gi)
#' XML::xpathSApply(doc, "/IdList/Id", XML::xmlValue)
#' ## Get the scientific name for an organism starting with the NCBI taxon id.
#' tx <- efetch("527031", "taxonomy")
#' tx
#' ## Convenience accessor for XML nodes of interest using XPath
#' ## Extract the TaxIds of the Lineage
#' tx["//LineageEx/Taxon/TaxId"]
#' ## Use an XPath expession to extract the scientific name.
#' tx$xmlValue("/TaxaSet/Taxon/ScientificName")
#' ## Iteratively retrieve a large number of records
#' # First store approx. 8400 UIDs on the History server.
#' uid <- esearch(term = "hexokinase", db = 'protein', usehistory = TRUE)
#' # Fetch the records and write to file in batches of 500.
#' efetch(uid, rettype = "fasta", retmode = "text", outfile = "~/tmp/hexokinases.fna")
#' }
efetch <- function(uid, db = NULL, rettype = NULL, retmode = NULL,
                   outfile = NULL, retstart = NULL, retmax = NULL,
                   querykey = NULL, webenv = NULL, strand = NULL,
                   seqstart = NULL, seqstop = NULL, complexity = NULL) {
  ## extract query parameters
  params <- parse_params(uid, db, querykey, webenv)
  # set default rettype and retmode for a given db
  r <- ncbi_retrieval_type(params$db, rettype %||% "", retmode)
  if (is.null(retstart)) {
    retstart <- 0
  if (is.null(retmax)) {
    retmax <- Inf
  if (retmax > 500 && (is.finite(params$count) && (params$count > 500))) {
    if (is.null(outfile)) {
      stop("You are attempting to download more than 500 records.\n",
           "       efetch() will download them iteratively in batches.\n",
           "       Specify an 'outfile' where they can be saved to.", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.na(webenv(uid))) {
      stop("You are attempting to download more than 500 records.\n",
           "       Use the NCBI history server to store the UIDs and\n",
           "       specify an 'outfile' where the data can be saved to.", call. = FALSE)
    retstart <- 0
    retmax <- 500
    out <- file(outfile, open = "w+")
    while (retstart < params$count) {
      message("Retrieving UIDs ", retstart + 1, " to ", retstart + retmax)
      ans <- .efetch("GET", db = params$db, id = NULL, query_key = params$querykey,
                     WebEnv = params$webenv, retmode = r$retmode, rettype = r$rettype,
                     retstart = retstart, retmax = retmax, strand = strand,
                     seq_start = seqstart, seq_stop = seqstop, complexity = complexity)
      writeLines(ans$get_content("text"), con = out)
      retstart <- retstart + retmax
  } else {
    if (!is.null(outfile)) {
      out <- file(outfile, open = "wt")
      ans <- .efetch(method = if (length(params$uid) < 100) "GET" else "POST",
                     db = params$db, id = .collapse(params$uid),
                     query_key = params$querykey, WebEnv = params$webenv, 
                     retmode = r$retmode, rettype = r$rettype, 
                     retstart = as.character(retstart), retmax = as.character(retmax),
                     strand = strand, seq_start = seqstart, seq_stop = seqstop,
                     complexity = complexity)
      writeLines(ans$get_content("text"), con = out)
    } else {
      .efetch(method = if (length(params$uid) < 100) "GET" else "POST",
              db = params$db, id = .collapse(params$uid),
              query_key = params$querykey, WebEnv = params$webenv, 
              retmode = r$retmode, rettype = r$rettype, 
              retstart = as.character(retstart), retmax = as.character(retmax),
              strand = strand, seq_start = seqstart,
              seq_stop = seqstop, complexity = complexity)

#' EFetch accessors
#' Extract XML nodes from an \code{\linkS4class{efetch}} object.
#' @param x An \code{\linkS4class{efetch}} object containing XML data.
#' @param i An XPath expression specifying the XML nodes to extract.
#' @param j Ignored.
#' @return An XML node set.
#' @rdname extract-efetch
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' p <- efetch("195055", "protein", "gp", "xml")
#' p['//GBFeature[GBFeature_key="mat_peptide"]//GBQualifier_value']
#' }
setMethod("[", c(x =  "efetch", i = "character", j = "missing"), function(x, i, j) {
  if (retmode(x) != "xml") {
    stop("This document does not contain XML data", call.=FALSE)

#' @rdname extract-efetch
setMethod("[[", c(x = "efetch", i = "character"), function(x, i) {
  ans <- x[i]
  if (length(ans) > 1) {
    warning(length(ans), " elements in node set. Returning just the first!")
gschofl/reutils documentation built on Oct. 9, 2020, 9:42 p.m.