
Defines functions esearch print.entrez_uid esearch_parse_json esearch_parse_xml parse_esearch

Documented in esearch

#' @include eutil.R

#' @export
.esearch <- setRefClass(
  Class    = "esearch",
  contains = "eutil",
  methods  = list(
    initialize = function(method, ...) {
      perform_query(method = method, ...)
      if (no_errors()) {
    show = function() {
      cat("Object of class", sQuote(eutil()), "\n")
      if (no_errors()) {
      } else {

parse_esearch <- function(object) {  
  if (object$no_errors()) {
           xml  = esearch_parse_xml(object),
           json = esearch_parse_json(object)
  } else {
    structure(NA_character_, database = NA_character_, class = c("entrez_uid", "character"))

esearch_parse_xml <- function(object) {
  x <- object$get_content("xml")
  if (object$rettype() == "count") {
    xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/Count', as = 'numeric')
  } else {
      xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/IdList/Id'),
      ## Attributes
      retmax   = xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/RetMax', as = 'numeric'),
      retstart = xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/RetStart', as = 'numeric'),
      count    = xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/Count', as = 'numeric'),
      query_translation = xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/QueryTranslation'),
      querykey = xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/QueryKey', as = 'numeric'),
      webenv   = xvalue(x, '/eSearchResult/WebEnv'),
      database = object$database(),
      class = c("entrez_uid", "character")

esearch_parse_json <- function(object) {
  rs <- jsonlite::fromJSON(object$get_content("json"))[["esearchresult"]]
  if (object$rettype() == "count") {
  } else {
      rs$idlist %|empty|% NA_character_,
      ## Attributes
      retmax   = as.numeric(rs$retmax),
      retstart = as.numeric(rs$retstart),
      count    = as.numeric(rs$count),
      query_translation = rs$querytranslation,
      querykey = as.numeric(rs$querykey) %|empty|% NA_real_,
      webenv   = rs$webenv %|empty|% NA_character_,
      database = object$database(),
      class = c("entrez_uid", "character")

#' Class \code{"entrez_uid"}
#' A container for UIDs returned by a call to \code{\link{esearch}}.
#' It is essentially a character vector of UIDs supplemented with a number
#' of attributes:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{\code{retmax}:}{Total number of hits retrieved from the Entrez server.}
#'    \item{\code{retstart}:}{Index of the first hit retrieved from the Entrez server.}
#'    \item{\code{count}:}{Total number of hits for a search query.}
#'    \item{\code{query_translation}:}{Details of how Entrez translated the query.}
#'    \item{\code{querykey}:}{If \code{usehistory = TRUE}, the query key,
#'    otherwise \code{NA}.}
#'    \item{\code{webenv}:}{If \code{usehistory = TRUE}, the Web envronment string,
#'    otherwise \code{NA}.}
#'    \item{\code{database}:}{Name of the queried database.}
#' }
#' @keywords classes internal
#' @name entrez_uid-class
#' @examples
#' ###

#' @describeIn database Retrieve the target database name from an \code{entrez_uid}
#' object.
setMethod("database", "entrez_uid", function(x, ...) attr(x, "database"))

#' @describeIn uid Retrieve the list of UIDs from an \code{entrez_uid} object.
setMethod("uid", "entrez_uid", function(x, ...) {
  attributes(x) <- NULL

#' @describeIn webenv Retrieve the webenv string from an \code{entrez_uid} object.
setMethod("webenv", "entrez_uid", function(x, ...) attr(x, "webenv"))

#' @describeIn querykey Retrieve the querykey from an \code{entrez_uid} object.
setMethod("querykey", "entrez_uid", function(x, ...) attr(x, "querykey"))

#' @export
print.entrez_uid <- function(x, ...) {
  db <- database(x)
  if (!is.na(webenv(x))) {
    row1 <- sprintf("Web Environment for the %s database.", sQuote(db))
    row2 <- sprintf("Number of UIDs stored on the History server: %s", attr(x, "count"))
    row3 <- sprintf("Query Key: %s\nWebEnv: %s\n", querykey(x), webenv(x))
    cat(row1, row2, row3, sep="\n")
  } else {
    cat(sprintf("List of UIDs from the %s database.\n", sQuote(db)))

#' @export
"[.entrez_uid" <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE) {
  out <- NextMethod(...)
  attributes(out) <- attributes(x)  

#' \code{esearch} performs searches using the the NCBI ESearch utility to retrieve
#' primary UIDs matching a text query. These UIDs can be used in subsequent calls
#' to \code{\link{esummary}}, \code{\link{efetch}}, or \code{\link{elink}}.
#' @details
#' See the official online documentation for NCBI's
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499/#chapter4.ESearch}{EUtilities}
#' for additional information on this EUtility.
#' @title esearch - searching an Entrez database
#' @param term A valid Entrez text query.
#' @param db Database to search (default: nuccore).
#' @param rettype Retrieval type. (default: 'uilist', alternative: 'count')
#' @param retmode Retrieval mode. (default: 'xml', alternative: 'json')
#' @param retstart Numeric index of the first UID in the
#' retrieved set to be shown in the XML output (default: 0).
#' @param retmax Total number of UIDs to be retrieved (default: 100).
#' @param usehistory If \code{TRUE}, search results are posted directly to
#' the Entrez History Server so that they can be used in subsequent 
#' calls to \code{\link{esummary}}, \code{\link{efetch}}, or
#' \code{\link{elink}}. Also, \code{usehistory} must be set to \code{TRUE}
#' for \code{esearch} to interpret query key values included in \code{term}
#' or to accept a \code{webenv} as input.
#' @param webenv Web environment string returned by a previous call to
#' \code{\link{esearch}}, \code{\link{epost}} or \code{\link{elink}}.
#' When provided, \code{esearch} will append the results of the search to
#' the pre-existing Web environment. Providing \code{webenv} also allows
#' query keys to be used in \code{term} so that previous search sets can be
#' combined or limited.
#' @param querykey query key returned by a previous call to
#' \code{\link{esearch}}, \code{\link{epost}} or \code{\link{elink}}.
#' When provided, \code{esearch} will find the intersection of the set
#' specified by \code{querykey} and the set retrieved by the query in \code{term}
#' (i.e. joins the two with AND).
#' @param sort Method used to sort UIDs in the ESearch output. The available
#' values vary by database. Example values are \sQuote{relevance} and
#' \sQuote{name} for Gene and \sQuote{first author} and \sQuote{pub date} for
#' PubMed. 
#' @param field Optional. Search field used to limit the entire search
#' term.
#' @param datetype Optional. Type of date to limit the search. One of "mdat"
#' (modification date), "pdat" (publication date) or "edat" (Entrez date)
#' @param reldate Optional. Number of days back for which search items are
#' returned.
#' @param mindate Optional. Minimum date of search range. Format
#' @param maxdate Optional. Maximum date of search range. Format
#' @return An \code{\linkS4class{esearch}} object.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' Combine calls to ESearch with other EUtils:
#' \code{\link{esummary}}, \code{\link{efetch}}, \code{\link{elink}}.
#' @seealso
#' Accessor methods:
#' \code{\link{content}}, \code{\link{getUrl}}, \code{\link{getError}},
#' \code{\link{database}}, \code{\link{uid}},
#' \code{\link{webenv}}, \code{\link{querykey}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Search PubMed for articles with the term "Chlamydia psittaci" in the
#' ## title that were published in 2013.
#' pmid <- esearch("Chlamydia psittaci[titl] and 2013[pdat]", "pubmed")
#' pmid
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Extract the query results either as an XML tree or parsed into
#' ## a character vector
#' xml <- content(pmid, "xml")
#' uids <- uid(pmid)
#' ## Alternatively post the UIDs to the History Server.
#' pmid <- esearch("Chlamydia psittaci[titl] and 2013[pdat]", "pubmed",
#'                 usehistory = TRUE)
#' pmid
#' ## Associate new search results with the existing search results.
#' pmid2 <- esearch("Chlamydia psittaci[titl] and 2012[pdat]", "pubmed",
#'                  usehistory = TRUE, webenv = webenv(pmid))
#' pmid2
#' ## Sort results by author
#' pmid3 <- esearch("Chlamydia psittaci[titl] and 2013[pdat]", "pubmed",
#'                  sort = "first author")
#' pmid3
#' }
esearch <- function(term, db = "nuccore", rettype = "uilist", retmode = "xml",
                    retstart = 0, retmax = 100, usehistory = FALSE,
                    webenv = NULL, querykey = NULL, sort = NULL, field = NULL,
                    datetype = NULL, reldate = NULL, mindate = NULL,
                    maxdate = NULL) {
  if (missing(term)) {
    stop("No query term provided", call. = FALSE)
  if (!nzchar(db)) {
    stop("No database provided", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(term) > 1L) {
    term <- paste(term, collapse=" OR ")
  rettype <- match.arg(rettype, c("uilist", "count"))
  retmode <- match.arg(retmode, c("xml", "json"))
  .esearch(method = if (nchar(term) < 100) "GET" else "POST",
           term = .escape(term), db = db, 
           usehistory = if (usehistory) "y" else NULL,
           WebEnv = webenv, query_key = querykey, retstart = as.character(retstart),
           retmax = as.character(if (usehistory) 0 else retmax), rettype = rettype,
           retmode = retmode, sort = sort, field = field, datetype = datetype,
           reldate = as.character(reldate) %|char|% NULL, mindate = mindate, 
           maxdate = maxdate)

#' @describeIn content Access the data content from an \code{esearch} request.
setMethod("content", "esearch", function(x, as = NULL) {
  callNextMethod(x = x, as = as)

#' ESearch Accessors
#' Extract UIDs from an \code{\link{esearch}} object.
#' @param x An \code{\linkS4class{esearch}} object.
#' @param i Numeric indices.
#' @param j Ignored.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{entrez_uid}} object.
#' @rdname extract-esearch
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' e <- esearch("Mus musculus", "protein", retmax = 20)
#' e[1:5]
#' ## pass the subset directly on to esummary or efetch
#' content(esummary(e[1:5]), "parsed")
#' }
setMethod("[", c(x = "esearch", i = "numeric", j = "missing"), function(x, i, j) {
  res <- content(x, "parsed")
  out <- res[i]
  attributes(out) <- attributes(res)  

#' @describeIn uid Retrieve the list of UIDs from an \code{esearch} object.
setMethod("uid", "esearch", function(x, ...) uid(x$get_content("parsed")))

#' @describeIn webenv Retrieve the webenv string from an \code{esearch} object.
setMethod("webenv", "esearch", function(x, ...) webenv(x$get_content("parsed")))

#' @describeIn querykey Retrieve the querykey from an \code{esearch} object.
setMethod("querykey", "esearch", function(x, ...) querykey(x$get_content("parsed")))
gschofl/reutils documentation built on Oct. 9, 2020, 9:42 p.m.