
Defines functions bioc install_packages update_packages extract_packages update_github require.all load.all

Documented in install_packages load.all require.all update_github update_packages

#' @include functional.R

bioc <- function() {
  biocLite(pkgs = "BiocInstaller", suppressUpdates = TRUE, suppressAutoUpdate = TRUE)

#' Package installer
#' Wrapper around \code{\link{biocLite}}. In addition to the standard
#' functionality provided \code{biocLite}, this function also download and
#' untars the source files to \code{destdir}.
#' @param pkgs Packages
#' @param destdir Where to put the source code.
#' @param update call \code{\link{update_packages}}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to \code{\link{biocLite}}.
#' @export
install_packages <- function(pkgs, destdir = getOption("rmisc.pkgs"), update = FALSE, ...) {
  assert_that(!missing(pkgs), is.character(pkgs))
  if (!require("BiocInstaller", character.only = TRUE)) bioc()
  BiocInstaller::biocLite(pkgs, suppressUpdates=TRUE, destdir=destdir, ...)
  if (update) {
  } else if (!is.null(destdir)) {
    destdir <- normalizePath(destdir)
    cwd <- setwd(destdir)

#' Package updater
#' Check for outdated packages, save the source to \code{destdir},
#' extract the packages in \code{destdir}, and install
#'  @param destdir Where the source code goes
#'  @export
update_packages <- function(destdir = getOption("rmisc.pkgs")) {
  if (!is.null(destdir)) {
    destdir <- normalizePath(destdir)
    cwd <- setwd(destdir)
  tryCatch(biocValid(), error = function (e) {
    if (grepl("package\\(s\\) out of date", e$message)) {
      message('Updating ', strsplitN(e$message, ' ', 1:2))
      if (interactive())
        ask <- TRUE
        ask <- FALSE
      biocLite(destdir=destdir, ask=ask)
      if (!is.null(destdir)) {
    else {
      message("Nothing to update")

#' @keywords internal
extract_packages <- function(destdir) {
  compressed <- dir(destdir, pattern="gz$")
  if (any(duplicated(strsplitN(compressed, '_', 1)))) {
    stop("Duplicated gzip files in ", destdir,
         ". Resolve manually")
  x <- lapply(compressed, untar)
  if (!all(unlist(x) == 0)) {
    stop("Failed to extract ", compressed[unlist(x) != 0])
  x <- lapply(compressed, unlink)
  if (!all(unlist(x) == 0)) {
    stop("Failed to unlink ", compressed[unlist(x) != 0])
  if (NROW(compressed)) {
    message("Extracted to ", destdir, ": ",
            paste0(compressed, collapse=', '))

#' A quick installer for my R packages on GitHub
#' Prompts for which of the following packages you want to install:
#' \code{rmisc}, \code{Rentrez}, \code{biofiles}, \code{blastr},
#' \code{ncbi}.
#'  @export
update_github <- function() {
  pkgs <- c("rmisc", "reutils", "biofiles", "blastr", "ncbi", "genoslideR")
  cat("Update packages:\n")
  cat(sprintf("%s) %s", seq_along(pkgs), pkgs), sep="\n")
  while (TRUE) {
    msg <- "Which packages do you want to upgrade? [a(ll)|12345|q(uit)]: "
    which <- tolower(strsplit(gsub('\\s+', '', readline(msg)), '')[[1]])
    if (!paste(which, collapse='') %in% c("a","all","q","quit")) {
      if (!any(is.na(idx <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(which))))
          && max(idx) <= length(pkgs)
          && min(idx) > 0) {
        pkgs <- pkgs[idx]
      } else {
        message("Please submit 'all', 'quit', or numbers between 1 and ", length(pkgs))
    } else {
      if (which[1] == 'q') 
        pkgs <- ''
  if (!all_empty(pkgs)) {
    pkgs <- paste0('gschofl/', pkgs)

#' Require one or more packages
#' A simple wrapper for \code{\link[base]{require}} that allows
#' loading multiple packages. Issues a warning if a package
#' cannot be loaded.
#' @param ... Package names (as strings).
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[base]{require}}
#' @export
require.all <- function(...) {
  pkgs <- as.character(list(...))
  if (all_empty(pkgs)) {
  success <- suppressMessages( suppressWarnings(
    unlist(lapply(pkgs, require, character.only=TRUE))
  if (!all(success)) {
    warning("Failed to load package(s):\n", paste(pkgs[!success], collapse=", "),

#' Load saved datasets
#' Reload \code{RData} datasets. Wrapper for \code{\link[base]{load}}
#' that attempts to load all datasets found in a directory.
#' @param cache Path to directory containing RData-files.
#' @param envir the environment where the data should be loaded.
#' @param verbose print item names during loading.
#' @return A character vector of the names of objects created.
#' @export
load.all <- function(cache = "./cache", envir=.GlobalEnv, verbose=FALSE) {
  rdata <- dir(cache, pattern="rda(ta)?$", full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)
  if (all_empty(rdata)) {
  rcon <- lapply(normalizePath(rdata), Compose(gzcon, gzfile))
  on.exit(lapply(rcon, close))
  success <- lapply(rcon, function (con) {
    tryCatch(load(con, envir=envir, verbose=verbose), error = function (e) e )
  if (any(idx <- vapply(success, is, "error", FUN.VALUE=logical(1)))) {
    warning("Failed to load:\n", paste(rdata[idx], collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
    success <- success[!idx]
gschofl/rmisc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:54 a.m.