
Defines functions read.gexf

Documented in read.gexf

#' Reads gexf (.gexf) file
#' `read.gexf` reads gexf graph files and imports its elements as a
#' `gexf` class object
#' @param x String. Path to the gexf file.
#' @return A `gexf` object.
#' @note By the time attributes and viz-attributes aren't supported.
#' @author George Vega Yon 
#' Jorge Fabrega Lacoa 
#' @references The GEXF project website: http://gexf.net/format/
#' @keywords IO
#' @examples
#'   fn <- system.file("gexf-graphs/lesmiserables.gexf", package = "rgexf")
#'   mygraph <- read.gexf(fn)
#' @export read.gexf
read.gexf <- function(x) {
  oldstrf <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")
  on.exit(options(stringsAsFactors = oldstrf))
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Reads the graph
  gfile <- XML::xmlParse(x, encoding="UTF-8")
  # Gets the namespace
  ns <- XML::xmlNamespace(XML::xmlRoot(gfile))
  graph <- NULL
  graph$meta <- NULL

  # Creator
  if (length(y<-XML::getNodeSet(gfile,"/r:gexf/r:meta/r:creator", c(r=ns))) > 0) {
    graph$meta[["creator"]] <- XML::xmlValue(y[[1]])
  else graph$meta[["creator"]] <- NA
  # Description
  if (length(y<-XML::getNodeSet(gfile,"/r:gexf/r:meta/r:description", c(r=ns))) > 0) {
    graph$meta[["description"]] <- XML::xmlValue(y[[1]])
  else graph$meta[["description"]] <- NA
  # Keywords
  if (length(y<-XML::getNodeSet(gfile,"/r:gexf/r:meta/r:keywords", c(r=ns))) > 0) {
    graph$meta[["keywords"]] <- XML::xmlValue(y[[1]])
  else graph$meta[["keywords"]] <- NA

  # Attributes list
  graph$atts.definitions <- list(nodes=NULL,edges = NULL)
  if (length(y<-XML::getNodeSet(gfile,"/r:gexf/r:graph/r:attributes", c(r=ns)))) {
    while (length(y) > 0) {
      # Gets the class
      attclass <- paste(XML::xmlAttrs(y[[1]])[["class"]],"s", sep="")
      z <- XML::getNodeSet(
        y[[1]], "/r:gexf/r:graph/r:attributes/r:attribute", c(r=ns))
      # Builds a dataframe
      graph$atts.definitions[[attclass]] <- data.frame(
        id=sapply(z, XML::xmlGetAttr, name="id"),
        title=sapply(z, XML::xmlGetAttr, name="title"),
        type=sapply(z, XML::xmlGetAttr, name="type")
      # Removes the already analyzed
      y <- y[-1]
  graph$mode <- XML::xmlAttrs(
    XML::getNodeSet(gfile, "/r:gexf/r:graph", c(r = ns))[[1L]]
  # Nodes
  nodes  <- XML::getNodeSet(gfile, "/r:gexf/r:graph/r:nodes/r:node", c(r = ns))
  ids    <- sapply(nodes, XML::xmlGetAttr, name = "id")
  labels <- lapply(nodes, XML::xmlGetAttr, name = "label")
  labels <- sapply(labels, function(x) if (is.null(x)) "" else x)

  if (all(labels == ""))
    labels <- ids

  graph$nodes <- data.frame(
    id               = ids, 
    label            = labels, 
    stringsAsFactors = F

  # Viz attributes -------------------------------------------------------------
  nodesVizAtt <- NULL
  edgesVizAtt <- NULL
  # Extracting attributes
  node.vizattr <- XML::xpathApply(
    gfile, "/r:gexf/r:graph/r:nodes/r:node", namespaces = c(r = ns, v = "viz"),
  node.attr <- XML::xpathApply(
    namespaces = c(r = ns),
    fun        = XML::xmlChildren
  node.attr <- lapply(node.attr, lapply, XML::xmlAttrs)

  node.vizattr <- lapply(node.vizattr, lapply, XML::xmlAttrs)
  # node.vizattr <- lapply(node.viz)
  # Colors
  nodesVizAtt$color <- lapply(node.vizattr, function(a) {
    if (length(a$color)) 
  nodesVizAtt$color <- do.call(rbind, nodesVizAtt$color)
  nodesVizAtt$color <- as.data.frame(nodesVizAtt$color)
  dimnames(nodesVizAtt$color) <- list(
    1L:nrow(nodesVizAtt$color), c("r", "g", "b", "a")

  # Size
  nodesVizAtt$size <- lapply(node.vizattr, function(a) {
    if (length(a$size)) 
  nodesVizAtt$size <- do.call(rbind, nodesVizAtt$size)

  nodesVizAtt$size <- as.data.frame(nodesVizAtt$size)
  dimnames(nodesVizAtt$size) <- list(
    1L:nrow(nodesVizAtt$size), "value"
  # Positions
  nodesVizAtt$position <- lapply(node.vizattr, function(a) {
    if (length(a$position)) 
      return(viz_att_checks$position(matrix(as.numeric(a$position), nrow = 1)))
  nodesVizAtt$position <- do.call(rbind, nodesVizAtt$position)
  nodesVizAtt$position <- as.data.frame(nodesVizAtt$position)
  dimnames(nodesVizAtt$position) <- list(
    1L:nrow(nodesVizAtt$position), c("x", "y", "z")
  # Edges
  edges <- XML::getNodeSet(gfile, "/r:gexf/r:graph/r:edges/r:edge", c(r = ns))

  graph$edges <- data.frame(
    id     = sapply(edges, XML::xmlGetAttr, name = "id", default = NA),
    source = sapply(edges, XML::xmlGetAttr, name = "source"), 
    target = sapply(edges, XML::xmlGetAttr, name = "target"), 
    weight = as.numeric(
      sapply(edges, XML::xmlGetAttr, name = "weight", default = "1.0")
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  if (any(is.na(graph$edges[, 1L])))
    graph$edges[, 1] <- 1L:NROW(graph$edges)


  graph$graph <- XML::saveXML(gfile, encoding = "UTF-8")

  class(graph) <- "gexf"

  order <- if (inherits(graph$nodes$id, "character"))
    nodes            = graph$nodes[order, , drop = FALSE],
    edges            = graph$edges,
    atts.definitions = graph$atts.definitions,
    nodesVizAtt      = lapply(nodesVizAtt, "[", i = order, j =, drop = FALSE),
    edgesVizAtt      = edgesVizAtt,
    graph            = graph$graph
gvegayon/rgexf documentation built on July 4, 2024, 8:09 a.m.