
Defines functions dashboardSidebar sidebarUserPanel sidebarSearchForm sidebarMenu menuSegment menuItem menuSubItem

Documented in dashboardSidebar menuItem menuSegment menuSubItem sidebarMenu sidebarSearchForm sidebarUserPanel

#' Create a dashboard sidebar.
#' A dashboard sidebar typically contains a \code{\link{sidebarMenu}}, although
#' it may also contain a \code{\link{sidebarSearchForm}}, or other Shiny inputs.
#' @param ... Items to put in the sidebar.
#' @param disable If \code{TRUE}, the sidebar will be disabled.
#' @param width The width of the sidebar. This must either be a number which
#'   specifies the width in pixels, or a string that specifies the width in CSS
#'   units.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sidebarMenu}}
#' @examples
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' header <- dashboardHeader()
#' sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
#'   sidebarUserPanel("User Name",
#'     subtitle = a(href = "#", icon("circle", class = "text-success"), "Online"),
#'     # Image file should be in www/ subdir
#'     image = "userimage.png"
#'   ),
#'   sidebarSearchForm(label = "Enter a number", "searchText", "searchButton"),
#'   sidebarMenu(
#'     # Setting id makes input$tabs give the tabName of currently-selected tab
#'     id = "tabs",
#'     menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),
#'     menuItem("Widgets", icon = icon("th"), tabName = "widgets", badgeLabel = "new",
#'              badgeColor = "green"),
#'     menuItem("Charts", icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
#'       menuSubItem("Sub-item 1", tabName = "subitem1"),
#'       menuSubItem("Sub-item 2", tabName = "subitem2")
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' body <- dashboardBody(
#'   tabItems(
#'     tabItem("dashboard",
#'       div(p("Dashboard tab content"))
#'     ),
#'     tabItem("widgets",
#'       "Widgets tab content"
#'     ),
#'     tabItem("subitem1",
#'       "Sub-item 1 tab content"
#'     ),
#'     tabItem("subitem2",
#'       "Sub-item 2 tab content"
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' shinyApp(
#'   ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body),
#'   server = function(input, output) { }
#' )
#' }
#' @export
dashboardSidebar <- function(..., disable = FALSE, width = NULL) {
  width <- validateCssUnit(width)

  # Set up custom CSS for custom width
  custom_css <- NULL
  if (!is.null(width)) {
    # This CSS is derived from the sidebar-related instances of '230px' (the
    # default sidebar width) from inst/AdminLTE/AdminLTE.css. One difference is
    # that instead making changes to the global settings, we've put them in a
    # media query (min-width: 768px), so that it won't override other media
    # queries (like max-width: 767px) that work for narrower screens.
    custom_css <- tags$head(tags$style(HTML(gsub("_WIDTH_", width, fixed = TRUE, '
      @media (min-width: 768px) {
        .main-footer {
          margin-left: _WIDTH_;
        .left-side {
          width: _WIDTH_;
      @media (max-width: 767px) {
        .sidebar-open .content-wrapper,
        .sidebar-open .right-side,
        .sidebar-open .main-footer {
          -webkit-transform: translate(_WIDTH_, 0);
          -ms-transform: translate(_WIDTH_, 0);
          -o-transform: translate(_WIDTH_, 0);
          transform: translate(_WIDTH_, 0);
      @media (max-width: 767px) {
        .left-side {
          -webkit-transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);
          -ms-transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);
          -o-transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);
          transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);
      @media (min-width: 768px) {
        .sidebar-collapse .main-sidebar,
        .sidebar-collapse .left-side {
          -webkit-transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);
          -ms-transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);
          -o-transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);
          transform: translate(-_WIDTH_, 0);

  tags$aside(class = "main-sidebar",
      class = "sidebar",
      `data-disable` = if(disable) 1 else NULL,

#' A panel displaying user information in a sidebar
#' @param name Name of the user.
#' @param subtitle Text or HTML to be shown below the name.
#' @param image A filename or URL to use for an image of the person. If it is a
#'   local file, the image should be contained under the www/ subdirectory of
#'   the application.
#' @family sidebar items
#' @seealso \code{\link{dashboardSidebar}} for example usage.
#' @export
sidebarUserPanel <- function(name, subtitle = NULL, image = NULL,
  status = c("Online", "Away", "Offline")) {

  # set status and statusIcon
  status <- match.arg(status)

  if (status == "Online") {

    statusIcon = "circle text-success"

  } else if (status == "Offline") {

    statusIcon = "circle text-danger"

  } else {

    status = "Away"
    statusIcon = "circle text-warning"


  div(class = "user-panel",
    if (!is.null(image)) {
      div(class = "pull-left image",
        img(src = image, class = "img-circle", alt = "User Image")
      class = "pull-left info",
      # set background transparent otherwise overwritten by leafletfix.css:8
      # If no image, move text to the left: by overriding default left:55px.
      style = if (is.null(image)) "left: 4px",
      tags$a(href="#", shiny::icon(statusIcon), status),

#' Create a search form to place in a sidebar
#' A search form consists of a text input field and a search button.
#' @param textId Shiny input ID for the text input box.
#' @param buttonId Shiny input ID for the search button (which functions like an
#'   \code{\link[shiny]{actionButton}}).
#' @param label Text label to display inside the search box.
#' @param icon An icon tag, created by \code{\link[shiny]{icon}}.
#' @family sidebar items
#' @seealso \code{\link{dashboardSidebar}} for example usage.
#' @export
sidebarSearchForm <- function(textId, buttonId, label = "Search...",
                              icon = shiny::icon("search")) {
  tags$form(class = "sidebar-form",
    div(class = "input-group",
      tags$input(id = textId, type = "text", class = "form-control",
        placeholder = label
      span(class = "input-group-btn",
        tags$button(id = buttonId, type = "button",
          class = "btn btn-flat action-button",

#' Create a dashboard sidebar menu and menu items.
#' A \code{dashboardSidebar} can contain a \code{sidebarMenu}. A
#' \code{sidebarMenu} contains \code{menuItem}s, and they can in turn contain
#' \code{menuSubItem}s.
#' Menu items (and similarly, sub-items) should have a value for either
#' \code{href} or \code{tabName}; otherwise the item would do nothing. If it has
#' a value for \code{href}, then the item will simply be a link to that value.
#' If a \code{menuItem} has a non-NULL \code{tabName}, then the \code{menuItem}
#' will behave like a tab -- in other words, clicking on the \code{menuItem}
#' will bring a corresponding \code{tabItem} to the front, similar to a
#' \code{\link[shiny]{tabPanel}}. One important difference between a
#' \code{menuItem} and a \code{tabPanel} is that, for a \code{menuItem}, you
#' must also supply a corresponding \code{tabItem} with the same value for
#' \code{tabName}, whereas for a \code{tabPanel}, no \code{tabName} is needed.
#' (This is because the structure of a \code{tabPanel} is such that the tab name
#' can be automatically generated.) Sub-items are also able to activate
#' \code{tabItem}s.
#' Menu items (but not sub-items) also may have an optional badge. A badge is a
#' colored oval containing text.
#' @param text Text to show for the menu item.
#' @param id For \code{sidebarMenu}, if \code{id} is present, this id will be
#'   used for a Shiny input value, and it will report which tab is selected. For
#'   example, if \code{id="tabs"}, then \code{input$tabs} will be the
#'   \code{tabName} of the currently-selected tab.
#' @param icon An icon tag, created by \code{\link[shiny]{icon}}. If
#'   \code{NULL}, don't display an icon.
#' @param badgeLabel A label for an optional badge. Usually a number or a short
#'   word like "new".
#' @param badgeColor A color for the badge. Valid colors are listed in
#'   \link{validColors}.
#' @param href An link address. Not compatible with \code{tabName}.
#' @param tabName The name of a tab that this menu item will activate. Not
#'   compatible with \code{href}.
#' @param newtab If \code{href} is supplied, should the link open in a new
#'   browser tab?
#' @param selected If \code{TRUE}, this \code{menuItem} or \code{menuSubItem}
#'   will start selected. If no item have \code{selected=TRUE}, then the first
#'   \code{menuItem} will start selected.
#' @param ... For menu items, this may consist of \code{\link{menuSubItem}}s.
#' @param .list An optional list containing items to put in the menu Same as the
#'   \code{...} arguments, but in list format. This can be useful when working
#'   with programmatically generated items.
#' @family sidebar items
#' @seealso \code{\link{dashboardSidebar}} for example usage. For
#'   dynamically-generated sidebar menus, see \code{\link{renderMenu}} and
#'   \code{\link{sidebarMenuOutput}}.
#' @export
sidebarMenu <- function(..., id = NULL, .list = NULL) {
  items <- c(list(...), .list)

  tags$ul(id = id, class = "sidebar-menu",

#' @rdname sidebarMenu
#' @export
menuSegment <- function(text) {

  tags$li(class="header", text)


#' @rdname sidebarMenu
#' @export
menuItem <- function(text, ..., icon = NULL, badgeLabel = NULL, badgeColor = "green",
                     tabName = NULL, href = NULL, newtab = TRUE, selected = NULL) {
  subItems <- list(...)

  if (!is.null(icon)) tagAssert(icon, type = "i")
  if (!is.null(href) + !is.null(tabName) + (length(subItems) > 0) != 1 ) {
    stop("Must have either href, tabName, or sub-items (contained in ...).")

  if (!is.null(badgeLabel) && length(subItems) != 0) {
    stop("Can't have both badge and subItems")

  # If there's a tabName, set up the correct href and <a> target
  isTabItem <- FALSE
  target <- NULL
  if (!is.null(tabName)) {
    isTabItem <- TRUE
    href <- paste0("#shiny-tab-", tabName)
  } else if (is.null(href)) {
    href <- "#"
  } else {
    # If supplied href, set up <a> tag's target
    if (newtab)
      target <- "_blank"

  # Generate badge if needed
  if (!is.null(badgeLabel)) {
    badgeTag <- tags$small(
      class = paste0("badge pull-right bg-", badgeColor),
  } else {
    badgeTag <- NULL

  # If no subitems, return a pretty simple tag object
  if (length(subItems) == 0) {
        a(href = href,
          `data-toggle` = if (isTabItem) "tab",
          `data-value` = if (!is.null(tabName)) tabName,
          `data-start-selected` = if (isTRUE(selected)) 1 else NULL,
          target = target,

  tags$li(class = "treeview",
    a(href = href,
      shiny::icon("angle-left", class = "pull-right")
    tags$ul(class = "treeview-menu",

#' @rdname sidebarMenu
#' @export
menuSubItem <- function(text, tabName = NULL, href = NULL, newtab = TRUE,
  icon = shiny::icon("angle-double-right"), selected = NULL)

  if (!is.null(href) && !is.null(tabName)) {
    stop("Can't specify both href and tabName")

  # If there's a tabName, set up the correct href
  isTabItem <- FALSE
  target <- NULL
  if (!is.null(tabName)) {
    isTabItem <- TRUE
    href <- paste0("#shiny-tab-", tabName)
  } else if (is.null(href)) {
    href <- "#"
  } else {
    # If supplied href, set up <a> tag's target
    if (newtab)
      target <- "_blank"

    a(href = href,
      `data-toggle` = if (isTabItem) "tab",
      `data-value` = if (!is.null(tabName)) tabName,
      `data-start-selected` = if (isTRUE(selected)) 1 else NULL,
      target = target,
gyang274/ygdashboard documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:42 a.m.