
#' Load an html page from the console.
#' @param ... site to be loaded
#' @param character.only flag to substitute or not
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @export
load_html <- function(..., character.only = FALSE) {
  url_path <- NULL
  if (character.only) {
    url_path <- str_c(as.character(...), collapse = "/")
  } else {
    url_path <- str_c(as.character(substitute(...)), collapse = "/")

  if (str_sub(url_path, end = 1) != "/") {
    url_path <- str_c("/", url_path, collapse = "")

  if (str_sub(url_path, end = 2) == "//") {
    url_path <- str_sub(url_path, start = 2)
  browseURL(paste(base_html_path(), url_path, sep = ""), getOption("browser"))

#' Base html path needed to load a website.
#' @param ... site to be loaded
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal
#' @import tools
base_html_path <- function() {
  p <- str_c("", tools:::httpdPort, collapse = "")

    str_c(p, "/custom/helpr"),

#' Check to see if a package exists.
#' @param package package in question
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @examples
#'   #check_for_package("stats")
#'   #check_for_package("does_not_exist")
check_for_package <- function(package) {
  package %in% installed_packages()$Package

#' Start helpr.
#' @export
#' @param launch_browser should this function launch a browser for immediate viewing of help pages?
#' @param no_internetz should this function allow the browser to source internet files and actions? Default is to allow internet connections
#' @param custom should this function launch in the custom httpd handlers env? Default is to be at the root of ""
#' @author Barret Schloerke and Hadley Wickham
#' @import sinartra memoise stringr stats tools
helpr <- function(launch_browser = TRUE, no_internetz = NULL, custom = NULL) {

  if(identical(no_internetz, TRUE))  deactivate_internetz()
  if(identical(no_internetz, FALSE)) activate_internetz()

  if(identical(custom, TRUE) || (is.null(custom) && .Platform$GUI == "RStudio")) set_router_custom_route(TRUE)
  if(identical(custom, FALSE)) set_router_custom_route(FALSE)
  file_path <- helpr_path()
  url_path <- ifelse(router_custom_route(), "/custom/helpr", "")

  router <- Router$clone()

  # Show list of all packages on home page
  indexLocation = "/index.html"
  router$get(indexLocation, function(...) {
    page_info <- helpr_home()
    page_info$html <- indexLocation
    router$render_brew("index", page_info)

  # Redirect old home location to new
  router$get("/doc/html/index.html", function(...) {

  router$get("", function(...) {
  router$get("/", function(...) {
  router$get("/index", function(...) {

  # If package path, missing trailing /, redirect
  router$get("/package/:package", function(package, ...) {
    router$redirect(str_c("/package/", package, "/"))

  # Package index page, list topics etc
  router$get("/package/:package/", function(package, ...) {
    html <- str_c("/package/", package, "/", collapse = "")
    if (check_for_package(package)) {
      page_info <- helpr_package(package)
      page_info$html <- html
      router$render_brew("package", page_info)    
    } else {
      router$render_brew("whistle", list(package = package, url = deparse(html)))      
  # Package Vignette
  router$get("/package/:package/vignette/:vignette", function(package, vignette, ...) {
    html <- str_c("/package/", package, "/vignette/", vignette, collapse = "")
    if (check_for_package(package)) {
      static_file(system.file("doc", str_c(vignette, ".pdf"), package = package))
    } else {
      router$render_brew("whistle", list(package = package, url = deparse(html)))      

  # Package Demo
  router$get("/package/:package/demo/:demo", function(package, demo, ...) {
    html <- str_c("/package/", package, "/demo/", demo, collapse = "")
    page_info <- helpr_demo(package, demo)
    page_info$html <- html
    if (check_for_package(package)) {
      router$render_brew("demo", page_info)
    } else {
      router$render_brew("whistle", list(package = package, url = deparse(html)))      
  # Individual topic source
  router$get("/package/:package/topic/:topic/source", function(package, topic, ...) {
    html <- str_c("/package/", package, "/topic/", topic, "/source", collapse = "")
    page_info <- helpr_function(package, topic)
    page_info$html <- html
    if (check_for_package(package)) {
      router$render_brew("source", page_info)
    } else {
      router$render_brew("whistle", list(package = package, url = deparse(html)))      

  # Individual help topic
  router$get("/package/:package/topic/:topic", function(package, topic, query, ...) {
    highlight <- ""
    if (!missing(query)) {
      if ("h" %in% names(query)) {
        highlight <- query[names(query) == "h"]
    } else {
      query <- NULL

    query_string <- str_c("?", solr_combine_param(query))
    if (identical(query_string, "?"))
      query_string <- ""
    html <- str_c("/package/", package, "/topic/", topic, query_string, collapse = "")
    if (check_for_package(package)) {
      page_info <- helpr_topic(package, topic, highlight)
      page_info$html <- html
      router$render_brew("topic", page_info)
    } else {
      router$render_brew("whistle", list(package = package, url = deparse(html)))      
  router$get("/library/:package/html/:topic.html", function(package, topic, ...) {
    router$redirect(str_c("/package/", package, "/topic/", topic))
  router$get("/library/:package/help/:topic", function(package, topic) {
    router$redirect(str_c("/package/", package, "/topic/", topic))

  # Individual help topic with multiple reponses
  router$get("/multiple_help_paths", function(query, ...) {

    pkg <- names(query)
    topic <- unname(query)
    descriptions <- c()
    for(i in seq_along(pkg)) {
      descriptions[i] <- package_description(pkg[i], topic[i])
    html <- str_c("/multiple_help_paths?", solr_combine_param(topic, pkg))
    router$render_brew("help", list(pkg = pkg, topic = topic, desc = descriptions, html = html))
  # Search
  router$get("/search", function(query, ...) {
    query_string <- solr_combine_param(query)

    other <- query[! names(query) %in% c("start", "q")]
    query_list <- list(
      start = query[names(query) == "start"],
      query = query[names(query) == "q"],
      other = solr_combine_param(other)
    html <- str_c("/search?", query_string)
    page_info <- helpr_solr_search(query_list)
    page_info$html <- html
    router$render_brew("search", page_info)  
  # AJAX
  router$get("/package/old.json", function(...) {
  router$get("/package/index.json", function(...) {
  router$get("/package/update.json/:all_packs", function(all_packs, ...) {
  router$get("/package/install.json/:pkg", function(pkg, ...) {
    library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
  router$get("/package/:package/rating.json", function(package, ...) {
    string <- rating_text(package)
  router$get("/package/:package/exec_demo/:demo", function(package, demo, ...) {
    exec_pkg_demo(package, demo)
  router$get("/package/:package/topic/:topic/exec_example", function(package, topic, ...) {
    exec_example(package, topic)

  # Manual HTML Files
  router$get("/manuals/:name.html", function(name, ...) {
    file_loc <- as.character(subset(get_manuals(), file_name == name, select = "file_loc"))
  #execute code  
  router$get("/eval_text/*", function(splat, ...) {
    decoded_text <- URLdecode(splat)


  router$get("/eval_demo/:package~:demo_name", function(package, demo_name, ...) {
    require(package, character.only = TRUE)
    list(payload = evaluate_text(demo_src(package, demo_name), pic_base_name = str_c(package, "_", pkg_version(package),"_demo_", demo_name)))

  router$get("/eval_example/:package~:topic", function(package, topic, ...) {
    require(package, character.only = TRUE)
    list(payload = evaluate_text(reconstruct(untag(pkg_topic(package, topic)$examples), package), pic_base_name = str_c(package, "_", pkg_version(package),"_topic_", topic)))

  # Individual help topic 
  router$get("/g", function(...) {
  router$get("/n", function(...) {

  # pictures
  router$get("/picture/:file_name", function(file_name, ...) {
    static_file(file.path(tempdir(), file_name))

  # Use file in public, if present
  router$get("/*", function(splat, ...) {
    router$static_file(file.path("public", splat))

  render_path <- function(path, query, ...){
    router$route(path, query)
    env <- (tools:::.httpd.handlers.env)
    env$helpr <- render_path
  } else {
    assignInNamespace("httpd", render_path, "tools")
  if (tools:::httpdPort == 0L) {
    options("help_type" = "html")
    if(launch_browser) {


#' Render JSON
#' Remove the warnings from the rendering of the JSON
#' @param obj object to be rendered
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal 
helpr_render_json <- function(obj) {

#' Helpr Home.
#' @return all the information necessary to produce the home site ("index.html")
#' @author Hadley Wickham and Barret Schloerke
#' @keywords internal 
helpr_home <- function() {

  ten_funcs <- ten_functions()

  last_ten_length <- NROW(ten_funcs$last_ten)
  top_ten_length <- NROW(ten_funcs$top_ten)

    packages = installed_packages(), 
    last_ten_funcs = ten_funcs$last_ten,
    top_ten_funcs = ten_funcs$top_ten,
    manuals = get_manuals()

#' Route to the package page
#' @param x object supplied from help function describing a package
#' @param ... ignored
print.packageInfo = function (x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "packageInfo")) 
    stop("wrong class")
  type <- options("help_type")[[1]]
  if (type != 'html') {
    # HTML help was not requested. Punt call back to R's default help system
  } else {
    load_html(str_c("/package/", x$name), character.only = TRUE)

#' Route to the topics with multiple files to correct page.
#' Modified from \code{utils:::print.help_files_with_topic}
#' @method print help_files_with_topic
#' @param x path to help
#' @param ... other arguments ignored
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @import tools utils
#' @export
print.help_files_with_topic <- function (x, ...) 
    browser <- getOption("browser")
    topic <- attr(x, "topic")
    type <- attr(x, "type")

    if (type != 'html') {
      # HTML help was not requested. Punt call back to R's default help system

    paths <- as.character(x)
    if (!length(paths)) {
        writeLines(c(gettextf("No documentation for '%s' in specified packages and libraries:", 
            topic), gettextf("you could try '??%s'", topic)))
    if (attr(x, "tried_all_packages")) {
        paths <- unique(dirname(dirname(paths)))
        msg <- gettextf("Help for topic '%s' is not in any loaded package but can be found in the following packages:", 
        if (type == "html" && tools:::httpdPort > 0L) {
            path <- file.path(tempdir(), ".R/doc/html")
            dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
            out <- paste("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n", 
                "<html><head><title>R: help</title>\n", "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\">\n", 
                "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/doc/html/R.css\">\n", 
                "</head><body>\n\n<hr>\n", sep = "")
            out <- c(out, "<p>", msg, "</p><br>")
            out <- c(out, "<table width=\"100%\" summary=\"R Package list\">\n", 
                "<tr align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n", "<td width=\"25%\">Package</td><td>Library</td></tr>\n")
            pkgs <- basename(paths)
            links <- paste("<a href=\"", base_html_path(), 
                "/library/", pkgs, "/help/", topic, "\">", pkgs, 
                "</a>", sep = "")
            out <- c(out, paste("<tr align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n", 
                "<td>", links, "</td><td>", dirname(paths), "</td></tr>\n", 
                sep = ""))
            out <- c(out, "</table>\n</p>\n<hr>\n</body></html>")
            writeLines(out, file.path(path, "all.available.html"))
                "/doc/html/all.available.html", sep = ""), browser)
        else {
            writeLines(c(strwrap(msg), "", paste(" ", formatDL(c(gettext("Package"), 
                basename(paths)), c(gettext("Library"), dirname(paths)), 
                indent = 22))))
    else {
        if (tools:::httpdPort == 0L) 
        file <- paths
        pkgname <- basename(dirname(dirname(file)))
        topic <- basename(file)

        if (length(pkgname) > 1) {
          "/multiple_help_paths?", solr_combine_param(topic, pkgname), sep = ""), browser)
        } else {
          "/library/", pkgname, "/html/", topic, 
          ".html", sep = ""), browser)            
hadley/helpr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:41 a.m.