
read.table2 <-
  function (file, header = FALSE, sep = "", quote = "\"'", dec = ".",
    numerals = c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss"), row.names,
    col.names, = !stringsAsFactors, na.strings = "NA",
    colClasses = NA, nrows = -1, skip = 0, check.names = TRUE,
    fill = !blank.lines.skip, strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
    comment.char = "#", allowEscapes = FALSE, flush = FALSE,
    stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors(), fileEncoding = "",
    encoding = "unknown", text, skipNul = FALSE)
    if (missing(file) && !missing(text)) {
      file <- textConnection(text, encoding = "UTF-8")
      encoding <- "UTF-8"
    if (is.character(file)) {
      file <- if (nzchar(fileEncoding))
        file(file, "rt", encoding = fileEncoding)
      else file(file, "rt")
    if (!inherits(file, "connection"))
      stop("'file' must be a character string or connection")
    if (!isOpen(file, "rt")) {
      open(file, "rt")
    pbEncoding <- if (encoding %in% c("", "bytes", "UTF-8"))
    else "bytes"
    numerals <- match.arg(numerals)
    if (skip > 0L)
      readLines(file, skip)
    nlines <- n0lines <- if (nrows < 0L)
    else min(5L, (header + nrows))
    lines <- .External(C_readtablehead, file, nlines, comment.char,
      blank.lines.skip, quote, sep, skipNul)
    if (encoding %in% c("UTF-8", "latin1"))
      Encoding(lines) <- encoding
    nlines <- length(lines)
    if (!nlines) {
      if (missing(col.names))
        stop("no lines available in input")
      rlabp <- FALSE
      cols <- length(col.names)
    else {
      if (all(!nzchar(lines)))
        stop("empty beginning of file")
      if (nlines < n0lines && file == 0L) {
        pushBack(c(lines, lines, ""), file, encoding = pbEncoding)
      else pushBack(c(lines, lines), file, encoding = pbEncoding)
      first <- scan(file, what = "", sep = sep, quote = quote,
        nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE, skip = 0, strip.white = TRUE,
        blank.lines.skip = blank.lines.skip, comment.char = comment.char,
        allowEscapes = allowEscapes, encoding = encoding,
        skipNul = skipNul)
      col1 <- if (missing(col.names))
      else length(col.names)
      col <- numeric(nlines - 1L)
      if (nlines > 1L)
        for (i in seq_along(col)) col[i] <- length(scan(file,
          what = "", sep = sep, quote = quote, nlines = 1,
          quiet = TRUE, skip = 0, strip.white = strip.white,
          blank.lines.skip = blank.lines.skip, comment.char = comment.char,
          allowEscapes = allowEscapes, encoding = encoding,
          skipNul = skipNul))
      cols <- max(col1, col)
      rlabp <- (cols - col1) == 1L
      if (rlabp && missing(header))
        header <- TRUE
      if (!header)
        rlabp <- FALSE
      if (header) {
        .External(C_readtablehead, file, 1L, comment.char,
          blank.lines.skip, quote, sep, skipNul)
        if (missing(col.names))
          col.names <- first
        else if (length(first) != length(col.names))
          warning("header and 'col.names' are of different lengths")
      else if (missing(col.names))
        col.names <- paste0("V", 1L:cols)
      if (length(col.names) + rlabp < cols)
        stop("more columns than column names")
      if (fill && length(col.names) > cols)
        cols <- length(col.names)
      if (!fill && cols > 0L && length(col.names) > cols)
        stop("more column names than columns")
      if (cols == 0L)
        stop("first five rows are empty: giving up")
    if (check.names)
      col.names <- make.names(col.names, unique = TRUE)
    if (rlabp)
      col.names <- c("row.names", col.names)
    nmColClasses <- names(colClasses)
    if (length(colClasses) < cols)
      if (is.null(nmColClasses)) {
        colClasses <- rep_len(colClasses, cols)
    else {
      tmp <- rep_len(NA_character_, cols)
      names(tmp) <- col.names
      i <- match(nmColClasses, col.names, 0L)
      if (any(i <= 0L))
        warning("not all columns named in 'colClasses' exist")
      tmp[i[i > 0L]] <- colClasses
      colClasses <- tmp
    what <-""), cols)
    names(what) <- col.names
    colClasses[colClasses %in% c("real", "double")] <- "numeric"
    known <- colClasses %in% c("logical", "integer", "numeric",
      "complex", "character", "raw")
    what[known] <- sapply(colClasses[known],, list(0))
    what[colClasses %in% "NULL"] <- list(NULL)
    keep <- !sapply(what, is.null)
    data <- scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote,
      dec = dec, nmax = nrows, skip = 0, na.strings = na.strings,
      quiet = TRUE, fill = fill, strip.white = strip.white,
      blank.lines.skip = blank.lines.skip, multi.line = FALSE,
      comment.char = comment.char, allowEscapes = allowEscapes,
      flush = flush, encoding = encoding, skipNul = skipNul)
    nlines <- length(data[[which.max(keep)]])
    if (cols != length(data)) {
      warning("cols = ", cols, " != length(data) = ", length(data),
        domain = NA)
      cols <- length(data)
    if (is.logical( { <- rep_len(, cols)
    else if (is.numeric( {
      if (any( < 1 | > cols))
        stop("invalid numeric '' expression")
      i <-, cols)
      i[] <- TRUE <- i
    else if (is.character( {
      i <- match(, col.names, 0L)
      if (any(i <= 0L))
        warning("not all columns named in '' exist")
      i <- i[i > 0L] <-, cols)[i] <- TRUE
    else if (length( != cols)
      stop(gettextf("'' has the wrong length %d  != cols = %d",
        length(, cols), domain = NA)
    do <- keep & !known
    if (rlabp)
      do[1L] <- FALSE
    for (i in (1L:cols)[do]) {
      data[[i]] <- if ([i]))
        type.convert(data[[i]], =[i], dec = dec,
          numerals = numerals, na.strings = character(0L))
      else if (colClasses[i] == "factor")
      else if (colClasses[i] == "Date")
      else if (colClasses[i] == "POSIXct")
      else methods::as(data[[i]], colClasses[i])
    compactRN <- TRUE
    if (missing(row.names)) {
      if (rlabp) {
        row.names <- data[[1L]]
        data <- data[-1L]
        keep <- keep[-1L]
        compactRN <- FALSE
      else row.names <- .set_row_names(as.integer(nlines))
    else if (is.null(row.names)) {
      row.names <- .set_row_names(as.integer(nlines))
    else if (is.character(row.names)) {
      compactRN <- FALSE
      if (length(row.names) == 1L) {
        rowvar <- (1L:cols)[match(col.names, row.names, 0L) ==
        row.names <- data[[rowvar]]
        data <- data[-rowvar]
        keep <- keep[-rowvar]
    else if (is.numeric(row.names) && length(row.names) == 1L) {
      compactRN <- FALSE
      rlabp <- row.names
      row.names <- data[[rlabp]]
      data <- data[-rlabp]
      keep <- keep[-rlabp]
    else stop("invalid 'row.names' specification")
    data <- data[keep]
    if (is.object(row.names) || !(is.integer(row.names)))
      row.names <- as.character(row.names)
    if (!compactRN) {
      if (length(row.names) != nlines)
        stop("invalid 'row.names' length")
      if (anyDuplicated(row.names))
        stop("duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed")
      if (anyNA(row.names))
        stop("missing values in 'row.names' are not allowed")
    class(data) <- "data.frame"
    attr(data, "row.names") <- row.names

environment(read.table2) <- environment(read.csv)
hadley/lineprof documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:42 a.m.