
Defines functions use_travis check_for_travis_gem check_for_pat secure_token deploy_travis

Documented in deploy_travis secure_token use_travis

#' Use Travis CI
#' @param pkg location of package
#' @param add boolean that determines if all items should be added to the travis yaml file or printed on screen
#' @param browse passed onto \code{usethis::\link{use_travis}}
#' @export
use_travis <- function(pkg = ".", add = TRUE, browse = interactive()) {
  if (!isTRUE(add)) {
    token <- secure_token(add = FALSE, intern = TRUE)
    # remove leading quotes.  (bad parsing by system)
    token <- gsub("^\"", "", token)
    token <- gsub("\"$", "", token)

    travis_list <- list(
      after_success = list(
        "Rscript -e 'packagedocs::deploy_travis()'"
      env = list(global = list(secure = token))

    travis_yaml <- yaml::as.yaml(travis_list)
    message("Add these fields to your .travis.yml file:\n")

  secure_token(add = TRUE)

  pkg <- as.package(pkg)
  travis_file <- file.path(pkg$path, ".travis.yml")

  if (!file.exists(travis_file)) {
      usethis::use_travis(browse = browse)

  travis_yaml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(travis_file)
  after_success <- travis_yaml$after_success
  if (is.null(after_success)) {
    after_success <- list(
      "Rscript -e \"packagedocs::deploy_travis()\""
  } else {
    if (!any(
      grepl("packagedocs::deploy_travis", after_success)
    )) {
      after_success[length(after_success) + 1] <-
        "Rscript -e \"packagedocs::deploy_travis()\""
  travis_yaml$after_success <- after_success

  cat(yaml::as.yaml(travis_yaml), file = travis_file)

check_for_travis_gem <- function() {
  bol <- length(suppressWarnings(system("which travis", intern = TRUE))) > 0
  if (!bol) {
    cat("Please execute this command in your terminal
      sudo gem install travis\n\n")
    stop("travis gem is not installed. Please fix this!")

check_for_pat <- function() {
  if (is.null(devtools::github_pat())) {
    stop("env variable GITHUB_PAT is not set. Please set this environment variable!\n",
      "If you don't have a token, visit: https://github.com/settings/tokens\n",
      "and create a new token with at least scope for repo > public_repo.")

#' Secure personal access token
#' Function to create or automatically add a secure key (GITHUB_PAT) for travis to be able to publish to the drat repo
#' @param add boolean to determine if the key should be automatically added.  Default is \code{TRUE}.  This will remove custom formatting as the file will be programatically generated
#' @param ... supplied to \code{\link{system}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   secure_token(FALSE)
#' }
secure_token <- function(add = TRUE, ...) {

  # check to make sure travis repo is enabled
  chk <- suppressWarnings(system2("travis", "settings", stderr = TRUE))
  if (any(grepl("not known", as.character(chk)))) {
    stop("This repository isn't active on travis-ci.\n",
      "Please visit https://travis-ci.org/profile and activate the repo.")

  if (isTRUE(add)) {
    system("travis encrypt GITHUB_PAT=$GITHUB_PAT --add env.global", ...)
    message("Added to .travis.yml file")
    message("Your documentation should now be built and deployed automatically\n",
      "to your gh_pages branch whenever you push new commits to github.")
  } else {
    system("travis encrypt GITHUB_PAT=$GITHUB_PAT", ...)

#' Deploy to Github Pages from Travis-CI
#' This function will generate both the CRAN vignettes and gh-pages vignettes. It will look for your personal github token (\code{GITHUB_TOKEN}) that the function may deploy to the gh-pages branch of the your package's github repo.
#' The function is designed so that packagedocs will never ask for your token directly. It will only issue commands to the terminal which should evaluate with the necessary information.
#' @param repo character string that has the form USER/REPO
#' @param valid_branches branch name(s) that are allowed to deploy
#' @param token_key key name that will be autofilled
#' @param email email for commit
#' @param name name for commit
#' @param push_branch branch the website should be pushed to. Defaults to 'gh-pages'
#' @param output_dir output directory to put the website in
#' @param build_fn function to build the documentation. This function must take \code{ouput_dir} and \code{...} for future expansion.  Defaults to \code{packagedocs::\link{build_vignettes}}
#' @export
deploy_travis <- function(
  # remove the href or git@github at the beginning and only keep USER/REPO
  repo = gsub(
    read_rmd_yaml(file.path("vignettes", "docs.Rmd"))$redirect
  valid_branches = "master",
  token_key = "GITHUB_PAT",
  email = "travis@travis-ci.org",
  name = "Travis CI",
  push_branch = "gh-pages",
  output_dir = "_gh-pages",
  build_fn = function(ouput_dir, ...) {
    build_vignettes(pkg = ".", output_dir = output_dir)
) {

  repo <- force(repo)

  # Altered from: http://ricostacruz.com/cheatsheets/travis-gh-pages.html
  # Original: https://medium.com/@nthgergo/publishing-gh-pages-with-travis-ci-53a8270e87db

  exists_or_stop <- function(key) {
    system(paste("echo ${#", key, "}", sep = ""), intern = TRUE) %>%
      as.numeric() ->
    if (char_len == 0) {
      stop(paste("'", key, "' is not set", sep = ""))

  # check if travis build number is available
  # check if github token is available


  travis_pull_request <- Sys.getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST")
  travis_branch <- Sys.getenv("TRAVIS_BRANCH")

  if (! (travis_branch %in% valid_branches)) {
      "Branch '", travis_branch, "' is not allowed to deploy.",
      " Valid branches: c('", paste(valid_branches, collapse = "', '"), "').",
      " Exiting",
      sep = ""

  if (travis_pull_request != "false") {
      "Pull requests are not allowed to deploy.",
      " Recieved value: '", travis_pull_request, "'.",
      " Exiting",
      sep = ""

  # build the vigs
  build_fn(output_dir = output_dir)

  # move into the docs folder where the vigs are locally
  wd <- getwd()

  # since travis is a clean pull each time, we can init in the inst/doc folder
  #   without worrying about already existing

  # nolint start
    "set -e

    # config
    git config --global user.email \"", email, "\"
    git config --global user.name \"", name, "\"

    # deploy
    git init      # resets the repo in the website folder
    git add .     # add all files
    git commit -m \"Travis build: $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER\"
    # push the above commit and force it on the 'gh-pages' branch
    # since it's coming from a \"new\" repo, this is the master branch

    echo \"Attempting a silent push to '", repo, "@", push_branch, "'\"
    git push --force --quiet \"https://${", token_key, "}@github.com/", repo, ".git\" master:", push_branch, " > /dev/null 2>&1
    , sep = ""
  # nolint end

hafen/packagedocs documentation built on Oct. 3, 2019, 9:32 p.m.