
Defines functions as.sd_package is.sd_package topic_index extract_alias extract_name print.sd_package

# nolint start

# This file is taken directly from https://github.com/hadley/staticdocs/blob/master/R/package.r
# All @export tags were removed as it is only for internal use
# pkg$index was removed
# pkg$icons was removed

# ' Return information about a package
# '
# ' @param pkg name of package, as character vector
# ' @param site_path root directory in which to create documentation. The
# '   default, \code{NULL}, first looks at the value of \code{site_path} set in
# '   \file{DESCRIPTION}, and if not found uses \code{inst/staticdocs}.
# ' @param examples include examples or not? The default, \code{NULL}, first
# '   looks at the value of \code{examples} set in \file{DESCRIPTION}, and if
# '   not found uses \code{TRUE}.
# ' @param templates_path a specific directory path to use when searching for
# '   rendering templates, in addition to the default locations of
# '   packagedir/inst/staticdocs, packagedir/staticdocs, and the staticdocs
# '   package's included templates directory.
# ' @param bootstrap_path a specific directory path to use when searching for
# '   bootstrap style files, in addition to the default locations of
# '   packagedir/inst/staticdocs, packagedir/staticdocs, and the staticdocs
# '   package's included bootstrap directory.
# ' @param mathjax whether to use mathjax to render math symbols.
# ' @return A named list of useful metadata about a package
#  ' @export
# ' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom devtools parse_deps as.package
# ' @author Hadley Wickham from hadley/staticdocs
as.sd_package <- function(
  pkg = ".",
  site_path = NULL,
  examples = NULL,
  templates_path = NULL,
  bootstrap_path = NULL,
  mathjax = TRUE
) {
  if (is.sd_package(pkg)) return(pkg)

  pkg <- as.package(pkg)
  class(pkg) <- c("sd_package", "package")
  pkg$sd_path <- pkg_sd_path(pkg, site_path = site_path)

  # pkg$index <- load_index(pkg)
  # pkg$icons <- load_icons(pkg)
  pkg$index <- list()
  pkg$icons <- list()

  # settings <- load_settings(pkg)
  settings <- list()
  pkg$site_path <- site_path %||% settings$site_path %||% "inst/web"
  pkg$examples <- examples %||% settings$examples %||% TRUE
  pkg$templates_path <- templates_path %||% settings$templates_path %||%
  pkg$bootstrap_path <- bootstrap_path %||% settings$bootstrap_path %||%
  pkg$mathjax <- mathjax %||% settings$mathjax %||% TRUE
  if (!is.null(pkg$url)) {
    pkg$urls <- str_trim(str_split(pkg$url, ",")[[1]])
    pkg$url <- NULL

  # Author info
  if (!is.null(pkg$`authors@r`)) {
    str_person <- function(pers) {
      s <- NULL
      if (length(pers$email))
        s <- paste('<a href="mailto:', pers$email, '">', sep='')
      if (length(pers$given))
        s <- paste(s, pers$given, sep='')
      if (length(pers$family))
        s <- paste(s, pers$family, sep=' ')
      if (length(pers$email))
        s <- paste(s, '</a>', sep='')
      if (length(pers$role))
        s <- paste(s, ' [', paste(pers$role, collapse=', '), ']', sep='')

    pkg$authors <- eval(parse(text = pkg$`authors@r`))
    pkg$authors <- sapply(pkg$authors, str_person)

  # Dependencies
  pkg$dependencies <- list(
    depends = str_c(parse_deps(pkg$depends)$name, collapse = ", "),
    imports = str_c(parse_deps(pkg$imports)$name, collapse = ", "),
    suggests = str_c(parse_deps(pkg$suggests)$name, collapse = ", "),
    extends = str_c(parse_deps(pkg$extends)$name, collapse = ", ")
  pkg$dependencies <- ifelse(pkg$dependencies == "", FALSE, pkg$dependencies)

  pkg$rd <- package_rd(pkg)
  pkg$rd_index <- topic_index(pkg$rd)


is.sd_package <- function(x) inherits(x, "sd_package")

topic_index <- function(rd) {
  aliases <- unname(lapply(rd, extract_alias))

  names <- unlist(lapply(rd, extract_name), use.names = FALSE)
  file_in <- names(rd)
  file_out <- str_replace(file_in, "\\.Rd$", ".html")

    name = names,
    alias = I(aliases),
    file_in = file_in,
    file_out = file_out,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

extract_alias <- function(x) {
  aliases <- Filter(function(x) attr(x, "Rd_tag") == "\\alias", x)
  vapply(aliases, function(x) x[[1]][[1]], character(1))

extract_name <- function(x) {
  alias <- Find(function(x) attr(x, "Rd_tag") == "\\name", x)

#' @export
print.sd_package <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Package: ", x$package, " @ ", dirname(x$path), " -> ", x$site_path,
    "\n", sep = "")

  topics <- strwrap(paste(sort(x$rd_index$name), collapse = ", "),
    indent = 2, exdent = 2, width = getOption("width"))
  cat("Topics:\n", paste(topics, collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "")


# nolint end
hafen/packagedocs documentation built on Oct. 3, 2019, 9:32 p.m.