#' Project Bulk ATAC-seq data into single cell subspace
#' This function will Project Bulk ATAC-seq data into single cell subspace.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object containing the dimensionality reduction matrix passed by `reducedDims`.
#' @param seATAC Bulk ATAC Summarized Experiment.
#' @param reducedDims A string specifying the reducedDims.
#' @param embedding A string specifying embedding.
#' @param n An integer specifying the number of subsampled "pseudo single cells" per bulk sample.
#' @param verbose A boolean value indicating whether to use verbose output during execution of this function. Can be set to FALSE for a cleaner output.
#' @param threads The number of threads used for parallel execution
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @export
projectBulkATAC <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
reducedDims = "IterativeLSI",
embedding = "UMAP",
n = 250,
verbose = TRUE,
threads = getArchRThreads(),
logFile = createLogFile("projectBulkATAC")
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = seATAC, name = "seATAC", valid = c("SummarizedExperiment"))
.validInput(input = reducedDims, name = "reducedDims", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = embedding, name = "embedding", valid = c("character", "null"))
.validInput(input = n, name = "n", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = verbose, name = "verbose", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = threads, name = "threads", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = logFile, name = "logFile", valid = c("character"))
tstart <- Sys.time()
.startLogging(logFile = logFile)
.logThis(mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe())), "projectBulkATAC Input-Parameters", logFile = logFile)
# Reduced Dimensions
rD <- getReducedDims(ArchRProj, reducedDims = reducedDims, returnMatrix = FALSE)
.logThis(names(rD), "reducedDimsNames", logFile = logFile)
.logThis(rD[[1]], "reducedDimsMat", logFile = logFile)
rDFeatures <- rD[[grep("Features", names(rD))]]
if("end" %in% colnames(rDFeatures)){
rDGR <- GRanges(seqnames=rDFeatures$seqnames,IRanges(start=rDFeatures$start, end=rDFeatures$end))
rDGR <- GRanges(seqnames=rDFeatures$seqnames,IRanges(start=rDFeatures$start, width = (rDFeatures$start) / (rDFeatures$idx - 1)))
.logThis(rDGR, "reducedDimsGRanges", logFile = logFile)
subATAC <- subsetByOverlaps(seATAC, rDGR, ignore.strand = TRUE)
subATAC <- subATAC[order(rowSums(as.matrix(.getAssay(subATAC, "counts"))), decreasing = TRUE), ]
o <- DataFrame(findOverlaps(subATAC, rDGR, ignore.strand = TRUE))
sumOverlap <- length(unique(o[,2]))
.logThis(o, "overlapATAC", logFile = logFile)
if(sumOverlap == 0){
.logStop(paste0("No overlaps between bulk ATAC data and reduce dimensions feature found.",
"\nEither recreate counts matrix or most likely these data sets are incompatible!"), logFile = logFile)
if( (sumOverlap / length(rDGR)) < 0.25 ){
.logMessage("Less than 25% of the features are present in this bulk ATAC data set! Continuing since force = TRUE!", verbose = TRUE, logFile = logFile)
.logStop("Less than 25% of the features are present in this bulk ATAC data set! Set force = TRUE to continue!", logFile = logFile)
.logMessage("Overlap Ratio of Reduced Dims Features = ", (sumOverlap / length(rDGR)), verbose = TRUE, logFile = logFile)
o <- o[!duplicated(o$subjectHits),]
subATAC <- subATAC[o$queryHits, ]
rownames(subATAC) <- paste0("f", o$subjectHits)
.logThis(subATAC, "subsettedATAC", logFile = logFile)
# Create Bulk Matrix
bulkMat <- .safeSubset(
mat = .getAssay(subATAC, "counts"),
subsetRows = paste0("f", seq_along(rDGR))
.logThis(bulkMat, "bulkATACMat", logFile = logFile)
# Simulate and Project
depthN <- round(sum(rD$rowSm / rD$nCol))
nRep <- 5
n2 <- ceiling(n / nRep)
ratios <- c(2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0.25) #range of ratios of number of fragments
simRD <- .safelapply(seq_len(ncol(bulkMat)), function(x){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Projecting Sample (%s of %s)", x, ncol(bulkMat)), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
counts <- bulkMat[, x]
counts <- rep(seq_along(counts), counts)
simMat <- lapply(seq_len(nRep), function(y){
ratio <- ratios[y]
simMat <- matrix(sample(x = counts, size = ceiling(ratio * depthN) * n2, replace = TRUE), ncol = n2)
simMat <- Matrix::summary(as(simMat, "dgCMatrix"))[,-1,drop=FALSE]
simMat[,1] <- simMat[,1] + (y - 1) * n2
}) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
simMat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = simMat[,2], j = simMat[,1], x = rep(1, nrow(simMat)), dims = c(length(rDGR), n2 * nRep))
simRD <- as.matrix(.projectLSI(simMat, LSI = rD, verbose = FALSE))
rownames(simRD) <- paste0(colnames(bulkMat)[x], "#", seq_len(nrow(simRD)))
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
simRD <- .scaleDims(simRD)
out <- SimpleList(
simulatedReducedDims = simRD
.logThis(simRD, "simulatedReducedDims", logFile = logFile)
# Prep Reduced Dims
embedding <- getEmbedding(ArchRProj = ArchRProj, embedding = embedding, returnDF = FALSE)
corCutOff <- embedding$params$corCutOff
dimsToUse <- embedding$params$dimsToUse
scaleDims <- embedding$params$scaleDims
scaleDims <- rD$scaleDims
simRD <- .scaleDims(simRD)
if(embedding$params$nc != ncol(simRD)){
dimsToUse <- seq_len(ncol(rD[[1]]))
corToDepth <- rD$corToDepth$scaled
dimsToUse <- dimsToUse[corToDepth < corCutOff]
corToDepth <- rD$corToDepth$none
dimsToUse <- dimsToUse[corToDepth < corCutOff]
if(embedding$params$nc != ncol(simRD)){
.logMessage("Error incosistency found with matching LSI dimensions to those used in addEmbedding",
"\nReturning with simulated reduced dimension coordinates...", verbose = TRUE, logFile = logFile)
out <- SimpleList(
simulatedReducedDims = simRD
simRD <- simRD[, dimsToUse, drop = FALSE]
# Get Previous UMAP Model
umapModel <- .loadUWOT(embedding$params$uwotModel, embedding$params$nc)
idx <- sort(sample(seq_len(nrow(rD[[1]])), min(nrow(rD[[1]]), 5000))) #Try to use 5000 or total cells to check validity
rD2 <- getReducedDims(
ArchRProj = ArchRProj,
reducedDims = reducedDims,
dimsToUse = embedding$params$dimsToUse,
scaleDims = embedding$params$scaleDims,
corCutOff = embedding$params$corCutOff
# Project UMAP
threads2 <- max(floor(threads/2), 1)
simUMAP <- uwot::umap_transform(
X = rbind(rD2, simRD),
model = umapModel,
verbose = TRUE,
n_threads = threads2
rownames(simUMAP) <- c(rownames(rD2), rownames(simRD))
.logThis(simUMAP, "simulatedUMAP", logFile = logFile)
#Check if the projection matches using previous data
c1 <- cor(simUMAP[rownames(rD2), 1], embedding[[1]][rownames(rD2),1])
c2 <- cor(simUMAP[rownames(rD2), 2], embedding[[1]][rownames(rD2),2])
if(min(c1, c2) < 0.8){
.logMessage("Warning projection correlation is less than 0.8 (R = ", round(min(c1,c2), 4),").\nThese results may not be accurate because of the lack of heterogeneity in the single cell data.", verbose = TRUE, logFile = logFile)
dfUMAP <- embedding[[1]]
colnames(dfUMAP) <- c("UMAP1", "UMAP2")
colnames(simUMAP) <- c("UMAP1", "UMAP2")
dfUMAP <- DataFrame(dfUMAP)
dfUMAP$Type <- Rle("scATAC", lengths = nrow(dfUMAP))
simUMAP <- DataFrame(simUMAP[rownames(simRD),,drop=FALSE])
simUMAP$Type <- Rle(stringr::str_split(rownames(simUMAP), pattern = "#", simplify = TRUE)[,1])
out <- SimpleList(
simulatedBulkUMAP = simUMAP,
singleCellUMAP = dfUMAP,
simulatedReducedDims = simRD
.endLogging(logFile = logFile)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.