# Validation Methods
.validInput <- function(input = NULL, name = NULL, valid = NULL){
valid <- unique(valid)
valid <- tolower(valid)
stop("Validator must be a character!")
stop("name must be a character!")
if("null" %in% tolower(valid)){
valid <- c("null", valid[which(tolower(valid) != "null")])
av <- FALSE
for(i in seq_along(valid)){
vi <- valid[i]
if(vi == "integer" | vi == "wholenumber"){
cv <- min(abs(c(input%%1, input%%1-1)), na.rm = TRUE) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5
cv <- FALSE
}else if(vi == "null"){
cv <- is.null(input)
}else if(vi == "bool" | vi == "boolean" | vi == "logical"){
cv <- is.logical(input)
}else if(vi == "numeric"){
cv <- is.numeric(input)
}else if(vi == "vector"){
cv <- is.vector(input)
}else if(vi == "matrix"){
cv <- is.matrix(input)
}else if(vi == "sparsematrix"){
cv <- is(input, "dgCMatrix")
}else if(vi == "character"){
cv <- is.character(input)
}else if(vi == "factor"){
cv <- is.factor(input)
}else if(vi == "rlecharacter"){
cv1 <- is(input, "Rle")
cv <- is(input@values, "factor") || is(input@values, "character")
cv <- FALSE
}else if(vi == "palette"){
cv <- all(.isColor(input))
}else if(vi == "timestamp"){
cv <- is(input, "POSIXct")
}else if(vi == "dataframe" | vi == "data.frame" | vi == "df"){
cv1 <- is.data.frame(input)
cv2 <- is(input, "DataFrame")
cv <- any(cv1, cv2)
}else if(vi == "fileexists"){
cv <- all(file.exists(input))
}else if(vi == "direxists"){
cv <- all(dir.exists(input))
}else if(vi == "granges" | vi == "gr"){
cv <- is(input, "GRanges")
}else if(vi == "grangeslist" | vi == "grlist"){
cv <- .isGRList(input)
}else if(vi == "list" | vi == "simplelist"){
cv1 <- is.list(input)
cv2 <- is(input, "SimpleList")
cv <- any(cv1, cv2)
}else if(vi == "bsgenome"){
cv1 <- is(input, "BSgenome")
cv2 <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e){
cv <- any(cv1, cv2)
}else if(vi == "se" | vi == "summarizedexperiment"){
cv <- is(input, "SummarizedExperiment")
}else if(vi == "seurat" | vi == "seuratobject"){
cv <- is(input, "Seurat")
}else if(vi == "txdb"){
cv <- is(input, "TxDb")
}else if(vi == "orgdb"){
cv <- is(input, "OrgDb")
}else if(vi == "bsgenome"){
cv <- is(input, "BSgenome")
}else if(vi == "parallelparam"){
cv <- is(input, "BatchtoolsParam")
}else if(vi == "archrproj" | vi == "archrproject"){
cv <- is(input, "ArchRProject")
###validObject(input) check this doesnt break anything if we
###add it. Useful to make sure all ArrowFiles exist! QQQ
stop("Validator is not currently supported by ArchR!")
av <- TRUE
stop("Input value for '", name,"' is not a ", paste(valid, collapse="," ), ", (",name," = ",class(input),") please supply valid input!")
.isWholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
abs(x - round(x)) < tol
.isColor <- function(x = NULL){
unlist(lapply(x, function(y) tryCatch(is.matrix(col2rgb(y)), error = function(e) FALSE)))
.isDiscrete <- function(x = NULL){
is.factor(x) || is.character(x) || is.logical(x)
.isGRList <- function(x){
isList <- grepl("list", class(x), ignore.case=TRUE)
allGR <- all(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) is(x, "GRanges") )))
#' Get/Validate BSgenome
#' This function will attempt to get or validate an input as a BSgenome.
#' @param genome This option must be one of the following: (i) the name of a valid ArchR-supported genome ("hg38", "hg19", or "mm10"),
#' (ii) the name of a `BSgenome` package (for ex. "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"), or (iii) a `BSgenome` object.
#' @param masked A boolean describing whether or not to access the masked version of the selected genome. See `BSgenome::getBSgenome()`.
#' @export
validBSgenome <- function(genome = NULL, masked = FALSE){
.validInput(input = genome, name = "genome", valid = c("character", "bsgenome"))
.validInput(input = masked, name = "masked", valid = c("boolean"))
if(inherits(genome, "BSgenome")){
}else if(is.character(genome)){
genome <- tryCatch({
bsg <- eval(parse(text = genome))
if(inherits(bsg, "BSgenome")){
stop("genome is not a BSgenome valid class!")
}, error = function(x){
BSgenome::getBSgenome(genome, masked = masked)
stop("Cannot validate BSgenome options are a valid BSgenome or character for getBSgenome")
.validTxDb <- function(TxDb = NULL){
if(inherits(TxDb, "TxDb")){
}else if(is.character(TxDb)){
return(getTxDb(TxDb)) #change
stop("Cannot validate TxDb options are a valid TxDb or character for getTxDb")
.validOrgDb <- function(OrgDb = NULL){
if(inherits(OrgDb, "OrgDb")){
}else if(is.character(OrgDb)){
return(getOrgDb(OrgDb)) #change
stop("Cannot validate OrgDb options are a valid OrgDb or character for getOrgDb")
.validGRanges <- function(gr = NULL){
if(inherits(gr, "GRanges")){
stop("Error cannot validate genomic range!")
.validGeneAnnotation <- function(geneAnnotation = NULL){
if(!inherits(geneAnnotation, "SimpleList")){
if(inherits(geneAnnotation, "list")){
geneAnnotation <- as(geneAnnotation, "SimpleList")
stop("geneAnnotation must be a list/SimpleList of 3 GRanges for : Genes GRanges, Exons GRanges and TSS GRanges!")
if(identical(sort(tolower(names(geneAnnotation))), c("exons", "genes", "tss"))){
gA <- SimpleList()
gA$genes <- .validGRanges(geneAnnotation[[grep("genes", names(geneAnnotation), ignore.case = TRUE)]])
gA$exons <- .validGRanges(geneAnnotation[[grep("exons", names(geneAnnotation), ignore.case = TRUE)]])
gA$TSS <- .validGRanges(geneAnnotation[[grep("TSS", names(geneAnnotation), ignore.case = TRUE)]])
stop("geneAnnotation must be a list/SimpleList of 3 GRanges for : Genes GRanges, Exons GRanges and TSS GRanges!")
.validGenomeAnnotation <- function(genomeAnnotation = NULL){
if(!inherits(genomeAnnotation, "SimpleList")){
if(inherits(genomeAnnotation, "list")){
genomeAnnotation <- as(genomeAnnotation, "SimpleList")
stop("genomeAnnotation must be a list/SimpleList of 3 GRanges for : blacklist GRanges, chromSizes GRanges and genome BSgenome package string (ie hg38 or BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)!")
if(identical(sort(tolower(names(genomeAnnotation))), c("blacklist", "chromsizes", "genome"))){
gA <- SimpleList()
gA$blacklist <- .validGRanges(genomeAnnotation[[grep("blacklist", names(genomeAnnotation), ignore.case = TRUE)]])
if(genomeAnnotation[[grep("genome", names(genomeAnnotation), ignore.case = TRUE)]]=="nullGenome"){
gA$genome <- "nullGenome"
bsg <- validBSgenome(genomeAnnotation[[grep("genome", names(genomeAnnotation), ignore.case = TRUE)]])
gA$genome <- bsg@pkgname
gA$chromSizes <- .validGRanges(genomeAnnotation[[grep("chromsizes", names(genomeAnnotation), ignore.case = TRUE)]])
stop("genomeAnnotation must be a list/SimpleList of 3 GRanges for : blacklist GRanges, chromSizes GRanges and genome BSgenome package string (ie hg38 or BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)!")
.validGeneAnnoByGenomeAnno <- function(geneAnnotation, genomeAnnotation){
allSeqs <- unique(paste0(seqnames(genomeAnnotation$chromSizes)))
geneSeqs <- unique(paste0(seqnames(geneAnnotation$genes)))
if(!all(geneSeqs %in% allSeqs)){
geneNotIn <- geneSeqs[which(geneSeqs %ni% allSeqs)]
message("Found Gene Seqnames not in GenomeAnnotation chromSizes, Removing : ", paste0(geneNotIn, collapse=","))
geneAnnotation$genes <- .subsetSeqnamesGR(geneAnnotation$genes, names = allSeqs)
exonSeqs <- unique(paste0(seqnames(geneAnnotation$exons)))
if(!all(exonSeqs %in% allSeqs)){
exonNotIn <- exonSeqs[which(exonSeqs %ni% allSeqs)]
message("Found Exon Seqnames not in GenomeAnnotation chromSizes, Removing : ", paste0(exonNotIn, collapse=","))
geneAnnotation$exons <- .subsetSeqnamesGR(geneAnnotation$exons, names = allSeqs)
TSSSeqs <- unique(paste0(seqnames(geneAnnotation$TSS)))
if(!all(TSSSeqs %in% allSeqs)){
TSSNotIn <- TSSSeqs[which(TSSSeqs %ni% allSeqs)]
message("Found TSS Seqnames not in GenomeAnnotation chromSizes, Removing : ", paste0(TSSNotIn, collapse=","))
geneAnnotation$TSS <- .subsetSeqnamesGR(geneAnnotation$TSS, names = allSeqs)
.validArchRProject <- function(ArchRProj = NULL){
if(!inherits(ArchRProj, "ArchRProject")){
stop("Not a valid ArchRProject as input!")
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