#' Check if a file name is a gzip file
#' @examples
#' is_gzip("foo.gz")
#' is_gzip("http://foo.bar/example.bed.gz")
#' is_gzip(c("foo.gz", "bar.gz"))
is_gzip <- function(file_path) {
pattern = "\\.") %>% map_chr( ~ tail(., n = 1)) %in% c("gz", "bgz")
#' Make sure all ranges are valid
normalize_tabix_range <- function(range) {
# If some of the ranges are in the form chr1 (while chromosome), change it to
# chr1:1-2000000000, because the underlying tabix library does not allow
# single-chromosome range notation
range_splits <- str_split(range, pattern = ":")
single_chrom <- range_splits %>% map_lgl(~ length(.) == 1)
# R's integer type is 32-bit, so the largest range is approx. 2 billion
range[single_chrom] <-
range_splits[single_chrom] %>%
map_chr(function(v) {
#' Set `dt`'s column names, types, and set the index
#' @details
#' Modifies `dt` in-place.
post_process_table <- function(dt) {
default_colnames <- all(str_detect(colnames(dt), pattern = "V[0-9]+"))
# First 3 columns
data.table::setnames(dt, old = 1:3, new = c("chrom", "start", "end"))
# Fourth columns: score if it is numeric, feature otherwise
if (default_colnames && ncol(dt) >= 4) {
if (is.numeric(dt[[4]]))
data.table::setnames(dt, 4, "score")
data.table::setnames(dt, 4, "feature")
v_chrom <- as.character(dt$chrom)
chrom_list <- str_sort(unique(v_chrom), numeric = TRUE)
dt[, chrom := factor(v_chrom, levels = chrom_list)]
dt[, `:=`(start = as.integer(start), end = as.integer(end))]
data.table::setkey(dt, "chrom", "start", "end")
#' Load a gzipped and indexed BED-like file
read_tabix_table <- function(file_path, range) {
# Make sure the genomic ranges are valid
range <- normalize_tabix_range(range)
dt <- seqminer::tabix.read.table(file_path, tabixRange = range)
#' Load a BED-format file
#' This function loads the input file as a `data.table` object. The file can be
#' either local or remote, and can be either plain text or gzip-compressed.
#' Furthermore, this function supports range-loading by providing a genomic
#' range in the following syntax: "chr1:1-100".
#' @param range A genomic range character vector. Must be
read_table <- function(file_path, range = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(range)) {
# Load directly
dt <- fread(file_path, sep = "\t", na.strings = c(".", "", "NA"), ...)
} else {
if (is_gzip(file_path)) {
read_tabix_table(file_path, range)
} else {
stop("range filtering is only available for BGZIP files")
#' Write a `data.table` to file
#' Can be a plain text file or a BGZIP file.
#' @param file_path Path of the output file. If the extension name is `.gz` or
#' `.bgz`, the output will be compressed in BGZIP format.
#' @param tabix_index If `TRUE`, and `file_path` indicates a gzip file, will
#' create create the tabix index file.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to methods. Compliant with `data.table::fwrite`.
#' @examples
#' write_tabix_table(data, "example.bed")
#' write_tabix_table(data, "example.bed.gz", tabix_index = TRUE)
write_table <- function(x, file_path, tabix_index = TRUE, ...) {
compressed <- is_gzip(file_path)
setnames(x, 1, "#chrom")
on.exit(setnames(x, "#chrom", "chrom"), add = TRUE)
if (compressed) {
# Since we need to write the data table to disk as a temporary file, it's
# important to operate by batches, i.e. in each batch, process rows no more
# than batch_size
batch_size <- 1e6L
batch_plan <- seq(from = 1, to = nrow(x), by = batch_size)
if (tail(batch_plan, n = 1) != nrow(x))
batch_plan <- c(batch_plan, nrow(x))
1:(length(batch_plan) - 1) %>%
walk(function(batch_idx) {
temp_txt <- tempfile(fileext = ".tsv")
temp_gz <- tempfile(fileext = ".gz")
on.exit(unlink(c(temp_txt, temp_gz)), add = TRUE)
if (batch_idx < length(batch_plan) - 1) {
# Not the last batch
batch_data <- x[batch_plan[batch_idx]:(batch_plan[batch_idx + 1] - 1)]
} else {
batch_data <- x[batch_plan[batch_idx]:batch_plan[batch_idx + 1]]
file = temp_txt,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t",
na = ".",
# Output column names only for batch #1
col.names = (batch_idx == 1),
Rsamtools::bgzip(temp_txt, dest = temp_gz)
if (batch_idx == 1)
system(str_interp("cat ${temp_gz} > ${file_path}"))
system(str_interp("cat ${temp_gz} >> ${file_path}"))
if (tabix_index) {
Rsamtools::indexTabix(file_path, format = "bed", zeroBased = TRUE)
ret <- TRUE
} else {
file = file_path,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t",
na = ".",
#' Load fragment data files or BED data files
#' Fragment data files are essentially BED data files. `load_fragments` and
#' `load_bed` will load these data files into `data.table` objects.
#' If `regions` is not `NULL`, `load_fragments` will invoke `tabix` to load the data.
#' @param file_path Path to the data file (in tab-separated values format, a.k.a "tsv").
#' @param region Which genomic region to load. Can be either a character vector
#' following the UCSC convention, e.g. `21:1-9411192`, or a
#' GenomicRanges::GRanges object. Default is `NULL`.
#' @return A `data.table` object
#' @export
load_bed <-
region = NULL) {
file_path <- normalizePath(file_path)
# Try to get column names from the header
fields <-
colnames(data.table::fread(file = file_path, nrows = 1000))
# Remove the leading #-symbol from the 1st column name
fields[1] <- str_replace(fields[1], "^#[ ]*", "")
filter_flag <- FALSE
na_strings <- c("NA", "na", "NaN", "nan", ".", "")
if (is.null(region) || str_trim(region) == "") {
results <-
data.table::fread(file = file_path, na.strings = na_strings)
} else if (class(region) %in% c("GRanges", "character", "factor")) {
# Check if we can use tabix to extract the reads
tabix_exist <- check_binaries(binaries = "tabix", verbose = FALSE)
index_exist <- file.exists(paste0(file_path, ".tbi"))
use_tabix <- tabix_exist && index_exist
if (use_tabix) {
tabix_regions <- paste0(as.character(region), collapse = " ")
tabix_cmd <- str_interp("tabix ${file_path} ${tabix_regions}")
results <-
data.table::fread(cmd = tabix_cmd, na.strings = na_strings)
} else {
if (endsWith(file_path, ".gz")) {
warning("Either tabix or index does not exist. Resource to sequential scanning, which may negatively impact the performance.")
results <- data.table::fread(file = file_path, na.strings = na_strings)
# Postpone the filtering to after assigning column names
filter_flag <- TRUE
} else {
"regions should be either a character vector or a GenomicRanges::GRanges object."
if (nrow(results) == 0) {
} else {
# Rule: first 3 columns: chrom, start, end. 4th column: score if BEDGRAPH, name if BED
if (all(str_detect(fields, "V[0-9]+"))) {
# field names are default values, e.g. V1, V2, etc.
data.table::setnames(results, old = 1:3, new = c("chrom", "start", "end"))
if (typeof(results[[4]]) %in% c("integer", "double"))
data.table::setnames(results, old = 4, new = "score")
data.table::setnames(results, old = 4, new = "name")
} else {
data.table::setnames(results, new = fields)
chrom_list <- data.table::fread(chrom_sizes)[[1]]
results[, chrom := factor(chrom, levels = chrom_list)]
# 4th column should be either character or numeric
col_types <- sapply(results, typeof)
if (!(col_types[4] %in% c("integer", "double")))
data.table::set(results, j = 4L, value = as.character(results[[4L]]))
if (filter_flag)
results <- .filter_by_regions(results, region = region)
data.table::setkeyv(results, c("chrom", "start", "end"))
#' @rdname load_bed
#' @export
load_fragments <-
region = NULL) {
frags <- load_bed(
file_path = file_path,
region = region
fields <- colnames(frags)
assertthat::assert_that(length(fields) >=6)
fields[1:6] <- c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "mapq", "strand")
if (length(fields) >= 8)
fields[7:8] <- c("cigar1", "cigar2")
data.table::setnames(frags, fields)
#' Filter the dataset by chromosomes
#' @param dt A `data.table` object.
#' @param chrom Character vector containing chromosome names.
#' @param negate Indicate whether to include (`FALSE`) or exclude (`TRUE`) these
#' fragments.
#' @return A filtered `data.table` object.
.filter_by_chrom <- function(dt, chrom, negate = FALSE) {
if (nrow(dt) == 0)
if (length(chrom) == 0) {
if (negate)
else {
# Return an empty data.table
return(dt[1][start == start + 1])
chrom_list <- chrom
if (negate)
dt[!(chrom %in% chrom_list)]
dt[(chrom %in% chrom_list)]
#' Filter the dataset by genomic ranges
#' @param dt A `data.table` object.
#' @param granges A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object, or a compatible chracter vector.
#' @param negate Indicate whether to include (`FALSE`) or exclude (`TRUE`) these
#' fragments.
#' @return A filtered `data.table` object.
.filter_by_granges <- function(dt, granges, negate = FALSE) {
if (nrow(dt) == 0)
if (length(granges) == 0) {
if (negate)
else {
# Return an empty data.table
return(dt[1][start == start + 1])
assertthat::assert_that(check_binaries(binaries = "bedtools"))
if (typeof(granges) == "character")
granges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(granges)
# Convert granges to a data frame so that we can apply bedtools intersect on it
granges <-
granges %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rename(chrom = seqnames, start = start, end = end) %>%
# After bedtools, the data types of some columns will change to character.
# We need to convert them back to their original types.
col_types <- map_chr(dt, typeof)
params <- ifelse(negate, "-v -sorted", "-u -sorted")
dt <- bedr::bedr(
method = "intersect",
params = params,
input = list(a = dt, b = granges),
check.chr = FALSE,
check.zero.based = FALSE,
check.valid = FALSE,
check.sort = FALSE,
check.merge = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
capture.output = "disk"
# Convert back to numeric column types
col_types2 <- map_chr(dt, typeof)
fields <- colnames(dt)
for (idx in which((col_types == "integer") & (col_types != col_types2))) {
data.table::set(dt, j = idx, value = suppressWarnings(as.integer(dt[[idx]])))
for (idx in which((col_types == "double") & (col_types != col_types2))) {
data.table::set(dt, j = idx, value = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dt[[idx]])))
for (idx in which((col_types == "character") &
(col_types != col_types2))) {
data.table::set(dt, j = idx, value = suppressWarnings(as.character(dt[[idx]])))
for (idx in which((col_types == "logical") & (col_types != col_types2))) {
data.table::set(dt, j = idx, value = suppressWarnings(as.logical(dt[[idx]])))
#' Filter the dataset by regions
#' @param dt A `data.table` object.
#' @param region Can be either `GenomicRanges::GRanges` or character vector
#' @param negate Indicate whether to include (`FALSE`) or exclude (`TRUE`) these
#' fragments.
#' @return A filtered `data.table` object.
.filter_by_regions <- function(dt, region, negate = FALSE) {
# Separate region to chromosome names and genomic ranges
if (is.character(region)) {
granges <-
GenomicRanges::GRanges(region[str_detect(region, "^[^:]+:[0-9]+-[0-9]+$")])
chrom <- region[str_detect(region, "^[^:]+$")]
} else {
granges <- region
chrom <- NULL
if (negate) {
dt <- .filter_by_chrom(dt, chrom = chrom, negate = negate)
dt <- .filter_by_granges(dt, granges = granges, negate = negate)
} else {
# In this case, .filter_by_chrom and .filter_by_granges may have common
# returns. Need to deduplicate them.
dt[, id := seq_along(chrom)]
dt1 <- .filter_by_chrom(dt, chrom = chrom)
dt2 <- .filter_by_granges(dt, granges = granges)
dt[, id := NULL]
dt <- unique(data.table::rbindlist(list(dt1, dt2)), by = "id")
dt[, id := NULL]
#' Write data frame to disk in BED format
#' If the target file indicates gzip-compression, will invoke bgzip rather than
#' standard gzip. Another feature is, if the output file should contain header
#' lines, they will start with `#`, as specified in BED format specification.
#' @param dt Data frame to write.
#' @param file_path Output file name.
#' @param col_names A logical value indicating whether to output colum names.
#' @param create_index A logical value indicating whether to create an index
#' file. Ignored if the output is not gzipped.
#' @export
write_bed <- function(dt, file_path, col_names = TRUE, create_index = FALSE, ...) {
is_gzipped <- endsWith(file_path, ".gz")
scipen <- 0
# make sure start and end are integers
dt[, `:=`(start = as.integer(start), end = as.integer(end))]
if (col_names == TRUE) {
fields <- colnames(dt)
old_fields <- data.table::copy(fields)
data.table::setnames(dt, old = fields[1], new = paste0("#", fields[1]))
on.exit(data.table::setnames(dt, old_fields), add = TRUE)
if (is_gzipped) {
# bgzip should be present
check_binaries(binaries = "bgzip", stop_on_fail = TRUE)
if (create_index)
check_binaries(binaries = "tabix", stop_on_fail = TRUE)
temp_bed <- tempfile(fileext = ".bed")
on.exit(file.remove(temp_bed), add = TRUE)
file = temp_bed,
col.names = col_names,
sep = "\t",
quote = FALSE,
scipen = scipen,
na = ".",
system(str_interp("bgzip < ${temp_bed} > ${file_path}"))
if (create_index)
system(str_interp("tabix -p bed ${file_path}"))
} else {
file = file_path,
col.names = col_names,
sep = "\t",
quote = FALSE,
scipen = scipen,
na = ".",
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.