
Defines functions win_memory win_load whos_the_hog

#  win_memory.R
#  2013 Andrew Redd
#  This file is released under the terms of the MIT license.
#  Please See http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/MIT

#' Get the memory usage for the current machine.
#' @param print Should a summary be printed out?
#' Uses the API call GlobalMemoryStatusEx to retrieve information
#' about the memory usage on the machine.
#' @seealso `<win_processes>`
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
win_memory <- 
function(print=TRUE  #< Should a summary be printed out?
        dyn.load( Sys.which("Kernel32.dll"))
    r <- raw(64)
    r[[1]] <- as.raw(64L)
    s <- .C("GlobalMemoryStatusEx", r, PACKAGE="Kernel32")[[1]]
    mem <-  list( Size                  = raw2int(s[1:4 + 4L*0])
                , Percent               = raw2int(s[1:4 + 4L*1])
                , Physical              = raw2int(s[1:8 + 8L*1L])
                , Available             = raw2int(s[1:8 + 8L*2L])
                , TotalPage             = raw2int(s[1:8 + 8L*3L])
                , AvailPage             = raw2int(s[1:8 + 8L*4L])
                , TotalVirtual          = raw2int(s[1:8 + 8L*5L])
                , AvailVirtual          = raw2int(s[1:8 + 8L*6L])
                , AvailVirtualExtended  = raw2int(s[1:8 + 8L*7L])
        cat(sprintf("%.0f/%.0f", mem$Available, mem$Physical), "\n")
        close(utils::txtProgressBar(0, 100, mem$Percent, style=3
            , width = min(59, floor(getOption("width")*.8))))
    #! ```@references
    #!  - bibtype: Manual
    #!    title: GlobalMemoryStatusEx function
    #!    year: 2016
    #!    url: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366589(v=vs.85).aspx
    #! ```
    #< invisibly returns a `data.frame` the memory usage on the machine.
if(FALSE){#! @test
    expect_output(x <- win_memory())
    expect_is(x, 'list')
        c( 'Size', 'Percent', 'Physical', 'Available'
         , 'TotalPage', 'AvailPage', 'TotalVirtual'
         , 'AvailVirtual', 'AvailVirtualExtended'

#' Get the percentage of load on the machine 
#' @export
win_load <- function(){
    output <- 
        system2("wmic", list("CPU", "GET", "LoadPercentage", "/format:csv"), stdout=TRUE)
    #! ```@references
    #!  - bibtype: Manual
    #!    title: WMIC - Take Command-line Control over WMI
    #!    year: 2016
    #!    url: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb742610.aspx
    #! ```
    #< An integer (0-100) representing the percent load on the machine.

# nocov start
#' Lists the resource useage summarized by user.
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange_ summarize group_by_
#' @export
whos_the_hog <- function(){
    "Lists the resource useage summarized by user."
    stopifnot(requireNamespace("dplyr"), requireNamespace("lubridate"))
    wp <- win_processes(verbose=TRUE)
    users <- win_users()
    names(users) <- c("Username", "Session.Name", "Session.ID", "State", "Idle.Time", "Logon.Time")
    joined <- merge( wp[setdiff(names(wp), "User.Name")]
                   , users, by="Session.Name")
        dplyr::summarize_( dplyr::group_by_(joined, "Username")
                         , Mem.Usage   = ~sum(Mem.Usage)
                         , N.Processes = ~length(unique(PID))
                         , CPU.Time    = ~sum(CPU.Time)
                    , 'Mem.Usage', 'CPU.Time'
# nocov end
halpo/wingui documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:27 p.m.