
Defines functions gbifRetriever

#' @title Retrieve downloaded GBIF data sets
#' @description Searches for the most recent instance of a data set
#'  that has been previously downloaded from GBIF to a local machine
#'  and imports it into `occCite`. This is designed to be an internal
#'  function. It is usable on its own, but you must have already
#'  navigated to the folder that contains the download zip files
#'  from GBIF.
#' @param taxon A single species
#' @return A list of lists containing (1) a data frame of occurrence
#' data; (2) GBIF search metadata for every GBIF download in the
#' specified directory. (3) the raw occurrence data from GBIF.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

gbifRetriever <- function(taxon = NULL) {
  # Error checking
  cleanTaxon <- stringr::str_extract(
    string = taxon,
    pattern = "(\\w+\\s\\w+)"
  ) # Remove problem characters, i.e. "æ"

    expr = taxon_key <- try(as.numeric(rgbif::name_backbone(cleanTaxon)$usageKey),
      silent = T
    error = function(e) {
      message(paste("GBIF unreachable; please try again later. \n"))

  if (is(taxon_key, "try-error")) {
    if (grepl(unlist(taxon_key)[1], pattern = "401")) {
      warning("GBIF user login data incorrect.\n")
    } else {
      warning("GBIF unreachable; please try again later. \n")
  if (is.null(taxon_key)) {
    warning(paste0(" Taxon ", taxon, " could not be resolved."))

  paths <- list.files(getwd(),
    pattern = "\\d{7}-\\d{15}.zip",
    recursive = T, full.names = T
  keys <- as.vector(stringr::str_match(paths, pattern = "\\d{7}-\\d{15}"))
  paths <- stringr::str_remove(paths, pattern = "\\d{7}-\\d{15}.zip")

  # Sort through downloads to find taxon matches
  matchIndex <- NULL
  matchDate <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(keys)) {
      expr = metadata <- rgbif::occ_download_meta(key = keys[[i]]),
      error = function(e) {
        message(paste("GBIF unreachable; please try again later. \n"))

    if (!exists("metadata")) {

    if (metadata$totalRecords > 0) {
      if (!is.na(match(table = unlist(metadata$request), "TAXON_KEY")) &
        taxon_key %in% unlist(metadata$request)) {
        matchIndex <- append(matchIndex, i)
        matchDate <- append(matchDate, metadata$modified)
  if (length(matchIndex) == 0) {
      "There are no local drive downloads for ",
      taxon, "in ", getwd(), "."
    dataService <- "GBIF"
    occFromGBIF <- c(rep(NA, 9), dataService)
    names(occFromGBIF) <- c(
      "gbifID", "name", "longitude",
      "latitude", "day", "month",
      "year", "Dataset",
      "DatasetKey", "DataService"
    occFromGBIF <- t(data.frame(occFromGBIF, stringsAsFactors = F))
    row.names(occFromGBIF) <- NULL
    occFromGBIF <- data.frame(occFromGBIF)

    outlist <- list()
    outlist[[1]] <- occFromGBIF
    outlist[[2]] <- paste0(
      "There are no local drive downloads for ",
      taxon, "in ", getwd(), "."
    outlist[[3]] <- NA
    names(outlist) <- c("OccurrenceTable", "Metadata", "RawOccurrences")
  } else {
    # Gets the downloaded data for the most recent match and returns it
    newestTaxonomicMatch <- matchIndex[order(matchDate,
      decreasing = T
    res <- rgbif::as.download(paths[[newestTaxonomicMatch]],
      key = keys[[newestTaxonomicMatch]]
    rawOccs <- res
    occFromGBIF <- tabGBIF(res, taxon = taxon)
    for (i in 1:length(keys)) {
        expr = occMetadata <- rgbif::occ_download_meta(keys[[newestTaxonomicMatch]]),
        error = function(e) {
          message(paste("GBIF unreachable; please try again later. \n"))

      if (!exists("occMetadata")) {

    # Preparing list for return
    outlist <- list()
    outlist[[1]] <- occFromGBIF
    outlist[[2]] <- occMetadata
    outlist[[3]] <- rawOccs
    names(outlist) <- c("OccurrenceTable", "Metadata", "RawOccurrences")

hannahlowens/occCite documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:18 a.m.