
#' Otsu thresholding version 2 
#' Find otsu threshold   
#' @param y vector of values
#' @param m number of modes - 1 (two modes, m=1)
#' @return threshold 
#' @details to be written an other time... 
#' @author Hans Ole &Oslashrka \email{hans.ole.orka@@gmail.org}
otsu <- function(y,m){
	yvals <- sort(unique(y))
	L <- length(yvals)
	per <- as.vector(table(y)) / length(y)
	P <- matrix(0, nrow=L, ncol=L)
	S <- matrix(0, nrow=L, ncol=L)
	H <- matrix(0, nrow=L, ncol=L)
	P[1,] <- cumsum(per)
	S[1,] <- cumsum(per * yvals[1:L])
	for(u in 2:L)
		for(v in u:L){
			P[u,v] <- P[1,v] - P[1,u-1]
			S[u,v] <- S[1,v] - S[1,u-1]
	H <- S^2 / P
	x <- seq(L)
	n <- length(x)
	if (n -1 < m)
		stop("The number of thresholds is larger than the unique values minus 1.")
	e <- 0
	h <- m
	a <- 1:m
	rule <- c(0, a, L)
	sigma2 <- sum(sapply(1:(m+1), function(i) H[rule[i]+1, rule[i+1]]))
	thresh <- yvals[a]
	nmmp1 <- n - m + 1
	mp1 <- m + 1
	while (a[1] != nmmp1) {
		if (e < n - h) {
			h <- 1
			e <- a[m]
			j <- 1
		else {
			h <- h + 1
			e <- a[mp1 - h]
			j <- 1:h
		a[m - h + j] <- e + j
		if(a[m] != L){
			rule <- c(0, a, L)
			new <- sum(sapply(1:(m+1), function(i) H[rule[i]+1, rule[i+1]]))
			if(new > sigma2){
				sigma2 <- new
				thresh <- yvals[a]

initThresh <- function(y, thresh) {
	z <- rowSums(outer(y, thresh, ">")) + 1
	classes <- sort(unique(z))
	list(prop = sapply(classes, function(i) mean(z == i)),
			mu = sapply(classes, function(i) mean(y[z == i])),
			sigma = sapply(classes, function(i) sd(y[z == i]))

initOtsu <- function(y, m) {
	if (length(m) > 1) {
		warning(paste("Argument m has", length(m), "elements: only the first used"))
		m <- m[1]
	if (length(y) - 1 < m)
		stop("The number of thresholds is too larger.")
	thresh <- otsu(y, m)
	initThresh(y, thresh)
#initProp <- function(y, prop) {
#	checkErrors(prop, mu=NULL, sigma=NULL, err=NULL)
#	prop <- cumsum(prop[-length(prop)])
#	thresh <- quantile(y, prop)
#	initThresh(y, thresh)
hansoleorka/myR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:29 p.m.