
Defines functions mApply

Documented in mApply

mApply <- function(X, INDEX, FUN, ..., simplify=TRUE, keepmatrix=FALSE) {
  ## Matrix tapply
  ## X: matrix with n rows; INDEX: vector or list of vectors of length n
  ## FUN: function to operate on submatrices of x by INDEX
  ## ...: arguments to FUN; simplify: see sapply
  ## Modification of code by Tony Plate <tplate@blackmesacapital.com> 10Oct02
  ## If FUN returns more than one number, mApply returns a matrix with
  ## rows corresponding to unique values of INDEX

  ## X should be either a Matrix or a Vector
  if((!is.matrix(X) && is.array(X)) || is.list(X)){
      X <- as.matrix(X)
      stop("X must either be a vector or a matrix")

  km <- if(keepmatrix) function(x)x else function(x)drop(x)

  if(!is.matrix(X)) {  ## X is a vector
    r <- tapply(X, INDEX, FUN, ..., simplify=simplify)

      r <- km(t(r))

    else if(simplify && is.list(r))
      r <- km(matrix(unlist(r), nrow=length(r),
                       dimnames=list(names(r),names(r[[1]])), byrow=TRUE))
  else {
    idx.list <- tapply(1:NROW(X), INDEX, c)
    r <- sapply(idx.list, function(idx,x,fun,...) fun(x[idx,,drop=FALSE],...),
                x=X, fun=FUN, ..., simplify=simplify)

      r <- km(t(r))

  dn <- dimnames(r)
  lengthdn <- length(dn)
  if(lengthdn && !length(dn[[lengthdn]])) {
    fx <- FUN(X,...)
    dnl <- if(length(names(fx))) names(fx)
           else dimnames(fx)[[2]]

    dn[[lengthdn]] <- dnl
    dimnames(r) <- dn

  if(simplify && is.list(r) && is.array(r)) {
    ll <- sapply(r, length)
    maxl <- max(ll)
    empty <- (1:length(ll))[ll==0]
    for(i in empty)
      r[[i]] <- rep(NA, maxl)

    ## unlist not keep place for NULL entries for nonexistent categories
    first.not.empty <- ((1:length(ll))[ll > 0])[1]
    nam <- names(r[[first.not.empty]])
    dr <- dim(r)
    r <- aperm(array(unlist(r), dim=c(maxl,dr),
               c(1+seq(length(dr)), 1))

harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.