
Defines functions demoniche_setup

demoniche_setup <-
           Nichemap = "oneperiod",
           matrices_var = FALSE,
           prob_scenario = c(0.5, 0.5),
           transition_affected_niche = FALSE,
           transition_affected_env = FALSE,
           transition_affected_demogr = FALSE,
           env_stochas_type = "normal",
           noise = 1,
           fraction_SDD = FALSE,
           fraction_LDD = FALSE,
           dispersal_constants = c(0.7, 0.7, 0.1, 3),
           Ktype = "ceiling",
           K = NULL,
           Kweight = FALSE,
           sumweight = FALSE)
    if (exists("BEMDEM"))
      rm(BEMDEM, inherits = TRUE)
    if (is.vector(matrices)) {
      matrices <-
        matrix(matrices, ncol = 2, nrow = length(matrices))  # Deterministic modelling
      print("You are carrying out deterministic modelling.")
      colnames(matrices) <- c("matrixA", "matrixA")
    if (length(proportion_initial) != length(stages))
      print("Number of stages or proportions is wrong!")
    if (nrow(matrices) %% length(stages) != 0)
      print("Number of rows in matrix is not a multiple of stages name vector!")
    if (is.vector(Populations))
      print("There must be at least two populations!")
    if (sum(proportion_initial) > 1.02 |
        sum(proportion_initial) < .99)
      print("Your 'proportion_initial' doesn't add to one...")
    if (is.numeric(sumweight)) {
      if (length(sumweight) != length(stages))
        print("Length of sumweight does not correspond to length of stages!")
    # I have to rescale matrices_sd to coefficient of variations! Or input coefficient of variations?
    list_names_matrices <- list()
    for (i in 1:ncol(matrices))
      #  makes a list of matrix names
      M_name_one <- paste(colnames(matrices)[i], sep = "_")
      list_names_matrices <-
        c(list_names_matrices, list(M_name_one))
    # If no Nichemap supplied and instead is number of periods or default "oneperiod", make background grid.
    if (is.vector(Nichemap) | (Nichemap == "oneperiod")[1])
      min_dist <-
        sort(unique(dist(Populations[, 2:3])))[1]  # get the 'by' to make Nichemap
      # If this is too small, and populations are close, there will be a huge grid.
      # Let's hope this will not happen often
      extent <-
        expand.grid(X = seq(min(Populations[, "X"]), max(Populations[, "X"]), by = min_dist),
                    Y = seq(min(Populations[, "Y"]), max(Populations[, "Y"]),  by = min_dist))
      Nichemap <- cbind(
        HScoreID = 1:nrow(extent),
          ncol = length(Nichemap),
          nrow = nrow(extent),
          dimnames = list(NULL, paste(Nichemap))
    # Take away all grid cells that will never be suitable for the species.
    # Only if we are using habitat suitabiility values, otherwise it will be the same size.
    if (is.vector(Nichemap[, -c(1:3)]))
      Nichemap <- Nichemap[Nichemap[, -c(1:3)] != 0,]
    } else {
      Nichemap <- Nichemap[rowSums(Nichemap[, -c(1:3)]) != 0,]
    years_projections <- colnames(Nichemap)[4:ncol(Nichemap)]
    # if(no_yrs < 1) print("There must be at least two years of projections!")
    if ((ncol(Nichemap) - 3) != length(years_projections))
      print("Number of years of projections is not equal to the number of habitat scores!")
    colnames(Populations) <-
      c("PatchID", "XCOORD", "YCOORD", "area_population")
    colnames(Nichemap) <-
      c("HScoreID", "XCOORD", "YCOORD", years_projections)
    # make sure HS Score is 0-1.
    if (max(Nichemap[, 4:ncol(Nichemap)]) > 100)
      Nichemap[, 4:ncol(Nichemap)] <- Nichemap[, 4:ncol(Nichemap)] / 1000
    if (max(Nichemap[, 4:ncol(Nichemap)]) > 10)
      Nichemap[, 4:ncol(Nichemap)] <-
        Nichemap[, 4:ncol(Nichemap)] / 100
    #  Niche_populations <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Nichemap), ncol = 1) # this will be same as niche values but with initial population sizes
    # colnames(Niche_populations) <- years_projections
    #   rownames(Niche_populations) <- Nichemap[,1]
    Niche_ID <-
      data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Nichemap), ncol = 4)) # this is the ID information
    Niche_ID[, 1:3] <- Nichemap[, 1:3]
    colnames(Niche_ID) <- c("Niche_ID", "X", "Y", "PopulationID")
    rownames(Niche_ID) <- Nichemap[, 1]
    if (length(density_individuals) == 1) {
      density_individuals <-
        rep(density_individuals, times = nrow(Populations))
    n0_all <-
      matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Nichemap), ncol = length(stages)) # many of these will be zeros
    destination_Nicherows <- 1:nrow(Populations)
    # join the population to the Niche map grid that it falls within   pxs = 1
    for (pxs in 1:nrow(Populations))
      # for all original populations
      rows <- which(spDistsN1(
        as.matrix(Nichemap[, 2:3], ncol = 2),
        matrix(as.numeric(Populations[pxs, 2:3]), ncol = 2),
        longlat = TRUE
      == min(spDistsN1(
        as.matrix(Nichemap[, 2:3], ncol = 2),
        matrix(as.numeric(Populations[pxs, 2:3]), ncol = 2),
        longlat = TRUE
      Niche_ID[rows, 4] <- Populations[pxs, 1]
      # also retain the population that is already in that grid cell, so just add individuals!
      n0_all[rows[1], ] <-
        n0_all[rows[1], ] + (Populations[pxs, 4] * proportion_initial * density_individuals[pxs])
      destination_Nicherows[pxs] <- rows[1]
    # only the niche values
    Niche_values <-
      as.matrix(Nichemap[, 4:(length(years_projections) + 3)], ncol = length(years_projections))
    ### Density dependence ##################################
    # to make populationmax
    if (is.numeric(K))
      populationmax_all <-
               ncol = length(years_projections),
               nrow = nrow(Nichemap))
      colnames(populationmax_all) <- years_projections
      rownames(populationmax_all) <- Niche_ID[, "Niche_ID"]
    if (length(K)  == 1)
      # if all populations have the same K for all time periods
      populationmax_all <-
               ncol = length(years_projections),
               nrow = nrow(Nichemap))
    }  # must make to nichemap resolution
    if (length(K) == nrow(Populations))
      # if all time periods have the same K, different for different populations.
      populationmax_all <-
               ncol = length(years_projections),
               nrow = nrow(Nichemap))
      # mismatch between the number of original populations,
      # and the number of joined populations if the scale is different and patches are small. So make loop
      for (rx in 1:length(destination_Nicherows))
        populationmax_all[destination_Nicherows[rx], ] <-
          populationmax_all[destination_Nicherows[rx], ] + K[rx]
      } # test: all.equal(sum(populationmax_all[opulationmax_all[,1] > 1 ,1]), sum(K))
      populationmax_all[populationmax_all == 0] <-
        mean(K) # all new populations get mean Ks
    if (length(K)  == length(years_projections))
      # if all time periods have the different K, same for all populations
      populationmax_all[rowSums(n0_all) == 0, ] <-
          ncol = length(years_projections),
          nrow = nrow(Nichemap) - nrow(Populations)
      populationmax_all[rowSums(n0_all) > 0, ] <-
          ncol = length(years_projections),
          nrow = nrow(Populations),
          byrow = TRUE
    if (length(dim(K)) == 2)
      # and if it's a matrix, must do...
      # wrong!
      populationmax_all[, ] <-
          ncol = length(years_projections),
          nrow = nrow(Nichemap),
          byrow = TRUE
      populationmax_all[rowSums(n0_all) > 0, ] <- K
    if (is.null(K)) {
      populationmax_all <-
               ncol = length(years_projections),
               nrow = nrow(Nichemap))
    #       if(Ktype == "ricker")
    #  R <- log(lambda
    #             (matrix(BEMDEM$matrices[, 1], ncol = length(BEMDEM$stages), byrow = FALSE) )
    #             )
    #       R <- 1.01
    #       K <- max(K)
    #          x <- 1:K
    #       for(i in 1:length(x))
    # {
    # x[i+1] <- R * x[i] *( (K-x[i])/K )# change in N with change in t.
    # }
    #    plot(x[1:90])
    #        #  ricker = r_mx*(sum(n)*((K - sum(n))/K))
    ### Dispersal ######################################
    # this is what requires lots of memory
    dist_populations <- spDists(as.matrix(Niche_ID[, 2:3]))
    dimnames(dist_populations) <-
      list(Niche_ID[, 1], Niche_ID[, 1])
    dispersal_probabilities <-
      dist_latlong <- neigh_index <- NA # If no dispersal
    if (dispersal_constants[1] != FALSE)
      dispersal_probabilities <-
        dispersal_constants[1] * exp(-dist_populations ^ (dispersal_constants[3] / dispersal_constants[2]))
      dispersal_probabilities[dist_populations > dispersal_constants[4]] <-
      diag(dispersal_probabilities) <- 0
    dist_latlong <-
      round(as.matrix(dist(Niche_ID[, 2:3])), 1)
    # find populations that are neighboring
    neigh_index <-
    if (sumweight[1] == "all_stages")
      sumweight <- rep(1, length(proportion_initial))
    if (Kweight[1] == "FALSE")
      Kweight <- rep(1, length(proportion_initial))
    if (transition_affected_env[1] == "all")
      transition_affected_env <- which(matrices[, 1] > 0)
    if (transition_affected_niche[1] == "all")
      transition_affected_niche <- which(matrices[, 1] > 0)
    if (transition_affected_demogr[1] == "all")
      transition_affected_demogr <- which(matrices[, 1] > 0)
    #  if(is.numeric(transition_affected_env)) transition_affected_env <- transition_affected_env
    #  if(is.numeric(transition_affected_niche)) transition_affected_niche <- transition_affected_niche
    #  if(is.numeric(transition_affected_demogr)) transition_affected_demogr <- transition_affected_demogr
    if (any(matrices < 0))
      print("There are some negative rates in the transition matrices!")
    if (any(matrices_var < 0))
      print("There are some negative rates in the standard deviation transition matrices!")
    if (max(transition_affected_niche) > nrow(matrices)) {
        "Stages affected by Habitat suitability values does not comply with the size of matrix! Not that the matrix is made with 'byrow = FALSE"
    if (max(transition_affected_env) > nrow(matrices)) {
        "Stages affected by environmental stochasticity does not comply with the size of matrix! Note that the matrix is made with 'byrow = FALSE"
    if (max(transition_affected_demogr) > nrow(matrices)) {
        "Stages affected by demographic stochasticity does not comply with the size of matrix! Note that the matrix is made with 'byrow = FALSE"
    # dist_populations not used.
    BEMDEM <-
        Orig_Populations = Populations,
        Niche_ID = Niche_ID,
        Niche_values = Niche_values,
        years_projections = years_projections,
        matrices = matrices,
        matrices_var = matrices_var,
        prob_scenario = prob_scenario,
        noise = noise,
        stages = stages,
        proportion_initial = proportion_initial,
        density_individuals =
        fraction_LDD = fraction_LDD,
        fraction_SDD = fraction_SDD,
        dispersal_probabilities = dispersal_probabilities,
        dist_latlong = dist_latlong,
        neigh_index = neigh_index,
        no_yrs = no_yrs,
        K = K,
        Kweight = Kweight,
        populationmax_all = populationmax_all,
        n0_all = n0_all,
        list_names_matrices = list_names_matrices,
        sumweight = sumweight,
        transition_affected_env = transition_affected_env,
        transition_affected_niche = transition_affected_niche,
        transition_affected_demogr =
        env_stochas_type = env_stochas_type
    assign(modelname, BEMDEM, envir = .GlobalEnv)
      text = paste("save(", modelname, ", file='", modelname, ".rda')", sep = "")
hedvign/demoniche documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 12:50 a.m.