
Defines functions code.simple.gaps

Documented in code.simple.gaps

## This code is part of the ips package
## © C. Heibl 2014 (last update 2019-07-04)

#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export

code.simple.gaps <- function(x, append = TRUE){
  ncha <- dim(x)[2]
  ntax <- dim(x)[1]
  hh <- vector()
  for (i in 1:ncha){
    if ("-" %in% as.character(x[,i]))
      hh <- c(hh, i)
  # list of gaps
  L <- list(length = 100)
  i <- 1
  while (length(hh) >= 1){
    gap <- hh[1]
    hh <- hh[-1]
    while (hh[1] - tail(gap, n = 1) == 1 && length(hh) > 0){
      gap <- c(gap, hh[1])
      hh <- hh[-1]
    L[[i]] <- gap
    i <- i + 1
  simple.gaps <- vector()
  gap.content <- matrix(nrow = ntax)
  for (j in seq(along = L)){
    gap <- L[[j]]
    if (length(gap) == 1){
      simple.gaps <- c(simple.gaps, j)
      ff <- as.character(x[, gap])
      ff[ff != "-"] <- "a"
      ff[ff == "-"] <- "g"
      gap.content <- cbind(gap.content, ff)
    else {
      ff <- as.character(x[, gap])
      ff[ff != "-"] <- "a"
      ff[ff == "-"] <- "g"
      ff <- t(ff)
      colnames(ff) <- NULL
      ff <- unique(ff)
      if (dim(ff)[1] == 1){
        simple.gaps <- c(simple.gaps, j)
        gap.content <- cbind(gap.content, t(ff))
  gap.content <- gap.content[, -1]
  gap.content <- as.alignment(gap.content)
  gap.content$nam <- rownames(x)
  gap.content <- as.DNAbin(gap.content)
  if (append){
    L <-L[simple.gaps]
    nsg <- length(L)
    names(L) <- paste("Gap", 1:nsg, sep = "_")
    simple.gaps <- unlist(L)
    x <- x[, -simple.gaps]
    x <- cbind(x, gap.content)
    message("\n", nsg, " simple gaps have been coded\n")
    message("\nGap positions:")
  } else {
    binary <- as.character(gap.content)
    binary[binary == "a"] <- 0
    binary[binary == "g"] <- 1
    x <- binary
heibl/ips documentation built on April 24, 2024, 3:19 a.m.