
Defines functions df_to_x3p x3p_to_df

Documented in df_to_x3p x3p_to_df

#' Convert an x3p file into a data frame
#' An x3p file consists of a list with meta info and a 2d matrix with scan depths.
#' fortify turns the matrix into a data frame, using the parameters of the header as necessary.
#' @param x3p a file in x3p format as returned by function x3p_read
#' @return data frame with variables x, y, and value and meta function in attribute
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @examples
#' logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
#' logo_df <- x3p_to_df(logo)
#' head(logo_df)
x3p_to_df <- function(x3p) {
  info <- x3p$header.info
  if (is.null(info$sizeX)) {
    if (!is.null(info$num_obs_per_profile)) {
      info$sizeX <- info$num_obs_per_profile
    } else {
      warning("Assuming X is represented by rows of the surface matrix because it is not specified in header information")
      info$sizeX <- nrow(x3p$surface.matrix)
  if (is.null(info$sizeY)) {
    if (!is.null(info$num_profiles)) {
      info$sizeY <- info$num_profiles
    } else {
      warning("Assuming Y is represented by columns of the surface matrix because it is not specified in header information")
      info$sizeY <- ncol(x3p$surface.matrix)
  if (is.null(info$incrementY)) {
    if (!is.null(info$profile_inc)) {
      info$incrementY <- info$profile_inc
    } else {
      warning("Assuming Y increment is 1 - not specified")
      info$incrementY <- 1
  if (is.null(info$incrementX)) {
    if (!is.null(info$obs_inc)) {
      info$incrementX <- info$obs_inc
    } else {
      warning("Assuming X increment is 1 - not specified")
      info$incrementX <- 1

  # expand.grid creates grid with first variable the fastest
  df <- data.frame(expand.grid(
    x = 1:info$sizeX,
    y = info$sizeY:1
  value = as.vector(x3p$surface.matrix)
  df$y <- (df$y - 1) * info$incrementY
  df$x <- (df$x - 1) * info$incrementX

  if (!is.null(x3p$mask)) {
    df$mask <- as.vector(x3p$mask)
    annotations <- x3p_mask_legend(x3p)
    if (!is.null(annotations)) {
   #   browser()
      annotations <- tolower(annotations)
      rev_annotations <- tolower(names(annotations))
      names(rev_annotations) <- annotations
      # make sure the hex code is lower case and only 6 digits wide (7 including the hash)
      df$maskmerge <- tolower(substr(df$mask, 1, 7))
      df$annotation <- rev_annotations[df$maskmerge]

      # preserve all annotations, not just the ones in use      
    #  df$mask <- factor(df$maskmerge, levels=annotations) # if the levels are different, all colors are wiped out
      df$mask <- factor(df$maskmerge)
      df$annotation <- factor(df$annotation, levels=names(annotations))
      df <- select(df, -"maskmerge")
  if (!is.null(x3p$offset)) {
    attr(df, "offset") <- x3p$offset # just hand the offset out
#    df <- df %>% mutate( # scaled dimensions
#      x = x + x3p$offset$xmin[2],
#      y = y + x3p$offset$ymin[2]
#    )

  attr(df, "header.info") <- info
  attr(df, "feature.info") <- x3p$feature.info
  attr(df, "general.info") <- x3p$general.info

#' Convert  a data frame into an x3p file
#' @param dframe  data frame. `dframe` must have the columns x, y, and value.
#' @return x3p object
#' @param var name of the variable containing the surface measurements. Defaults to "value".
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @export
df_to_x3p <- function(dframe, var = "value") {
  x3p <- attributes(dframe)[-(1:3)]
  # first three attributes are names, row.names and class, we want to keep the others
  if (var != "value") dframe$value <- pull(dframe, var)
  # dframe must have columns x, y, and value
  stopifnot(!is.null(dframe$x), !is.null(dframe$y), !is.null(dframe$value))

  ny <- length(unique(dframe$y))
  nx <- length(unique(dframe$x))
  if (nrow(dframe) != nx * ny) {
    message("dframe has missing values ... they will be expanded")
    df2 <- expand.grid(x = unique(dframe$x), y = unique(dframe$y))
    df2 <- merge(df2, dframe, by = c("x", "y"), all.x = TRUE)
    dframe <- df2
  dframe$y <- (-1) * dframe$y
  idx <- order(dframe$x, dframe$y)
  dframe <- dframe[idx, ]

  x3p[["surface.matrix"]] <- matrix(dframe$value,
    #  nrow = ny,  ncol = nx, byrow = TRUE)
    nrow = nx, ncol = ny, byrow = TRUE

  if (is.null(x3p$header.info)) {
    x3p$header.info <- list(
      sizeX = nx,
      sizeY = ny,
      incrementX = median(diff(unique(dframe$x))),
      incrementY = median(diff(unique(dframe$y)))

  if (is.null(x3p$matrix.info)) {
    x3p$matrix.info <- list(MatrixDimension = list(SizeX = nx, SizeY = ny, SizeZ = 1))
  class(x3p) <- "x3p"
  ## HH: add an offset?
  if ("mask" %in% names(dframe)) {
    x3p <- x3p %>% x3p_add_mask(mask = matrix(dframe$mask, nrow = dim(x3p$surface.matrix)[2]))
    if("annotation" %in% names(dframe)) {
      mask <- annotation <- NULL
      annotations <- unique(dframe[,c("mask", "annotation")]) %>% mutate(
        mask = as.character(mask),
        annotation = as.character(annotation)
      if (any(is.na(annotations$annotation))) {
        warning(sprintf("Number of annotations is not equal to the number of colors '%d vs %d'", sum(!is.na(annotations$annotation)), nrow(annotations)))
      annotations <- annotations %>% filter(!is.na(annotation))
      for (i in 1:nrow(annotations)) {
        x3p <- x3p %>% x3p_add_annotation(
          color = annotations$mask[i], 

heike/x3ptools documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 2:33 p.m.