
Defines functions remove_unreal_speeds.navr remove_unreal_speeds add_speeds.navr add_speeds add_angle_differences.navr add_angle_differences add_distances.navr add_distances add_time_diffs.navr add_time_diffs add_times_since_start.navr add_times_since_start add_time_columns.navr add_time_columns add_columns_navr prepare_navr

Documented in add_angle_differences add_columns_navr add_distances add_speeds add_time_columns add_time_diffs add_times_since_start prepare_navr remove_unreal_speeds remove_unreal_speeds.navr

#' Adds all necessary columns to the navr object
#' @param obj object of type navr
#' @return returns navr object with modified columns
#' @export
#' @examples
prepare_navr <- function(obj) {
  obj <- add_time_columns.navr(obj)
  obj <- add_distances.navr(obj)
  obj <- add_speeds.navr(obj)
  obj <- add_angle_differences.navr(obj)

#' Adds all necessary columns to the navr object
#' @description runs add_time_columns, add_distances, add_angle_differences and add_speeds
#' @param obj object of type navr
#' @return returns navr object with modified columns
#' @export
#' @examples
add_columns_navr <- function(obj){

#' Add time_since_start and time_diff columns
#' @param obj Navr Object
#' @param ...
#' @export
add_time_columns <- function(obj, ...){
#' @export
add_time_columns.navr <- function(obj){
  obj <- add_times_since_start.navr(obj)
  obj <- add_time_diffs.navr(obj)

#' Adds tiems since start column to the navr object
#' @param obj object of appropriate class
#' @param ...
#' @return object with its
#' @export
#' @examples
add_times_since_start <- function(obj, ...){
#' @export
add_times_since_start.navr <- function(obj){
  obj$data$time_since_start <- calculate_times_since_start(obj$data$timestamp)

#' Adds tiems since start column to the navr object
#' @param obj object of appropriate class
#' @param ...
#' @return object with its
#' @export
#' @examples
add_time_diffs <- function(obj, ...){
#' @export
add_time_diffs.navr <- function(obj){
  obj$data$time_diff <- calculate_time_diffs(obj$data$timestamp, first_value = 0)

#' Adds distance and cumulative distances (distance_total) columns
#' @param obj valid navr object
#' @param ...
#' @return navr object
#' @export
#' @examples
add_distances <- function(obj, ...){
#' @export
add_distances.navr <- function(obj){
  mat_xy <- cbind(obj$data$position_x, obj$data$position_y)
  obj$data$distance <- navr::calculate_distances(mat_xy, 0)
  obj$data$distance_total <- calculate_total_distance(obj$data$distance)

#' Adds extra diff column to each column that has "rotation" in its name
#' @param obj navr object
#' @return
add_angle_differences <- function(variables) {
#' @export
add_angle_differences.navr <- function(obj){
  cols <- colnames(obj$data)
  for(i in grep("rotation", cols)){
    colname <- cols[i]
    new_name <- paste0(colname, "_diff") #appends
    obj$data[[new_name]] <- calculate_angle_differences(obj$data[[colname]])

#' Adds speed column
#' @param obj valid navr object
#' @param ...
#' @return navr object
#' @export
#' @examples
add_speeds <- function(obj, ...){

#' @export
add_speeds.navr <- function(obj){
  obj$data$speed <- navr::calculate_speeds(get_distances.navr(obj), obj$data$timestamp)

#' Shorthand for picking speeds and then recalculating object
#' @description Picks unreal speeds in the same way as \code{\link{pick_unreal_speed}}` but then removes
#' given lines form the data, replaces them as per replacement parameter and returnes cleaned
#' object
#' @param obj valid navr object. See \code{\link{remvoe_unreal_speeds.navr}}
#' @param cutoff cutoff value. see \code{\link{pick_unreal_speeds}}
#' @param type what type of cutoof. see \code{\link{pick_unreal_speeds}}
#' @param remove_distance shoudl the distances be removed? in case unreal speeds are probably due to "teleportation" or bad measurements,
#' jumpy tracking etc,  then the participant didn't really travel that distance and we can remove it. In case the unreal distances are caused
#' by parts of the tracking missing, then the distances travelled are actually correct, just the speeds are not. *Defaults* to TRUE
#' @param total_recalculate if true, recalculates total_distance column to reflect removed distances, *Defaults* to TRUE
#' @param replacement what to replace  unreal speeds with. *Defaults* to NA
#' @param indices indices of speeds to clean out in case they were obtained separately.
#' If empty, `type`, `cutoff` need to be defined and `pick_unreal_speeds` is called
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
remove_unreal_speeds <- function(obj, ...){

#' @describeIn remove_unreal_speeds clears out navr object
#' @export
remove_unreal_speeds.navr <- function(obj, cutoff = NULL, type = NULL,
                                      remove_distance = TRUE, total_recalculate = TRUE,
                                      indices = c(), replacement = NA){
  if(!("speed" %in% colnames(obj$data))){
    warning("The object doesn't have speed column. You need to add it first using add_speeds function")
  if(length(indices) == 0){
    if(any(is.null(cutoff), is.null(type))){
      stop("Indices not provided and cutoff and type are not defined. Cannot pick_unreal_speeds.")
    indices <- pick_unreal_speeds(obj, cutoff, type)
    if(is.null(indices)) return(obj)
  obj$data[indices, "speed"] <- replacement
  if(remove_distance) obj$data[indices, "distance"] <- NA
  if(total_recalculate) obj$data$distance_total <- calculate_total_distance(obj$data$distance)
hejtmy/navr documentation built on July 19, 2024, 1:01 a.m.