
sl.plot.polygon <-
function (plot.init.res,lon,lat,fill=TRUE,col.fill="black",border=FALSE,col.border=col.fill,border.lwd=1,border.lty=1,ignore.visibility=FALSE,remove.identical.neighbours=TRUE,refine.boundary=TRUE,refine.boundary.precision=1) {
	L = length(lon)
	if (remove.identical.neighbours) {
		lon.shift = c(lon[2:L],lon[1])
		lat.shift = c(lat[2:L],lat[1])
		keep = !(sl.lonlat.identical(lon,lat,lon.shift,lat.shift))
		lon = lon[keep]
		lat = lat[keep]
		L = length(lon)
	projection = plot.init.res$projection
	if (projection == "platon" || projection == "3D") {
	  if (!is.null(plot.init.res$transform.function)) {
	    lonlat.trans = plot.init.res$transform.function(lon,lat)
	    lon = lonlat.trans$lon
	    lat = lonlat.trans$lat
		npir = 1
		repeat {
			pir = plot.init.res[[npir]]
			if (!is.list(pir)) {return()}
			if (is.null(pir$projection)) {return()}
			npir = npir + 1
	if (!border) {col.border=NA} else {col.border=col.border}
	if (!fill) {col.fill=NA}
	if (!is.null(plot.init.res$transform.function)) {
	  lonlat.trans = plot.init.res$transform.function(lon,lat)
	  lon = lonlat.trans$lon
	  lat = lonlat.trans$lat
	vsr.res = sl.vis.shift.rot(plot.init.res,lon,lat)
	visible = vsr.res$visible
	if (ignore.visibility) {visible[] = TRUE}
	if (sum(visible) == 0) {return()}
	x = vsr.res$x
	y = vsr.res$y
	rot.lon = vsr.res$rot.lon
	rot.lat = vsr.res$rot.lat
	vis.partial = FALSE
	if (sum(visible) < L) {
		vis.partial = TRUE
	if (vis.partial && projection != "lonlat") {
		visible.ext = c(visible,visible[1])
		x.new = NULL
		y.new = NULL
		rot.lon.new = NULL
		rot.lat.new = NULL
		i = 0
		repeat {
			i = i + 1
			if (!visible.ext[i] && visible.ext[i+1]) {break}
		repeat {
			x.new = c(x.new,x[i])
			y.new = c(y.new,y[i])
			rot.lon.new = c(rot.lon.new,rot.lon[i])
			rot.lat.new = c(rot.lat.new,rot.lat[i])
			i = (i%%L) + 1
			if (visible.ext[i] && !visible.ext[i+1]) {break}
		x.new = c(x.new,x[i])
		y.new = c(y.new,y[i])
		rot.lon.new = c(rot.lon.new,rot.lon[i])
		rot.lat.new = c(rot.lat.new,rot.lat[i])
		i = (i%%L) + 1
		x = c(x.new,x[i])
		y = c(y.new,y[i])
		rot.lon = c(rot.lon.new,rot.lon[i])
		rot.lat = c(rot.lat.new,rot.lat[i])
		L = length(x)
	xshift = plot.init.res$xshift
	yshift = plot.init.res$yshift
	if (projection %in% c("lonlat","mollweide")) {
		lonrange = plot.init.res$lonrange
		latrange = plot.init.res$latrange
		if (vis.partial) {
			if (min(x) < lonrange[1]) {
				inds = sl.segment(x>lonrange[1],extend=TRUE)
				if (is.list(inds)) {
					for (i in 2:length(inds)) {
					x = x[inds[[1]]]
					y = y[inds[[1]]]
				} else {
					x = x[inds]
					y = y[inds]
				L = length(x)
				if (x[1] < lonrange[1]) {
					if (x[2]-x[1]>180) {
						y[1] = y[2] + (lonrange[2] - x[2])/(x[1]+360 - x[2]) * (y[1] - y[2])
						x[1] = lonrange[2]
					} else {
						y[1] = y[2] + (lonrange[1] - x[2])/(x[1] - x[2]) * (y[1] - y[2])
						x[1] = lonrange[1]
				if (x[L] < lonrange[1]) {
					if (x[L-1]-x[L]>180) {
						y[L] = y[L-1] + (lonrange[2] - x[L-1])/(x[L]+360 - x[L-1]) * (y[L] - y[L-1])
						x[L] = lonrange[2]
					} else {
						y[L] = y[L-1] + (lonrange[1] - x[L-1])/(x[L] - x[L-1]) * (y[L] - y[L-1])
						x[L] = lonrange[1]
			if (max(x) > lonrange[2]) {
				inds = sl.segment(x<lonrange[2],extend=TRUE)
				if (is.list(inds)) {
					for (i in 2:length(inds)) {
					x = x[inds[[1]]]
					y = y[inds[[1]]]
				} else {
					x = x[inds]
					y = y[inds]
				L = length(x)
				if (x[1] > lonrange[2]) {
					if (x[1]-x[2]>180) {
						y[1] = y[2] + (lonrange[1] - x[2])/(x[1]-360 - x[2]) * (y[1] - y[2])
						x[1] = lonrange[1]
					} else {
						y[1] = y[2] + (lonrange[2] - x[2])/(x[1] - x[2]) * (y[1] - y[2])
						x[1] = lonrange[2]
				if (x[L] > lonrange[2]) {
					if (x[L]-x[L-1]>180) {
						y[L] = y[L-1] + (lonrange[1] - x[L-1])/(x[L]-360 - x[L-1]) * (y[L] - y[L-1])
						x[L] = lonrange[1]
					} else {
						y[L] = y[L-1] + (lonrange[2] - x[L-1])/(x[L] - x[L-1]) * (y[L] - y[L-1])
						x[L] = lonrange[2]
			if (min(y) < latrange[1]) {
				inds = sl.segment(y>latrange[1],extend=TRUE)
				if (is.list(inds)) {
					for (i in 2:length(inds)) {
					x = x[inds[[1]]]
					y = y[inds[[1]]]
				} else {
					x = x[inds]
					y = y[inds]
				L = length(x)
				if (y[1] < latrange[1]) {
					if (abs(x[1]-x[2])>180) {
						if (x[1]-x[2]>180) {
						} else {
						x[1] = x[2] + (latrange[1] - y[2])/(y[1] - y[2]) * (x[1] - x[2])
						if (x[1]<lonrange[1]) {x[1]=x[1]+360}
						if (x[1]>lonrange[2]) {x[1]=x[1]-360}
						y[1] = latrange[1]
					} else {
						x[1] = x[2] + (latrange[1] - y[2])/(y[1] - y[2]) * (x[1] - x[2])
						y[1] = latrange[1]
				if (y[L] < latrange[1]) {
					if (abs(x[L]-x[L-1])>180) {
						if (x[L]-x[L-1]>180) {
						} else {
						x[L] = x[L-1] + (latrange[1] - y[L-1])/(y[L] - y[L-1]) * (x[L] - x[L-1])
						if (x[L]<lonrange[1]) {x[L]=x[L]+360}
						if (x[L]>lonrange[2]) {x[L]=x[L]-360}
						y[L] = latrange[1]
					else {
						x[L] = x[L-1] + (latrange[1] - y[L-1])/(y[L] - y[L-1]) * (x[L] - x[L-1])
						y[L] = latrange[1]
			if (max(y) > latrange[2]) {
				inds = sl.segment(y<latrange[2],extend=TRUE)
				if (is.list(inds)) {
					for (i in 2:length(inds)) {
					x = x[inds[[1]]]
					y = y[inds[[1]]]
				} else {
					x = x[inds]
					y = y[inds]
				L = length(x)
				if (y[1] > latrange[2]) {
					if (abs(x[1]-x[2])>180) {
						if (x[1]-x[2]>180) {
						} else {
						x[1] = x[2] + (latrange[2] - y[2])/(y[1] - y[2]) * (x[1] - x[2])
						if (x[1]<lonrange[1]) {x[1]=x[1]+360}
						if (x[1]>lonrange[2]) {x[1]=x[1]-360}
						y[1] = latrange[2]
					} else {
						x[1] = x[2] + (latrange[2] - y[2])/(y[1] - y[2]) * (x[1] - x[2])
						y[1] = latrange[2]
				if (y[L] > latrange[2]) {
					if (abs(x[L]-x[L-1])>180) {
						if (x[L]-x[L-1]>180) {
						} else {
						x[L] = x[L-1] + (latrange[2] - y[L-1])/(y[L] - y[L-1]) * (x[L] - x[L-1])
						if (x[L]<lonrange[1]) {x[L]=x[L]+360}
						if (x[L]>lonrange[2]) {x[L]=x[L]-360}
						y[L] = latrange[2]
					} else {
						x[L] = x[L-1] + (latrange[2] - y[L-1])/(y[L] - y[L-1]) * (x[L] - x[L-1])
						y[L] = latrange[2]
		if (max(x) - min(x) > 180 && max(abs(x - x[c(2:L,1)])) > 180) {
			l2r = which(x[c(2:L,1)]-x > 180)
			r2l = which(x[c(2:L,1)]-x < -180)
			N.lr = length(l2r)
			N.rl = length(r2l)
			if (N.lr != N.rl) {
				warning("This nasty polygon can not be plotted; it might be circular, crossing the lonlat boundary an uneven number of times, that is, it may contain one or the other pole. Consider splitting the polygon into better behaving pieces.")
			if (N.lr > 1) {
				if (l2r[1] > r2l[1]) {r2l = r2l[c(2:N.lr,1)]}
				for (i in 2:N.lr) {
					if (r2l[i]%%L+1 > l2r[i]) {
						right = l2r[i]:(r2l[i]%%L+1)
					} else {
						right = c(l2r[i]:L,1:(r2l[i]%%L+1))
					if (l2r[i%%N.lr+1]%%L+1 > r2l[i]) {
						left = r2l[i]:(l2r[i%%N.lr+1]%%L+1)
					} else {
						left = c(r2l[i]:L,1:(l2r[i%%N.lr+1]%%L+1))
			if (r2l[1]%%L+1 > l2r[1]) {
				right = l2r[1]:(r2l[1]%%L+1)
			} else {
				right = c(l2r[1]:L,1:(r2l[1]%%L+1))
			if (l2r[1%%N.lr+1]%%L+1 > r2l[1]) {
				left = r2l[1]:(l2r[1%%N.lr+1]%%L+1)
			} else {
				left = c(r2l[1]:L,1:(l2r[1%%N.lr+1]%%L+1))
			x.r = x[right]
			y.r = y[right]
			L.r = length(right)
			if (x.r[1] < lonrange[2]) {x.r[1] = x.r[1] + 360}
			y.r[1] = y.r[2] + (lonrange[2] - x.r[2])/(x.r[1] - x.r[2]) * (y.r[1] - y.r[2])
			x.r[1] = lonrange[2]
			if (x.r[L.r] < lonrange[2]) {x.r[L.r] = x.r[L.r] + 360}
			y.r[L.r] = y.r[L.r-1] + (lonrange[2] - x.r[L.r-1])/(x.r[L.r] - x.r[L.r-1]) * (y.r[L.r] - y.r[L.r-1])
			x.r[L.r] = lonrange[2]
			x.l = x[left]
			y.l = y[left]
			L.l = length(left)
			if (x.l[1] > lonrange[1]) {x.l[1] = x.l[1] - 360}
			y.l[1] = y.l[2] + (lonrange[1] - x.l[2])/(x.l[1] - x.l[2]) * (y.l[1] - y.l[2])
			x.l[1] = lonrange[1]
			if (x.l[L.l] > lonrange[1]) {x.l[L.l] = x.l[L.l] - 360}
			y.l[L.l] = y.l[L.l-1] + (lonrange[1] - x.l[L.l-1])/(x.l[L.l] - x.l[L.l-1]) * (y.l[L.l] - y.l[L.l-1])
			x.l[L.l] = lonrange[1]
			if (projection == "mollweide") {
			  if (refine.boundary) {
			    if (any(x.r %in% lonrange)) {
			      for (ibnd in 1:2) {
			        bnd = (x.r == lonrange[ibnd])
			        bnd.tbd = bnd
			        while (any(bnd.tbd)) {
			          bnd.ext = c(bnd,bnd[1])
			          x.r.ext = c(x.r,x.r[1])
			          y.r.ext = c(y.r,y.r[1])
			          ilb = which(bnd.tbd)[1]
			          bnd.tbd[ilb] = FALSE
			          if (bnd.ext[ilb+1]) {
			            if (abs(y.r.ext[ilb+1]-y.r.ext[ilb]) > refine.boundary.precision) {
			              y.add = seq(y.r.ext[ilb]+refine.boundary.precision,y.r.ext[ilb+1],refine.boundary.precision*sign(y.r.ext[ilb+1]-y.r.ext[ilb]))
			              y.add = y.add[y.add != y.r.ext[ilb+1]]
			              N.add = length(y.add)
			              if (ilb == L.r) {
			                y.r = c(y.r,y.add)
			                x.r = c(x.r,rep(lonrange[ibnd],N.add))
			                bnd = c(bnd,rep(FALSE,N.add))
			                bnd.tbd = c(bnd.tbd,rep(FALSE,N.add))
			                L.r = L.r + N.add
			              } else {
			                y.r = c(y.r[1:ilb],y.add,y.r[(ilb+1):L.r])
			                x.r = c(x.r[1:ilb],rep(lonrange[ibnd],N.add),x.r[(ilb+1):L.r])
			                bnd = c(bnd[1:ilb],rep(FALSE,N.add),bnd[(ilb+1):L.r])
			                bnd.tbd = c(bnd.tbd[1:ilb],rep(FALSE,N.add),bnd.tbd[(ilb+1):L.r])
			                L.r = L.r + N.add
			    if (any(x.l %in% lonrange)) {
			      for (ibnd in 1:2) {
			        bnd = (x.l == lonrange[ibnd])
			        bnd.tbd = bnd
			        while (any(bnd.tbd)) {
			          bnd.ext = c(bnd,bnd[1])
			          x.l.ext = c(x.l,x.l[1])
			          y.l.ext = c(y.l,y.l[1])
			          ilb = which(bnd.tbd)[1]
			          bnd.tbd[ilb] = FALSE
			          if (bnd.ext[ilb+1]) {
			            if (abs(y.l.ext[ilb+1]-y.l.ext[ilb]) > refine.boundary.precision) {
			              y.add = seq(y.l.ext[ilb]+refine.boundary.precision,y.l.ext[ilb+1],refine.boundary.precision*sign(y.l.ext[ilb+1]-y.l.ext[ilb]))
			              y.add = y.add[y.add != y.l.ext[ilb+1]]
			              N.add = length(y.add)
			              if (ilb == L.l) {
			                y.l = c(y.l,y.add)
			                x.l = c(x.l,rep(lonrange[ibnd],N.add))
			                bnd = c(bnd,rep(FALSE,N.add))
			                bnd.tbd = c(bnd.tbd,rep(FALSE,N.add))
			                L.l = L.l + N.add
			              } else {
			                y.l = c(y.l[1:ilb],y.add,y.l[(ilb+1):L.l])
			                x.l = c(x.l[1:ilb],rep(lonrange[ibnd],N.add),x.l[(ilb+1):L.l])
			                bnd = c(bnd[1:ilb],rep(FALSE,N.add),bnd[(ilb+1):L.l])
			                bnd.tbd = c(bnd.tbd[1:ilb],rep(FALSE,N.add),bnd.tbd[(ilb+1):L.l])
			                L.l = L.l + N.add
			  xy = sl.proj.mollweide(lon=x.r, lat=y.r)
			  x.r = xy$x
			  y.r = xy$y
			  xy = sl.proj.mollweide(lon=x.l, lat=y.l)
			  x.l = xy$x
			  y.l = xy$y
		} else {
		  if (projection == "mollweide") {
		    if (any(x %in% lonrange)) {
		      for (ibnd in 1:2) {
		        bnd = (x == lonrange[ibnd])
		        bnd.tbd = bnd
		        while (any(bnd.tbd)) {
		          bnd.ext = c(bnd,bnd[1])
		          x.ext = c(x,x[1])
		          y.ext = c(y,y[1])
		          ilb = which(bnd.tbd)[1]
		          bnd.tbd[ilb] = FALSE
		          if (bnd.ext[ilb+1]) {
		            if (abs(y.ext[ilb+1]-y.ext[ilb]) > refine.boundary.precision) {
		              y.add = seq(y.ext[ilb]+refine.boundary.precision,y.ext[ilb+1],refine.boundary.precision*sign(y.ext[ilb+1]-y.ext[ilb]))
		              y.add = y.add[y.add != y.ext[ilb+1]]
		              N.add = length(y.add)
		              if (ilb == L) {
		                y = c(y,y.add)
		                x = c(x,rep(lonrange[ibnd],N.add))
		                bnd = c(bnd,rep(FALSE,N.add))
		                bnd.tbd = c(bnd.tbd,rep(FALSE,N.add))
		                L = L + N.add
		              } else {
		                y = c(y[1:ilb],y.add,y[(ilb+1):L])
		                x = c(x[1:ilb],rep(lonrange[ibnd],N.add),x[(ilb+1):L])
		                bnd = c(bnd[1:ilb],rep(FALSE,N.add),bnd[(ilb+1):L])
		                bnd.tbd = c(bnd.tbd[1:ilb],rep(FALSE,N.add),bnd.tbd[(ilb+1):L])
		                L = L + N.add
		    xy = sl.proj.mollweide(lon=x, lat=y)
		    x = xy$x
		    y = xy$y
	} else if (projection == "polar") {
		if (vis.partial) {
			llati.res1 = sl.line.lat.intersect(rot.lon[1:2],rot.lat[1:2],plot.init.res$polar.latbound)
			if (!llati.res1$line.lat.intersect) {
				warning("line does not intersect with the bounding latitude, something is wrong")
			if (llati.res1$line.lat.intersect.twice) {
				warning("line intersects twice with the bounding latitude, something is wrong")
			x[1] = llati.res1$x
			y[1] = llati.res1$y
			llati.res2 = sl.line.lat.intersect(rot.lon[(L-1):L],rot.lat[(L-1):L],plot.init.res$polar.latbound)
			if (!llati.res2$line.lat.intersect) {
				warning("line does not intersect with the bounding latitude, something is wrong")
			if (llati.res2$line.lat.intersect.twice) {
				warning("line intersects twice with the bounding latitude, something is wrong")
			x[L] = llati.res2$x
			y[L] = llati.res2$y
			if (refine.boundary) {
				lon1 = llati.res1$lon
				lon2 = llati.res2$lon
				if (lon2 < lon1) {
					if ((lon1-lon2) <= 180) {
						ori = 1
					} else {
						ori = -1
						lon1 = lon1 - 360
				} else {
					if ((lon2-lon1) <= 180) {
						ori = -1
					} else {
						ori = 1
						lon1 = lon1 + 360
				Nrefine = floor(abs(lon2-lon1))
				if (Nrefine > 0) {
					lons.ext = seq(lon2,lon1,by=ori*refine.boundary.precision)
					x.ext = c()
					y.ext = c()
					for (i in 1:Nrefine) {
						xyz = sl.lonlat2xyz(c(lons.ext[i],plot.init.res$polar.latbound))
						x.ext = c(x.ext,xyz[1])
						y.ext = c(y.ext,xyz[2])
					x = c(x,x.ext)
					y = c(y,y.ext)
	} else if (projection == "regpoly") {
		if (vis.partial) {
			regpoly.cornerlons0 = plot.init.res$regpoly.cornerlons0
			regpoly.lat0 = plot.init.res$regpoly.lat0
			regpoly.N = plot.init.res$regpoly.N
			lat0.rep = rep(regpoly.lat0,regpoly.N)
			regpoly.z0 = plot.init.res$regpoly.z0
			lpi.res = sl.line.polygon.intersect(rot.lon[1:2],rot.lat[1:2],regpoly.cornerlons0,lat0.rep)
			if (!lpi.res$anylines.intersect) {
				warning("line does not intersect with polygon boundary, something is wrong")
			if (sum(lpi.res$lines.intersect) > 1) {
				if (!any(sl.lonlat.identical(rot.lon[2],rot.lat[2],regpoly.cornerlons0,regpoly.lat0,tolerance=10^(-10)))) {
					warning("line intersects with more than one segment of the polygon boundary, and this is no corner issue; something is wrong")
			p.xyz = c(lpi.res$x[lpi.res$lines.intersect][1],lpi.res$y[lpi.res$lines.intersect][1],lpi.res$z[lpi.res$lines.intersect][1])
			stretch.fac = regpoly.z0 / p.xyz[3]
			x[1] = p.xyz[1] * stretch.fac
			y[1] = p.xyz[2] * stretch.fac
			lpi.res = sl.line.polygon.intersect(rot.lon[(L-1):L],rot.lat[(L-1):L],regpoly.cornerlons0,lat0.rep)
			if (!lpi.res$anylines.intersect) {
				warning("line does not intersect with polygon boundary, something is wrong")
			if (sum(lpi.res$lines.intersect) > 1) {
				if (!any(sl.lonlat.identical(rot.lon[L-1],rot.lat[L-1],regpoly.cornerlons0,regpoly.lat0,tolerance=10^(-10)))) {
					warning("line intersects with more than one segment of the polygon boundary, and this is no corner issue; something is wrong")
			p.xyz = c(lpi.res$x[lpi.res$lines.intersect][1],lpi.res$y[lpi.res$lines.intersect][1],lpi.res$z[lpi.res$lines.intersect][1])
			stretch.fac = regpoly.z0 / p.xyz[3]
			x[L] = p.xyz[1] * stretch.fac
			y[L] = p.xyz[2] * stretch.fac
	} else {
		stop("projections other than 'lonlat', 'mollweide', 'polar', and 'regpoly' not yet implemented")
helgegoessling/spheRlab documentation built on July 14, 2024, 4:56 p.m.