Defines functions TPL

Documented in TPL

#' Looking up Family, Family Number and Order in Modern Classification Systems.
#' This function enables the user to search the Family/Genus/Order for higher
#' plants under modern Classification Systems. Genus/Families relationship came
#' from the Plant list Website.
#' This function search the Family, Family Number and Order for (1) Species (2)
#' Genus (3) Family.
#' @param plant.names A characteristic vector containing the species or genus
#' of flowering plants.
#' @return A data frame containing Genus (parsed from the string), Family (For
#' Angiosperms: APGIII, For Gymnosperms: Christenhusz 2011, For lycophytes and
#' ferns: Christenhusz 2011) orders.
#' @note
#' Please also pay attention to the following family names:
#' Palmae= Arecaceae
#' Gramineae= Poaceae
#' Leguminosae= Fabaceae
#' Guttiferae= Clusiaceae
#' Cruciferae= Brassicaceae
#' Labiatae= Lamiaceae
#' Compositae= Asteraceae
#' Umbelliferae= Apiaceae
#' A small proportion of genus has been divided into several genera, even being
#' placed into different families, this will lead to multiple entries for one
#' enquiry. Pay attention to these issues. Users need to check the acceptance
#' based on their own experiences or knowledge. They are:
#' \code{Acanthocladium, Acanthodium, Acetosella, Acosta, Adelia, Agropogon,
#' Alliaria, Amblytropis, Amelasorbus, Ammocalamagrostis, Anacampseros,
#' Argyrautia, Arthraxon, Asplenosorus, Asteriscium, Atomostigma, Balbisia,
#' Banalia, Bartonia, Bassia, Benthamia, Blechum, Blyttia, Bonapartea,
#' Brachyloma, Brassocattleya, Bridgesia, Brocchia, Brodiaea, Brugmansia,
#' Bruguiera, Brya, Bubbia, Bulbostylis, Burnettia, Calophyllum, Candollea,
#' Carduocirsium, Cedrus, Cephalopactis, Cladocolea, Coelidium, Condalia,
#' Corynotheca, Craspedophyllum, Crepidophyllum, Ctenium, Cuspidaria, Cycnia,
#' Cynoctonum, Cyrtanthus, Dactyloglossum, Darcya, Dianthera, Distichia,
#' Ditrichum, Donax, Drummondia, Dryopteris, Dudleveria, Dunalia, Dusenia,
#' Duvalia, Eria, Eriosonia, Erucaria, Esenbeckia, Euchresta, Eucodonopsis,
#' Eustegia, Filicula, Flemingia, Froelichia, Gastrochilus, Gerardia,
#' Gertrudia, Gilibertia, Goeppertia, Griffithia, Grimaldia, Guidonia,
#' Gymnotheca, Gymnotraunsteinera, Haemanthus, Harveya, Hedwigia, Heeria,
#' Helicophyllum, Heliohebe, Hepatica, Heteroneurum, Holboellia, Honckenya,
#' Hornschuchia, Humboldtia, Hutchinsonia, Hygrophila, Hymenolepis,
#' Hypopterygium, Isoloma, Joannesia, Jonesia, Kaulfussia, Laeliocattleya,
#' Lamprophyllum, Lasia, Laxmannia, Lepidostemon, Leptopyrum, Lichtensteinia,
#' Lightfootia, Limnobium, Lophiocarpus, Lopholepis, Lumnitzera, Malacocarpus,
#' Mammea, Manettia, Mannia, Massularia, Mastigophora, Meeboldia, Mertensia,
#' Meyenia, Micranthus, Micromitrium, Miltonidium, Mnium, Mollia, Moniera,
#' Myconia, Myrmecophila, Myzorrhiza, Neesia, Nivenia, Odontitella, Omalanthus,
#' Onychium, Orchidactyla, Orchigymnadenia, Orchiserapias, Oreocallis,
#' Ornithocidium, Oxymitra, Pachyneurum, Pachypodium, Pachyveria, Pancovia,
#' Panzeria, Parmentiera, Parsonsia, Petagnia, Phalangium, Piquetia,
#' Pityromeria, Platyloma, Pleuridium, Polypodiopsis, Pseudadenia, Pseudinium,
#' Pseuditella, Pseudogaltonia, Pseudorhiza, Rauia, Razoumofskya, Reinwardtia,
#' Rhacoma, Rhynchocarpa, Richardia, Richea, Roemeria, Roscoea, Rostellaria,
#' Roylea, Schmidtia, Schrebera, Sebastiania, Serapicamptis, Silvia, Solena,
#' Solenopsis, Solmsia, Sorbaronia, Sorbopyrus, Spiranthera, Spirostachys,
#' Stipularia, Swartzia, Thomandersia, Tillandsia, Trichocyclus, Tricholepis,
#' Trisetokoeleria, Triticale, Triticosecale, Tulasnea, Uncaria, Urtica,
#' Usteria, Vandopsis, Wahlenbergia, Waitzia, Washingtonia, Webera, Wedelia,
#' Welwitschia, Wettsteinia, Wiborgia, Wilhelmsia, Zappania, Zieria, Ziziphus}
#' @author Jinlong Zhang \email{ jinlongzhang01@@gmail.com }
#' @seealso \code{\link{taxa.table}}, for generating taxa table for Phylomatic.
#' @references Bremer, Birgitta, K. Bremer, Mark Chase, Mike Fay, James Reveal,
#' Douglas Soltis, Pamella Soltis and Peter Stevens. (2009) "An update of the
#' Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of
#' flowering plants: APG III." Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society.
#' Christenhusz, M., Zhang, X. C., and Schneider, H. (2011). A linear sequence
#' of extant families and genera of lycophytes and ferns. Phytotaxa. 19:7-54
#' Christenhusz, M., Reveal, J., Farjon, A., Gardner, M. F., Mill, R. R., and
#' Chase, M. W. (2011). A new classification and linear sequence of extant
#' gymnosperms. Phytotaxa. 19:55-70
#' Haston, E., Richardson, J. E., Stevens, P. F., Chase, M. W. and Harris, D.
#' J. (2009). The Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (LAPG) III: a linear
#' sequence of the families in APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean
#' Society, 161(2), 128-131.
#' Liu Bing, Ye Jianfei , Liu Su, Wang Yuan, Yang Yong, Lai Yangjun, Zeng Gang
#' and Lin Qinwen(2015). Families and genera of Chinese angiosperms: a synoptic
#' classification based on APG III. Biodiversity Science. 23(2), 225-231.
#' Checklist of Genera of Higher Plants at the Plant List Website:
#' \url{http://www.theplantlist.org/1.1/browse/-/-/}
#' @examples
#' TPL("Carex")
#' TPL("Apple")
#' splist <- c( "Ranunculus japonicus", 
#'              "Solanum nigrum", 
#'              "Punica sp.", 
#'              "Machilus", "Today", "####" ) 
#' res <- TPL(splist)
#' taxa.table(res)
#' TPL("Arecaceae")
#' TPL("Palmae")
#' TPL("Poaceae")
#' TPL("Gramineae")
#' TPL("Fabaceae")
#' TPL("Leguminosae")
#' TPL("Clusiaceae")
#' TPL("Guttiferae")
#' TPL("Brassicaceae")
#' TPL("Cruciferae")
#' TPL("Lamiaceae")
#' TPL("Labiatae")
#' TPL("Asteraceae")
#' TPL("Compositae")
#' TPL("Apiaceae")
#' TPL("Umbelliferae")
#' @export TPL
TPL <- function(plant.names = NULL) {
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (is.null(plant.names)) {
    stop("At least one plant species or genus should be provided.")
  get.genus <- function(x) {
    Cap <- function(x) {
      paste(toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)), tolower(substring(
      )), sep = "")
    if (is.data.frame(x)) {
      x <- as.vector(x)
    x <- gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", x)
    x <- Cap(x)
    first <- substr(x, 1, 1)
    start.point <- 2
    if (min(regexpr(" ", x)) > 1) {
      end.point <- regexpr(" ", x)
      second <- substr(x, start.point, end.point - 1)
    } else {
      x <- paste(x, " ")
      end.point <- regexpr(" ", x)
      second <- substr(x, start.point, end.point - 1)
    return(paste(first, second, sep = ""))

  genera_dat <- plantlist::genera_dat
  orders_dat <- plantlist::orders_dat

  genus <- get.genus(plant.names)
  genus <-
    data.frame(YOUR_SPECIES = plant.names, YOUR_GENUS = genus)

  res1 <- merge(
    x = genus,
    y = genera_dat,
    by.x = "YOUR_GENUS",
    by.y = "GENUS",
    sort = FALSE,
    all.x = TRUE

  res <- merge(
    x = res1,
    y = orders_dat,
    by = "FAMILY",
    sort = FALSE,
    all.x = TRUE

      FAMILY = res$FAMILY,
      ORDER = res$ORDER,
      GROUP = res$GROUP
helixcn/plantlist documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 1:22 p.m.